CFS assures us that they submitted the paperwork and that it is the state and federal level who drag their feet. Strader is apparently Peterson's daughter. Theres a process that no judge attorney etc can do anything about. The facts of the case make a big difference in whether you can pursue a legal avenue with DCFS. I was in a similar situition back in 2005. Please communicate with CPS in writing-no phone calls. soacial worker caught giveing false info to court aswell as myself telling me my son was taken by s s ,removed conflict of intrest she quit next day document perjury false info to court to influence favored parent social services told court she was not impartial and she was let go,but the year long damage is done have proof she was a 730 aswell as case worker and was exposed incourt trying to give false report basically tried to kidnap my son !!!!!! Children finally returned. I lost my granddaughter because of their lies etc and am interested in any information. Well after two months we are done with their advise. McMillan goes on to say that If I can make a business out of it, its a bad thing. 2005) (quoting Bass v. Robinson, 167 F.3d 1041, 1048 (6th Cir. We have on many occassions sat at the table in hearings to provide instant support under pressure. and most importantly who can give us any insight on how to get back (legally) at these monsters and how they affected our lives. Unfortunately, unless your civil rights are violated, you likely won't have any legal claim against Child Protective Services. In 1996, My daughter and I were separated for 10 years by CPS. Ive lost my three children nigh completely (and for most of 2009, completely) despite no charges of anything against me just character assassination in court. She informed me that a hearing would be in court in three days so I told her I would be there. I study everything that I could I even told the department of DCFS they werent following their own rules and protocols and that they were breaking the law with false information believe me they dont care because they know they can do whatever they want. and my kids didnt even know about my drug adtition. Brion join us on the message board for feedback on your case! Many thanks. 1997). If you have an open CPS case take notes on every regulation thats being violated by your caseworker. yes the county of what ever state it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheri. She enables parents and attorneys to assert rights and convert the constitutional principles into everyday practice and natural language. My children ages 2 and 11 months were taken from my home on March 19th of this year and we just fine received a call from the social worker about a visitation and also telling us that our child ended up getting whooping cough while in the foster care my 11 month old son has whooping cough now. Your email address will not be published. CPS/DPSS CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT (RIVERSIDE, CA) FOR KIDNAPPING OUR CHILDREN WITHOUT CAUSE It is the way I start my day off right, so I can be happy while Im doing my work. . We need help in fight cps and getting our grandkids back and clearing our name in court documents. Our grandson is with a NRFM and is exhibiting signs of emotional distress from being away from his family. My wife wants her children. My case has become so complicated and complex it is like a lifetime movie. This case was brought by Plaintiff against Defendants to recover damages arising from Defendants alleged violations of Ms. Fogartys constitutional rights to raise and associate with her children, free from governmental interference. No abuse charges against mejust truency! He is moving out. FFC Home Page / Big Win Again Against CPS. MY CHILDREN WERE TAKEN THANKS TO A CASE MANAGER WHO WAS REPORTED TO THE CITY OF SANTA MONICA. Kentucky, at Louisville. Then watch them have to dismiss. Please help me! So sorry I didnt see this earlier! They also stated their lawyer would be at the signing of this paperwork. Sherrys teachings are unique and cutting edge to the family law industry developed by her and her husband. if . who is now divorced. Lies in detention reports that are quotes by other people. Policy and procedure were not followed. Find others in your state with the exact same issues in recent years. I think this was conducted in retaliation, but its upsetting and Ive never been in trouble, nothing in my history, the county doesnt respond to calls, emails, I work as a Sr. HR manager and it felt like if I were to fire someone based on a allegation prior to doing an investigation and gathering facts and evidence to support my decision. Jessica, it is impossible for me to tell whether your child will be allowed to go home, but I think youve got a good chance at it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Attorney McMillan says ask yourself What am I going to give up in exchange for whatever the government is promising and its usually not worth it. He says that you are going to give up some form of your liberty, you are going to lose your parental rights. Now I am broke savings completely spent and almost ready to disappear with my babies at the first chance I get. He knows that social workers are viewed as doing Gods work so the automatic biases are strong and contribute to the reason that this racket has been able to exist for so long. Justice was serve! It took me 6 months of crying and begging for support from CPS and discovering the mental health was documenting false information and also had diagnosis that was never given to him from a dr and assessments that were not done. His children are grown now so he has much less to worry about. We are organizing a class action lawsuit against the County of Riverside, the State of California, and all parties involved in unlawfully detaining and holding our children against our will, and without cause. If you would like more feedback on your case youre welcome to join us on the message board: Plaintiff has alleged no such active unconstitutional behavior by JCPS, and JCPS is not liable for the actions/inactions of its employees. And im still pulling.. Maybe not enough. I need a miracle. you can happily take my story. 2001). We have prepared many of these for attorneys and for pro se litigants applying our constitutional arguments to their specific needs. I guess im just frantically trying to find a way to get them back and out of the system. Make Your Court-Appointed Attorney Work For YOU Cell Phones How Will CPS Caseworkers Use Them Against You? We have been tortured for FIVE YEARS!!! My complaint is the California Child Protection Services and the mother of my son (from another relationship) made false allegations against me in favor of the mother. I am collecting stories to write a book about the corruption in the CPS system, more specifically the California system. But need an outline of what to do, start to finish. Im glad youre able to Facetime and look at him. CX103). 1986) (holding, in a 1983 action, that "under Fed.R.Civ.P. I feel like they know that what they did was wrong and are trying the impossible to cover up their mistakes. Between the time of seizure and the time of disposition. See Will v. Mich. Dep't of State Police, 491 U.S. 58, 71 (1989). Ky. June 29, 2007). but its been 17 yrs and the long turm effects from that trama are showing in my kids and in me like my son says im not his real mom . My parents went to meetings at the school with out my knowledge and they and the teacher decided they were going to make allegations to the Cps that i was refusing medical attention to the child in need and there is more my parents so lovingly added their two sense and that of course was she is not focusing on career she is never with the child the kid never has what she needs etc.. California has been in the vanguard of this revolution. Whats ur email please I see my daughter a lot and i have my own 2 yr old son now. Would love to hear your story! The social worker preferred herself in court documents we have video proof going against what she said. Casetext, Inc. and Casetext are not a law firm and do not provide legal advice. Hi Linda my name is Rennetta and I am in Sacramento California is actually a Plasterville California so El Dorado County Im actually currently dealing with CPS case Im allegations made by someone that I am using drugs and theres drug abuse in the home I had recently just left my youngest childs father and he does have my two sons but I do have my oldest daughter my 16-year-old the CPS worker showed up at my home on these allegations and is telling all my family that they can take my boys if they allowed me to see them so now I am currently not allowed to see my children the CPS worker is demanding a drug test which I did use my rights as she needs a court order to do so which is fine I dont mind taking it I just dont believe that I should have to take it or I should even be doing with this by somebodys allegation of drug abuse what can I do. I got my kids taken away last year for testing positive for meth. He did a great job, to be sure, but he wasnt the one taking the depositions, working up the case, bringing in the expert, taking the largest risk. My Daughter was KIDNAPPED by CPS in CALIFORNIA. THE TRUTH IS THAT I LOVE MY KIDS NO MATTER WHAT THEY FABRICATE ABOUT ME, I HAVE STARTED SMOKING CIGGARETTES, I AM BARELY HOLDING ON TO MY JOB, I PLANTED MY SEEDS AND THEY TOOK ALL SIX OF MY SEEDS THAT I RAISED AND GREW OFF A 16 YEAR OLD RETALIATING AGAINST ME AND MY WIFE, WHAT IS SO CRAZY IS THAT THE CPS WORKER KNOWS THAT SHE IS LYING AND STILL INSISTS ON FABRICATING STORYS, I HAVE EVERY TRUTH AND EVERY FACT FOR CPS EVERY LIE ON DOCUMENTS, WHEN I SUBMITT THEM, SOME HOW SHE IS STILL ABLE TO CONVINCE THE JUDGE I EITHER FORGED COURT DOCUMENTS OR I FORCED PEOPLE TO LIE, IF THE JUDGE AND CPS AND POSSIBLY MY OWN COURT APPOINTED ATTORNEY IS WORKING TOGETHER TO TAKE MY KIDS, THERE IS NO WAY I CAN WIN IN THAT JUVINILE COURT ROOM, THERE HAS TO BE A WAY TO STOP THEM BEFORE I LOSE MY KIDS BEHIND LIES, WE ARE SET FOR TRAIL ON THE 29 OF MAY 08, EVEN WITH ALL MY PAPER WORK IT SEEMS HOPELESS, CAN I FILE SOMETHING NOW IN A HIGHER COURT, CAN I START FILING A 6 MILLION LAWSUIT, I KNOW I CAN WIN IF I CAN JUST GET TO ANOTHER COURT, I HAVE PAPER WORK TO COUNTER ACT EVERY LIE THE CPS WORKER FABRICATED, SHE EVEN FABRICATED ARREST REPORTS ON ME THAT DONT EVEN EXIST, I LIVE IN SAN DIEGO, CALI/ 619-464-1856, AS U SEE I AM DESPARATE TO SAVE MY KIDS, I AM RUNNING OUT OF TIME, I NEED SOME HELP OR SOME ADVICE ON HOW TO BRING THEM DOWN, WHAT IS MY NEXT MOVE, I DONT SLEEP AT NIGHT, IM STRESSED OUT ALL THE TIME, IM WORRIED I AM GOING TO JAIL FOR LIES, IF I CANT GET ANY HELP OR IF I CANT FIND A LAWYLER THEN I HAVE TO FIGHT THEM BY MYSELF AND IT WILL BE A FIGHT, IF IM GOING TO LOSE MY KIDS OVER LIES THEN I MIGHT AS WELL FIGHT WITH EVERY BREATH I HAVE, IM IN A BATTLE FOR MY LIFE AND KIDS, THEY TOOK MY BABIES, MY 8MNTH OLD, MY 2YR OLD AND THE OTHER 4 AS WELL AND THE SOCIAL WORKER OFFERED NO PLAN, JUST TERMINATING PARENTAL RIGHTS, NO MARKS, NO SCARS, NO BRUISES, NOTHING ON MY KIDS, JUST TOOK THEM AND NOW TAKEN THEM AWAY BECAUSE THE LAW ALLOWS HER TO TAKE KIDS BASED ON ALLEGATIONS, WHY IS MY CRY FOR HELP SO SILENT, AM I NOT CRYING LOUD ENOUGH, I AM READY TO FILE SUIT WITH ANYONE WHO IS READY, WHAT EVER IT TAKES TO GET MY KIDS BAC, I HAVE DONE NOTHING WRONG BUT LOVED MY KIDS UNCONDITIONALLY, IF I CANT GET ANYTHING BUT GUIDANCE I WOULD SURELY APPRECIATE THAT, GOD BE WITH US ALL! God bless.. Ask for a custom price quote Now! The mother, Deanna Fogarty-Hardwick, who lives in Seal Beach, claimed that CPS workers took her two young daughters in February 2000, and intentionally misinformed the court. See 28 U.S.C. Your email address will not be published. Not one agency did their job to protect my child. 17(c) and 28 U.S.C. As for healing for your trauma well, you thanked the Lord that you were able to finish raising your children. I am going through the courts in Norwalk,CA. Ive seen the babies once in the past 14 months. 01CC02379 (Trial before Hon. They have no right to lie I feel its nothing I can do Im so sick, No you file a commercial lein on them they are under immunity.. Tammi Stefano of The National Safe Child show interviews California civil rights Attorney Shawn McMillan who talks about how even he was at risk of having his children grabbed by CPS because he was litigating these cases. Every case is different and I cant tell you whats best in your case. WebLastly, when a CPS case closes, it doesnt imply that the authority wont revisit it in the future. Now I only get to facetime my baby once a month, Im not allowed to speak i just get to look at him at this point I see that as a little miracle just to see him for those few minutes. Plaintiff states that, "[s]chools are learning institutions not a place to interrogate and violate children's constitutional rights. Also, please remember a Dad just won a settlement based on DCFS negligent investigation for years which resulted in a young girl ( from age 4 on not being placed at all with any family members.). 3:10CV-168-S (W.D. I havent yet, and heres why. now my daughter is 9 and son is 8. my son is not growing and is a foot shorter than his sister. Your Gold Membership increases your protection and ours because it demonstrates that we share a common political cause of petititoning the goverment to protect parent and child rights from unlawful state action. Therefore, it would be best if you took precautions for your case not to be re-opened in the future. But their are thousands of healthy families thrown into this nite mare with nothing but hear say no proof and no proper legal documentation on the reasons and no warrant for seizing the child .. They also have an INSURANCE FUND FOR KIDS ABUSED IN FC. Michael Riley deposition is available online here. My childs paternal grandparents have temporary custody of my son. 1998) ("[I]n federal court a party can represent himself or be represented by an attorney, but cannot be represented by a nonlawyer."). Next, review your court order to see what orders may be violated by the caseworker. Will my child be able to come home at the dispositional hearing? My nephew has been kidnapped by CPS in LA and we need a lawyer that wins these cases of false allegations. Please help me to understand. contact prepaid legal they are great at what they do. It does not matter that you do your case plan or finish everything that is required by the courts to have your child return to you its much more than that its not that easy, it does not matter if you have never had a dependency case, or ever had any type of criminal record or that you do not do drugs or have any domestic violence. They all failed her. Plaintiff Karen Peterson filed a pro se complaint against Child Protective Services ("CPS") and Jefferson County Public Schools ("JCPS"). ", In her prayer for relief, Plaintiff demands $100,000 in punitive damages, $100,000 in damages for emotional distress, and "[r]emedy to stop harassing my children in the school without counsel or parents.". That is not how it was my parents secretly set up with Cps a fostering permit and planned their attack on me then carried out just that the plan to take my child away .. That was a year a half ago and now after taking the classes and doing the counseling and kissing tons of case social workers whom never stopped changing each with their own idea of how it should be and making changes to our plan accordingly .I have never met so many bi est , judgmental and rude people in the government organizations . News area for FEBneed to go to Yahoogroups link which is a bottom of link to News page. orange county got my case transfered from san diego the same month 02/2000. Please let me know. Hello Daniel, TWITTER: @EthicsRouser, Heres The White House Corruption Petition:, Hello can someone tell me what the WhiteHouse corruption Petition is about? Together they have disrupted over 40 million dollars over the last 20 years but these agencies are still doing the same stuff. She has an office in California. When they showed up at my house..I let them in and access to all 4 of my kids as she told me it was mandatory. Puerto Rico Aqueduct Sewer Auth. THEIR PHONES WERE TAKEN AWAY.PRIOR TO THAT THE FOSTER CAREGIVER, PROVIDED NO HEAT, DID NOT COMB THEIR HAIR, PERMITTED THEM TO WALK TO SCHOOL ALTHOUGH, THEY OWNED SIX CARS COMPLIMENTS OF FOSTER CHILDREN, PULLED ON MY BABYS ARM TO DO THINGS HER WAY, THE FEMALE, MADE THEM ATTEND A CHURCH, WHERE THE CHILDREN DIDNT UNDERSTAND THE LANGUAGE, DCFS COULD NOT REACH THEM, BUT THAT WAS O.K. For additional information, contact: I live in Salt Lake City, Utah. CPS left a note and has since adopted his son out to another family.My friend, this guy, he is so lost and here it is 2008 and if that kid is somewhere out there I want him to know hes got a good Dad that is lost in his heart searching for his boy, home. Sherry does this through creating and teaching online digital courses, speaking, webinars, and workshops. New Gold Members will receive a discounted consult offer via email. We will see. WebParents rights. My daughter was born healthy nothing less ..I was kept inside the hospital for 3 days after being fed high blood pressure medication and more being able to eat a meal however I was ready to go home me and my boyfriend tried leaving and they had a social worker approach me right after with a hospital hold and tale my sleeping well fed daughter from my arms making up lies saying she needs to receive treatment. See Will v. Mich. Research and get knowledge about everything you can. If youre feeling down, listen to uplifting music. I informed her I was about 400 miles away. Learn how your comment data is processed. I dont know what rights i have as rights were terminated but if i can take a stand for people like me I want to do it! The social worker in this video is racial and bias veiws she finds humor in a baby duck taped to the wall she casts spells and she has kept my three babies from me for three years drugged my 9 year old and lied to the courts Thank You. If another party files a case against you, CPS will have to revive your old CPS records and partake in further investigations. Have you received any feedback on any attorneys or different avenues for help. The children were 9 and 6 at the time. And yes my parental rights were terminated. 28 U.S.C. Grandpa is willing to do whatever needs to be done to get our grandson placed with me. I have appeal ofcourse and my lifetime movie continues. They had to chase my son across a field because he was so upset and distraught. The supervisors come in and re-write reports so that they can get findings at each stage from the juvenile court or else they dont get the money. WebMost typically, the CPS/DCFS social worker wants to keep you from knowing exactly what you have been accused of sort of keeping themselves on a general fishing expedition but it is required by state and federal law to tell you the exact details of the accusations at first contact with you. McQueen v. Beecher Cmty. My house is always clean/full of food and my kids are well cared for, so I thought nothing amiss. WebThe majority of cases administered by Child Protective Services (CPS) involve neglect. No eye contact,I keep getting run around. She knew that I was the innocent one his father is the one whos the abuser thats why I got away from him I did the right thing there was nothing no reason to go after me. WebThis case arises from a Child Protective Services (CPS) investigation into allegations of parental child abuse leveled against Petitioner David Tyner, the father of two minor FightCPS: Child Protective Services-CPS-False Accusations, March 29, 2007 - By Linda Martin - 144 Comments. Personally I dont like drug tests and never have taken one but also, I dont use drugs or alcohol at all so thats not an issue for me and Ive never been asked to take one. THEY ERASED MY SAVED MESSAGE!! Title IV-E incentivizes the Department of Children and Family Services to be involved in that familys life for 18 months. Thank You, Have witness list. Reach out to me if you want to share your story, I would love to let you know that you are not alone and what they did is truly criminal! Need help cps wrongly took my grandson no danger no warrant i was told i wasnt allowed to babysit cps lied and continues to lie i have proof. One of them even quit her job after the trial. Plaintiff, therefore, fails to state a claim for relief against CPS. If you find discrepancies you can file for a state administrative hearing. Oh yeah, I saved all paperwork and the reason they put down ON PAPER for them keeping my kids was I wasnt able to!!! He is two. WebA lawsuit won against child protection services 1-855-602-5557 heather-marie ext.102 Another Lawsuit Win,Victory for Pro-se Litigant suing New Jersey DYFS,Caseworker,DCPP The attorneys were Shawn A. McMillan and Sondra S. Sutherland. around when I was 8 months I used fentanyl and my original doctor was aware I happen to go into and emergency labor ended up at cedar Sinai I notified new doctors everything my doctor had already known. She was admitted to CHOC. I live in a stable home now w/ both of my parents and I am a full-time college student. WebCPS also costs states millions of dollars in legal damages paid to individual and class action plaintiffs who have won lawsuits against CPS. my mom sees her and knows what is going on. When people say that they keep getting dragged back in to court, they are not kidding. In Orange County a mother has been awarded 4.9 million dollars in a case against CPS caseworkers and the Department of Social Services. They are going to take something from you. please watch the video on youtube titled Orange County California CPS Corruption. The unlawful policies, practices or procedures pertained to the detention of children without a finding of imminent danger or serious physical injury; interviewing children without a parent present; continuing detention after learning there was no basis to do so; using trickery and fabricated evidence; and failing to adequately train employees regarding the Constitutional rights of parents. Ill do whatever I have to! I began to fear for all the kids and community as they ignored he attempted suicide last year after a snapchat post where 3 kids admitted to jumping and assaulting my child. hi lets call me the one who raised my 2nd cousin since she was born in 2007 and hve notorised paper giving me full custidy not knowing need legal custody duh, but in prosses of going to adopt at mother and fathers reqest well anyways shit happens cps takes her and a younger new born and older sisters for a stupid or mistake mom made.mind u this is 3/1/2 years later and im the only mommy she new no connection with biological parent just with me and my 10yer living sidnifacite other we re mommy and daddy we were vwery close loveing family good envierment for my baby and the cps didnt give a shit.everyone in court agreed she shouldve never removed from us but they do wat they want its know three years after they took her know background check 2 times they said one lil misterminer not exemtable but it is.shes know 6yrs old and wants to come home with her mommy and daddy we paid 5,000 and were gona hve to pay 2,500 appleaning exemtion denial next month and the mothers sister in oklahoma suposse to adotp the two oler girls been approved wat the hell can i do to stop this shit got a letter from a docter saying it would be in the childs best intrest if she was put back with us i dnt think that they doing wats best for her its all about money ples give me some information to hlp stop the move to oaklahoma state been fighting for them for three yrs streight not giving up thanks for this site verdict against cps. This site was built by the trauma I experienced because of CPS. We are very bonded and they wont let me see him. How did he mess up your case? The disposition hearing is set to take place 60 days from now. now i need help because i belive that if they had tested him for the disease they would have found they removed my son wrongfully. For the reasons that follow, the instant action will be dismissed. A courthouse in Alabama 4. "In order for supervisory liability to attach, a plaintiff must prove that the official `did more than play a passive role in the alleged violation or showed mere tacit approval of the goings on.'" I cant post too much here. Ask them if its true they said that and if you can use them to testify as a witness. So wish me luck stage two The fights goes on .I love my daughter and she is suffering and she is sad and lonely .. Pray for us to find each other again . I lost my daughter to her abuser. He is aware of how difficult it is for parents to be believed. i cant read them without crying again just like when they took my kids i cant see the words through the tears and the sad hard rock in my throught makes it hard to breath just like now and i have to stop now, and get a hold of my emotchens, i got my kids back in 8 months cps cloused my case and never opened up another case thanf the lord for helping me keep my kids. Please connect with me. They pulled an emergency and checked our each home they approved. 2008) Beltrans sued two caseworkers under 42 U.S.C. ' If customizing one of our sample motions just isn't for you but you want to benefit from our arguments, we will do all the writing for you and apply best effort formatting according to the public rules in your state. Copyright 2013 - 2023. I am very happy for this familly best of wishes and I hope they send their child to college so they can become attorney and help others fight back. You story is very much like mine and 100s to 1000s of women just like us. The big sweep after covid to round up children and overwhelm the system is absurd, disgusting and a blatant abuse of power. Hello world, I am a single father of three beautiful children I had the pleasure to raise. My story is like no other and i dont know who to turn for help. the district court has dismissed all claims over which it has original jurisdiction." If youre going there take any proof you have that you were approved for kinship care, and your states social services regulations about kinship care. I have also been taking drug tests for DCFS which have all been negative, and will continue to be negative. I refused to do this test .. the school then notified my parents who were the emergency contacts and the next option for communication if in the event i was unavailable . My two nephews were being neglect by their mother since they were born. Hi I would like to know more please email me info .I am in California. You might be getting the run-around from the caseworker. WebCPS Case Law Beltran v. Santa Clara County, 514 F.3d 906, (9th Cir. You can contact me at hope to hear from you. 3. My name is Sondra S. Sutherland, and I am the attorney who took on this case. Lekish, have you seen your county commissioner about your grandchilds placement? Required fields are marked *. Since then, I have taken DV classes, parenting classes, drug/alcohol classes and am currently seeing a therapist. A couple months prior to that I moved to Northern California to get away from the drama between me and the mother. If you have an open CPS case take notes on every regulation thats being violated by your caseworker. Join us for a demonstration in front of the Juvenile Court House on Civic Center Drive across from the Block on Monday 5/12/08 10am til ?? 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Attorney who took on this case true they said that and if you have open... Family Services to be re-opened in the future tell you whats best in your case to! Some form of your liberty, you likely wo n't have any legal against. By their mother since they were born from now been tortured for FIVE years!! Well, you thanked the Lord that you were able to come home at table., 71 ( 1989 ) home Page / big Win Again against CPS were for! By your caseworker to take place 60 days from now be involved in that familys life for months... Webinars, and will continue to be negative with my babies at the time of disposition true they said and! They pulled an emergency and checked our each home they approved not a place to interrogate and violate children constitutional... Hear from you attorney Work for you Cell Phones How will CPS caseworkers Use cases won against cps to testify as a.... For parents to be re-opened in the CPS system, more specifically the California system,. On to say that if I can make a big difference in whether you file. Be at the table in hearings to provide instant support under pressure for pro se applying... Big sweep after covid to round up children and overwhelm the system How difficult is! Level who drag their feet drug tests for DCFS which have all negative...