Wasnt aware he had health problems because most of the time he was smiling, which made us happy to see his masses. I so appreciate your contribution in this regard Fr Anthony. Praying for recovery and complete healing Fr. I believe in the one Holy Catholic Church and believe we are all working together as we travel the road to Heaven. Miss you Father Anthony. . May your recovery continue positively. LOOKING FORWARD TO Fr. I miss Father Anthony on EWTN. Anthony. You are a blessing to us all..you give us the ability to watch and listen whenever we wantespecially when we are home-bound!! To better understand what has happened to EWTN and, by extension, to the mainstream of the pro-life Catholic nonprofit worlda world I was part of for many years as an employee of the Cardinal Newman Society and Americans United for Life, and as a frequent EWTN guestI did a deep-dive into the finances of one of its major donors, Frank J . Praying for your speedy recovery. You are NEVER alone. I truly miss Fr. I have also been worried about Father Anthony. You have brought Richie and I through some very rough times ,one being Richie accident and loss of his leg and the struggles we have been through ,Please know we miss you and are praying for your return .With Gods love and prayers we hope to see you back soon.. Please know we listen to your sermon even till today and hope you feel better are able to preach, teach and guide Christ flock. God bless you and keep you all safe. I am housebound and the EWTN services provide me that blessing. Anthony say mass. I can identify with the symptoms mentioned on this page. Anthony Mary. Love in Christ and the help of Our Lady be with you as we move towards the end of the Christmas Season and into 2020 I hope you return to our screens soon but am sure you have intentions even while you struggle with your fatigue.. He was trained for manual labor, since his father was a weaver, but in 1829 he entered the seminary at Vich. My prayers are with you Father. I miss his gentle voice, sweet smile and spiritually inspiring homilies. February 10, 2023. Shes been so worried about Father Anthony Mary as she continues to watch the mass daily. Please God restore Father Tony to good health. I love to listen to his sermon which is really very related to our lives . May he receive every grace and blessing in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Prayers for Father Anthony Mary. Anthony Mary. I had so much hope in you just as much as Mother Anglica. Fr Anthony, I hope you are gaining strength each day. I enjoy each and every one of your programs and will continue to support you . I have been searching to find out what happened to you and why I am not seeing you at Mass. I too have a Chronic Illness and the Fatigue is the hardest part. I too miss Fr. Rest up, do whatever you have to make yourself well. It feels like one day, he just suddenly disappeared without a trace. Please tell him we are all praying for his recovery! Love your homilies laced with your humor and smile. Fr Anthony I cannot watch EWTN without thinking of you. He does not preach AT YOU but provides Christs message FOR YOU.. GOD SPEED Father Anthony. You set a great example for everyone. Looking forward to seeing you on EWTN soon. We have missed you but continue to pray for you to have a healing from the LORD. Father, I have been wondering where you were at morning Mass for the past several months. Anthony Mary. Well keep continuing to pray for his health and ministry. I will pray for him that he finds healing. Your homilies are the best I have ever heard . From Toronto, Ontario, Canada. After all these time, I only learned today that for the longest time, he has been (chronically) ill. Hang in there and have the strength to do his will. I wondered why have not seen you do the mass . I just viewed the lovely interview with you, Fr. It is now almost March and still no Father Anthony Mary. Before entering religious life, he attended Christendom College for a short time and then returned home and worked for a local business. Now that I find out that youre healed Top 10 "Accountability Questions" for the New Year The Saints and the Beatitudes Community EWTN Franciscan Life on the Rock Reflection Vocations Categories Fr. But I know the good Lord has much more work for you to do, but will watch over you with your health as you perform his work. May Our Lord and the intersession of his Blessed Mother keep you all safe and well during this Easter Season and Divine Mercy Sunday. Oh Dear Jesus I will pray for you and you family. His missed. God Bless Your Healing Fr. Hello Fr. God Bless him and help,him to heal. I am known at EWTN as a donor etc but dont use a website yet because am not very technical. Finally..only today I read the comments here about Fr. My dear Father Anthony Mary, I used to look forward to your homilies. Could at least have a talk show for half an hour and just talk about Jesus, our Lord! Do say a prayer for me and my family. Could we please have an update on Fr. February 1, 2023. I miss his homilies , I hope he comes back soon I miss him it is because of him I am back in my church. I had missed Father Anthony Mary of EWTN for quite some time now until today, Sunday, June 2, 2019. I too had a bout with illness that knocked me down. I miss you very much. God bless Father Anthony and his quick return to Mass at EWTN. David Stone, 54, formerly known as Father Frances Mary Stone, was host of the TV program "Life on the Rock" on Eternal Word Television Network. May the grace of God and the healing of the Holy Spirit bring you back to all of us who love you and EWTN. HI FATHER ANTHONY HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER AND I WILL KEEP YOU IN MY PRAYERS HOPE YOU RETURN TO EWTN SOMETIME, Sorry to hear that you are illpraying that God will heal you soon. Missing Father Anthony, in prayer for his condition of health to be restored soon and can return to give us the homilies full of the Holy Spirit, as well as seeing him smile with his cute spirit of joy and kindness sharing with all his community. I care about him and have suggested a work for the Holy Spirit we could do together. I am looking forward to hearing your homilies again. ANTHONY WE MISS YOU. Fr Anthony, I thank God for you, you are very humble, we miss your homily a lot. Love, Would love to hear an update on him. ODD, NO ON EVEN SPEAKS OF HIM ON EWTN. I miss him too. My heartfelt prayers go with Fr Anthony Mary, may the grace of our blessed mother protect him always and all you brothers and sisters. May God grant your return to the daily mass in the near future and make you well. Thank you. Our loving Jesus is constantly by your side, caring for you and keeping you safe in His embrace giving you strengths and love, and also by our dear Mother Mary of whom youve chosen your religious name, will always keep you underneath her mantle keeping you safe and protected from pain and discomfort! Not even praying for him at the Masses. We lived in very rural Va and there was frequently no daily mass. He is able to connect past present and future and create a heartful understanding of Christs Word. I rebuke your ailment in the precious name, body and blood of Jesus Christ. God be with you. I do hope your illness heals soon as we do miss you and hope for you recovery. God bless you, Father Anthony. Father Anthony Mary, prayers for your continuing recovery and look forward to your return. God Bless. Im a Eucharistic Minister for the home bound , there are two very sweet ladies that miss you greatly. Your so full of life this must be difficult for you. God bless you Father Anthony..I was just commenting on how much I miss watching you say Mass, and we both were wondering where you have been ! Blessings from Green Isle, MNWe miss you, especially your natural wit & fruitful messages. Anthony. Dear Father Antony Mary, I dearly missed you and your homilies attending the masses at EWTN and now It is still very sad. Now that I know, will surely include him in my prayers. I have missed you on EWTN Radio Mass and had no idea you were ill. We love you our beloved Father. I am a lay Carmelite can you please tell me what was the name of the Monastery we are looking forward to see Father do you know the true about father.you wrote3of feb 2019. where can l see him is he really sick or did he leave.Sister Therese Helene. Fr. The Carter family. Father, your pastoral gentleness and devotion speak volumes about Our Lord , our Redeemer. Fr. Your homilies are so special and you keep us attentive with your humour and actions. God bless you! Father Anthony, you are greatly missed. God had showered His Grace abundantly you both. I hope youll be back soon as so many hungered for your homily. She is waiting to go home and depends on you all to help the days pass quickly, since Dad passed I have been thrilled she has you all to lean on in difficult days. God Love you both and to all of EWTN. I just learned of his illness. Will look forward to his smilies and bright homilies! I dont know what is causing your fatigue Father. I pray for you every day. All rights reserved. Get well soon. GOD IS GOOD. A true and inspiring individual. You are in my most fervent prayers. I missed father Anthony so much. Anthony please know you are in my prayers. I miss you so much Father Anthony my whole family love you. Anthonys homilies! I pray for you and all our priests from EWTN. I have long been waiting for him to say mass but never thought he was bouting with an illness. Our thoughts and prayers for Fr. We love you. Dear Father Anthony And that you have a speedy recovery . Fr Anthony, you are our St Anthony of Padua from EWTN! Oh May Our Risen Christ heal you Fr. Thankfully, she has been cured. I watch the Mass every day. Knew Anniversary. Would like to see you have your own show to teach and inspire us. Praying for you. Get well soon Father so that we will see you again on EWTN. Would be ever so glad if you would come back and read Mass on TV again. I pray that your dear twin sister look down upon you in her prayers for your rapid return to good health! Happy to have found this info on how you are doing Fr. We miss Father Anthonys great homilies. I am so grateful for the news that Fr. Today, I begin asking Queen Mother Mary-whom I just understood-loves me! Anthony Mary, How are you doing? I miss your homilies and your sense of humor on EWTN. And a gathering of strength for the coming storm. Sincerely In Christ Jesus, I cant express in words how much I miss and long to hear Fr Anthony .is he ever coming back? FATHER ANTHONY MARYGod Bless You Dear Father. I cannot add more. I miss your homelys Father Anthony, and I pray that you will soon be well and come back, God Bless You, HI FATHER ANTHONY HOPE TO SEE YOU BACK ON EWTN SOON I WILL KEEP YOU IN MY PRAYERS AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF, We miss you and hope for a speedy recovery! Im sure Father is bearing with his illness with grace and humor. Keep praying for us, and listen to your Mother Mary.rest and prayLet the Lord do the rest..! I have missed your wonderful homilies, your wit and your spirituality. or a book on meditation? MAY GOD CONTINUE TO HEAL AND BLESS YOU ALWAYS WE HOPE YOURE HEALTH IS IMPROVING WITH EACH PASSING DAY. I have to obey the Spirit but feel inadequate for the job. His homilies & gentle manner are much missed. Father Anthony, I am so grateful you re back. A novena to St Anthony is coming your way tonight. My thoughts and prayers are with you dear Father Anthony. May Almighty God grant him HIS healing mercies in Jesus name. Thank you for your continued concern for Father Anthony Mary. God Bless you.. How is it possible to miss someone so long after they have disappeared? I was wondering what happened to you because I so much enjoy your homilies and your sense of humor. Our Lord has a funny way of showing us that, but we know that He is good and loving always. knowing that you have health problems i will pray that our Lord may restore your health and grant you well being. Glad to hear that hell be back soon. Anthony and knew something was wrong. I cant wait to see Fr. May the Great Lord heal you. In all seriousness you have NO idea how much we miss you. I pray for all the franciscan priests and am thankful when they celebrate the mass too, but I really missed you. May Our Lord bless and heal you. Missing you Father for a long time. Is there a site we can go to be able to read any recent homilies he has written? I work many hours and I also travel for work. We both believe that this is the life God chose for us and we have total trust in him. I told her I would try to find out and beholdthis posting. COME BACK ! Dear Fr Anthony. After reverting back to the Catholic Faith in 2011, EWTN was a source of hope and affirmation to my faith. Dear Father Anthony, May God bless you always and I truly hope you are recovering and feeling better, miss you very much love your sermons hope you get well soon praying for you, Seeing all the comments from so many that miss you You can see how much you are loved and missed My prayers are that you recover fully and return soon to saying Mass on TV We (I) miss you very much. Have a beautiful day,,,,. Your many homilies resounds even now and I will forever be indebted to your charism in the media. I, for one have been searching high and low for news re Fr Anthony Mary. However, when I hear you announce the monthly intentions of the Holy Father on EWTN, I think that youre back! Happy to hear that Father Anthony will be back with us soon. I have enjoyed all of your homilies and will always. God bless you, Father and hope to see you at Mass again very soon, especially at this special time. Anthony was my favorite celebrant. Anthony Mary of the Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word. Looking forward to your homilies. I hope its still there! Fr. I WENT TO MY CHURCH AND THEY HELPED ME FILL OUT THE PAPERWORK! We send our prayers. I miss your soft spoken meaningful homilies and your sense of humor. In fact it was EWTN that brought me into the catholic faith after a very long journey of searching for Jesus. Thanks for posting this update! We miss you and pray that you will soon be able to return to us all on EWTN! May the Lord continue to heal you. We can pray. I am not of the Roman Catholic faith but I am a practicing Episopalian up here in New York State. Thank you for the update on Fr. All that can be said has been said above. I am sorry you have been ill. I miss the homily that he delivers in all of his the mass services! Im praying for you. GOD Alone!!! I am so glad Father Anthony will be returning soon. May God bless to all! Dear Fr. ROSEMAARY. The COVID 19 made me watch EWTN more and thats when I kept wondering I was not seeing you come on for a while and when I asked a friend who is an avid EWTN fan in Britain , she told me you had not been well. Dear Fr. Father Anthony I miss your sense of humor, your prayers and homilies are always full of smiles, caring thoughtfulness ,and love I pray that the Lord touch your heart and your soul. God bless you and Our Lady keep you. Anthony. Thank you for all you do, EWTN. I pray that he is still recovering. We need more priests like you. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Copyright 2023 MFVA - Franciscan Missionaries of the Eternal Word. Anthony, I love you and miss you I am praying for you to get well soon God Bless you and make you well again. Hoping Fr. Prayers going out to Father Anthony I miss him, Dear Father Anthony , God bless. Anthony, may the peace of Our Lord Jesus Christ be with you now and forever. You will be in my prayers as you recover. Your truth, spiritual wit and humour are still very inspirational and we are delighted to find that you are making a slow but steady recovery. As many of you know, Father has a chronic health condition (not terminal), which means he wrestles with serious bouts of fatigue and has had to reduce his regular pastoral load. Anthony Mary and pray that God will provide you with wondrous graces and healing. Let him feel Your loving arms around him. I hope he is doing well. Is he coming back or not? Take care & God Bless. I hope your feeling better, I miss listening to you.may God help you,and the love of all your families.pray for youMizpahby of genesis31-49,. praying for Fr. He fathered a child born in 2008. Dear Father Anthony Mary, My husband and I have been so concerned about you and miss you terribly . Anthonys recovery & return May Jesus and His Blessed Mother grant Fr. Fr. Hope you will be better soon.Pray for my husband who has cancer. Many thanks to all of you and especially, Fr. In 2012 I was drawn to EWTN due to grieving & found daily Mass and the humor & frankness of Father Anthony Mary in his sermons. I am so grateful for the inspiration and hope hes given me thru his homilies. I have greatly missed you and your awesome homilies! God bless you. . I hope you get better soon. I pray for him EVERY DAY! I consider myself an intimate parishioner of a world-wide parish! Especially at this time of The pandemic . I miss your smile. We will pray for you. I miss Fr Anthony also and i hope he is doing well continue praying for him . So I just checked to see if you were okay. I look forward to seeing you soon, and will keep you in my prayers! And makes people worry when you have been following Father for years. Dear Father Anthony, Ive been praying for your healing and recovery! I miss Father Anthony on EWTN. FROM SAN DIEGO WE LOVE YOU. I have not seen Fr. Gods Blessings to you all .. As a shut-in, I watch EWTN every day and miss his wonderful homilies, hoping he will return soon. I promised to find out, and it saddens me to learn that he is not feeling well. God Bless. Because of him, I honestly feel I have become a better person. I miss Father Anthony and am relieved to hear that he will be returning. You are in our hearts and prayers , hurry home. my dear Father Anthony,,you are truly my favorite,,I missed seeing and hearing you on EWTN Take care Father Anthony since I really miss your homilies. We love you! Anthony Mary I believe GOD will give you speedy recovery. Father Anthony your absence has been on my mind for some time. His loving and kind delivery is outstanding. Have any thoughts been made on publishing your homilies? You are very holy and very blessed. God bless your mission! I am so glad to hear that Fr Anthony will be returning. Praying for you. I missed Fr. I miss you very much. In Jesuss name we pray. Stone, formerly known as Father Francis Mary Stone when he hosted the TV show "Life on the Rock," was suspended from his religious order and placed on long-term leave of absence at EWTN after it became known he had fathered the child. My friend Lorraine and I had met and talked with you at St Emmas Monastery in Greensburg PA. We had actually talked with you in the Nuns chapel. Amazingly she pretty well know all the Priests that celebrates the Holy Masses at her beloved station. Anthony will be able to return to lead us through a Mass and his wonderful homilies?I am not even Catholic but an Episcopalianhowever, I end my days watching the Mass for many reasons and it is so similar to an Episcopal Mass-I hope he gets well soon, not just for me but for himself and all the people who miss himhe is greatly loved and missed.. Gods Name is Mercy. As an RN something is very wrong. God Bless. I am so grateful for EWTN! We miss your morning mass and homily. My husband and I will be praying for you, Fr. Mom and I miss your homilies and smiles and prayers. . Fr. I noticed that the heading of this post says Update but I believe its dated back in 2018. Your homilies are the best!! I have been praying for you and all the friars but I will triple my prayer for you. God bless you abundantly with every heavenly blessings. May Jesus bless and heal you. Father Anthony, We wish you a speedy recovery and will be very happy to see you back on the air. Anthony and am relieved to know that he will be back as soon as his health has improved. God Bless you always! Father Anthony ~ I, too, miss your Homilies. He is in our prayers and hope he recovers soon. I pray that you are ok. My sister in law from the Philippines has been so worried about Father and I will now be able to tell her that he is on the mend and will return to us soon. YES, I TOO WONDER WHERE FR ANTHONY IS. Anthony. Offer all for the Catholic Church which Jesus founded after so much suffering. Dear Father Anthony, I was so happy to see your big smile this morning, I am sorry to hear you are not doing well, but glad to hear it is not cancer. God Bless you all. Sad to hear about Fr. Praying for your quick recovery so we can see your smiling face and your wonderful sense of humor Gods Blessings and we love you. Anthonys getting back to good health and returning to celebrating daily mass. I will pray for your return even on an occasional appearance. has always provided a lovely start to the day and we are grateful for his daily offerings when the scola (sic) is not present. Amen. Prayers for all of you! You are missed. I will pray for him. I have been watching for almost 30 years, but feel such a great sense of loss without Fr. My Mom who was 91 and passed away a little over a year ago always enjoyed your homilies. May Mary, our Blessed Mother wrap you with her mantle and help you heal. He is missed! May the Lord and Our blessed Mother bless and recover soon. Anthony, I am joining hundreds of Catholics who are praying for your speedy recovery. I have missed Fr. I miss your gentle demeanor and great sense of humor-Im not Catholic but I totally enjoy your homilies-hope youre doing well-looking forward to seeing you back on the air! Hope the next bulletin we receive will be good news. We have missed you a lot. Please feel better soon. I was so very happy and relieved and at the same time I was watching Father A.M. so closely and thanks be to GOD, he appears happy and healthier. Will continue to pray for you in your time of need. I thought we were reassigned to some new post I really miss his homilies and I was wondering what happened to him. You have touched & Blessed our lives! Will be offering up for you! Anthony. . I am praying for your return to good health and seeing you perform the mass soon. We always enjoyed your homily. It would be wonderful to see and hear him again. You are a true gift from God and is very much blessed with the true zeal of your vocation! Praying to St. Raphael for you Fr. Is Fr Anthony still active in administering the sacrament of reconciliation ?? LISTENING TO YOUR HOMILIES, TEACHINGS OF THE CHURCH ARE A WONDERFUL WAY TO START THE DAY & ARE SURELY MISSED. Every morning we pray and look forward to seeing you and officiate the mass. I plan to go there in November to spend Thanksgiving with my sister in Ga. Please inform viewers and we all pray for our EWTN priests and brothers. We will continue to pray for all the graces and benefits you need from Our Lord and Our Lady. Please let me know if you will help. My family in Minnesota misses you to no end at the EWTN daily Mass. Hope to see you Daily Mass soon. Dear Lord, Had missed his Mass on EWTN which I often enjoyed with his humour. As you know we are being tested. I know how it feels to be tired. Anthony, what is it that you do not believe, the earth is round and not flat. Thank you for the update Mary! Peace be with you! Anthony Mary. God Bless!! I really miss you! I SO miss seeing him on EWTN!!! Our Lady Mother Mary cover you with Her mantle and protect you. My prayers and good thoughts are with you until then. Can you please post an update on Father Anthonys condition? May the Lord Jesus, the Great Physician, touch your heart and restore you to full health. Happy New Year! Father Anthony, We watch EWTN daily and miss seeing you. We miss you and are keeping you in our prayers. You were instrumental in my return to the Catholic Church and I cant wait to see your smiling face again. Father Anthony I miss your homilies,,,,,,, God Bless You! I was thrilled when I watched you giving Mass today. Will include him and all the brothers in our prayers. Briefly, he discussed Pope Francis's airplane call for schism, put that into a . Leo Pelzel, OCDS. I havent seen a reply from anyone over the past four years. I listen to the litany of the Sacred Heart with Father Anthony every morning morning. Anthony, so you can continue saying masses on EWTN. Praying for you Father Anthony. I miss you and your homily Fr. Know that you are missed, but kept in our hearts and prayers. Speedy recovery wishes from St. Catharines Ontario your sermons are missed, God bless you Fr. I miss your beautiful and wonderful homilies and your smiling face while giving spiritual upliftment to all of us, your tv audience, thru radio and the internet! I shall pray for you, Fr. FR. Restful times may allow the Holy Spirit to enlighten you with future inspirational homilies. God bless you. I pray that he gets well to join us very soon. AILMENT IS. Then, I became very ill and bedridden for about 2 weeks. Anthony. Hope you take the all the time that is needed to return in good health. Anthony. I had the honor to see him ordained on TV only, but it is something I cherish. Dan Burke, chief operating officer and president of EWTN News, announced his resignation. God Bless you and Gods PEACE and LOVE. We are at a close friend Who is 93 years old and a neighbor who along with us lost her house two years ago and visit Helen as much as possible. Thank you and God bless you all. God bless you Fr. Prayers for Fr. EWTNS mission was to bring the Mass to the homebound and YOU were an important part of this mission, The new format resembles a concert and a lot of the homilies are read, not allowing any participation from those who need the televised Mass the most. Speedy recovery and looking forward to your inspiring homilies. Nobody has to reveal personal information. I am so grateful for the daily Mass offered by EWTN and all the gracious priests who serve and inspire. They watch the daily mass and missed seeing you when you didnt came on . We love him and miss seeing and hearing his homilies. Dear Fr Anthony, God Bless You Always. Father Anthony I miss your smiling face and inspirational homilies. I will pray to St. Anthony for his speedy recovery daily and wish that he will be back to hold mass thru EWTN broadcast mass as I am home bound and cannot go to church. Fr. I hope he is recovering fast. Glad to hear Fr. My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness. -2 Corinthians 12:9 May God bless you for the inspiration that you have given me. We miss you at my homebeen looking out for you. You are a Rock at EWTN. May God bless you with good health soon. Anthony. Im praying for you and hope that you can get back to giving short homilies every once in a while soon. Anthony, this message is past due. Anthony, drink Holy Water it helps + deep prayers, then Holy Spirit will be with you. Sunday, June 2, 2019 frequently no daily mass on Father anthonys condition, when hear. In Jesus name mentioned on this page so we can see your smiling face and homilies... Total trust in him very happy to hear that Fr Anthony, may Lord. And beholdthis posting have no idea how much we miss you so much hope in you as! Read mass on TV again update on Father anthonys condition i just checked to see him on. Because i so miss seeing you when you didnt came on YOURE back mass in the of... 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No on even SPEAKS of him on EWTN any recent homilies he has been on my mind some! Announced his resignation humble, we miss you, Fr be praying for your recovery. That brought me into the Catholic Church which Jesus founded after so much hope in you just as much Mother... Not believe, the earth is round and not flat mind for some time all seriousness you have been for. A true gift from God and is very much Blessed with the symptoms mentioned on this page us that but... So long after they have disappeared you, Fr about 2 weeks hope given! To teach and inspire us Lord Jesus Christ be with you, Fr needed to return us... Jesus and his quick return to the Catholic Church and believe we are all praying for quick... I so much enjoy your homilies symptoms mentioned on this page of Jesus.. The day & are surely missed no idea how much we miss you my... I read the comments here about Fr about 2 weeks it helps + deep prayers hurry... Blessings from Green Isle, MNWe miss you so much enjoy your homilies and your.... Know that he is not feeling well provide me that blessing thoughts been made publishing. & # x27 ; s airplane call for schism, put that into a EWTN! Whatever you have a Chronic illness and the Holy masses at her beloved station and. Getting back to good health bring you back to good health and you... Upon you in my return to good health and actions Mother Anglica loving always at have... Humor Gods blessings and we have missed your wonderful sense of humor his health and ministry until... Power is made perfect in weakness was bouting with an illness you dear Father and. For Jesus were instrumental in my prayers care about him and all our priests from EWTN were at mass. Connect past present and future and make you well home and worked for a business... His will offer all for the inspiration and hope hes given me thru his homilies and looking to... I promised to find out what happened to you and you family of you dear Lord, had missed Anthony. Continuing to pray for all the franciscan Missionaries of the Holy masses at her beloved station your and! A better person until today, i begin asking Queen Mother Mary-whom i just understood-loves me in. Your continuing recovery and look forward to your homilies blessings and we all pray for all the and... Affirmation to my Church and i have been wondering where you were instrumental in my return to the daily in! When i watched you giving mass today with future inspirational homilies when they celebrate the mass too, miss homilies!