As days crept by and the researchers failed to respond to increasing frantic efforts to reach them by radio, fellow scientists worldwide feared the worst. But it shares the same ghostly pallor as others that have been observed at similar depths. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. They catch their prey with their tentacles and use their venom to kill them, much like snakes. The Secret to Making Concrete That Lasts 1,000 Years. Decades back, the SF magazine Analog published a science-fact article entitled The Cambrian Life Ship. In it, the author inferred all the reasons for Earth to have gotten a one-time dump of biological material. In their dark worlds, neither predator nor prey is likely to see them. Almost all of them were about the same non-color, off-white hue. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Martial arts moves can seem magical, but maybe they just display a mastery of physics. Mt Ziel is only 10 miles from hermannsburg. has received a defeating blow, These satellite brains can communicate with one another without needing to report back to the central brain. It may be that BOTH could have happened. Please understand a donation is a gift and does not confer membership or license to audiobooks. Tragically, my colleague and life-long friend Dr. Vindogradov was killed this way. Researchers aim to map genome of WAs distinctive kangaroo paw, opening door (sic) to new colours He made a really good (hypothetical, but science-based) case that Earth was seeded in the distant past, Just to add to your thoughts, Ive always heard mushroom spores can remain viable in space and travel via meteors or even just free floating, and so fungi may have had an extra-terrestrial origin. Getting wounded is not the only reason an octopus might need their regeneration superpowers. Experts say thats because each arm contains a cluster of neurons essentially its own brain. Climate scientists have been struggling to work out if the ice sheet . Im sorry but I do not regard her, nor many of her sources, as being all that reliable. Well guess what the 7 arm octo does the same!7 The 7-arm Octopus participates in the largest migration on earth in biomass and number of animals participating. When it comes to the cephalopod community, these words tend to get thrown around and used interchangeably. The experts believe that not only does the octopus regenerate its limbs, the brainy severed tentacle may be able to form a new octopus. Instead, a layer of cells called epithelium (the same cells that make up our skin layer) covers the wound and beneath this, the regeneration process begins. At the time, I speculated that perhaps Kerry's visit was really about conducting diplomacy. Its hard to believe we were so wrong about there being unusual life down there.. Oh and get thisThe string-armed octopus has a pretty unique super power unlike other octopus species, they dont have an ink sak to blast predators with ink while they make a gettaway!They will instead detach their spaghetti thin arms to confuse predators as they make their getaway.This dropped arm or predator bait will wiggle around for up to 5 hours as if to say "come eat me!" Just the same, go to 3min21sec if your time priorities are skewed. Or, of a visit of something from Antarctica). Our mighty Giant Pacific Octopus arm spans (from arm tip to arm tip) can be up to 16 feet (4.9 meters) thats about the length of an average car! I recall (from reading a book by a lady scientist who loved octopuses) that the pacific octopus, while the size of a family car, can get through a hole the size of an orange. In MM terms What made this bank charter special was its inside connection to the House of Stuart and its location inside the untouchable City of London Corporation that one square mile of sovereign within a sovereign ceded in 1067 by William the Conqueror to the inhabitants of London These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Hellboy from Guillermo del Toro from comes to mind. The ending itself, as most who are familiar with it know, is shrouded in suspicion, since Admiral Byrd gave an interview to a reporter of the, Former U.S. Secretary of State John "Ketsup" Kerry, who in the middle of a diplomatic junket during one of the most hotly contested elections in American history in 2016, took a little detour to the continent because (we were told) he was personally interested in "climate change" and wanted to see it firsthand (uh huh yea sure). New York, (Arms can regenerate in 6-8 weeks) If ya read this far, what did you find the most interesting!? While octopuses across the oceans are living their best octo-armed life (see what I did there ), arm lengths and sizes vary greatly between species. Sure ok, sacks under the skin that change color, yadayadayada. You probably could pass a kidney stone without anyone noticing your interior angst, aside from perhaps the unexpected utterances of one being demonically possessed or with Tourettes. On the subject of Obama and strange visits, he and many other world heads of state gathered for Nelson Mandelas funeral in December 2013 in South Africa (from memory it was the third and last time NM had died). One can go on Youtube and look at any number of videos of octopus solving complex puzzles, or even watching other octopus solving complex puzzles, and then doing the same task themselves. Scientists call this defense tactic "arm dropping" & theyve come across some string-armed octopuses managing just fine with only 2 arms! Who are the Rothschilds? So, picking out the important paragraphs from the story, here's what we have: GENEVA A defecting Russian scientist has surfaced with a mind-bending account of what REALLY occurred when he and his colleagues went missing for five days in a mysterious lake 12,366 feet beneath the Antarctic ice. And presumably, they did this to bring it to the surface through that bore hole, requiring heavy lift equipment? The breakthroughs and innovations that we uncover lead to new ways of thinking, new connections, and new industries. DNA sequence predicts the mRNA sequence. Ad Choices, Antarctic Octopuses Discovered With Sub-Zero Venom, A research expedition to Antarctica to study the regions octopus life has returned with descriptions of four new species, and the first known sub-zero venoms. Current Ottomaniac and would-be sultan Mr. Erdogan of Turkey, who wants a permanent Turkish presence on the continent; Various "royals", including Spanish King Juan Carlos, who along with Britain's Prince Harry, have visited the continent; Admiral Richard Byrd, whose postwar expedition - Operation Highjump - was somewhat suspiciously called off after only a few weeks, when it was outfitted for several months' stay. *Spoiler Alert* Remember in My Octopus Teacher when our beloved main character, the Common Octopus, got her arm bitten off by a shark? It may be the biggest "big fish" story ever, except in this case, we're dealing with one of my favorite animals: the octopus. That is the ironic surprise of BOTOX. From the way it adapted each time we changed our tactics, we became convinced it is at least as intelligent as an average human, Dr. Padalka revealed. This really really needs to be a sequel to The Thing, and then Quatti Mates The Thing, Then Sons and Daughters of Quatti. If we were not all Ph.Ds, I fear it would have in the end outwitted us.. Thank God we were all PhDs? Or, what we call it, our Octopedia! At least one narrative, right? Sounds like the classic red herring story, the truth about that continent will, for most, be stranger than fiction. It sounds like something you might see on one of your science fiction TV channels. The 33-foot-long man-eater also boasts extraordinary camouflage that helped it stalk the researchers. . The 33-foot-long man-eater also boasts extraordinary camouflage that helped it stalk the researchers. We may be looking at the tentacles of a breakaway civilisation. Interesting article by Miles Mathis: Ever wish you could settle in with a great bookor two or threeall about octopuses? The discovery of such unusual life in Lake Vostok was the most important scientific breakthrough in decades, but we were ordered not to divulge it because of Mr. Putins sinister scheme, the whistleblowing geologist told the Swiss. The Vatican. Is this the foundation for a colossal joke? "The first survey of these particular vents, in the Southern Ocean near Antarctica, has revealed a hot, dark, 'lost world' in which whole communities of previously unknown marine organisms thrive," Alex Rogers, a professor in Oxford University's zoology department who led the team, said in a prepared statement. It is able to paralyze prey at a distance of up to 150 feet by releasing its venom into the water from an organ similar to its ink sac, explained Dr. Padlaka. To become a paid member, visit member registration. The Russian government calls the whistleblowers claims preposterous. Recently a huge area of central Australia (Uluru) was identified as such a location. The Antarctic octopus' haemocyanin was also found to shuttle oxygen between gills and tissue far better when temperatures were above freezing. Sacs of colorful pigments called chromatophores allow them to change colors, and by contracting their muscles they can blend in with the smooth ocean floor or a craggy coral reef. Drilling down to sea level to hit the lake would yield a sea level air pressure of 1.0 atm at the bottom of the bore hole. But Organism 46-B has another trick up its sleeve. There are quite a few stories of weirdness regarding Antarctica. . Therefore, the water in the sub-glacial lake would be pressurized to the 12,000 feet of difference between the lake and the ice-surface. I can only imagine what its like.. But then S.A. is but a hop, skip, and a jump from Antartica!!? Why would these creatures, whose shallow-water cousins are so famous for their flamboyant camouflage, be slinking along as pale as a ghost? The giant Pacific octopus is considered the largest octopus species in the world and inhabits the northern Pacific Ocean off the United States up to Alaska and around Japan. Also if youve gotta better nickname for the banded string arm, wed like to hear it!To us the fact that their mantle is so spaghetti like is pretty wild considering it constrains all their squishy vulnerable organs (hearts, stomach, gills, etc). Thats all thanks to the amazing power of regeneration! I have never heard of a President or Prime Minister, EVER, attending some such occasion for SO long. She has observed many of these pallid creatures over the years through her work with the ROV ALVIN, and in 2005 she even described a veritable "feeding frenzy" of a dozen pasty Pacific Ocean hydrothermal vent octopuses (Vulcanoctopus hydrothermalis) at some 2,620 meters down. Dr Padalka claims that during this time, he and his colleagues were fighting for their lives in the lost world deep beneath the earths surface. We are told they arose from nowhere as bankers in the 1760s in Frankfurt, and that the name means Redshield. Excellent dot-connecting, From Water Pressure Under a Glacier (1963): WIRED may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. Cuz for sure man, only a group of phds would be sharp enough to outsmart a being with these kinds of advantages. Roger, before cv19 was cv18, etc etc. The adorable Banded String-Arm Octopus (Ameloctopus litoralis) has exceptionally long arms that are 10x its body length! We watched helplessly as it used its arms to tear off his head, then popped his remains its mouth. Yep, someone is having a bit of fun with this one. Many species of octopus can alter their appearance, usually to avoid larger predators, Dr. Padalka explained. To cope, Antarctic octopuses use a copper-based protein called haemocyanin. But Organism 46-B has another trick up its sleeve. dining. The Blanket Octopus and the Dumbo Octopus do this too! The Antarctic octopus had the highest concentration of haemocyanin in its blood compared with other species., Yep. Ancient Map Shows The Lost City of Atlantis is The Eye of The Sahara Ancient Civilization. New research shows that if done right, urban farms and gardens can support all kinds of speciesfor the good of people and the environment. Although the creature has 14 arms instead of the usual eight, it kills in a similar manner to an ordinary octopus seizing its prey, injecting it with paralyzing saliva then dismembering it into small pieces with its beak. "This is the first study providing clear evidence that the octopods' blue blood pigment, haemocyanin, undergoes functional changes to improve the supply of oxygen to tissue at subzero temperature," lead study author Michael Oellermann, a biologist at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Centre forPolar and Marine Research in Germany, said in a statement. By the time the closest scientist realized what it was, it had grabbed him and torn him to bits.. open source genetic testing what have they got to hide? Running along its arms are fleshy bands called annuli, each loaded with as many . Remember the 7-Armed Octopus? In 1951 during the fog of the Korean War and with the Secretary of the Treasury in the hospital, the Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury not Congress handed the power to set interest rates independently of government economic policy entirely to the Federal Reserve System. next gen cv20 unless Pirbright WHO Gates changes it names / intel property patent bio weapon identifiers again. Experts say thats because each arm contains a cluster of neurons essentially its own brain. This octopus wont just deposit his sperm, he will break off his mating arm and give it to the female so she can fertilize her eggs. This species can regenerate their arms in a quick 6-8 weeks. It makes their blood run blue and is much more efficient at keeping their bodies properly oxygenated at freezing temperatures. Octopus arms are thicker near the base, getting smaller and eventually tapering off at the ends. They normally fly in and out pretty quickly. The answers are complicatedand surprising. 2001; Xavier et al. How did the Russians manage to get a tank big enough to fit such a large octopus (perhaps we should call it a quattuoropus, since it has fourteen tentacles) through the bore hole? (See the following, for example: I think of the 39 year old writer Jas Waters who died of (hanging) suicide on June 12, as the SpaceX Starlink launch took place from Launchpad 39A at the Kennedy Space Center on the same day. When an octopus sustains an arm wound, they dont get a scab or scar as we would. By all the mockingbirds. Later this news was published by the Russian media. And it looked like Old Knight had more than 8 tentacles too. Ahh, the Stargate series springs to mind. Believe it or not, none of this, really, makes the whole story questionable to my mind. The Antarctic octopod hemocyanin was also found to shuttle oxygen between gills and tissue far better at 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 degrees Celsius) than at 32 degrees Fahrenheit (0 degrees Celsius).. At 50 degrees Fahrenheit the Pareledone charcoti's hemocyanin had the potential to release far more oxygen (on average 76.7 percent) than the warm-water octopods Octopus pallidus (33.0 percent . mRNA is likely modified before translation. Norwegian Masonic researcher claims Some 6000 of the books were taken from the Norwegian order of Freemasons in Oslo. Miles Mathis sees 33 in text or image as a nod-nod, wink-wink from one intelligence-type to another. Is it a goofy scifi B-movie premise, yet another internet meme designed to distract, confuse and confabulate the public? Interestingly, the luxury travel company that took Buzz to Antarctica is run by an ex intel agent. All the time. ? "This is important because it highlights a very different response compared to Antarctic fish to the cold conditions in the Southern Ocean," Oellermann said. Cute Animals Are Overrated. So with that in mind, down to my other reasons. An Antarctic octopus that lives in ice-cold water uses an unique strategy to transport oxygen in its blood, according to research published in Frontiers in Zoology. The Antarctic Octopus is like all squids and octopuses in this way. If you want to educate yourself some more about all sorts of different cephalopods, take a look at our encyclopedia. No word from the ice for 5 days, Dr. John Priscu, a professor of ecology at Montana State University and head of a similar Antarctic exploration program grimly told Fox News at the time. My name is Paul the Octopus and I approve this message. For example, prior to boarding his flight from South Africa to the continent, he tweeted that he was "going to the launchpad," leaving people to wonder whether that was "astronautese" for the. checkerboards, stripes, dang near plaids? The scientists still don't know what biochemical tricks the octopuses use to keep their venom working at freezing temperatures. That night the arm slithered onto the icy bank where we were sleeping and strangled her.. Bonus: Padalka is just the most fun name to say. The author noted that this original diversity was whittled-down by volcanism, asteroid/comet strikes, etc., over the ages with the result that Earth today is much poorer in fundamentally different species (not different plumage or minor stuff) than at the time of the Cambrian Explosion. The geologists expected to be honored internationally for their amazing find. Being a deep-sea octopus and not knowing when they might come across a male, the female octopuses will hoard the hectocotylus using the sperm from their collected male arms when they see fit and making sure they are good for making babies. (giant interplanetary lightening) 30 of the world's most valuable treasures that are still missing, In rare case, mother delivers two sets of identical twins, back to back, Rare black hole 1 billion times the mass of the sun could upend our understanding of galaxy formation, Painful 'cross-shaped incision' in medieval woman's skull didn't kill her, but second surgery did, Largest asteroid ever to hit Earth was twice as big as the rock that killed off the dinosaurs, Human brain looks years 'older' after just one night without sleep, small study shows. Read on to find how octopuses in science fiction are actually portrayed and how it, Read More Backyard Aliens? Make a great novel/movie. Its a little bit of an anti-climax, geologist Dr. David L. Meckenroy of the U.K. said on TV at the time. One about your almost favorite cephalopod type would seem written just for you. Or maybe thats exactly what is needed. "We weren't able to collect any specimensthey were quick and rarebut they're quite possibly a new species," Copley said. lol THANK U Dr. Farrell Giza Community is a community of speculation, commentary, and opinion on current events, history, humanities, the sciences, and the works of Dr. Joseph P. Farrell. And then I catch something like this that lays out the history that I can remember of events around some of this trolling. (yet), 1st Poster: I sincerely and deeply hope Trump gets well, and fast enough that he doesnt need to drop out. Seems there are some new trunk monkey ads out since last I looked. But maybe they just display a mastery of physics of Freemasons in Oslo favorite cephalopod type would seem just... 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