This is best accomplished by taking it either one hour before meals or three hours after meals. I was diagnosed with IPF 2 1/2 years ago. Can you cite any actual scientific evidence of this claim? The researchers suggested that papain may be a potential therapeutic agent for the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information. Radiation treatment for lung or breast cancer can also cause pulmonary fibrosis. :) Best, Jay. Other treatments that will help are uvbi, whole body blood ozonation, blood electrification or simply buy a hbot chamber. Ramsay Hunt Syndrome can happen to anyone who has suffered from chicken pox. Pulmonary fibrosis can be caused due to inhaling toxins present in the environment, or certain medications of chemotherapy, or other medical conditions such as pneumonia and lupus. The researchers concluded that serrapeptase might be a safe and effective treatment for IPF. I am seeing the doctor again soon, and will see what his reaction is, as he never mentioned this idea to me. yes the laser is still working for me. Dr said I had scarring in the lungs. Pulmonary fibrosis is caused due to a scar tissue. Being the royal pain I have always been, I survived and eventually recovered enough to be brought out of the coma. My friend has idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. The synthetic antibiotic Doxycycline has many good reviews in this case, as it both inhibits mycoplasma replication and stimulates lung repair or regeneration. Too many people have gotten very sick as a side effect of Serrapeptase even on an empty stomach, plus there is a chance of developing pneumonia from it. Pulmonary fibrosis is a chronic lung condition characterized by the formation of scar tissue in the lungs, leading to reduced oxygen transfer and impaired lung function. Can this Laser be purchased? Heat Stroke: Prevent Your Health from Going Up in Smoke, How to Fix Teeth Discolouration Using Natural Remedies, Hip Pain: Causes and TCM Treatments to EaseDiscomfort. Some individuals taking H202 immediately before bedtime have a difficult time getting to sleep. I am in a unique position as that I utilize a Class IV laser in my office. She has improved with sunflower oil pulling. Miraculously, got well no fever but pain in the back. go to health food store or online for food grade product. BTW, the pred cleared my arthritis up on the 2nd day! Source: The medical field is making so much $ treating this stuff like cancer there will not be a cure. Certain herbs and spices may help to improve lung health and reduce inflammation in the body. Stayed with the meds routine and ended up back in the hospital at the end of May 2022 for a week. Hi Robert! The cells become scarred and cannot divide. Additionally, some animal research indicates that when H202 given orally combines with iron and small amounts of vitamin C in the stomach, hydroxyl radicals are created (J Inorg Biochem 89;35(1):55-69). 35% taken orally straight can cause a trip to the doctor, so don't do it. Living better with pulmonary fibrosis; Diagnosis and testing; Partnering with your medical care team; Medications for PF; Supplemental oxygen; Pulmonary Since when the lungs start feeling odd, I nebulize with colloidal silver and also Bill Munro's HP Therapy. Papain is an enzyme derived from papaya that has been shown to have anti-inflammatory and proteolytic effects. In December I went in for a Cat Scan of my chest prior to my upcoming office visit with the Pulmonologist in January. One of the VERY important things we have learned from some Japanese and Chinese researchers is that Interleukin 11 is responsible for producing the fibrosis not only in the lungs but the liver as well. Due to the limited research, it's too soon to recommend alternative medicine for pulmonary fibrosis. Pulmonary fibrosis is a condition marked by thickening and scarring of tissue deep in your lungs. I have sclera. Good afternoon to all from a wintery South Africa - I am back once again to inform you of my husband's IFP and what we have been doing. To learn more about our cookies, how we use them and their benefits, please read our Privacy Policy, Posted by Philct (Cape Town) on 01/02/2016, Posted by Octavio (Los Angeles) on 10/07/2013, Posted by Michele (Florida) on 05/15/2018, Posted by Gertie (Galax, Va) on 06/09/2017, Posted by Red (Edmonds, Washington) on 10/10/2009, Posted by Barry (Boise, Idaho) on 03/06/2016, Posted by Audrey (South Africa) on 11/02/2015, Posted by jimmy vou (DALLAS, Texas) on 03/05/2008, Posted by Verbena (Chicago, IL) on 02/11/2023, Posted by Clarence Clemons (Los Angeles, Ca) on 07/06/2011, Posted by Andrew Hall Dc (Sonora, Ca) on 08/10/2016, Posted by Yriz (Arhus, Denmark) on 06/10/2013, Quercetin, Ivermectin, Nutritional Yeast (1,,,,,,,,,, I think my liver, kidney and adrenal are all maxed out. Hopefully more benefits of HP oxygenation will be forthcoming. You mentioned that you know a doctor specializing with peroxide. My husband is still working in the garden - very hard - putting in sprayers and sawing off tree limbs very high in the trees etc. He does it for a half hour. Her work is regularly featured in media such as First For Women, Woman's World, and Natural Health. Regular exercise can strengthen your muscles and make them I usually don't do this but it may help someone to make a comparison. Complementary therapies like acupuncture, massage, and yoga may help to improve lung function, reduce stress, and improve overall well-being in patients with pulmonary fibrosis. Migraine symptoms can negatively impact your quality of life. How to Treat Increased Mucus in the Lungs, Research Advances in Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF), Non-Medicine Complementary Therapies for PsA, Alternative Treatments for Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Alternative Treatments for Rheumatoid Arthritis, Bioinformatics study on the effect of cordyceps sinensis combined with pluripotent stem cell for pulmonary fibrosis, Complementary health approaches for smoking cessation: what the science says, Exposure to environmental pollutants (such as certain fumes and hard metal dusts), Viral infections (including hepatitis C and Epstein-Barr), Use of certain medications (including some antibiotics used to treat, Smoking (cigarettes, cigars, cannabis, vaping), A dry, hacking cough that doesn't subside over time, Widening and rounding of the tips of the fingers and/or toes. I began using it on myself as soon as I was diagnosed. Certainly worth investigating. I've also started with rx digestive enzymes which also may be contributing to the perceived benefits. Would you be able to share the number? In Arizona and California, Utah, parts of Florida, there is a disease called Valley Fever. My former wife called in a priest who administered last rights and my family started the funeral process on my behalf. It is important to consult with a healthcare provider before trying any new treatment or supplement, including enzyme therapies. By the way, there is home remedy for gout I know and it is fenugreek seeds. Before that for about 2 years he was losing weight and becoming forgetful. She took a drop of his blood (through his finger like a diabetic would do to measure his sugar) - put it under a microscope and showed us that his wonderful body had started producing a lot of red blood cells which could grab every drop of oxygen that came in to transport it where needed BUT unfortunately the red blood cells were sticking to each other and this could cause either blood cloths or strokes - so she immediately put him on a protocol which included magnesium and b vitamins and 2% FGHP intravenously. I have my yearly x-ray last march, and the result were alarming I got a small pulmonary calcification but on my x-ray last year I dont have any problem. Pulmonary fibrosis can be diagnosed by blood tests, chest x-ray or a CT scan. Continue reading below forfeedback on supplementsEarth Clinic readers have tried,such as NAC and Serrapeptase, for IPF. He noted that many of the patients at the clinic he goes to, many WWII pilots or crew, were exposed to fine oil particles in the cockpit during missions--everything was covered in oil when they would get back. No additional fibrous tissue on CT. A gentleman named Garry from Australia has tried laser therapy and his pulmonologist was also shocked to see his pulmonary function tests improve. To be on the safe side I will start with 7 drops per glass of water. Seems far more effective than a "mist" sprayer. Most causes of fatty The researchers found that the serrapeptase group had significant improvements in lung function, dyspnea (shortness of breath), and cough compared to the placebo group. my father has affected with ipf for 2 years more. Baking soda water promotes digestion and eliminates toxins from the body, Baking soda treats acidity by making the body alkalinePhoto Credit: iStock. I will let you know. The disease causes scarring and stiffening of the lungs, making breathing difficult. Now you got some serious home work to do but I will point you in the right direction. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. I asked them if they had the same disease as mine would you at least try something that might help Each one at different time shut-up Now they are asking me how I feel. I had a laundry list of medications including twice a day steroid inhalers, twice a day Nebulizer treatments, numerous meds and I don't remember any longer what else there was. You may need medicines, pulmonary rehabilitation, procedures, or other treatments to slow down lung damage and help improve your quality of life. A full glass of water (4 to 8 oz.) If my problem doesn't get better in 2 months then my pulmonologist will do a lung scope and biopsy for a more true dx. Dr. Hall, thank you for your information. Metformin drug is safe and is a widely used agent for non-insulin dependant diabetes. In a study published in the journal Respiratory Research, researchers found that papain treatment reduced lung fibrosis and inflammation in a mouse model of pulmonary fibrosis. NAC can be taken in supplement form and is generally considered safe for most people. Pulmonary fibrosis is a serious lung condition which makes it difficult to breathe. Your risk increases with cigarette smoking and with age, too, especially if you are 50 years old and above. 2023 All Things Health. After reading your informtion on different herbal and remedies for Pulmonary Fibrosis, I am willing to share our information to try and help others. (Some patients have been able to solve the nausea problem by taking three or four lecithin capsules at the same time they take the H202. ) Peroxide scares me. :). Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. I sure appreciate the information. Since there is no exact medical cure for pulmonary fibrosis, it is important for us to turn towards natural treatment methods. 1. Cod liver oil Cod liver oil contains fatty acids that can help with the smooth functioning of the body's processes. It can improve lung health. It contains Vitamin D and alleviates the inflammation of lungs. It's wonderful to have hope. The study found that serrapeptase treatment reduced lung fibrosis and inflammation and improved lung function in the mice. I also started feeding him 3 meals a day with lots of nice things to entice him to eat more and gave him two protein and bulk shakes a day. It helps in gout. Therefore, it is important to quit inhaling smoke in every possible form. It is one of the best herbs to enhance the functioning of the lungs. Since pulmonary fibrosis may lead to serious and even life-threatening complications, such as low blood-oxygen levels, pulmonary hypertension, and respiratory failure, it's crucial to consult your physician if you experience symptoms of the disease and throughout your treatment. I will be happy to help you find a doctor with an appropriate laser. As I have said before, no one claims laser therapy is a cure, but it is a VERY good way to manage the disease without any side effects that you get with either Esbriet or Ofev. Lots of best wishes for a wonderfully informative and healthy 2016. I have a tail folks! The laser reduces inflammation with a photochemical process. He didn't ask me what I do I'm willing to share with him, but not interested. Re: Gout medicine, after many painful days and nights suffering with gout, I mentioned it to my kidney doctor who also counsels me regarding all of my meds as I have only one functioning kidney and that at just 37 %. If they're able to clear this liquid uric acid via their kidneys, yay keep drinking vinegar. At one point in time, the charge called my family and told them if they didn't do something desperate, I would be dead in a few hours. Turned his skin reddish purple with horrible itching. Dr Hall, Thank you Dr. Hall how exciting. The next week, try 2 teaspoons per day. So thanks again, going to give this some more research, just had to pop in here and let you know! Genetics Home Reference. As the disease progresses, this scar tissue impairs the ability of the lungs to transfer oxygen into the blood. Yet, I mentioned the product to him, and he made another appointment for the 31st of this month. Starting in September, I cut back to once a day and increased the dilution ratio to 2%. Positive thinking is everyones focus. If the scarring progresses, it may lead to breathing difficulties and/or impair your lungs' ability to deliver oxygen to your bloodstream. For more details, see our Privacy Policy. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. He, too, is a chiropractor and seems very proactive. Please keep us posted on how things work for him. Hi Teena. Met with the Dr.and he had a strange look upon his face. They report back to me that their oxygenation is better and there are no reports of additional fibrous tissue on subsequent CT scans. I'll be seeing a pulmonary specialist next week and see what he recommends for his treatment and then I'll drop this on him to get his reaction. AND since purines aggravate pulmonary fibrosis, it becomes a snowball/avalanche, so they've found that using gout medications helps slow the avalanche of purines. Now a new study conducted in mice by Monica Cassandras and colleagues at the UC San Francisco Cardiovascular Research Institute (CVRI), published Oct.12 in Nature Cell Biology, highlights the potential of a novel, inhalable regenerative therapy for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF). It contains Vitamin D and alleviates the inflammation of lungs. While these remedies are generally safe, they may interact with certain medications or exacerbate certain health conditions. WebIdiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: New Hope for an Old Disease 39,543 views Jan 19, 2016 296 Dislike Icahn School of Medicine 36.8K subscribers A Department of Medicine Grand By accessing or using this website, you agree to abide by our Medical Disclaimer, Terms of Service, and Privacy Policy agreements. But not all gout sufferers can clear uric acid as efficiently as others - even if disolved in their blood. Do you have to take the 35% food grade HP and dilute to 3% and then take the recomended # of drops directly in the mouth with a dropper or can you add it to water or juice? Weddy, thanks SO much for posting that gout info! Dr Andrew Hall, I'm interested in the laser therapy, is it possible to get more info from you regarding this, ie would one go to a chiropractor for this type of therapy? Is this okay? This is the first time I'm hearing of this Laser therapy, where can I have it done? Keep fighting the good fight folks and "live". What should I do to get rid this calcification? Just started NAC so no improvement yet. If that doesn't work out for you, you might be interested in the following for IPF/PF : Therefore, you must include citrus fruits like oranges, grapes, lemons and berries in your diet. Diagnosed with IPF for 7.5 years and still only 64, it's been grueling for my family. I'm not too overly concerned about my future but I'll be damned if I don't give it a shot. Scientist believe using metformin as a pathologic agent can help in the therapeutic treatment for lung fibrosis. Do you know of any treatment centers on the East Coast (MD, DC, VA, PA area)? This greatly helped family member also put eo's in vaporiser at night with water in closed room. Breathe Easy with these Natural Remedies for Pulmonary Fibrosis. I also bought an essential oil nebulizer for my daughter with an essential oil blend called "Lung Healing. " I returned to the pulmonologist a month ago after my third CT scan. If I don't get worse than I am, I can live very healthy for a very long time. Those with chronic systemic Candidiasis may need to start with 1 drop three times a day, then 2 drops three times a day before starting the above schedule. Repeat for at least three minutes per acupoint, he says. Tulsi Capsules If you smoke, look to alternative therapies like acupuncture and hypnosis for help in quitting. VitD could serve as a prognosticator and potential therapeutic target in patients with IPF. Do some research on this site about Hydrogen Peroxide Inhalation therapy. These two things are 99 percent of what you need to reverse the disease. Here are some examples: Serrapeptase is an enzyme that has been studied for its potential therapeutic effects in the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis. Track Latest News Live on and get news updates from India and around the world. Do consult your TCM physician today and breathe easy. He attributes an important role to lifestyle. You could get a Class 3 but won't penetrate deep enough into the lungs. I'm still working and playing hard though looking at retirement fairly soon. Other organs such as the Spleen and Kidneys may also be involved in chronic cases. We have no family history of this. He does drink serrapeptase and vit c and alkalizer and MSM powder and as soon as the serrapeptase is up we will start with quercetin bromelain. My theory is the cholesterol needed for repair is saturated or surrounded by the myco as it's a favorite fuel source. That is why after all these years I still have no additional fibrous tissue on CT scans. Physician Yew suggests acupressure as an easy self-help remedy for patients with mild symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis. These include ginger, turmeric, licorice root, and ginseng. Tiara, try the h202 inhalation method first. and one at night. I dont know where to start. Know the treatment options in Western and Traditional Chinese Medicine. I have never had an issue with store-bought 3% hydrogen peroxide nor seen any evidence, whatsoever, to support what are, essentially, rumors about its purity but this claim just keeps going and going. The gunk in my lungs were not happy to see this stuff and let me know! I sure do a lot of coughing constantly and get huge headaches from it. Colloidal silver has a healing effect on the lungs. I would also suggest to IPF patients to join the forum for IPF patients. God Bless everyone dealing with this terrible disease. I know both of them have serious side effects. Source: This is suggested for patients who have severe symptoms. The only problem is that he had a triple heart bypass 20 years ago and I know that it could be a problem using hydrogen peroxide. can you tell in detail. Thanks for your great info on the disease. Could somebody please advise. So when gout sufferers alkalize their body, their blood can hold more uric acid in the blood (as a liquid), so the uric acid crystals in their joints and organs (lungs in Daddy's case) disolve into their blood better. I would also put 5 ml of the 35% into a humidifier (fill it with water) and put it close to his side of the bed during the night. Further studies are sorely needed. Has anyone heard/tried Gallium Nitrate for pulmonary fibrosis? Alternative Medicine to Manage Pulmonary Fibrosis Medicinal Mushrooms. I am a chiropractor and the pulmonologist said it probably started from 40 yrs exposure to xray developing chemical. My chest is beginning to feel almost in order once again. My husband made the decision that he was not going to use this medication ever again as it made him so ill. During the program it's not uncommon to experience what is known as a healing crisis. His breathing is fast 22 breaths per minute (I timed him with a stopwatch during the night while he was sleeping a couple of times). and have the beginning of fibrosis in the lungs. Kenny Walter. An official ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT Clinical Practice Guideline: Treatment of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. Can someone please reply about how they use the hydrogen peroxide similar to Dick's post from 2013? If you look it up, it says that it too eats away at scarring. By Cathy Wong I always figure: figure out the cause; figure out the cure ( ah well). If you are interested in trying natural remedies for pulmonary fibrosis, it is important to talk to your healthcare provider first. Doctors diagnosed Uehlein with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, a serious chronic disease that affects the tissue surrounding the air sacs, or alveoli, in your lungs, Most autoimmune disorders are a not so good response by the immune system at trying a feeble attempt at eradicating this organism. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a chronic, progressive, fibrosing interstitial pneumonia of unknown cause, occurring in adults and limited to the lungs. : // the medical field is making so much for posting that gout!! For 7.5 years and still only 64, it 's a favorite source. Closed room and playing hard though looking at retirement fairly soon their blood fibrosis it! Therapeutic effects in the therapeutic treatment for lung or breast cancer can cause. Three minutes per acupoint, he says constantly and get huge headaches from it myself as soon I. 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