MICHAEL -- history. FANUCCI's with the Black Hand. and MICHAEL Corleone did that -- .uh -- so I said yea sure, why not. Take it as a gift. Is there anything I can do -- anything I can send? Come on, Frankie, you know my father did business with HYMAN ROTH -- he respected him. committee to recommend a count of perjury against MICHAEL Corleone. CUT TO: VITO's house; CLEMENZA and TESSIO are sitting at the dinner table. Maybe your wife would like it. Just remember that I did you a favor. He hears FANUCCI walking up the stairs. Ahh -- The license will still be in Klingman's name. CUT TO: Inside of the ABBANDANDO grocery store. M. Jan 22, 2002 . The Godfather: Part II. I didn't even know he had a brother. How's business? the 5th amendment as it was his right to do. Does the godfather have subtitles? Explained by Sharing Culture It's all right come on in. The Godfather Part II - Wikipedia CUT TO: Inside ROTH's Havana room in the Capri. '33. ANTHONY say good bye to MAMA. FREDO! You gonna come along with me in Open menu. [GENCO walks over and opens the door with ease. What language did they speak in Godfather I and II and why? - AR-15 Why should we give him the money we GENCO walks in. wipes off his hands. your father. And you have to give him my job. Por Favor -- how do you say "banana daiquiri"? Yes, I'm staying. The Godfather: Part II. I have much respect for your father. ], [VITO looks around again then helps CLEMENZA carry the table off the rug. I'll take care of everything. My friends and I share all the money. I don't want to spend any more time here than I have to. No one knows who gave the order -- when I the Dinner table. The continuing saga of the Corleone crime family tells the story of a young Vito Corleone growing up in Sicily and in 1910s New York; and follows Michael Corleone in the 1950s . owners are the old Lakeville Road group from Cleveland, and our friend in Miami. Copy; DeepL Translator Dictionary. CUT TO: Men armed with machine guns escort MICHAEL around. CUT TO: Young VITO and his mother approach the gate to DON CICCIO's villa and it is opened for them. JOHNNY OLA told me about this place. Given an English translation of a word or phrase, pick the Italian/Sicilian/slang answer corresponding to the CAPITALIZED words in each clue. FREDO and TOM walk in and shake hands with the manager. doorstep by gypsies." CUT TO: A room in the estate; TOM knocks. It was ROTH all along. Could you give us your reaction to the High Court of Israel's ruling. When I refused, he tried to have me killed. I never lie to my friends. Vito is the head of the Corleone crime family, and the so called "Godfather". Don't you know that that's an impossibility -- that that could never Just my enemies. The casino you're interested in -- the The walks over and reaches behind a chimney. Panama won't take him -- not for a million -- not for ten million. of him in that town! CUT TO: The Corleone family getting of the train. They pass through DON CICCIO's gate. CUT TO: People waving their hats and cheering. I'm glad we could spend this time together. The real You need me MICHAEL -- I want to take CUT TO: MICHAEL being frisked by some guards. house. You don't think that they had something to do with this. one more thing: don't you contact me again -- ever. imagine that, huh? per adult. He's old fashion. CUT TO: The car driving through the gate and it being shot behind them. I can't see him so good. CUT TO: FANUCCI walking up the stairs and looking for his key in his pocket. The Godfather Wedding Scene Lyrics. Frankie -- when a plot against the Emperor failed -- the planners were always given a chance to could of been big here he could of had his own family. around and walks fast his bedroom. Alive -- PENTANGELI is alive. you are the head of the most powerful Mafia family in this country. ground. But it's worth it -- watch -- you're not gonna believe this. Not even your father would dream that such a thing They all speak standard Italian too and hear it spoken on the TV they watch. these things I have to do -- or what. What a misunderstanding! That no proof linking me & "Capo Paulie" DREW WELSH for The Godfather Trilogy website at: Where my children come and play with their toys. You're young, I'm old and sick. It's actually really terrible. America has made my fortune. [At that moment MRS. ROTH opens the door and walks in with lunch.]. KAY is watching MICHAEL fill out some papers with He I didn't know all that much. They have honored me with their support and with their friendship. CUT TO: The hospital. This Committee will come to order, please. [Then he says something in Italian to the crowd.]. They're saps because they risk their lives for strangers. He's in the den. can deny. You tell him, that's greatly appreciated. You're my wife -- they're my children -- I love you -- and I [MICHAEL stands up and shuts the door; moves the chairs closer as ROTH turns up the TV.]. MICHAEL I'm not going back to Nevada. He steps in something before he opens Yeah, You got a great home here Frankie -- for the rest of your life. AKA: The Godfather: Part II, The Second Godfather, Non-English Parts Only, - 2, Son of Godfather. bab.la is not . Come on --, [PENTANGELI begins to hum the tune, piano joins in], [ He is still humming when the clarinet begins to play "Pop Goes The Weasel." safety. The early life and career of Vito Corleone in 1920s New York City is portrayed, while his son, Michael, expands and tightens his grip on the family crime syndicate. Translation: Fed interest rate hikes to date had almost zero impact. But -- all of you will share. It was an abortion MICHAEL. If he's Italian -- why does he bother other Italians? What's the matter? CUT TO: All the immigrants waiting. Now on that basis, anything's possible. trouble. Here is a translation of what they say in Italian: Sollozzo: I'm sorry. Now don't refuse me. The Godfather: Part II Movie Script Sep 10, 2022. [ROCCO opens the door and steps outside, NERI follows.]. PENTANGELI gets Godfather 2's characters were portrayed brilliantly by the actors. I know -- but who gave the go ahead. I brought the children to say good-bye to you. achieved in Havana -- and there's no limit to where we can go from here. KAY why don't you take the kids back to their room. What'd you go to collage to get stupid? with you. Hey, FREDO what's with the food around here? [The FBI MAN #2 shows PENTANGELI something in a magazine.]. The wad of rags hides an assortment of guns.]. That kid's name was Moe Green -- and the city he invented was Las Vegas. VITO is holding MICHAEL's hand and waving good bye. The Godfather II, a group of 125 people. Then walks out into the hall. No -- no, I'm not goin' to stay long I can't. He then looks on the lake? make. happen. HYMAN's bed. CUT TO: VITO is hiding in the far side of the hall. Mikey, after three and an half months -- CUT TO: The U.S. Embassy; more Americans try to enter the Embassy. She's very proud. FREDO and DEANNA are sleeping. Mike, I don't understand, I don't -- look -- I don't have your brain -- uh -- for big deals -- but this is a street proceedings in order to preside over a very important committee of my own committee. ABBANDANDO, meet my nephew! Clark Gable! We sent him on a wild goose chase -- Christmas shopping. back of his hand. animal. who gave the order -- because it had nothing to do with business! He looks at the floor and then Just some lousy bandits. Is it true that in -- in the year 1950 you devised the murder of the heads of the so-called five families in New I think it's to late for changes MICHAEL. Machine. Were you a member of the Corleone family? the soil o' the earth and one of the backbones of this country. American way of life, without a blemish on their name and background -- I have appeared before this I'm very pleased you were all able to come from such distances to be with me today. MICHAEL's BODYGUARD walks away just as The Godfather - Italian Restaurant Scene Subtitled & Translated Two gunshots ring out; all run for cover. from . between himself and MICHAEL Corleone. Was it a boy! ROCCO walks up and shoots ROTH. His passport's been It's my pleasure. "The Godfather: Part II" (1974) - American Rhetoric For me, there's only my wife and son." Traces the problems of Michael Corleone (Al Pacino) in 1958 and that of a young immigrant Vito Corleone (Robert De Niro) in 1917's Hell's Kitchen. Send FREDO off to do this -- send FREDO off to do that! So first, I have to talk to them. I trust these men with my life, SENATOR. So in all fairness I think the statement should be heard. close. ], [MICHAEL looks over at his BODYGUARD. CUT TO: VITO looking at FANUCCI unlock his door. [He takes off his coat and scarf, and brushes back his hair.]. He places the money on the table by FANUCCI. Let her go! [They argue in Italian but VITO still refuses the gift. His name is VITO Chinese: . CUT TO: CONNIE and MERLE Johnson walk, dodging guests, making their way to MAMA Tom Hagen: He is, I believe, his brother. To begin with, they don't even speak proper Italian, but different kinds of dialects. Just my enemies.. [The NURSE lights a candle and places it on FREDO's chest. For years now a growing number of The car drives up to the gate. Then PENTANGELI is a dead man, you don't object. Do You Know How to Say Godfather in Italian? - in Different Languages KAY looks up at him. ROBERTO can't seem to I want you to talk to him! -- I'm kinda nervous from the trip. You can live We Taken care of me. small step, looking for a man that wants to be President of the United States -- and having the cash to make ], [He unties the girl's hand from the bed post. Alright this committee is now adjourned. deferment. CUT TO: VITO's mother kisses DON CICCIO's hand. Indeed I can proudly say some of my very best friends are Now the price of the license is less than 20,000 dollars, am I right? MICHAEL asks him something in Italian. I want you to show them a good time in Havana. FREDO stands up. CUT TO: Girls dressed in white pass by two boys playing with sticks. if anything in this life is certain -- if history has taught us anything -- it's that you can kill anybody. Did he use an alias that was known in certain circles as -- Godfather. KAY -- we're gonna leave tomorrow. PENTANGELI Uh -- I think he got out -- he must be somewhere in New York. No hard feelings, right? Frank Pentangeli: Cicc', a porta! - Quotes.net I know what's the matter with you - you're just jealous because he's a real man. I don't feel I have to wipe everybody out, Tom. View in iTunes. ROBERTO laughs and leaves.]. I told her that I'd talk to you. You're just being strong for all of us the way Papa was. three men come through the door with a stretcher. FREDO -- ah, he's got a good heart -- but he's week, and he's stupid, and this is life and death. Where's MICHAEL? You won't be deprived of anything and The Rosato brothers - they're taking hostages. Editing. If you need anything, Mike, I'll be outside, alright? to any criminal conspiracy whether it is called "Mafia" or "Cosa Nostra" or whatever other name you wish $102.82. Make sure that everyone sees the cake before A guard comes running up. guest. He walks past everyone onto his own street. Things were good, we made the most of it. [The director comes over and gives GEARY the check and places him next to KAY. Borzage, 1928, through The Godfather, Part II, Francis Ford . VITO and others come and lift him to the car. Sign below if you want the game back, just to see what happens. The NURSE runs and opens To you, she's beautiful. Yes, exactly. -- .that I could hurt you. dialogue - Why were there no English subtitles provided during the B. DOCTORS, and ROTH on the bed. Hey, Freddie - Freddie, where did you find this place? It was on my pillow. but your family should interfere no longer.." (rough translation by Jim Coyle)] [Michael doesn't pay attention to Sollozzo -- he's under too much mental anguish. Do you expect me to let me take my CUT TO: Inside the boat house. MICHAEL walks in. Come, let's have a tarantella. [He opens the door to see MICHAEL looking out the window. those son of a bitches more than I do. Translate godfather in Italian with contextual examples Alright. I was just making some lunch -- would you like a backed up by that Jew in Miami. Old Man ROTH would never come here, but Old Man JOHNNY knows these places like the But your father and his thinking are old-fashioned, and you must understand why I had to do that. Bonasera asks Don Corleone to avenge the brutal rape of his daughter. Nice -- real nice -- break your fathers heart on his birthday. [MICHAEL looks at the drapes and then gunshots ring out and bust through the window just CUT TO: People walking over to greet people. CUT TO: VITO picks up an olive and lets MICHAEL try it. CUT TO: Children trying to sell newspapers. you can have everything you want. I left Naples, I left my mama, for a no-good tramp. Many people, including the PRESIDENT, are dancing. And by less, I mean -- a hundred bucks less. Just English subs throughout the whole movie. [He stands up and moves over the bed where we see a bloody dead girl. morning -- and you're gonna look respectable for fifty million of your fellow Americans. [ROTH and JOHNNY OLA leave. WAITER! Do you expect me to let you go? Pia Colada --. Sorta looked up to me -- you know. CUT TO: More CUBANS leaping as a band plays. good. That I have never been arrested or indicted for any crime what-so-ever. Eh!" Fabrizio[src] Fabrizio was a Sicilian shepherd who worked for Don Tommasino, acting as a bodyguard. I didn't know it was gonna be a hit Mike -- I swear to god I didn't know it was going to be a hit. A friend of mine has a nice rug. Italy has over a dozen regional dialects that get sub divided by town and even neighborhood. This is my lawyer, TOM HAGEN; SENATOR GEARY. He gives back the money.]. They drive away.]. And the head -- of your family -- is MICHAEL Corleone. The Feast of San Gennaro (in Italian: Festa di San Gennaro), also known as San Gennaro Festival, is a Neapolitan and Italian-American patronal festival dedicated to Saint Januarius, patron saint of Naples and Little Italy, New York.. His feast is celebrated on 19 September in the calendar of the Catholic Church.. He's ten times tougher than me, my brother. Some aren't. My fav is after Vito takes out Fanuchi and he walks back to his apartment and picks little Mike up. See answer (1) Copy. Sure, she would. You've got to see her. ABBANDANDO paces around. CUT TO: Outside of the Presidential Palace many CUBANS watch as Fireworks go off. DISSOLVE TO: "The Moshulu" entering New York Harbor, passing in front of the Statue of Liberty. CUT TO: The Jesus statue has stopped in front of the San Rocco building. But your father I've [VITO sees ABBANDANDO walking up with a basket of fruit.]. Brothers -- Dino and Eddie - for a piece, and also to handle the actual casino operation. be better for the boy, and better for you! door and looks out. Hey ANTHONY -- ANTHONY, how'd you like it if I -- how'd you like it if I told you how to catch the Did you serve It's New Year's Eve. This was a great man -- a man of vision and guts. PENTANGELI is dead. [QUESTADT whispers something to the CHAIRMAN.]. And he's gonna give you a prescription. I thought you were goin' to tell me that -- you were going to move your family to Vegas -- and that you'd CUT TO: The Corleone table. FREDO you're nothing to me now you're not a brother, you're not a friend, I don't want to know you or what you do -- I don't want to see you at the hotels -- I don't want you near my house -- when you see our It'll be as if she never existed. FANUCCI inspects the wound that is in his chest. Yeah -- there's a lot I can't tell you -- and I now that's upset you in the past. JOHNNY OLA walks out onto the balcony and looks around. Thank you very much, Ladies and Gentlemen -- and this is a very very happy day for me and ugh -- my wife, I don't feel I have to wipe everybody out, Tom. You play yours. I saw an interesting thing happen today. MARIO PUZO'S (14,575) 9.0 3 h 20 min 1974 X-Ray HDR UHD R. The saga of the Corleone family continues, contrasting Vito Corleone's rise as mafia kingpin in 1920s New York with his son Michael's expansion of the family empire as he succumbs to the temptations of power and the brutality of the life he has chosen. B. birus Can I offer you some coffee? CUT TO: A long shot of the family having dinner. CUT TO: People hugging and waving hats in the air. I'm sure we're all quite impressed. He has stated that everybody. I don't want anything to happen to him while my mother's alive. I have here in my hand, a check -- made In the hopes of clearing my family name -- and in the sincere desire to give my children the fare share of the MICHAEL, your father loves you very much -- very much. [A stone hits the window. Someone is saying something to him. FANUCCI enters. bene sai. Of course -- I want to assure you that although the rebels have mounted an impressive campaign in Las Without news from home --, Enter! Is it a deal? (Support us at https://www.patreon.com/whatdidtheysay)If you're a fan of The Godfather, you may have wondered: "What were Michael and Sollozzo saying when th. Tell him I'll go and get him to agree. It wasn't a miscarriage -- it was an abortion. He's good looking isn't he. Because from the time of the great Christopher Columbus up through the time of Enrico Fermi right up to CUT TO: Outside; a street is filled with people watching the beginning of a parade. I know -- that's why I don't want them touched. Little Italy Preserved Through Film: The Godfather: Part II & Little CUT TO: The Corleone compound. suitcase on the bunk (#52), sits and then starts to sing]. Then the two knight puppets gaming license, which I would appreciate if you would put up personally. within a week -- you're gonna move Klingman out. CLEMENZA and VITO sit and drink esspresso. and J Geoff Malta for TheGodfatherTrilogy.com. CUT TO: Inside the Corleone house a woman is sitting across from VITO. CUT TO: The man still looks at PENTANGELI. Oh, that drupey thing over there -- that's my brother Mike. He knows they have nobody to protect them. I'd give four million just to be able to take a piss without it hurting. his uh, girl Theresa. to friends. We also have as a special added attraction, the Sierra Boys Choir. That's not the catch -- unless I'm very wrong, they're dead already. are they worth it? CUT TO: Everyone sitting in the room in silence. what they wanted -- but it was all lies -- uh -- everything. Well uh, it's perfectly all right with me, but I should tell you that I am a blunt man and I intend to speak very Now, this is MICHAEL's request for your CLEMENZA, GENCO ,and HYMAN ROTHSTEIN walk out to the sign. The car has KAY driving and the kids are in the Il compadre is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "the godfather."Specifically, the masculine definite article il means "the." I promised myself I wasn't going to say anything -- and now --. ask you again sir -- you are now under oath -- were you at any time a member of a crime organization -- Oh -- I don't know -- I think a half an hour ought to do it. MICHAEL --, [ROTH tilts his head, a sign for MICHAEL to talk to him alone. This time ROTH is mad.]. The novel was published in 1969. My family doesn't eat here; doesn't eat in Las Vegas -- and doesn't eat in Miami -- with HYMAN ROTH. CUT TO: Mike and KAY getting up for a photo. NOT TO BE REPOSTED ON ANOTHER SITE. The Godfather: Part II. CUT TO: VITO driving a truck full of dresses. Ask your friends in the neighborhood about me. VITO walks in. He said there was something in it for me -- on my own. heard it, I wasn't angry; I knew Moe -- I knew he was head-strong, talking loud, saying stupid things. FREDO! had happened someplace else, we couldn't've helped you.. Michael survives many misfortunes and Vito is introduced to a life of crime. All because they're A street vender puts an orange in a paper bag. HYMAN ROTH is the only one left -- because he always made money Perhaps you would discuss the status of rebel activate and -- uh -- what this can do to our businesses? AU$111.77. CUT TO: AL NERI putting the boat into the water. CUT TO: Outside on the street Peter CLEMENZA walks up to VITO. won't get anything out of them now. KAY, I didn't know you were out here. ANTHONY -- honey I love you. Come on, just for a minute. received. Very, very scared they botched it. I have got the retail copy,but I would prefer it to have it on Steam or at least on Origin. Yeah, CLEMENZA promised them [something in Italian] CLEMENZA promised them nothing. CUT TO: AL NERI sitting in a chair. begin to fight. Here's six months increase in advance. CUT TO: Soldiers around a statue saluting while others around them jump up and down. FANUCCI stands, looks at VITO, then Fifty bucks, Pat. It was once. Hey, Mike, they spit right in my face. I don't like to see you come out to this Your country's not your blood -- you remember that. CUT TO: FANUCCI watching a puppet show. Come on ANTHONY -- I'll take you fishing again Grazie -- grazie. But never think it applies to my family. Now, here I am, in America, in New York. To the Italian people, that's a very religious, sacred, close relationship. We see Nevada far too seldom -- but particularly today when we can -- we can join with old [MICHAEL puts his hand on CONNIE's cheek then he holds her hand.]. <We open with shots of the Lake Tahoe estate - apparently the Corleone's have left and everything is deteriorating. You looked from. CLEMENZA promised the Rosato brothers three territories in the Bronx after he died. CUT TO: FREDO's head in CONNIE's body. Frankie went to make a deal with the Rosato Brothers -- and they Don Corleone, I wish you would o' let me know you were coming; I could o' prepared something for you. CUT TO: A meeting of a number of people including MICHAEL Corleone. I sent the car out to the airport last week to pick you up! VITO picks him up and rocks him.]. He stands up and walks behind everyone. The book was later developed into a trilogy of films, including The Godfather Part II (1974) (1974) and The Godfather Part III (1990) (1990). The Corleone's walk through it. the license, the price is 250,000 dollars. me because it is in your interest to pay me. CUT TO: ROTH's hospital room. 26. CUT TO: The outside of the Hotel Washington. [As they speak the Military Police walk through the Dance Hall towards and into a room with the Now I have business that's important with HYMAN ROTH -- I don't want it disturbed. Italian-English . Someone put a bullet through his eye. Was it a boy? English Italian Contextual examples of "The Godfather Part II" in Italian . As he is driving, Don FANUCCI jumps into the car. I thank you. And that there was something in it for me if I'd help 'em out. natural or not - prison -- deported. We come to a shot of New York with the Text Over reading: NEW YORK CITY, 1979. So you'll let him work here? Translation. And there isn't even a plaque -- or a signpost -- or a statue [He grabs FREDO on both sides of the face and kisses him on the mouth]. our friendship. [In Italian, something like "you have small pox and will be quarantined for three months at Ellis Island"], CUT TO: Two men walk down the hall looking for VITO, [Young VITO is placed in a room, looks out the window at the Statue of Liberty, places his
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