We need to keep a very close eye on that. Joe couldn't help it. Joe eased his way over to her headstone and, laid the flowers atop it as he carefully and painfully knelt down. Staring fiercely into Joes widened green eyes the man shouted, Just how old are you boy?. Afraid you might do something foolish and get hurt. I know it as you have always had a fight in you, just like your mother. He spoke softly as a glassy sheen formed over his eyes. Let me see what damage you have done to my work. Knowing he wouldnt get a response he calmly spoke to his semi-conscious patient. So much blood, pa, and I didnt know what to do. Tears began to roll down his cheek as he stared at Ben. No clouds in the sky that might cast any funny shadows. Nooo!, Shhh., youre okay, Joe. Hoss, can you take over?. Why was he allowing himself to look possibly at making a mountain out of a mole hill? What wrong Joe?, Adam, I need to talk about what happened and its not just the injuries. Searching for the right words he began fidgeting with the sling which was still supporting his left arm. Love the JAMs and JPMS and, of course, the SJS! Adam? He became a bit concerned about his older son. Yes, youre safe son. Ben rested his body down on the bed next to his son and held him. As he lay on his bed listening Joe had cringed at Adams last comment, feeling both hurt and angry. Due to subject matter, the few stories that are listed as only available via e:mail from the author will still not be accessible even with answering Age Gate. He wanted to tell his father but, it wasnt just fatherly advice he wanted. Bonanza Fan Fic: Young Cartwright Stories And Along Came MaryAnn -- Charlee Ann Baker -- AS Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five The Babysitter -- Helen Adams -- HS, WF Baker's Brat -- Joan Sattler -- JS Be My Valentine -- Puchi Ann -- JS, Holiday Betwixt & Between -- Sandy Workman -- AS The Box -- Val M. -- HS, WF The original characters and plot are the property of the author. He didnt notice Joe stirring. I dont know, but it doesnt look good. He said pointing at the house, The three men abruptly halted their horses, quickly dismounted, tied them to the hitching post and ran through the open door. Please consider turning it on! Okay son, but if you need us we will be right downstairs. After receiving a nod from Adam, he and Hoss lingered just a moment before leaving the room again. Son, what happened? Ben was becoming worried. He was frozen, though he was hot, not cold. The angel and devil were having one heck of a fight in his head. I am leaving Joes medicine here with the instructions. Easy Joe, breath slow. Adam coached him. He, Adam Cartwrightthe man, Adam Cartwright, had a responsibility, for now it was up to him to take Pas place and take control of the situation at hand. He drew Joe closer to his chest and allowed a few tears to roll down his cheek. Now where is she buried? Davids stern voice and devilish eyes suddenly sent chills down Joes spine. Our place is here, with Little Joe.. Was he really mad at Adam? To the jail. He paused at the door, glowering back at his father. Tears clouded Bens eyes, as he gently took the photo.Thank you, he said softly, his voice cracking. You are going to tell me just where Marie is buried!, NooooNever! Little Joe was delayed in answering as excruciating pain now radiated throughout his whole body. But theyd gotten through it. The only thing wrong with himhes young. Adam knew Joe would grow up soon, Adam just wanted it sooner rather than later. Do you understand? Shhh. Hurts. His ribs were going to take awhile to heal. The guy was huge, bigger than Hoss and as rugged looking as they come. I am keeping my fingers crossed I posted it correctly and you enjoy it. Little Joe suddenly froze. Who are you? That was not the answer the older man wanted. Okay?. Trembling, Joe attempted to draw his knees in, to not only ease the pain but to close his body more toward his brother for comfort.security. Was Was? No, an image like that will forever be branded in Joes mind. Hop Sing did as he was told. What was I thinking? Ben had been laid up for months, waiting for the bruises and broken bones to heal. Joe, when she fell. He slowly drew up his legs. A bitter-sweet grin crossed his face and he slowly climbed down from the buggy as his family emotionally looked on. Adam saw an instant of shock in both the docs and the sheriffs eyes when then they discovered Joes bundled form on the settee. Remember, Dax? As David now peered into the twenty-five-year olds childish eyes, he smiled. When Doc Martin had entered the house along with the Sheriff and Jimmy, none of them could help but notice the pile of bloody towels that had been abandoned on the blood-stained floor. Not you! Like Marie gave me. Please come home! He shook his head violently, firmly rubbed his forehead as he took in a deep breath. Pa, can I have a drink? Joe was beginning to feel better. Adam was practically speechless, however, was there for his little brother. You have to believe that.. Joseph, whats wrong? his father asked seeing that same expression again. Over the next month Joes healing, both physically and mentally, although slow was progressing, as was his relationship with the family. Close your eyes, Joe.. God, I should have been here. Come on. Ben walked over to his middle son and bent down. Dax you spokeyou spoke Dax. David slowly knelt down beside his son and hugged him. I knew he wanted to stay and help his brother, but Joe was bad Ben. Whoever it was, was on foot so Little Joe knew he could easily overtake him. I need you to get over here so I can get some answers out of this piece of trash. The man stared back at Joe with the look of Satan in his eyes. Who is she? Hank handed him some towels and between the two of them, they began tending to Little Joes wounds as they needed to get the bleeding under control. Im afraid the wound on his face might leave a scar, but its near his hairline so hopefully it wont be that noticeable. When the door opened, Adam glanced up to see pa and Hoss walk into the room. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Joe was barely able to slide his injured left arm across his body so he could examine his right side, where he now lay. I think your right. He agreed. Well, he just had another nightmare so you might want to check his stitches. Ben explained. His eyes focused though on what was right there, foremost in front of him, his mothers gravestone. With every nightmare was continuing pain. It was very evident to them that Adam was distant, distraught, tired and dirtyyes he needed a bath. Today was one of the first beautiful spring days there had been this year. Ben glanced over at Hoss, and with raised eyebrows answered. S-he died when I was five years old. With flared nostrils he answered, fighting back tears at the memory. Look what you made me do! Attempting to concentrate at his desk reviewing some last minute paper work, Ben glanced up at Adam. He has never been left by himself for so long, and Hop Sing isnt even here. Adams voice could be heard upstairs where Joe was. Come on, buddy. He is a hard worker, a strong worker, and has made me proud and would have made any mother proud. With widened eyes and a sinister gaze, he grit his yellowing teeth as he lowered his massive body next to Joes head. I didnt let them take you. He then painstaking rested his head against her headstone, expelling all of his emotions. Help.. Ive got you.. Just look what happened. Son you need to rest. This just cant be real Joe, Joe. So vowing to help his son, hed promised him he would get up enough courage to ask Marie to marry him and then Dax would have a mother who would tell him bedtime stories again, something that had always seemed to suppress his nightmares. Hes my brother. Ben dragged a chair over and placed it at the end of the bed. Adam, help me please! He had been the one lately who Joe had been out with, working fences and finding strays. The system is programmed to remember your information for two years; though it does appear that major update(s) to this plugin will result in the need to reverify your age. When will he be back?. Learn how your comment data is processed. Deborah almost collapsed with relief and sat heavily on the side the bed, taking Melinda's narrow hand in hers. Ad-am help me, pl-ease., Joe, Im here buddy, Adams eyes flew open. Little Joe is brutally attacked. Fanfiction Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. Boys, this is good news. He looked at his two sons and smiled. Ben sat next to Little Joe cooling his now sweaty head with a damp cloth. Why couldnt I give you a chance like you deserve. Adam! Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky! Marie softly recited her sons favorite poem as she slowly rocked him in the chair by the open window. He was hurting, and feverish, but had seemed to be coming back to them. It is up to the law now. Son, the doc has all the help he needs right now. With a firm grip, he drew Adam to his feet. Thoroughly enjoyed your story, for your first fiction it was exceptional and I loved it I hope you continue to write more stories. It was neither the time nor the place for Adam to be drifting off worrying about this. Almost done Little Joe. Doc Martin explained. Dont make me laugh., Hi, Joe. Doc Martin jumped in. It wasnt the most comfortable position, but he was tired. Even as he grew up, the nickname stuck, and Hoss remained taller and larger than Joe. Adam, please come home. Hoss and I were without a mother for too long and when Marie came along it was like she was our own mother and she took us under her gentle wing without question. Adam help me. He knew his odds were not in his favor. Sort by: Hot. Joe I have been so disrespectful of you recently. Anger inside him was mixed with fear, fear that he would never reveal. He just had to pull himself together for his little brotherfor Little Joe. Thank you. With somber eyes he shook his old friends hand then glanced back at Hoss. He couldnt concern himself with that now for he really needed Adam. She is my mother! That was the last straw. Peering out the open window, Joe let the book fall onto his chest as a slight warm breeze brushed his face. Doc, whats wrong with him? Ben asked. He grabs the broom and limps outside. The only thing I can think of that prevented Dubois from making sure he was dead, is this. The sheriff reached in his vest pocket and carefully pulled out the precious item. Neither had any way of knowing what was going on in Joes fevered dreams now that all four men were standing over him. I love, son. He continued to try to cool the boy down. I wanted to tell pa, but I couldntI just couldnt. His breathing was beginning to slow. You dont deserve to look like her.If he didnt slow his rapid breathing down he could hyperventilate. I just didnt know what to do., Ben grabbed hold of his sons hand as he tried to console the young man, something he hadnt had to do in a very, very long time. Im sorry., Your brother is young and strong. the Doc responded without looking up. Adam, help!. PT means the story is post-timeline. He wasnt complaining to any particular person, he was just confusedand hurt, truth be told.He would never hurt Little Joe. ScaredAd-am..help. He began to tremble. Dax? As he walked over he saw his son holding a picture. Hank, would you be willing to help the Sheriff and I find these., Pausing, he closed his eyes and clenched his teeth, then with a tear in his eye glanced back at Little Joes almost motionless damaged body, find whoever did this to my brother? Adam, usually could keep a cool, collected head in a situation like this, however, he now found himself backed into a corner and out of control, almost like a caged animal. Adam lowered his head and firmly rubbed his brow. That makes no sense, Why would someone want a dead body? The possible realization of what Joe was telling him puzzled him. Everyone just calls me Little Joe The words came out of his mouth quicker than he could shut it as he immediately began to notice an anger building up in the rugged visitor. Roy Coffee finds Joe Cartwright, newly kidnapped and held hostage, on the side of the road miles away from the Ponderosa. Let me go. Youre safe. Careful not to hurt his little brother, Adam pulled him close to his chest as he sat on the bed. HOSS: OH LORDY! Oh, but it hurts so much. Its your Pa. He placed the palm of his hand over the young mans forehead and shocked at just how hot he was. Why? Hoss and Ben were just as confused as to what was going on, however, were beginning to surmise it all tied to those men. Easy.. Deserve to look like.. my mother, and that is when he did this. Joe pointed to his face, he hung his head, and could no longer hold it in. You dont even deserve to look like her! With that he once again whipped out his knife from its sheath, grabbed a handful of Joes hair and yanked his head backward and to the side. Follow/Fav The Bride from Baltimore. I love you. Tears now began to flow freely down both sides of his face as his closed eyes. Alerted, all three men simultaneously were now attentive to Little Joe. Water, Joe pleaded as he attempted to get up. As your bright and tiny spark, Lights the traveler in the dark, Though I know not what you are, Twinkle, twinkle, little star. He has a fever and we need to cool him down. He motioned to Hoss. He looked down at Joe. Understandably, the hardest hit from that tragedy had been Little Joe. Hoss just witnessed one of those setbacks. Joe, stay with me. Holy smokes that was a lot of Joe angst! The realization of what happened to his little brother hit him smack in the face. Ben I need you and the boys to promise me you will not go anywhere near the jail right now. There was a long pause as they all frowned and gave hasty nods. She. Dax come here. After motioning to his son, he ran his dirty sleeve across his moist forehead. Nooooo! Joe weakly screamed as he had no fight left in him for the attack on his body almost paralyzed him. No, I dont mind at all. When Hop Sing returns, I will never complain about his cooking again. Joe took a big bite and began strolling out of the kitchen toward the table, but before he could sit down there was a hard persistent knock at the door. Adam spoke softly. Her Pa, John, the younger brother of Ben Cartwright, was . The riders ignored him. He held out his hands in front of him, slowly glanced down and became entranced with what he saw. Thanks Adam. Joe softly answered. Breathe. A tear slipped out as Joe struggled for air. Hoss, in the meantime, was dumfounded as to what the heck had just happened. 58 Stories. Martin began . Stay with me. Who is your mother? The stranger demanded while shaking Joe. He had even delivered Joe. Who are these people? It was still thereshe was still there, untouched. But Adams mind briefly played tricks on him for he saw straight through the dressings and was visualizing blood.lots of blood. Joseph, can you hear me son? He stroked Little Joes hair. Shed even paid for Davids journey west, determined to go to any lengths to destroy Marie. Shhh, I gotcha Joe. Adam reassured him. Well, as comfortable as he could be. Sure son. He handed Joe the glass. Charlie, his shirt and hands now bloodied, was clearly engrossed in doctoring Joe that it took a moment for him to realize that Adam was beside him.Adam, we couldnt get a good look at the guys. No part of these publications may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any . Thanks. His parched mouth was finally wet. Not to say Ben or Hoss didnt care, they did. Joe. Okay, easy, now lay him back., Adam? Joes opened eyes and met his older brothers. His shoulder still hurt like hell. Um, sorry Pa. Adam sat down in the chair next to Joes bed, leaned forward, rested his elbows on his knees and rubbed his face, then slowly allowed his weary body to rest against the back of the chair. Pa, do you mind if I stay here with Joe.alone? Without waiting for an answer, he moved to the chair, pulled it closer to the bed and sat down. If Adam is still in town, you better tell him to get here quickOh, and telegraph Mr. Cartwright. With shock and grief, he gazed down at Joes blooded, battered body. The rocker that gave Joe vague memories of falling asleep in his mothers arms. I realize now that I have to I should have been there as your brother and not as a parent. No, stay put Adam. Joe shrank away from the horrific smell of the mans breath . Joe., Ben, I believe he needs rest. The doc rechecked his patient one last time, closed his medical bag and headed for the door. Its okay, Joe. Besides, this is actually a good opportunity for your younger brother to prove himself as you should not be gone long. Walking towards the steps he finished with, I think we both need to get to bed as we have an early start. It was a mess. He was facing a long day of chores alone. It might even have been tears he was wiping. Easy buddy. Adam was perplexed. He mildly shook his head attempting to clear the fogginess as he raised himself to his elbows. He seems to have a high fever.. Martin will be here shortly. A Increase font size. ! Little Joe weakly screamed. Owww! he cried out. Adam too was absent, having headed to Virginia City before the sun was up, as Pa needed him to take care of the payroll, pickup a few supplies and the mail. The rocker Ben had made with his own two hands when hed found out Marie was pregnant. Hey! he hollered back at them. Why? Finally he turned to Jimmy standing by the credenza. Now please, lets try to have some more faith in him. Ben lowered his eyes, returning his attention to his paperwork. Joe, its only Hoss. Adam was quick to respond and was at his side in an instant. Crimson blood immediately began to flow from the wound, quickly seeping into Joes shirt. Hoss, North and South (by Writing Woman) . 4 years ago 8. Little Joe and Hoss walked out and Ben put an arm around Little Joe's shoulders and said, "Little Joe, thank you for helping with Sparky. Hes real bad Adam, and if we dont stop this bleeding His voice cracked and cut off as he immediately turned his focus back toward Joe. BonanzaBrand 2006-2023 All Rights Reserved. Oh God, how bad? Realization sank in hearing an ugly, familiar voice and recalling now where he was and what had just occurred. I just dont know, but what I do know is that I made a mistake, a mistake I intend to fixas your brother. A small tear slipped out. A careless mess. Uh, yeah. Deja vu. Joes position was making it challenging for the men to treat him. I tried over the years to keep you out of trouble and I suppose I have. Joe looked up to Adam and respected his advice, advice he often reached out to Adam for as an older adult and a brother. Seventeen-year-old Little Joewatched the summer sun peak over the tops of the pines as he stood by the pile of logs ready to be chopped. He smacks her rear causing her to bolt out the barn door, Joe falls down in pain. Slow Joe, slow. Adam was always the best coach for this. Marie had been unaware of his existence, as he would sit in the far corner drinking alone while listening to Marie De Marigny tell her stories. Hoss had to fight against tears of his own at seeing that. Youre safe. It was his Pa. Hey buddy, were here. There was another familiar voice Hoss. He turned and stared at Joe. That promise has been costing me our relationship. Now where is she?, As pain now ripped through his head, Joe tried, hard as he could, to grab hold of the mans arms in an attempt to get him off, however, the stranger David Dubois -was too strong for him and Dax was now holding Joes legs to prevent him from kicking, so he was really fighting a losing battle. Heeding his warning, Ben turned to Adam and Hoss. Maybe it has to do with me being the oldest. Heck, hed just been with Joe the other day bringing the thousand head of cattle down from the north pasture. Im sorry for what I said to you the other day. 14 year old Joe Cartwright was just trying to do something nice for a friend. How was he to make responsible, logical decisions with his baby brother critically lying there on the floor right there in front of him. I cant talk to Pa cause wellhes pa. They both made eye contact and chuckled. Breathing itself was painful. Ahhhh! Joe let out a weak cry as the weight of his body pushed the sharp shards further into his back. Pictures To Draw. Hop Sing had returned home and assisted in caring for Little Joe. I love how you show Adam as the very loving and caring big brother, great story!!!! See, I told Pa not to leave him alone. I am sorry, Joe. Adam help! He tightly closed his eyes as he squirmed in the bed in an attempt to free himself from his imagined attacker. No copyright infringement is intended. are the property of their respective owners. The mans massive body began to tense up, blood began to flow and Joe could detect the redness forming around his scruff of a beard. Hoss, can you walk the doc out?. You dont deserve to look like her. Adams nightmare returned and was staring right at him once gain. Note: This is my first story. Mama you belong here. Mama. he whispered as he searched for her, in his mind, in his dream.Then it ended as quickly as it had started. Roy Coffee finds Joe Cartwright, newly kidnapped and held hostage, on the side of the road miles away from the Ponderosa. You sleep now buddy. Adam slowly and carefully made himself comfortable, until he fell asleep, as he cradling his little brother. And just how, with these two giants in his home? Maybe you didnt hear me. The mans enormous hand just about surrounded Joes throat while the pressure choked him, Where is my Marie? It was becoming very evident just how annoyed and determined this man was. Firmly pulling his hair and causing his head to jerk back, the man squatted and began speaking loudly while staring hard into Joes eyes. It's clear that the 15 year old has been hurt in many ways. The last time I saw that expression on him was when Marie died. He gently placed his hand on Bens shoulder. It hurt bad, his stomach began to churn. . Was Adam really mad at him, or was there just more going on with Adam that he wasnt talking about? Please Adam, Please come home, I need you!. Get some fresh air. He walked over to his chair by the fireplace with his morning coffee and sat down. A-AdamHurtsHelp me! He cried as he slightly began to thrash around in the bed. Like a staggering drunk, Joe found it difficult to find his footing. There was no immediate response, so Ben called to him again. Slow your breathing. How do they look doc? Ben was eager to find out as he held his sons hand. They wouldnt, would they? Im here, Joe., Adam, why? The seventeen-year-old kid was now searching, asking for answers from his older brother. I let Joe down. Sure, the kid could get on his nerves and act immature, like a child at times, but like Pa said, He is only a boy, not a man like you. I should kill you now, boy. David Dubois yanked out the bloody knife causing Joe to cry out once more, and then proceeded to clean the blade on his already grubby jeans. Over the next couple of weeks the Cartwrights were still bewildered about Little Joes refusal to talk about his terrorizing nightmares, however, they were there for him in case he wanted to open up. I dont want a shirt or nightshirt on him just yet. Ben trusted the doc as he has been to his house many times. Nope, not today as nature couldnt have painted a more picture-perfect day. Adam I have all the help I need. Im so sorry for the way I have been treating you lately., Joe, in short I havent been there for you as a brother. He confessed. Lets go home boys. Was he awake or was he dreaming? How ya feeling?, Wanna race? They all chuckled. Dark Eyes. He bit his lower lip as his nostrils flared, while a single tear fell from his eye. Adam. After taking some choppy, deep breaths, Little Joe closed his eyes. Did you get them ? Ben anxiously asked . How come he had dallied on the way home? Run. He froze when he heard Dax cry out, Ma . No,No Noooo, Noooo! I shouldnt have had that beer. Adam was now burdened with guilt. It's up to the youngest Cartwright's family to help him recover from the ordeal. No money is being made from this work. Ben, I have never seen such huge men. He glanced over his shoulder at Hoss. Dark figures hovered over him while red raindrops began falling. Um, well Im his son. He never doubts that he can save them, and so he does. Ben walked back to his chair beside Joes bed. I promised you and I will keep my promise, however, we may have to rent a buckboard now., Injured and disoriented , Joe wasnt sure if what he was listening to was correct. Adam said he will drive. He glanced over at Joe, waiting for an response. This should have been a red flag for him to just to lay still. He was afraid of me., You have to give him time, son. This wasnt easy for Ben. Is Joe alright?. Its Adam.. He glanced down at his hands and saw blood dripping from his fingertips. I have one more bandage to change and then Im done.. My patience is running thin, so I suggest you tell me whether or not Marie DeMarigny is your mother, and where she is! Yes sir, he has three, Im the youngest. The mans claws tightened their grip. Dont worry, buddy youll be okay. Required fields are marked *. Buried!, NooooNever precious item he can save them, and so he.!, his stomach began to roll down his cheek as he squirmed in the sky a.. Sat next to his chair by the credenza going on in Joes dreams! 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