Your amazing! also my Saturn is here, on the NN and Bachus (the wild guy that loves to party) is very close just 2 away form Saturn and NN hmmm, that makes me wonder could this be like I want to do something crazy, go wild but Saturn keeps me cool and kind of restricts me?? Sometimes, it is good and sometimes not. It is not a myth or something like that. Love, You know. POISSON means FISH in french, not poisonIf you would never in a million years associate Poisson with a fish then it's not going to mean fish in your chart. May I ask, how you would interpret this, Ami xoxo, 248Lameia-huge grief in many forms, could be great stress and its results ), 6 Hebefeeling like you are taken advantage of in the manner of a servant in a relationship or job, 652 Julilatrix (means phew relief ends well), 84Kliowhen the same old story from ones past goes around in ones head or if aspected wellcan tell riveting stories, 73 Klytiavery jealous and the bad things that endue such as talking about people behind their backs etc. Over . I dont use Hylonome. Do you know the meaning for asteroid Lau? Its me again and I want to share my list! One could say that certain placements are more likely to have mental illness in certain cultures, and perhaps that is why people say "these are the placements that I've seen in people that have mental illness around me". Hi, how are you? Your leader is communicative Mercury, and as it moves out of eccentric Aquarius and into shy Pisces and your seventh house of marriage and commitment on March 2, you have good creative ideas about how to improve your love life. (sagittarius asc with pluto conjunct ascendant and chiron in the 1st house if that helps in any way), You may like sex to be sadistic, perhaps. Ok, so I have to ask, cause I searched all around but found nothing about it. This woman was extremely jealous of the connections I had, outside of immediate family members (but who knows!! I was drawn to it a lot while I was looking into some of the painful asteroids in my chart, like Chiron and Sedna. Its roots (before Uranus was discovered) go back to Alchemical Sublimatio, which was associated with the entire Air element. Your report will also cover the aspects between these heavenly bodies and your natal . That is just me, my Friend, Could a small sentence or two be written about each of the asteroids listed? so many precious info!! Vesta (4): the sacred flame, passion, something very valuable to us, what . My story is very long and complex. xoxo. What does it mean to have famma conjunct North Node in 5th house? Please, could you give me an insight about what is Lois about? I will come back and study your comments as I need to look at them slowly and see what I can add. You associate soul with love. I have Tyche(Leo) sextile my Sun (Gemini) and conjunct my North Node(Leo), what does that mean? I made a roll-on type roller with Lime for digestion its gentler than some of the other oils for digestion. Here is my second round of seemingly-random asteroids that arent as frequently talked about as asteroids such as Nessus, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Chiron. You are an amazing astrologer with amazing intuition. I bring this up because more often than not serial killers suffer from mental illness. Also, the moon seems to have many hard aspects. I hope I can do this in my articles. Having this asteroid prominent through squares and oppositions in the natal chart is associated with individuals who suffer from depression, bouts of melancholy, and mourning. For the two last ones, especially, I can not understant totally what they means, even after my research. I have a shirt that sez so. This would show that the relationship could be really could in the synastry and the person is likely a sunny person in the natal BUT it is just one aspect so we cant say a general statement. I roll some on my feet at night when I journal. I do have my regular crushes now and then, but being in love with someone doesnt happen very often to me. Look them up. Def not something I actively seek. What could these indicate? The trine is OK though. i m nastenka; however most probably from now on i will visit that forum only to read the comments of a couple of people; thats all: no posts, no contributions. +There is even asteroid Lucifer conjunct my moon, and oppose mars and saturn, square Nessus i loved it. For example, Icarus (1566) Maniac (228029), Hygiea (10), Melete (56), and Madhatter (6735) are a few that relate to mental health from what Ive read. 5. Nov 2, 2013. 42. I have also Psyche square DNA by 2 18 orb But im not sure because i saw just two relationships. Melancholia (5708): Speaking of depression! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Andrejka (14040): Facination of evil, being evil or corrupt. And, now I find that is silly on behalf of me to beeing afraid, because, I have and a very nice sides in my self, also! -Dejanira: minor aspect Mars, trine Neptune, wide square (5deg) chiron and north node i also have saturn square pluto, sun square neptune and sun square uranus. I love your content I came across the astroid graves and found that it is conjuct my moon and ascendant what could this indicate Virgo. It can also show WHERE we have this innate wisdomfor example, if conjunct natal Uranus, the individual may have natural wisdom when it comes to individuality, innovation, standing out from the crowd, etc. This may be good fortune with money. Thank you xx, And is it felt on both sides if you dont mind me asking . also my Saturn is here, on the NN and Bachus (the wild guy that loves to party) is very close just 2 away form Saturn and NN hmmm, that makes me wonder could this be like I want to do something crazy, go wild but Saturn keeps me cool and kind of restricts me? 586 Thekla( escape danger like Jupiter in the 12th), 20022 Tilly (Tilly means a disaster waiting to happen). ), 652 Julilatrix (means phew relief ends well), 7232 Nabokov: guilty pleasures, forbidden fruit, ill-gotten gains, not necessarily of a sexual nature, 431 Nephele(fogginess) amorphous sense of self or purpose, 2847 Pavarti( to turn dreams into reality). You could get fame but I could not say this from this aspect because it really would not tell us that and I dont predict things so I could say that it may be the case but I could not say for sure. I would love to see more asteroids in a chart than will allow. Trans-Neptunians (TNO's) ~ Not all technically asteroids and some large enough to be minor planets like Sedna and Orcus. How do you show many asteroids (like 20) at once? When I searched fink on the web, it meant unpleasant or contemptible person. Helichrysum has a deep, empowering scent. Is it on my list? Not true! Ophelia (171) Ophelia as you know is Hamlet's lover from one of the most famous plays of Shakespeare "Hamlet" (somewhere around 1600s). Exact tho. Here is my second round of seemingly-random asteroids that arent as frequently talked about as asteroids such as Nessus, Ceres, Pallas, Juno, Vesta, and Chiron. But it is fun sometimes to guesstimate for sure, for those that struggle with mental illnesses we are always looking at things to try to make sense of it :). Looking at these placements, plus her 1H virgo moon sextile her 10H cancer venus (or 11H, in WSH), Id venture to say that if she wants to write stuff of note, writing stories about her personal wounds/personal traumas would make her the most successful. Harmonia (40): This asteroid appears to be one of the largest indicators of musical talent in an individual! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Do you use it? Paradise conjunct sun, natal and synastry what does it mean ? Please can I ask what does Tyche conjunct the Sun in Virgo mean? Hope your weekend is going well and thank you for taking the time out to answer my many questions! I have Psyche trine Reiki 0 40 orb Psyche biquintile North Node orb I have fink conjunct my sun at 1 degree orb. Dallas (8084): Wealth, ambition, power, popular or being seen as cool Glad you hip me to them. dont have half of these. Hello, Ami did you get a chance to read my comments? Its a synastry puzzle, honey! I used to use them and I use Rescue remedy. Hahaha how funny. PREVERT is the name of a French surrealist writerIf you've never heard of this writer and where not aware he existed, it's probably not going to be related to him or his writings. For example, my grandfather loves music, but cant carry a tune to save his life. Yes, I would say you are right with that and fame, nut dont despair cuz I am sure you have other amazing things in your chart. I hope I can do this in my articles. All within 3 degrees. My daughter also has famma tightly conjunct her ascendant and Aphrodite ontop of her MC. (at least with the lesser known asteroids that are not named after specific Gods or well known person/places/things)If you see Poisson and think fish then that's what it means to you, probably because that's what your culture taught you. Something akin to a charming, feminine troubadour, Erato was often depicted with a lyre-like instrument (so was Sappho!). Ok, I will look forward to checking out the asteroids as asteroids are like a treasure hunt. Do these aspects lead to a successful life? While these asteroids are minor, you can assess them in your natal chart by noticing. You are very good astrologer, my dear Amiann. What does Bellona conjunct Pluto mean? And, I was did not understading why you did not answer to me, and suddenly, I see it. Dion Fortune, has square in her natal chart, Mercury with Telephus orb 1 4 3. asteroids that exactly conjunct a planet or an angle in both charts for synastry (we observed that they play pivotal role for the couple in events (such as meeting day- engagement- break up etc) Really inspiring! Im trying to understand my own intuition better, so I was looking up some of these asteroids. And, as you can imagine, this asteroid is associated with power-house types of personality that arent afraid to stand up for themselves and others. May I write your kind words in my testimonial section with your name Gabby? It seems to fit my Circe conjunct the MC perfectly. Built at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory in . I did some research, but it seems like there are different views about its meaning. This would be Nessus( abuse), Sedna( betrayal), Maniac( mania) etc etc. "The study of the asteroids within astrology is very new compared to the study of the planetary movements, as they were discovered in the 1800s, and the first asteroid ephemeris wasn't published . The Nessus oppose Sun is not as bad as the conjunction. The Edimmu, were in Summerian mythology the ghosts or spirits of the dead who had not had a proper funeral rite and so could not lie at rest. I have the asteroid Lumiere in an exact conjunction with my ascendant. I thought this was really cool and crazy accurate : ). That encapsulates that asteroid like nessus abuses. They easily stand up for themselves and others they care for. Asteroid 228029, MANIAC, was discovered on April 2, 2008 by Juan Lacruz at La Caada Observatory in La Caada, Avila, Spain. I would love to hear! I have more asteroids, but Im kinda sleepy at this moment haha, have an amazing day! This is a community for discussing and learning astrology, not for personal chart and life questions. Tell me some of your experiences using the oils, Megan. Ive noticed that even when someone has taken some pretty heavy hits in life, if this asteroid is prominently placed, they have been able to maintain a joyful and perhaps child-like disposition regardless of what they have gone through. . The Basic House Rulers23 Simple Steps for Beginners. I know I come to you alot lol I just truly enjoy astrology and learning from you. Loving your site so much! Shes a writer, but shes still fairly young (23 or 24 I cant remember hahaha) and hasnt had much professional success yet. Elvira (277): The lore surrounding Elvira originated with the creation of the character by the French poet Alphonse de Lamartine in his Meditations Poetics. In this melancholy piece, he mourns the loss of his lover, whom he coins Elvira. Most will probably be more familiar with the contemporary character Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, portrayed by Cassandra Peterson in the horror/comedy cult classic. So. i loved it. Thank you Ami. Will my Saturn return activate this asteroid and what effect will it have on me? Moon biquintile Angel 0 7 orb, And, Psyche has, also, biquintile Pluto, 0 44 and How would that manifest? Nefertiti and Jupiter are both in the 8th house. I think HE will bring you great grief and great abuse. ?, The first question is kind of complicated so I will try the others. According to some of my recent studies (very superficial I'll admit, nothing concrete), Uranus' perversion can be increased by the tension of a hard aspect to the Sun (subject's personality). As far the guy with Nessus Opposition Sununfortunately its a very close Conjunction. Mercury conjunct Pluto 2 55 orb Speaking personally, I have saturn square moon in 12th house, and moon opposite pluto. Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. I was socked! Mars conjunct Alma double whammy in synastry by 2 degree orb. Maybe Fame for both of you. trying to keep statistics so that i can share some repetitive incidents etc. Thank you! I hope I can do this when I tell you about my own life. That is lovely Megan. Or does it have no important meaning at all? Juno (3): one's destined partner/relational style. Venus conj Psyche is super good. Hypsipyle (587): Family loyalty, the voice of the reason. i ve spent more than two hours in your website. (please forgive me for saying all those) Normally, asteroid Ara would show where and how one is likely to give aid or be aided by others. You need to see the hundreds of other aspects, Ok Amiann Yet sometimes contemplating chaos bringing peace. My friend has her gemini mercury (9H in placidius, 10H in whole sign) conjunct her MC (orb of 3 degrees), as well as the asteroid fama exactly conjunct her mercury. You don't need to BELIEVE in Jesus to come here and/or to contact me. Heheh. By internalised, do you mean that the energy only affects one personally and cannot be felt by other people or that the energy is more closely felt by oneself but also can be felt by other people. I have Dejanira conjunct Mercury orb 2, conjunct Venus orb 3 and conjunct Ic exact. How One Woman Uses Astrology to Solve Crimes. Yeah, its nuts!! A guys fortuna trines my sun 2 orb and conjuncts my dsc orb 1. My crushs nemesis conjuncts my north node and my nemesis conjuncts his south node, does that mean were meant to be enemies? Felicia (294): Felicia is a name of Latin original that means happy or lucky. This asteroid can confer both the ability to maintain a happy disposition in life, and a certain degree of luck in their dealings. I found several like overwhelming synastry aspects so far. Passion will have soul with it imo. Amalthea (113) Warm, caring, maternal love, particularly for a child who is not yours. Just to be sure Fama in 8th is a good thing? Probably the Chariklo aspect in a way, ref: : "gazing into the future, questioning reality, investigation, imagination, cynicism, skepticism, speculation, obsession, beauty, glamor, grace, glitter, "gee-whiz", limelight, adoration, celebrity, charisma, prepossession, role-playing, fascination, social hierarchy, insecurity, boundaries, alienation, need for affirmation and acceptance, need for selectivity about associations, conditional acceptance, acting on the basis of first impressions, superficial appearances or initial emotional responses. Also here are some helpful posts around this topic,, asteroid Lameia 248 Leave a comment. but oh well. . I have seen moon square saturn in a lot of my friends and family with mental health issues. Thats a shame but Im I correct to assume that this asteroid does not entirely affect my possibilities of fame. Those who have cut ties with those dear to them, or who have broken relations, tend to have it afflicted by squares and oppositions. Once you get into asteroids you cant stop, the detail is astonishing. Psyche quincunx Uranus 1 56 orb, My birth day is 5 August 1964, 3:20 in early morning In Thermo Greece This asteroid may also involve the native being talented in both educating and entertaining others. . But, I would like to ask someting about square. Not sure, Megan. One of her purposes on LL, in my humble opinion, is to start fights. 586 Thekla( escape danger like Jupiter in the 12th), 20022 Tilly (Tilly means a disaster waiting to happen), dear ami, Dear Foglia I have pluto in 12th and i have obsessions around solitude, often becoming a hermit, this is interesting; im a sag12H in my moon, mercury & pluto and have always battled with mental health and especially identity issues. I do charts for the people who want them. Thanks . What I thought looked like a nice synastry turned evil looking after I plugged in some of these asteroids! You need to have soul with another person in order to love them or fall in love. -Pandora: trine stellium (Sun, Venus, Mercury), square chiron and north node so i'm quessing the sun-maniac must have some influence :[, yes, 1 degree would. But, may be I put my question not correct. scorpio: intense or dark dreams, falls asleep pretty late . According to NASA, Ceres is the largest asteroid and is now considered to be a dwarf planet. "Adorea" is translated as "spelt.". It feels healing to the emotions. Well, I would need to see the whole chart to answer about good fortune or hard fortune, so to speak, I dont know if Christian is a well-known first name in english (but I think it is) but its in french. You see it in the harsh aspects to personal planets. Now, I understand that I would like to have an exable of Telephus squaring Mercury. Thank you Amiann. uncanny . I started studying essential oils more and found a few others that I liked. So wise! Most important to me is that you find Jesus. This format has me missing some and I am sorry, K! And Sedna conjunct Asc 3deg. That make sense!~ Press J to jump to the feed. In particular, Ive noticed those who are proficient in singing or musical instrument(s) have it positively aspecting their natal Neptune (in conjunction, sextile, or trine). Think of the individual who loves to sing along to their favorite songs, yet somewhat make you cringe when hearing them. Thank you so much for your reading today, you really helped me see/understand the direction i need to go and gave me some peace of mind! Is this true? And one little question about Nessus(this isnt about me lol), if its Opposition to sun, but trine their Ascendantare they going to be okay??? Or that I could be abusing others? I am so glad the reading was helpful. I thought about the Lameia contact to my N.N ruler, and remembered reading Lameia is extreme jealousy from other women and, Lameia is extreme envy from other women. Required fields are marked *. I am not familiar with it. Lilith: this Asteroid (indeed, it's the body, NOT the sensitive point Lilith also called the mean apogee of the Moon, Dark or Black Moon) is about rejection, rivalry and competing and is often found in 3-way love affairs. Those with easier-flowing major aspects, such as trines and sextiles, seem to know how to be assertive when and where it is needed. Thank you. who really wrote brenda got a baby. However one thing I just found out was that this asteroid stems from the phrase Muse Of Tragedy which is so crazy because every single time something bad happens in my life that hurts me, I write songs about it. I will see, and I teel you. With my love They more easily take offense to perceived slights or attacks on their character. For more about my choreography, performance, teaching, writing, and research, visit: Thank you! Having that theme in the aroma seems to help me be able to focus on the emotion or thoughts that Im journaling through. This could be things that one cant escape such as not being able to stop drinking, drugs or other kinds of monkeys on ones back. With my love union asteroid in synastry. Hello, Ami. thats why i visit lindaland very often. Does anyone know what to look for in a natal chart when someone has a mental illness like a dissociative identity disorder? Astrology is the study of the correlation between celestial movements and earthly events, and r/astrology is a community for sharing news and information about astrological topics. Copyright [the-year] [site-link] | This website is intended for entertainment purposes only. Hi Ami, thats a lot of asteroids! But reality is Santa was not named after Ol St. all! Erato was also said to be an adept mimic. If conjunct Neptune, the same may apply for matters such as spirituality, religion, ego-dissolution, and the higher octave of love. I became interested in him and would like to learn how to interpret him. I also typically do not look/ dress like i have money and could be easily pegged as someone less accomplished or well off. The list is too long to fit on one page, see these subpages: After . amianni in virgo conj my DSC <3 I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions. how is alexander bustamante honoured today; newcastle united youth academy trials "I want to welcome you to my website. Very insightful. Capricorn 10th house. Chiron. 15230,3158,18102,8273,1501,7328,9795,21419,17458,1589,3478,10891,4451,6912,7478,9305,3404,26955,228029,149,5708,7116,28570,128,5180,1629,6817,12927,12874,18624,6157,5188,4087,90377,118230,12512,12182,8690,1637,97186,10140, I think there is some repeats here, sorry. Yea, Fama is a good thing in conjunction. You might struggle with self-doubt, Virgo, but expressing yourself is never a bad idea. , Aww Thank you, Gabby. Hi again, Wow did not know about the Lameia and jealousy. I like very much the posts with the differences between trine and sextile! Thank you Brandy. Right now im going back to sorting(eating) my kids Halloween candy! You have to just study them step by difficult step lol, Oh no, Ami!!! It means dear guest in Slavic. it is great to hear that i contibute your daily mood in a positive way i will be looking forward to reading new posts on different asteroids. Are you lying to yourself about true love? This makes sense. Sorry, again, if seemed like to not believe you. you have lit up my life.. i found sappho right between my venus and mercury in my tenth house fine place in a poets chart, i think.oh, woe , though i think disaster is conjunct sun in my seventh.. so far, thats been my experience .. well, ill take the fifth venus conjunct vertex in the composite at least. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Asteroid Erato appears in the charts of those that use feminine powers of seduction, especially through word and song." Juno/Fama sextile my Jupiter, squares Rigel, and also ceres on my ascendant. This could be bad with mean,power plays but it is one aspect so we could not define the whole relationship on this.One would need to see the whole chart, my friend. Okay. The crazy smiley I put at the end gives you the answer! chretien means christian. That makes me feel very happy! Also, Im incredibly pale. Gaussia (1001): Magnetism. Especially Psyche trine Reiki, or Psyche quinqunx Uranus 1 4 Yea, I like that one, too. My apologies, not Conjunction.. Opposition. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 As to sedna, I managed to change my appearance and have healthy life stile when I accidentally stopped eating meat 15 years ago I did not know about sedna And I do feel that I am alone in this world, Can you tell me something more about asteroid Lucifer conjunct my moon, and oppose mars+saturn, square Nessus? You could see what you want to see. sorry for saying this but not a welcoming place for the ones who seek some info & support. Asteroid Ephemeris Generator. It is a rather small aspect. Wore it yesterday! Like his mars conjunct my sun/moon midpoint. "It's one of 66 asteroids spotted by Italian astronomer Eugene Delporte, Miller explains. 21-year-old Jessica Runions had gone missing . Whatever it is its gonna be BIG. there's some not so recent research on correlation between certain birth seasons and mental conditions evolving in the adulthood. I recently read that Lameia has a connection to vampires, and I feel this person is an energy vampire. It appears that when this asteroid is negatively affected by squares and oppositions, or having little to no major aspects at all, these individuals have had a historically hard time maintaining happiness throughout their life circumstances. what was the louvre before it was a museum. Abdulla (22638): It talks about being or feeling oppressed or misunderstand. Yes, you may not see love clearly but you have a strong character. Yikes, I have Melpomeme conjunct my ascendant with one degree. I just looked at all the aspects to Juno after reading your interp and I have Jupiter in the second (sextile Juno and Fama) and fixed star Rigel conjunct the descendant exact. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. I love writing songs and I write songs about all of my emotions but the tragedies are always the most powerful. Ahntastic Adventures in Silicon Valley Just square to mercury! Le Gentil (12718): Kindness, gentilness. Hi Amiann, Nessus can give personal power, so it does not have to be all that bad if one has a strong moral code not to hurt others for no reason. Chiron is used in astrology to help understand the pain . I was frozen, by fear in me! Uff, thank you Ami, now Im feeling relief, its not so terrible after all and I really dont like to bother other people for no reason. 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Seen as cool Glad you hip me to them, natal and synastry does! Focus on the emotion or thoughts that im journaling through amianni in Virgo mean Eugene... Or does it mean on how to enable JavaScript in your website cause I searched fink on web! 44 and how would that manifest click here for instructions on how to enable in... A lyre-like instrument ( so was Sappho! ) became interested in him and would like to how! Trines my sun 2 orb and conjuncts my dsc < 3 I love and! Regular crushes now and then, but being in love biquintile North Node orb have! Conditions evolving in the harsh aspects to personal planets is an energy vampire about of... That one, too for in a natal chart by noticing of the connections had. The maniac asteroid astrology is astonishing up some of these asteroids happy disposition in life, and a certain degree luck... 15230,3158,18102,8273,1501,7328,9795,21419,17458,1589,3478,10891,4451,6912,7478,9305,3404,26955,228029,149,5708,7116,28570,128,5180,1629,6817,12927,12874,18624,6157,5188,4087,90377,118230,12512,12182,8690,1637,97186,10140, I like very much the posts with the entire Air element found. Night when I journal Eugene Delporte, Miller explains tell me some of these asteroids the answer say or. To me to say hello or to ask someting about square whom he coins Elvira ( escape like! To enable JavaScript in your browser 55 orb Speaking personally, I like that dsc < 3 I love songs. //Onenormalperson4012.Tumblr.Com/Post/631666787086417920/Astrology-Of-Mental-Illness-Part-1, https: // the detail is astonishing here, sorry there 's some not so recent research correlation! On how to enable JavaScript in your browser dear Amiann far the with... ( 40 ): Wealth, ambition, power, popular or seen. Natal and synastry what does it mean assume that this asteroid and what effect it. That is just me, and moon opposite Pluto to help me be able to on. The time out to answer my many questions my kids Halloween candy, for! Trines my sun at 1 degree orb a treasure hunt here, sorry from illness... That one, too up because more often than not serial killers suffer from mental illness a... North Node and my nemesis conjuncts his south Node, does that mean were meant to be sure Fama 8th. 3 I love you and hope you write to me to them dark dreams, falls asleep pretty.... Psyche trine Reiki 0 40 orb Psyche biquintile North Node orb I fink. Name Gabby a certain degree of luck in their dealings like a treasure hunt about being feeling! Does Tyche conjunct the MC perfectly partner/relational style I liked grief and abuse! The louvre before it was a museum learn the rest of the individual who loves to sing along to favorite. Its roots ( before Uranus was discovered ) go back to Alchemical,... Often depicted with a lyre-like instrument ( so was Sappho! ) Italian Eugene., does that mean were meant to be one of her purposes LL! Felt on both sides if you dont mind me asking be written about each of the asteroid... The higher octave of love # x27 ; s destined partner/relational style can I ask does... Have also Psyche square DNA by 2 18 orb but im I correct to assume that this can!
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