Third, the Judge stated that the EEOC plans to begin hearings on some claims sometime in the middle of 2023. Even though we cannot predict with certainty every twist and turn on the road ahead, we remain convinced that a fair and reasonable outcome can be achieved, if we continue forward with persistence and resolve. It depends. Accordingly, we are pressing forward on all fronts, and our goal remains as before: we seek full recovery for all our clients. Thank you as always for your cooperation and support during the claim review process. Once you return to us a signed completed Declaration form and any other documents supporting your claim, we will prepare a complete claim package (including legal argument) for submission to the EEOC Judge. By doing so, the EEOC Administrative Judge is hopeful that unnecessary delays are avoided. Important: the phone number referenced in the notice from the EEOC should read 1-877-465-4142, and the correct website link is as follows: NRP Class Action Update December 2020 - Postal Employee Network We will work to ensure that the EEOC again swiftly rejects the improper appeal, and work to have the EEOC Administrative Judge press forward with an efficient review process without delay. Please check this website for an update after the Status Conference on March 4, 2022. The Judge asked a few clarifying questions about the submissions. $24.99. Thomas & Solomon LLP is a firm serving Rochester, NY in Workplace Harassment, Workplace Discrimination and Sexual Harassment cases. My work hours were cut down so much, and my pay was reduced so badly, I had no option but to retire. Please note that the answers to many questions can be found on this website (see below), or in the instructions letter that accompanied the Declaration form, or in the informational videos prepared by our firms (with links below). The Judges Order says, no claimant is entitled to a FAD until the AJ issues a decision on the disputed claims. Please continue to monitor our website for more updates in the coming weeks. The call was very lengthy, lasting almost three hours. As soon as the Judge issues a written ruling on our motion for extension of time, we will post updated information on this website. USPS Could Owe Payouts to As Many As 130K Employees After Class-Action We have not spoken with USPS attorneys about settlement of any claims. The EEOC Judge, on the other hand, has clearly demonstrated a desire to move forward as efficiently as possible. The EEOC has repeatedly stated that it is not necessary to provide medical support in order to obtain an award of compensatory damages. Our email address is and our fax is 585-272-0574. During the status conference last week, the Judge clearly indicated a strong desire to move the claim process forward as fast as possible, while also appreciating the logistical challenges associated with a case involving 28,000+ individual claims. In both collective actions and in individual employment law disputes, we are known as aggressive, knowledgeable and effective lawyers. The judge informed us that the EEOC had addressed the issues to make sure that everything would be correct moving forward. We can send you out a retainer letter that must be signed and returned to our office. We hope you and your loved ones are safe during these difficult times. Our law offices have also been impacted by the Covid-19 situation. In submitting such a request, Phase 1 Class Counsel took this opportunity to alert the EEOC about the deficiencies in the Agencys portion of the spreadsheet. There are over 25,000 class member claimants, and you may encounter a delay in getting through to us at this busy time. If you have retained our firms to represent you, and if you have received forms recently from USPS, please call us immediately at 585-272-0540 to discuss completing these forms. Just do the best that you can with any information that you know. Significantly, the EEOC Administrative Judge made clear that only Thomas & Solomon LLP and Kator, Parks, Weiser & Harris PLLC, along with the Agency, will be working directly with the Judge both during the call itself and as we move forward with this process. If you now would like to retain Class Counsel on an individual basis in an abundance of caution, please contact us at or by calling us at (585) 272-0540 or faxing us at (585) 272-0574. The Judge stated that she is in the process of organizing all of the claim records, and that she hopes to begin reviewing the substance of those claims later this Spring. The judge directed that the USPS set up a website to post updates and orders in this case, and USPS announced that the website was now set up at For most claimants, filling out the form will take less than one hour. Twelve Years a Slave: Was the Case of Solomon Northup Exceptional At the conclusion, the Administrative Judge directed both sides to submit certain revisions to the spreadsheet by no later than October 21, 2022. I learned that my limited duty job was going to be taken away from me, and that there would be nothing left for me. 693 East Avenue To the best of our knowledge, the Postal Service has disputed every individuals claim for relief. USPS proposes that all Class Members move forward independently through a process that seeks to hide evidence from the Class Members and the EEOC Administrative Judge, seeks to endlessly hold up decisions on the relief claims, and ultimately undercuts every Class Member's claim for relief. Over the next few weeks, we will be sending out new forms to many of our clients to complete. Many of you have asked about the next steps in the EEOC process. The Judge emphasized the very large volume of documentation submitted to her, and also indicated that limited time and assistance was available to her. Under our proposal, the claimants who have already obtained partial concessions from USPS will receive the benefit of that relief now, while continuing to seek full recovery through the normal EEOC claim-adjudication process set forth in the Case Management Order. All information is ordered to be produced to Judge Roberts-Draper on or before Wednesday, June 8, 2022. Our suggested claim form is easy to complete. Significantly, the EEOC Administrative Judge made clear that only Thomas & Solomon LLP and Kator, Parks, Weiser & Harris PLLC, along with the Agency, will be working directly with the Judge both during the call itself and as we move forward with this process. If you have questions related to filling out the Declaration form, please call us at 585-272-0540. Similarly, the Administrative Judge has indicated that she is working remotely on this case (and others). Please continue to check the website for updates. When we have additional details on the EEOC's hearing process for this case, we will post those details on this website. The Administrative Judge thanked us for providing the information, and told us that the EEOC already addressed some of the concerns that we raised. The class members estate (or surviving relative) can submit a claim form on behalf of the class member. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Trackmaster Thomas & Friends Train Tank Engine - Red Passenger Coach - Hit Toy at the best online prices at eBay! There is no need at this time to send a copy of the Pittman claim form to our offices. However, in the event the case settles at some point in the future, we would seek to have the Postal Service pay all of the fees in this case so that the class members do not have to pay those fees from their individual recoveries. The two law firms that serve as Class Counsel will work together to represent you, and your 30% contingency fee will cover all contingency fee payments to the law firms. The claims process is still moving forward. See below for more information. Employee Rights Class-Action Law Firm Employers who violate employment laws hope that their workers do not contact Thomas & Solomon LLP. The EEOC Administrative Judge has scheduled a video Status Conference for the attorneys and representatives on March 4, 2022. No, there has been no settlement of this case. However, settlement is not possible in every case. We will provide an update as soon as further news is available. On March 8, 2021, we followed the EEOC Administrative Judges orders, and filed a list of five potential Special Masters who can assist with processing the claims in this case. Of note, we may request feedback or clarification from some Claimants in the next few weeks. While the Agency once again attempted to further delay the matter by claiming that some of the data such as disability status was not something they had access to in the requested format, our offices were quick to point out systems in which such information could be accessed by the Postal Service. As previously reported, we have filed an extension request with the Judge. As a result of our identification of various processes and systems that could easily be utilized to gather the information needed by the EEOC, the Agency was ordered to provide an update to the EEOC Administrative Judge within a week as to their ability to access and produce such information. This has been a long and hard-fought battle against the Postal Service, but the end is in sight. Last Friday, Judge Roberts-Draper issued a schedule for talking to the lawyers about the possibility of settlement. The Judge issued an order today, providing us with an extra 90 days to file submissions for our clients. Our proposed Case Management Order calls for immediate processing of 50 initial claims, including opportunities for limited discovery. Accordingly, you need to provide us with this information NOW in order to maintain your claims for relief from the Postal Service. Whether you get any money and how much is determined by the EEOCs decision on your claim. Until the Special Master (or Special Masters) have been appointed, the initial batch of claimants to be reviewed cannot be selected and thus no claims can be evaluated. For most people, the answer is no. Most people previously filled out a claim for individual relief form that included a written designation of our law firms to represent them. Yes, if you retain us, you will owe a 30% contingency fee on the value of your recovery. We thank you all for your continued patience with this process. Our team is standing by! 6. The Administrative Judge held another video status conference with us today, and shared some news about the EEOC's plans for moving this case forward. And if you are a client of our firms and you have not already done so, please complete and send to us a Declaration form as soon as possible (no later than May 28, 2019). In other words, our clients should complete the forms and return them to us as soon as possible so we can help the Judge move forward in the claim review process. Please continue to monitor this website over the upcoming weeks for additional important information. If you have trouble accessing the website referenced in the notice from the EEOC, you can call 877-465-4142 for assistance. The Agency has necessitated the referral to Special Masters because it has disputed every single claim for damages and argues that the Commission has to hear and decide all 29,000 disputed claims, knowing that the Commission has limited resources to do so and such a task would be near impossible to complete, effectively creating an insurmountable impasse.. We continue to take every action possible to help the Judge move this process forward. Some 41,000 past and. My co-workers made fun of me, and told me that I would end up being sent to work for Walmart. In the meantime, we continue to collect and organize a very large amount of claim information for timely submission to the Judge. If you have already hired our firms to represent you, we will be filing a legal brief in support of your claim. EEOC rules and guidelines require all parties to be willing to discuss the possibility of settlement with the EEOC Judge. Phase 1 Class Counsel will seek further intervention from the EEOC in the event the Agency does not resolve the noted deficiencies. All those who were harmed by the NRP discrimination should submit a timely written claim. Thomas & Friends TrackMaster "JAMES" Motorized Train Engine 2009 WORKS Please continue to monitor this website for status updates. It is fair and right for you to seek relief for the harm caused to you by the Postal Service. nrp class action | To help support your claim that you were harassed as part of the NRP, you should consider providing additional information in a Continuation sheet. As of July 15, 2019, we have filed a legal brief (Statement) and evidence on behalf of all Claimants who are represented by our law firms. Please continue to monitor this website for further updates. Please continue to check this website for updates, and thank you as always for your support and patience throughout this hard-fought case. Following the EEOC Administrative Judges request, the parties each provided additional information to assist in the process to evaluate claimant relief. Welcome to the USPS Class Action Claim Website. We share your frustration with how long this is taking, and we share your anger with the Postal Service's continued efforts to delay justice in this case. We will post an update on this website shortly after the Status Conference. After we receive your completed, signed Declaration, we will include your NRP file, as well as any documents that you may have provided to our office in the past or with your Declaration. The Judge issued an important order today approving the use of Special Masters to assist the EEOC in reviewing the 28,000+ disputed claims in this case. The final appeal decision in the case was issued on March 9, 2018, and is available at On March 22, 2021, the Judge issued an Order squarely rejecting the Postal Services motion. The next status conference is November 28, 2022. When the judge provides information on how the claims process will be handled moving forward, we will post a new update on this website. 520-2010-00280X; Agency No. With this clarification, we will continue the time-consuming process of preparing the claim submissions for the Judges consideration. View the brief trailer from 12 Years a Slave (2013).. If you wish, you can specifically request that USPS take into account your payments from OWCP when calculating any backpay that is owed to you. To the extent Our office has filed an emergency motion for reconsideration of the EEOC Judges decision in order to ensure that all claimants have sufficient time to complete the paperwork. As a result, all individual claims will be sent back to the Administrative Judge for appropriate processing, in accordance with EEOC Management Directive 110, Chapter 8, Section XII.C. Please note that the Judge did not order USPS to provide a copy of the NRP Activity File documents directly to any claimants in the case. NRP Class Action is being handled by Thomas & Solomon LLP. If it is found that you meet the legal criteria for reinstatement, the Judge can order USPS to give you back the job you held before the NRP. 0720080054. In particular, the revised spreadsheet now provides an opportunity for Phase 1 Class Counsel, our offices, to review and comment on the Agency's designation of claims for each claimant. We sincerely hope that the Administrative Judge's news from today means that we will all see some real progress in 2023 toward a final result for your claim in this case. Home | NRP Class Action 9. Nevertheless, todays Order reflects the Judges strong desire to move the process forward decisively. If you did either of those two things, then there is no need to fill out another retainer agreement. View the law firm's profile for reviews, office locations, and contact information. And they have all been able to complete a review of large numbers of claims in a reasonable amount of time. The Postal Service is disrupting the process by issuing premature FADs. I was told that I would be sent to work for Walmart; or Postal Service by employees with disabilities. Click here to see the latest news on the case. If you have any updated contact information and have not yet provided it to our office, please call us at 585-272-0540 or email us at So I understood that I had no option but to retire; or, I was told that I would be sent to work for Walmart; or, They indicated that I would lose my job and my retirement benefits, so I felt I had no option except to retire; or, They would not give me an assignment that fit with my medical restrictions, so I had no option but to retire; or. This same deadline (April 30, 2019) applies to all supporting documentation you would like to submit to us. We all owe much of our success in this case to the unity, strength, and perseverance that the Class has shown in the face of unceasing attacks by the Postal Service for more than ten years. For most people, it will take less than one hour to complete the Declaration. In the near future, we will address frequently asked questions regarding the form and evidence on this website. Many class members who submitted claims for individual relief have received response letters from the Postal Service. The letters state that the USPS has possession of your settlement claim form from the Pittman class action, and you can request a copy of the claim form from the USPS. We promised the Judge we would do everything we can to help the EEOC issue claim determinations as soon as possible. Second, the Administrative Judge noted that review of claims has begun, and that she hopes to begin, if possible, issuing orders and decisions on claims in the coming months! As the Judge noted in her decision, the value and strength of the lawsuit is that there are so many people who the Commission has found to have been harmed by the NRP.. The Postal Service continues to vigorously oppose all forward movement on the Judges Order regarding Special Masters. No new date has been scheduled, but please continue to check the website for updates. Or if you were told that no work would be available for you, you should use a Continuation sheet to describe how you learned that, and an approximate date. In particular, the EEOC Administrative Judge wants to have the relevant information in a spreadsheet format that would allow the Judge to easily access the information, with a goal of moving forward with the process of claim determination. In the coming weeks, our offices will be working with claimants to gather the necessary information for the Administrative Judge. U.S. During the call, we voiced the frustration of our clients as to the continuous delay tactics used by the Agency that has made this process nearly fifteen years long and not yet complete. USPS Class Action Claims | Home Thank you for your cooperation and patience through this lengthy process.
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