(2022, June 29). In short, he made most of his financial status by purchasing land needed for public projects and then reselling them at an inflated price. As a boy, Tweed was a volunteer with a local fire company, at a time when private fire companies were important neighborhood organizations. If you use an assignment from StudyCorgi website, it should be referenced accordingly. Disclaimer: Services provided by StudyCorgi are to be used for research purposes only. Seeking familiar surroundings, they tended to live and work with people from their native country. To many late 19th century Americans, he personified public corruption. . In the late nineteenth century. (Summary by Mike Vendetti) For further information, including links to online text, reader information, RSS feeds, CD cover or other formats . . George Washington Plunkitt was a sort of middle manager of one of the greatest political machines in U. S. history, Tammany Hall, which held power in New York City for much of the period between the Civil War and the 1930s. StudyCorgi. ", When collaboratingon an eccentric book about his career in 1905 he brazenly defended his long and complicated career in machine politics. G. W. Plunkitt held any one (or more offices) in Tammany Hall for over forty years. Such overcrowding contributed to poverty, crime, and disease. Tweed died in prison in 1878. The poor are the most grateful people in the world, and, let me tell you, they have more friends in their neighborhoods than the rich have in theirs., At this point, you may be wondering what, exactly, is in the least democratic about Plunkitts style of politics. Never mind that. * Hyperlink the URL after pasting it to your document, Gun Control Laws Introduced by Executive Branch, System of the Death Penalty in the United States, Snowden: Prominent Issues in International Security, Corruption as a Problem in Public Administration, Urbanization: Census in the United States, Government Restrictions Against the Backdrop of COVID-19, Public Opinions in Shaping the Politics of a Nation, Snowden: Prominent Issues in International Security. Boss-rule, machine politics, payoff and graft, and the spoils Study human nature and act accordin. In The Shame of the Cities, the muckraking journalist And it has been pointed out that even characters like "Boss" Tweed were in some ways very helpful to the development of the city. Before midnight we were all in bed, and next mornin' we were up bright and early attendin' to business, while other men were nursin' swelled heads. Born on Cherry Street on the Lower East Side of Manhattan in 1823, Tweed learned his fathers trade as a chairmaker. He would buy such parcels and then resell them at an inflated price. George Washington Plunkitt was a well-known politician and influential businessman from New York, the United States. Another kind of honest graft. The books are always all right. This new wigwam contained a large auditorium which was the site of the Democratic National Convention in 1868. Tweed eventually became the Grand Sachem of Tammany and wielded immense influence over the administration of New York City. In the late 19th century, battle lines of distaste and resentment were drawn between the new immigrant class and the current American citizens. I need your help. Thus, he obviously spoke against such reform as the Pendleton Civil Service Act, which regulated the distribution of posts based on merit. $7,718 ($105,000) to print its report. Of course, the day may come when we'll reject the money of the rich as tainted, but it hadn't come when I left Tammany Hall at 11:25 A.M. today. Ive made a big fortune out of the game, and Im gettin richer every day, but Ive not gone in for dishonest graftblackmailin gamblers, saloonkeepers, disorderly people, etc.and neither has any of the men who have made big fortunes in politics. Thus, Irishmen dominated Tammany Hall and took advantage of the surplus of votes. and political machines as corrupt as their critics charged? The series of talks were written down by journalist William Riordan, later published in the book Plunkitt of Tammany Hall. Theres an honest graft, and Im an example of how it works. articles, coupled with the political cartoons of Thomas Nast in As more and more people crowded into the large cities, the value of urban land increased. https://www.thoughtco.com/history-of-tammany-hall-1774023 (accessed March 1, 2023). When two tenements were built next to each other, the indentations created an airshaft that provided limited ventilation and light to the interior apartments. He always steadfastly defended his own political style and the workings of Tammany Hall. The organization existed well into the 20th century, when it was finally killed off after decades of crusaders and reformers sought to extinguish its power. Around 1900, if an ordinary American city dweller, whether immigrant or native-born, needed a favor done by a person with authority, he or . The leader of Tammany in the late 19th century was Richard Croker, who, as a low-level Tammany worker on election day in 1874, became involved in a notorious criminal case. Yet, Ill make an argument that they served a purpose. Given these attitudes toward foreigners, it is not surprising that calls for restrictions on immigration began to sound. The building codes that went into effect after the fire required that all new construction use noncombustible materials. You can't study human nature in books. Well, Im tipped off, say, that theyre going to lay out a new park at a certain place. There are many stories about neighborhood leaders from the Tammany organization making sure that poor families were given coal or food during hard winters. political machine, distinguished between "honest" and I sell at my own price later on and drop some more money in the bank. The earliest published studies of lesbian activity were written in the early 19th century.. 1800s 1802. [14], Plunkitt is also remembered for the line he used to defend his actions: "I seen my opportunities and I took 'em. Ill tell you of one case. Up in the watershed I made some money, too. For dishonest graft, one works solely for one's own interests. Or, supposin its a new bridge theyre goin to build. Everyday Life in America, Next [7][8], He made most of his money through the purchase of land that he knew would be needed for public projects. Related People. At the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th "Old-Time Tammany Leader Saw His Opportunities and Took Them", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=George_W._Plunkitt&oldid=1138818465, American political bosses from New York (state), Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 11 February 2023, at 20:17. In the 1820s, the leaders of Tammany threw their support behind Andrew Jacksons quest for the presidency. Rutgers University Press, 2017. G. W. Plunkitt held any one (or more offices) in Tammany Hall for over forty years. And even Plunkitt exaggerated the details, the stories he told of political influence and how it worked was very close to the truth. The Wall Street banker thinks it shameful to raise a department clerk's salary from $1500 to $1800 a year, but every man who draws a salary himself says: That's all right. McNamara, Robert. StudyCorgi. Plunkitt did not deny the accusations but prosed to find a bright sight in the situation as he met his constituents needs and did not require of them any personal virtue or civic education. The answer isI seen my opportunity and I took it. It is essential to observe the paradigm shift in the concepts of the past and present. Schluter, William E. Soft corruption: How unethical conduct undermines good government and what to do about it. The immigrants provided politicians with votes, and in return, they gained lodging and jobs. Current issues are available on the Chicago Journals website: Read the latest issue. George Washington Plunkitt of Tammany Hall, New York's Democratic After that, he essentially retreated from day-to-day politics. Do the big city machines give rise to the need for Roosevelts New Nationalism? The Problem of Japan: A Japanese Liberal's View. George Washington Plunkitt was also frank about how to get ahead in politics. I havent confined myself to land; anything that pays is in my line. Put them in the glee club. Known as Silent Charlie Murphy, he was a political boss of Tammany Hall and was responsible for raising it to a level of respectability. for protecting gambling and prostitution. Perhaps mindful of Tweeds fate, Croker eventually retired and returned to his native Ireland, where he bought an estate and raised racehorses. Many machines professionalized urban police forces and instituted Tweed personally profited from a financial interest in a Massachusetts The name-parted-in-the-middle aristocrats act in just the same way. The politician knew that the crowd could be won over only if he pictured himself as one of them and tried to support this image at all costs. The new immigration. This is a list of important events relating to the LGBT community from 1801 to 1900. Plunkitt ranks among the most successful machine politicians in history. Tammany has raised a good many salaries. The Bombing of Tokyo What Was Its Role in World War 2. The Irish, above all people in the world, hates a traitor. Nor did he care if their talent was real or imagined. [4][5] He was a cynically honest practitioner of what today is generally known as "machine politics," patronage-based and frank in its exercise of power for personal gain. That young man is today one of the wildest Anarchists in town. I have myself. Oppression is something that one group of people commits against another group specifically because of a threatening characteristic shared by the latter group. Letter to the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Lansings Memorandum of the Cabinet Meeting. Mass transit helped to change living patterns. Any man with $50 can now have a Democracy of his own. the first housing regulations. Most of its men died rich; a few spent their last years in jail. "The whole atmosphere is corrupt," The club was organized with titles and rituals based, quite loosely, on Indigenous lore. In Plunkitt's view, knowing something was going to happen and capitalizing on it was not corrupt in any way. In the 1850s, Tammany was becoming a powerhouse of Irish politics in New York City. [17][18] He was buried at the Calvary Cemetery in Queens. Thus, the book may also be considered a manual for party management with various recommendations. Oh, thats a joke! I soon branched out. Id love to have you with me in my quest to share accurate and scholarly views on history. Plunkitt probably believes that reformers cannot be called real politicians as they lack endurance in the long run. In his teens, he worked as a butcher's apprentice. that detailed the corruption at the courthouse and other city First elected to the New York State Assembly in 1868, he also served as an alderman in New York City. Lastly, Plunkitts politics may be called personal, and anti-intellectualist and anti-modernist, because he addressed the masses with the set of populist phrases aimed at projecting him in a positive light. Domestic Politics. A young man thinks hes a baseball player? It is his belief that arguments and campaign literature have never gained votes. Nor did he refer them to some social service organization for help. First, let me say that I am in a position to give what the courts call expert testimony on the subject. Read 89 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. In 1867, a lavish new headquarters was opened on 14th Street in New York City, which became the literal Tammany Hall. It was simply smart. The First Slaves in Virginia 1619 as a Tragic Year in America. Down to earth, amusing, an View More Reviews Try now for FREE! Two young men in the flat next to mine were school friendsI went to them, just as I went to Tommy, and they agreed to stand by me. As Schluter claims, soft corruption is the exploitation of political and governmental activities for personal gain (4). McNamara, Robert. Somehow, I always guessed about right, and shouldnt I enjoy the profit of my foresight? ; 1803. A) Massive political corruption is occurring in elections. The organization reached a peak of notoriety in the decade following the Civil War, when it harbored "The Ring," the corrupted political organization of Boss Tweed. Aint it perfectly honest to charge a good price and make a profit on my investment and foresight? It was rather amusin when the condemnation commissioners came along and found piece after piece of the land in the name of George Plunkitt of the Fifteenth Assembly District, New York City. This paper was written and submitted to our database by a student to assist your with your own studies. His time in politics coincided with the era of Boss Tweed, and later Richard Croker. George Washington Plunkitt was a New York City politician, and in his autobiography, I got a look into politics in the 19th century. Bush. Brooklyn Bridge, completed in 1883 and the longest suspension bridge in the world at the time, linked the then city of Brooklyn with Manhattan. That is the whole point of the book he dictated about Tammany Hall in 1905. In 1870, there were only two American cities with a population of more than 500,000; by 1900, there were six, and three of these New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia boasted over one million inhabitants. In the late nineteenth century, George Washington Plunkitt was. Wouldnt you? George Washington Plunkitt draws a distinction between honest and dishonest graft. Say, mark that sarcastic. In the late-nineteenth century, the new national constituencies that emerged around the candidacies of Cleveland and Bryan threatened the Jacksonian ideal. William M. Tweed American Politician. He was a leader of the Tammany Hall political organization, a vehement critic of the Civil Service, and notably responsible for a series of colloquial and practical short talks recorded in "Plunkitt of Tammany Hall," which comprise his observations and successful mastery of machine politics. 488-512. It takes away nearly all the profits of the saloonkeepers, and then turns in a large part of the money to the State treasury to relieve the hayseeds from taxes. Retrieved from https://studycorgi.com/plunkitts-approach-to-politics/, StudyCorgi. Growing up in a rapidly transforming city, Plunkittwent to public school. McNamara, Robert. I dont think you can easily find a better example than I am of success in politics. Seventh Annual Message to Congress (1907). after ground was broken. 15) An urban political boss who defended the political machine as philanthropy was C) George Washington Plunkitt. Plunkitt served as state senator and a representative to the New York Assembly, but was best known and most influential acting as a ward boss (that is, a local political party organizer) in New York's Fifteenth Assembly District. 43, no.4, 2011, pp. The politician believed that Civil service would gobble up everything, politicians would be on the bum, the republic would fall and soon there would be the cry of Vevey le roil (Plunkitt, 70). Honest graft might involve Tammany Hall, a New York City political organization operating in the early twentieth century, was a powerful machine that included most prominent Democrats. [2], He served in the New York State Assembly (New York Co., 17th D.) between 1869 to 1873.[3]. In the 1890s, Croker exerted enormous influence over the government of New York City, though he held no government post himself. 488-512. Those Furthermore, if you read other chapters of his book, youll find that George Washington Plunkitt was unabashed in his love of this system. Chicago became the home of the skyscraper because of the disastrous fire of 1871 that destroyed most of the central business district. Plunkitts complexity lies in the fact that he supported the masses but did it primarily for personal gain. For instance, the leader of Tammany was known as the Grand Sachem, and the clubs headquarters was known as the wigwam.. ThoughtCo, Aug. 26, 2020, thoughtco.com/george-washington-plunkitt-biography-1773509. The money in the city treasury is all right. The influence of Tammany did not wane until the 1930s, and the organization itself did not cease to exist until the 1960s. The Tweed courthouse was not completed until 1880, two decades Plunkitt was a fixture at the conventions and was deeply disappointed when ill health a few months before his death prevented him from attending the 1924 convention. And so it went on like a snowball rollin down a hill I worked the flat-house that I lived in from the basement to the top floor, and I got about a dozen young men to follow me. Removing #book# Reading Plunkitt of Tammany Hall in the Context of Late Nineteenth Century Party Nationalization. Polity, vol. Groups like the Young Men's Christian Association, whose North American branch was founded in 1851, grew rapidly after the Civil War, and an American branch of the Salvation Army was established in 1880. Alcohol, Fitness, & Cheating in 1880s Baseball, Gambling, Umpires, & Racism in 1880s Baseball, George Washington Plunkitt His Methods Explained. McNamara, Robert. Filed Under: Essays. conflict lines of antipathy and bitterness were drawn between the new immigrant category and the current American citizens . A street fight broke out near a polling place and a man named McKenna was shot and killed. The Modern City and the Municipal Franchise for Wo Equal Rights Amendment to the Federal Constitutio Better Baby Contest, Indiana State Fair, State of the Union Address Part IV (1911). He justified what he did as being "honest graft.". In conclusion, the late nineteenth century was a period of significant political changes. In my last post I mentioned the great political cartoonist Thomas Nast. The men who rule have practiced keepin their tongues still, not exercisin them. Neighborhood toughs would be employed to make sure the vote went Tammany's way. There are myriad stories about Tammany workers stuffing ballot boxes and engaging in flagrant election fraud. Put them on a team sponsored by Tammany Hall. In the period before the Civil War, the New York saloons were generally the center of local politics, and election contests could literally turn into street brawls. Honest graft is, say, learning the city plans to build a park, then buying land the city will need for the park. political machines functioning. America would not have become the industrial giant it was at the end of the 19th century if it had not been for the huge influx of immigrant workers willing to take low wages for hard work, despite this the middle class still viewed these . And even if Plunkittlater exaggerated his own importance, there's no doubthe had witnessed some remarkable times. George Washington Plunkitt was born into poverty and received only three years of formal education, but this did not stop him from rising in the ranks of Tammany Hall, the New York Democratic political machine. Collegeeducated middleclass women, who in effect created the field of social work, generally ran the settlement houses. Was I done? Brought up in Tammany Hall, he has learned how to reach the hearts of the great mass of voters. After Plunkitt died at the age of 82 on November 19,1924, the New York Times published three substantial articles about him within four days. groups blocked from other means of rising in society. oblivion. There have been skeptics who claimed that Plunkitt greatly exaggerated his own exploits and that his political career was not nearly as flamboyant as he later claimed. Plunkitt was a member of Tammany as well. "You look up at its ceilings I know more than one young man in past years who worked for the ticket and was just overflowin' with patriotism, but when he was knocked out by the civil service humbug he got to hate his country and became an Anarchist. June 29, 2022. https://studycorgi.com/plunkitts-approach-to-politics/. "[7][8][15], On October 7, 1905, he underwent an operation for retro-peritoneal abscess, and almost died. He set them up and saw to their needs, knowing it would pay next time votes were cast. By then, the courthouse had become a The newspaper published a string of articles. buying up land scheduled for purchase by government. When a fire took place in his district, he was on the scene instantly with food and clothes for the people whod lost their home. They agreed, of course. . Tammany Hall began modestly as a patriotic and social club established in New York in the years following the American Revolution when such organizations were commonplace in American cities. Address Accepting Democratic Presidential Nominati State of the Union Address Part II (1901), State of the Union Address Part II (1904), State of the Union Address Part II (1905), State of the Union Address Part II (1906), State of the Union Address Part II (1907), State of the Union Address Part II (1908), State of the Union Address Part II (1911), An Address to Congress on the Mexican Crisis. One of the most renowned politicians and influential leaders was George Washington Plunkitt, who gave his speeches from the bootblack stand. I bought up several bits of land there some years ago and made a pretty good guess that they would be bought up for water purposes later by the city. $133,187 ($1.82 million) for two days' work; his business acumen The leader of Tammany in the late 19th century was Richard Croker, who, as a low-level Tammany worker on election day in 1874, became involved in a notorious criminal case. They offered jobs, food, fuel, and When a committee He was corrupt as hell. He describes his own start in politicsgetting one friend who would vote along with him. George Washington Plunkitt was a Tammany Hall politician who wielded clout in New York City for decades. Plunkitt was one of the smarter and luckier ones. In the late nineteenth century, George Washington Plunkitt was A. a major political boss who operated in the city of Chicago B. a humorous character created by a newspaper columnist to satirize ward politics C. The Tammany ward boss who courted all ethnic groups to win their support D. I wish it was me. And he feels very much like votin the Tammany[1] ticket on election day, just out of sympathy. My rivals stood silent. [16], He died on November 19, 1924, in Manhattan, New York City. A street fight broke out near a polling place and a man named McKenna was shot and killed. The first skyscraper was the tenstory Home Insurance Building in Chicago, completed in 1884. Lincoln Steffens American Journalist. At that point, he didnt have to ask established politicians for their support. Look at the thirty-six district leaders of Tammany Hall today. If you are the original creator of this paper and no longer wish to have it published on StudyCorgi, request the removal. And the plasterer, a Tammany functionary, Andrew J. Garvey, got He once held four jobs in New Yorks city government at onceand drew salaries from three of them. and any corresponding bookmarks? "Profile of George Washington Plunkitt, Tammany Hall Politican." The New York Times headline announcing Plunkitt's death noted that he had been "born on Nanny's Goat's Hill." clothing to the new immigrants and the destitute poor. He was charged with embezzlement, and when a marshal came to arrest him he was allowed to escape. Please subscribe and help me share accurate views on history. In fact, perhaps as many as three out of every ten new arrivals (most of them single young men) returned to their homeland after they earned enough money to buy land or set up their own business. George Washington Plunkitt. He identified with the city's immigrant poor and working class; the resented New York Irish were Plunkitt's community. Publication date 2008-11-04 Usage Public Domain Topics . I am on hand to buy, and I know just what they are worth. After the scandals of the Tweed years, Tammany continued to dominate New York City politics and spawned such characters as Richard Croker, who may have killed a political opponent in his youth, and George Washington Plunkitt, who defended what he termed "honest graft.". Jimmy O'Brien brought the manufacture of Democracies down to an exact science, and reduced the cost of production so as to bring it within the reach of all. Robert J. McNamara is a history expert and former magazine journalist. From Vice President to President: George H.W. The Judiciary and Progress Address at Toledo, Ohio, Letter Accepting the Republican Nomination, Progressive Democracy, chapters 1213 (excerpts). Plunkitt of Tammany Hall is a series of very plain talks on very practical politics, delive Conversation-based seminars for collegial PD, one-day and multi-day seminars, graduate credit seminars (MA degree), online and in-person. Just let me explain by examples. The use of electricity in the 1880s led to innovations such as trolleys in many cities, the first underground trains (Boston, 1897), and New York's famed subway system (1904). The reformers prevailed with the Civil Service Act, but Plunkitts and ideas did not go down in history. He died a free and very wealthy man. Known as Honest John, he was a boss of Tammany Hall and a US Representative from New York from 1855 to 1858. One of the most renowned politicians and influential leaders of Tammany Hall organization was George Washington Plunkitt, who gave his speeches from the bootblack stand. He fled to Mexico but returned to the US when charges were dropped. A furniture contractor machines also served as a ladder of social mobility for ethnic A political machine, as opposed to the political party, was a party organization headed by a single boss or small group that held enough votes to maintain political and administrative control of a city, county, or state. Plunkitt of Tammany Hill may be read as an apology for machine politics, meaning that a group of elected officials use their positions to solidify power through dubious means. . Give me a real bid.. Improved urban transportation helped shape the modern city. Every good man looks after his friends, and any man who doesn't isn't likely to be popular. How nice it is for the people to feel that they can get up in the mornin' without bein' afraid of seein' in the papers that the Commissioner of Water Supply has sandbagged the Dock Commissioner, and that the Mayor and heads of the departments have been taken to the police court as witnesses! Then the auctioneer yelled: How much am I bid for these 250,000 fine pavin stones?, Two dollars and fifty cents! screamed the auctioneer. George Washington Plunkitt (1842-1924) was an influential leader in Tammany Hall, New York's Democratic political machine. If I have a good thing to hand out in private life, I give it to a friendWhy shouldnt I do the same in public life? Out of respect for the tender consciences of these pious people, the Raines law ought to exempt them from all contamination from the plunder that comes from the saloon traffic. With Tammany associated with the Jacksonians and the Democratic Party, the organization was viewed as friendly to the working people. Its just lookin ahead in Wall Street or in the coffee or cotton market. McNamara, Robert. The Curse of Civil Service Reform. Reformers Only Mornin Glories. Reciprocity in Patronage. Bosses Preserve the Nation.. The Tweed Ring was so brazen that it invited its own downfall. McNamara, Robert. [1], He was born on November 17, 1842 in Manhattan, New York City. Well, thats honest graft. The main difference is that dishonest graft involves robbin the city treasury or levyin blackmail on disorderly houses, or workin in with the gamblers and lawbreakers (3). George Washington Plunkitt was aTammany Hall politician who wielded clout in New York City for decades. the vulgarity or the corruptness of the place.". In his speech, Plunkitt proposed such examples of honest graft as bribing auction participants to receive a profitable deal and buying a small piece of land to prevent the park construction until a more significant sum of money is paid (72). The French Republic annexes Piedmont, thus extending the French Penal Code of 1791 to the annexed territory. In many cities across the country, power rested not in the hands of elected officials but with the boss who handpicked the candidates for office and controlled the vote through the political machine, or organization, that he ran. He was eventually defeated in a primary election in 1905 which was marked by violent eruptions at the polls. 19th-century Politician Quotes. Request Permissions, Published By: The University of Chicago Press. Of course, it is. Did you ever consider that? Plunkitt served as state senator and a representative to the New York Assembly, but was best known and most influential acting as a ward boss (that is, a local political party organizer) in New Yorks Fifteenth Assembly District. He knew theyd respond to his generosity by voting the right way in the next election. Political In 1883 he was elected to the New York State Senate. For instance, the city is repavin a street and has several hundred thousand old granite blocks to sell. As professionals, they were interested in gathering information on a wide range of urban problems. Dishonest graft, according to Plunkitt, would be buying land and then using influence to have a project built on it. According to Klinghard, Plunkitt and, again, Tammany leaders more broadly feared a breakdown of the Democratic partys capacity to represent and empower the common men in an otherwise alienating national political system (508). Codes that went into effect after the fire required that all New construction use noncombustible.... Who defended the political machine my investment and foresight politicsgetting one friend who would vote along with him crime... Republic annexes Piedmont, thus extending the French Penal Code in the late nineteenth century, george washington plunkitt was 1791 to the New York from 1855 to.! Accurate and scholarly views on history to sell ) an urban political boss who defended the political machine philanthropy. Chicago, completed in 1884 I havent confined myself to land ; anything that pays is my... Ohio, letter Accepting the Republican Nomination, Progressive Democracy, chapters 1213 ( excerpts ) Plunkitt 1842-1924. 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Or imagined referenced accordingly disclaimer: Services provided by StudyCorgi are to be popular the field social... Them to some social Service organization for help to exist until the 1960s quite! And wielded immense influence over the government of New York times headline announcing Plunkitt 's View large which. The Senate Committee on Lansings Memorandum of the Senate Committee on Lansings Memorandum of the smarter and luckier ones StudyCorgi! Many stories about Tammany workers stuffing ballot boxes and engaging in flagrant election fraud was opened on 14th in! 50 can now have a project built on it was not corrupt in any way born November... Senate Committee on Lansings Memorandum of the Cabinet Meeting late 19th century, New. Were written in the late nineteenth century, the City treasury is all right in War. Wall Street or in the late-nineteenth century, the late 19th century.. 1800s.. 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