D. Event sponsorships. Compute the amount Clydesdale should report as a deferred tax liability at December 31, 2017. B. Perishabilityservices cannot be stored and hence matching supply with demand is critical. When a company focuses on a single segment and has multiple product offerings for the segment, these firms are following blank_________ strategy. Niche markets are not different from segments; they are usually just smaller. C. sales training programs Direct mail coupons A. B. B. Vertical cooperative advertising This company serves multiple segments, marketing a different product to each segment. It's important to note that positioning is always through the "lens" of the customer/consumers. B. horizontal cooperative advertising 1 See answer C. a spiff Which of the following statements describes a major concern marketers have with trade allowances? Sales promotions do not contribute to the erosion of brand equity. 36. Of the following components of total quality cost, which is most damaging achieve a reputation as a world-class manufacturer? A. slotting fees _____ has/have become very popular in recent years as marketers develop integrated marketing programs that create experiences for consumers in an effort to associate their brands with certain lifestyles and activities. Cluster and Factor Analysis are research techniques that typically are utilized in market segmentation. Why might the expanding populations of the region and the Ring of Fire make for a dangerous combination? B. _____ is a practice used by some retailers and wholesalers whereby they take advantage of a promotional deal and then sell some of the product purchased at the low price to another store outside of its area or a middleman who will resell the products. An end-of-aisle display D. Loyalty programs, 58. Door-to-door sampling Why are organizations like McDonald's, Wendy's, and Labatt placing more emphasis on sales promotions than ever before? B. C. 24% Moderate customer involvement: Some effort is expended prior to purchase to obtain good value. Match the following terms with the descriptions below. Which of the following sales promotion tools work best for Kellogg's? affirmative action, resident alien, counsel, double jeopardy, illegal alien, exclusionary rule, Jim Crow laws, security classification system, naturalization, non-resident alien. B. 4. Enacted tax rates are 34% for 2018 and 2019, and 40% for 2020. \text{- \$ 500} & \text{\$ 202} & \text{- \$ X} & \text{\$ 196} & \text{\$ 350} & \text{\$ 451}\\ This company focuses on a single segment and has multiple offerings for the segment. The heavy emphasis on trade promotion makes it difficult to: Ralston Purina offers its retail accounts a $3.00 per case discount for all of the dog food it purchases during the month of October. A. newspaper freestanding inserts (FSIs) Which of the following would be the best example of a premium offer that contributes to consumer-franchise building efforts for a brand? Customers pull goods through the channel, while intermediaries push the goods to consumers from the manufacturer. Types of Shopping: Business to Business (B2B). _____ is a recent development whereby companies are customizing their sale promotion programs for key retailers. C. Promotional discounting If a brand is strong on one attribute and average on another, it will still dominate a brand that was just average on all its attributes. Those important weights underpin how segments of customers differ. Incentive marketing ______ is defined as a direct inducement that offers an extra value or incentive for the product to the sales force distributors or to ultimate consumer with the primary objective of creating an immediate sale. D. A price reduction of $5 on a pair of Lee jeans. -Modality of administration (e.g., Web survey, mail, personal interview) It is a system based on the idea that self-expression, ideals, and achievement determine customers' product and brand orientation. 92. They predict that the redemption rate will be 5%. 83. When a brand moves to the _________ stage of the product life cycle, advertising is primarily a reminder to keep consumers aware of the brand. Loyalty programs C. sweepstakes; event sponsorship A. introduction D. promotional allowances, 86. Which of the following helps to explain the increase in sales promotion activities over the last decade? Meet actual demand. D. Coupons can encourage non-users to try a brand. D. A sales promotion works best when its theme is not an integrated part of the organization's marketing communications. Forward buying A. the payoff is smaller. Which of the following statements about the coordination of advertising and sales promotion efforts is true? B. Marketers have to be certain that the attribute helps to determine customer needs and preferences and is not a simplistic stereotype. Observational data to check on competitors B. Price-off deals One problem resulting from the overuse of sales promotion is a decrease in: A pull marketing strategy can be contrasted with a push marketing strategy, where marketing activities are employed along the supply chain. Cluster analysis for segmentation Consumers must pay the manufacturer's out-of-pocket costs for a _____ premium. A. free premium -Technique Prepare an income statement for the year. A. C. Supermarkets now carry an average of 30,000 products compared to 13,000 in 1982. The primary distinction between segmenting businesses and consumers is that the data sources tend to be different. B. trade promotions \quad \text { year beginning March 1 } & \$ 12,900,000 & \$ 10,200,000 \\ External factors influencing customer behavior, opinion leaders, family, culture, social class, reference groups, Internal factors influencing customer behavior, attitudes, motivations, learning, perceptions, lifestyle, Situational factors influencing customer behavior, physical environment, purpose of purchase, time constraints, Roles in Big, Complicated Business Purchases. D. When small refunds are being offered, marketers may find other promotional incentives, such as coupons, more effective. Effective Segmentation fits with corporate goals D. handling costs. D. End-of-aisle display, 101. The contest or sweepstakes can create excitement and interest in a brand. Effective Segmentation allows access to customers Colin recently launched a new product the Fanner 3000. The VP says that the person who first kicks off the purchase process is the blank________ Click the card to flip Flashcards A. bonus pack Which of the following types of sales promotions would NOT be used to help in the introduction of a new product? b. reciprocity. MolsonCoors's heavy financial involvement with and support of freestyle skiing competitions, beach volleyball tournaments, and other sporting events is an example of: Which of the following is NOT a downside to running a promotion in a specific geographic region? A. D. A dish towel in a box of Tide laundry detergent, 70. $7,500 D. Rebates and refunds, 18. The consumer may experience negative reinforcement when comparing competitive prices. 13. C. Sponsorship of the local Easter parade Secondary data already exists (e.g., in the library, online); they're quick and cheap to obtain. B. D. rebate. Sampling and rebates Which of the following statements about sales promotion programs is true? It outlines what a business should do to market its product or service to its customers. B. push monies Gatekeeper: accountant who controls the budget. B. a slotting allowance. b. changing the physical environment. 15 Convenience purchases: Staples (standard, frequently consumed goods such as bread or gas) and impulse purchases (candy or National Enquirer available near the check-out stand). B. B. In order to encourage sales, Selling Company must make its product available to be sold in smaller batches. Shopping purchases: Going online to Citysearch.com to find a restaurant and make reservations when heading out of town. _____ is advertising sponsored in common by a group of retailers or other organizations offering a product or service to the market. Companies are asking their promotion agencies to think strategically and develop programs that do more than increase short-term sales. A. Examples include products purchased, user status, media habits, loyalty, and frequency of usage. Channel power/leadership allows control of conflict by domination of the channel by one partner. -Communicate results (white paper, presentation, recommendations). Let's redefine our position: A company can redefine its position with a product by building new product sales, building product category, or building brand equity. Surveys for customer satisfaction Instead of trying to appeal to the entire marketplace, smart marketers and smart companies will try to find out blank_____. It is the act of designing and creating the company's image and communicating the benefits of the company's products, so it gains a distinct place in the market. b. B. Seven Popular Marketing Research Techniques, 1. 6% B. off-price deal B. merchandising support A. is the exclusive responsibility of advertising B. Ingredient-sponsored cooperative advertising how should salespeople be compensated for their efforts, Two major issues make up the essence of the sales force: How many salespeople should we have, and blank_____, Intensive distribution usually goes with heavy blank_________, lower prices, and average or lower quality products. A. push money. Which of the following developments have resulted in a transfer of power from manufacturers to retailers? Kellogg's is introducing a new brand of breakfast cereal that is high in fibre and targeted at adults between the ages of 25 and 50. B. media advertising; sales promotions The downstream partners that help a company reach consumers comprise the channel members; they provide the way to channel merchandise to the customer. Kraft is concerned that families consume Miracle Whip only on sandwiches, using a tablespoon or two at a time. Geographic distinctions between customers have also been used to segment markets. A package of Gillette Sensor razor blades contains a 75-cent-off coupon for Gillette Foamy shaving cream. Additional managerial commitment required Sellers prefer to produce large quantities of a limited number of goods, but buyers prefer smaller quantities of a wider variety of goods. A. C. trade promotions; media advertising C. There is a belief that sales promotion can be over used by too much frequency, resulting in a decrease in brand equity. B. consumers purchase more on the basis of price, value, and convenience than brand. C. trade allowance C. are not an effective way of loading consumers with a product and reducing their susceptibility to a competitor's promotional offer. 1 According to SS+K, which of the following is both about engaging the audience and discovering opportunities to connect with them? B. Coupons are an effective way of generating trial of a new product. D. The growing power of retailers and their demands for sales performance. Trade allowances are detracting from the image of the retailers who carry their brands. Nordica provides sales personnel in ski shops with training classes, detailed manuals, and other tools to help them better understand how to sell the company's ski boots. D. account-specific marketing, 19. 14. The percentage discount that the face value of checkout coupons represents Which of the following is NOT a problem associated with the use of contests and sweepstakes? This is an example of a: C. Retailers can charge slotting fees because of their power and the limited availability of shelf space in many retail stores. C. vertical cooperative advertising The pairs of means are used to plot the attributes in a two-dimensional space. B. generally elicit immediate response from consumers A. a slotting fee. B. is accomplished through short-term price-oriented promotions Cluster analysis for segmentation Type of channel conflicts include: Tweaks in the 4Ps may change our core business. Gray market conflict is unauthorized buying and selling among channel partners. Sampling and rebates D. Discount trading, 100. B. premium D. promotional traps. Distribution deals with realigning the discrepancies between quantities and selections. Which of the following promotion tools is less likely to be used when the goal of the marketer is to stimulate trial? A trade layout Which of the following statements about sales promotion programs is true? A. horizontal cooperative advertising The advantage of online surveys is _______. B. ad readership scores are networks of interconnected firms whose activities enable products to be sold and consumers to have easier access to those products. B. TV display B. Which of the following would be NOT an example of a nonfranchise-building promotion? \text{0} & \text{1} & \text{2} & \text{3} & \text{4} & \text{5}\\ User: every staff member who sends a job to that printer. C. Orange Crush. Sampling C. induces one-time trial purchase of a brand for which there is low awareness Over the past decade, the amount of money consumer products firms devote to ______ has been declining while the amount spent on _____ has been increasing. D. an off-invoice allowance. A. distracts consumers from the firm's main reason for existing C. Everyday low pricing D. transference charging, 98. Situation analysis (e.g., Internal factors such as Strengths & Weaknesses; External factors such as Opportunities &Threats analysis) Experiments to verify ad testing A. A. coupon A. provide brands that sell in retail stores the opportunity to have specialized displays to feature their product. Structured Query Language (known as SQL) is a programming language used to interact with a database. Excel Fundamentals - Formulas for Finance, Certified Banking & Credit Analyst (CBCA), Business Intelligence & Data Analyst (BIDA), Financial Planning & Wealth Management Professional (FPWM), Commercial Real Estate Finance Specialization, Environmental, Social & Governance Specialization, Financial Modeling and Valuation Analyst (FMVA), Business Intelligence & Data Analyst (BIDA), Financial Planning & Wealth Management Professional (FPWM), Able to establish direct contact with consumers and build consumer loyalty, Stronger bargaining power with retailers and distributors, Focuses on creating brand equity and product value, Consumers are actively seeking out the product, which removes much of the pressure of conducting outbound marketing, Can be used to test a products acceptance in the market and obtain consumer feedback on the product, Usually works effectively only when there is high brand loyalty, Lead time is long, as consumers are comparing alternatives before making a purchase, Requires creating a high demand for a product, which can be difficult in a highly competitive marketplace landscape, Requires strong marketing efforts to convince consumers to actively seek out the product (they may, instead, just decide to settle for whatever similar product a retailer has in stock, rather than insisting on getting your product). To encourage off-shelf displays in major grocery stores is a diagrammatic technique used by asset marketers that attempts to visually display the perceptions of customers or potential customers. A. to create structures. Customers, Company, Context, Collaborators, Competitors. A(n) _______ is an important promotional tool because it can help an advertiser obtain more in-store merchandising of products. D. $150,000, 53. Measures for marketing strategy are critical during both assessment and planning. Brian's boss is explaining the concept of buying centers in B2B marketing. D. instant, 59. Increase productivity and flow efficiency. The first question is "How does our hotel rate?" Which is NOT one of the four classes of goals? C. frequent patronage programs Segmentation is breaking the heterogeneous market into small, homogeneous markets. His boss indicates that with complicated business purchases, it's not one person making the decision and that each purchase involves different roles. B. Coupons Sales promotion programs play an important role in motivating retailers to allocate shelf space to new products. A. Vertical conflict is among partners at different levels in the channel. E. all of the above. A. Exploratory, Descriptive, Causal C. can be done more easily through trade-oriented promotions than through consumer-oriented promotions Coupons, bonus packs, premiums, and samples are promotional offers that are targeted toward: 7. They predict that the redemption rate will be 5%. An appliance manufacturer offers a $50 payment to salespeople who work at Culligan's Appliance if they sell one of the company's new refrigerators. The ideal goal for the marketer is to find a(n) blank______ group of customers whose needs they can easily and profitably meet. Advertising implemented by retailers and paid for by a manufacturer is called: B. D. cost-plus. C. sweepstakes made in the store. Examples include: An increased focus on religion or religious activity 4 Disorientation or disjointed thinking Enhanced creativity or inventiveness (often perceived as a "breakthrough" or an epiphany) Flight of ideas (a rapid succession of thoughts that shoot from one idea to the next) 5 Racing thoughts (a rapid stream of thought, often repetitive) C. Sweepstakes D. A bonus pack, 40. B. There are several pull marketing methods available today, including: Explore further topics on Corporate Strategy, with CFIsStrategy Course. 52. Critics argue that trade promotions generally result in higher brand equity. It's important for a company to oversee multiple measures to manage the company optimally. Governance costs are those costs associated with coordinating and controlling the members in the channel. The oldest, most widely used, and most effective sales promotion tool is: B. C. Location sampling The best example of word-of-mouth in pull marketing would be the viral videos that have been going around on social media. Sampling D. Event sampling, 46. C. push money. This is an example of: C. Horizontal cooperative advertising B) Ensure that the audit team is independent. A pull strategy focuses on advertising to stimulate market interest and attract customers. A. A. event marketing C. Premiums and sweepstakes The role of the planning function in the management process is. Horizontal conflict is among partners at the same level. A. Vertical cooperative advertising A. They pay retailer handling and processing costs of 10 per coupon redeemed. 89. A. coupons A. Price-off deals Models can be made more complex by bringing in weights to express how important the attributes are to the customer. Examples of value-added activities include all of the following except: Product design. Perceptual mapping for positioning A. A. Establish an effective distribution network. Which of the following is NOT a sampling distribution method? C. A free sport bottle with the purchase of a four-pack of Gatorade D. a joint trade promotion, 111. __________ strategies are incentives a manufacturer offers to its distribution partners such as dealers, wholesalers, retailers, and the like to sell products to the end-users. A. D. Sales promotion techniques such as contests and premium offers are often used to draw attention to an ad, increase involvement with the ad, and help build relationships with consumers. \end{array} Sampling through the mail Development of objectives (e.g., target a specific market segment, increase market share) or identification of strategic issue (e.g., increased competition, decrease in sales) They distributed 1,000,000 promotional packages, at a cost of $20,000 for design and production. 5. The terms push and pull refer to whether the manufacturer targets consumers or channel partners with its marketing communications. B. D. new product fees. 112. D. Even large manufacturers with popular brands and large promotional budgets always have to pay slotting fees. Programs involving cash payments directly to the sales force to reward them for selling the manufacturer's products involve the use of: 97. Trade sales promotions have a better track record than pull strategies. Network methods to identify opinion leaders in buzz marketing. B. decline This form of communication allows all employees' opinions to be valued and democratizes the decision-making process within organizations. B. E. Planning eliminates the need for effective leadership. A. With a _____, consumers compete for prizes and/or money on the basis of skills or ability, while with a _____, winners are determined purely by chance. a person may not be retried for the same crime. B. vertical cooperative advertising Tropicana developed a "Win the Perfect Vacation" sweepstakes to complement an advertising campaign theme promoting its grapefruit juice as the perfect beverage. B. growth stage Strategic marketing activities could focus on current and/or future customers (markets) or current and/or future/new products. C. more effort is required. In sampling the researcher selects a sample of respondents from an available population of similar respondents for collecting data. C. to set direction. A. off-invoice allowance C. To increase consumption of an established brand One-to-one marketing is more expensive to implement but customer needs are better met. Premiums Firms can also increase profits by increasing revenue. Quantitative: surveys, experiments, scanner data analysis A. cooperative advertising B. 73. In order to provide an incentive to a current user to purchase Breton instead of other cracker brands when the consumer next goes shopping, which of the following sales promotion tools would work best for Dare? D. Dyadic communication, 106. 94. Perhaps the most successful in-package _____ in Canada in 2001 was a General Mills giveaway of six CD-ROM computer games. Effective Segmentation is actionable. D. Discount trading, 99. 45. Marketers find perceptual maps extremely appealing because they provide a picture of competing brands in a space that also contains descriptions of attributes and they offer a sense of competitive strengths and weaknesses. There are several advantages to a pull marketing strategy: Potential disadvantages to using a pull strategy include the following: CFI is the official provider of the Financial Modeling and Valuation Analyst (FMVA) certification program, designed to transform anyone into a world-class financial analyst. Which of the following sales promotion techniques is impacted negatively by the presence of professionals or hobbyists who take advantage of the promotion without making a purchase? D. decline stage, 114. Secondary data to understand context Sampling A. to obtain distribution and support for new products. The most popular method for distributing coupons is: a Material movement. C. Image advertising B. Couponing For example, many online merchants such as Shoe Station and Zappos offer free shipping and free return shipping to encourage consumers to shop online. Maturity: Revenue peaks but profit margins erode due to high competition. C. Bonus packs, trade allowances, and slotting fees B. contest; sweepstakes D. Many retailers require promotional deals such as discounts and allowances just to handle a new product. B. trade shows Recipe books showing alternative uses for Miracle Whip Exploratory: Focus groups and interviews are used to formulate marketing questions. C. advertising subsidies Door-to-door sampling Let's delight our customers: A company can delight its customers by enhancing customer satisfaction, increasing loyalty, rewarding influential customers, spreading word of mouth, increasing customer lifetime values, and offering personalization. Retailers are not justified in charging slotting allowances since most new products are successful. D. joint trade promotions, 110. C. Premiums This can be a very costly sampling method, particularly for multiproduct companies. A customer compares brands by the most important attributes or dimensions. Whereby companies are asking their promotion agencies to think strategically and develop programs that do more than increase short-term.! Used when the goal of the region and the Ring of Fire make for a _____ premium to. C. horizontal cooperative advertising B paper, presentation, recommendations ) can be a very costly sampling method, for... 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