Heaving Deck - Call from the LSO to a pilot on approach to the carrier that the vertical movement of the deck due to the action of wind and wave is sufficient to be a factor in the approach. Blue Water - Literally, 'deep water,' or 'deep draft,' but more traditionally, 'away from land.' U.S. Navy ships anchor in outer Pattaya Bay and liberty parties are ferried to and from shore by local commercial boats, which normally make the run in 15 to 18 minutes. Boondockers High-top (over the ankles) black shoes, worn as part of the working uniform. (2) The horizontal row of green reference lights found on a FRESNEL LENS array, which indicate the optimum glideslope. Buffer - (UK) The senior rate responsible for seamanship evolutions, typically a Chief Boatswain's Mate. Derisively, 'I Follow Roads'. For many years, vacuum "flash" evaps were used; reverse osmosis systems are becoming more common now. 90-Day Wonder Derisive term for a graduate of OCS. Control stations are located on the bridge, quarterdeck, and central station. All qualified candidates will receive consideration without regard to race, color, See also MCPOC. the bridge is abaft the bow. A specially-qualified pilot who observes landing approaches aboard a carrier. A crew member on a submarine who does not work in the engineering spaces. Foul Deck - A flight deck which is unsafe for landings. Fantail The aft-most weather deck on a ship, right above the stern. Abaft Aft of a given point on a ship; e.g. ADMIRAL. "Liberty Call" is a non-fiction book, written by Mark S. Haynes, formerly of the United States Navy. Ski. A very dangerous situation, as the torpedos warhead could easily "cook off" from the heat buildup. Boom (1) (aviation) Sonic boom. More recently, brown footwear is optional, but seldom seen due to tradition. Con Level Altitude at which contrails occur due to condensation or freezing of the moisture in engine exhaust. (2) A structure on a ship which is designed to deflect or redirect water flow. Also seen as 'Drop the load. Nowadays more a term of respect for the age of its denizens. (2) Surface: Term of address for a Warrant Officer gunnery or weapons specialist. Yet another shipmate, Richard Higgins (SK1 81-85) has departed on Eternal Deployment. NAVY CHIEF DECKPLATE DECAPPER. They are typically system-specific, i.e. See NUKE. Ki, kai, kye - (RN) Hot chocolate made from slab chocolate shavings mixed with water into a cloyingly sweet drink. This page includes all of the information you will need to visit your recruit for . Jim, We must have hit a few of same clubs. Field traps are particularly rough on the hook point, as it is common practice to touch down well prior to the gear and roll into it. Condition 1 - General Quarters (battle stations). 'Max Conserve' more properly applies to an aircraft flying a long-range profile. He always presides, with his court, at the LINE-CROSSING CEREMONY. FUBAR - Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition. Make and Mend Originally, a half-day off from normal ships work to make and/or mend clothing. "Hey, who ganked my sandwich?". depressed to call another station and the station being called is busy. Liberty Call teddies in the navy collection. First Lieutenant - (1) (USN) Deck Division officer aboard ship, or officer responsible for general seamanship and deck evolutions. (2) CHange of OPerational command, spoken as "inchop" (entering a command region or zone) or "outchop" (leaving a command region), e.g. a woman Marine. Bilge Diving Working in the bilges of a ship, or cleaning same. Anti-Smash Light - The rotating or flashing anti-collision beacon on an aircraft. CBR Chemical, Biological, and Radiological (nuclear) warfare. After the Marines were reunited with their families, they were dismissed for six hours of on-base liberty. See SCUTTLEBUTT. May be modified for certain conditions, such as Condition 1-AS, in which all antisubmarine watch stations and weapons are manned, but AAW stations may not be. Material Condition Xray - A material condition where fittings or closures (hatches, watertight doors, valves, flappers, etc.) Joe As in "cup of Joe," refers to coffee. tunnel vision. Call For Fire A request for gunfire support. someone who doesnt hold up his end, or doesnt do his (or her) share of the work. Grape Sig - An easy signature on your qual card, generally given in return for a favor. Air Wing The officers and men assigned to the aircraft aboard a ship, whether a carrier (usually referred to as a "carrier airwing") or a smaller vessel (generally referred to as an "air det" (detachment)); the airwing has a separate administrative and operational chain of command. Daily U.S. military news updates including military gear and equipment, breaking news, international news and more. Grace J. Kindred) Benny Sugg (USN) Beneficial Suggestion program, a program where personnel were rewarded for making suggestions to improve some aspect of military life, usually living conditions. Fanny (UK) A mess tin. [citation needed], The Boatswain's Call Photos and Diagrams, A guide to the Robert S. Benner photographs of boatswains' whistles, 19761995, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Boatswain%27s_call&oldid=1094575612. This FAQ is maintained by Jeff "The Chief was dripping about the state of the world.". British navy seizes Iran missiles, parts likely Yemen bound . See GOAT LOCKER. Strong. WWII. ', LoPac - LOw Pressure Air Compressor. Often used to detect SKIMMERs by their helpless laughter upon hearing the phrase. . Origin of term unclear. Its color has no bearing on its flavor. Other types of modified conditions include 1-SQ (battle stations for missile launch). While I have attempted to present things with a bit of humor, if you are easily offended this FAQ may not be for you. Holystone An abrasive stone, used with water (and, originally, sand), to scrub a ships wooden decks. Fairwater Planes Diving planes located on a submarines fairwater. After the initial award, subsequent patrols are represented as stars on the banner. If one of these seams worked open in rough weather, a great deal of water could be shipped before it was repaired. Word Passed: Fall in at your pay station. IMC - Instrument Meteorological Conditions. (2) (RN) Ordinary seaman. Often confused with UNDER WAY (q.v. Modified conditions are used to minimize crew fatigue, which can be a significant factor over a prolonged period at battle stations. Usually ordered when the COB or the XO thinks morale is low. Haul: The most basic of calls. Senior MCPO assigned to the unit. I'm a doc, did two years in Oki before I shipped out to Ar Ramadi with 5/10 back in 07. Liberty Call Distilling's two locations include its manufacturing distillery in Spring Valley and its Barrio Logan restaurant-distillery at 1985 National Avenue, open Monday through Saturday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and until 5 p.m. on Sundays. "Brownshoe - Member of the aviation community. Short for meatball, the term for the red ball of light seen in the old mirror landing system which predated the fresnel lens system. Class Delta Fire A fire involving special materials and firefighting methods. (3) The sound-generating towed body of a NIXIE (q.v.) Creamed Foreskins on Toast Creamed chipped beef on toast. If after a period of time the items are not claimed, they are sold with the funds going to the Rec Fund. Typically consists of SIDE NUMBER, aircraft type (to ensure proper ARRESTING GEAR settings), and amount of fuel onboard in thousands of pounds, e.g. 'Fox Four' is sometimes used derisively to refer to a midair collision. Bug Out - 'Getting the hell out of Dodge.' (3) A signboard used to track and display landing scores of the pilots of a squadron, the 'greenie board.' The most popular version of the terms origin is that Charlie Noble was an Admiral who insisted that the (brass or copper) galley smokestack be polished for inspections. Gunny - Marine Corps Gunnery Sergeant (E-7). See AUTO-DOG. As a verb, the act of returning to base or a tanker because of low fuel state. (The) Devil to Pay Originally, the saying was "The devil to pay and no pitch hot." Leatherneck US Marine. May turn out to be friendly, neutral, or hostile. Frequently modified by members of the surface fleet with the adjective "fucking". Dixie Cup - The USN sailor's white hat. The terms meaning today is to reveal a secret. If the ball is lined up with the datum lights, the aircraft is correctly positioned on the glideslope. Blue-Shirt (1) (aviation) Aviation Boatswain's Mate. Grab-Assing Horsing around, skylarking, etc. Arlington, VA . (2) Penis. The Office of Naval Research (ONR) is constantly looking for innovative scientific and technological solutions that can address current and future Navy and Marine Corps requirements. Legally, at this point the ship is under way, whether or not it is "making way" (moving through the water under its own power). He founded what was then . Bracket and Halving A method of correcting the aim of shipboard gunnery. This is normally weekends and holidays, not to exceed 72 hours. Dumbo During World War Two, an aircraft (often a B-17) modified for long range air-sea rescue. Across the board in every branch there are ranks earned through time in grade. The crown of the anchor is still resting on the bottom. BENO Box Patrol station in the Eastern Mediterranean in the 80s. Conformal Array A sonar array whose transducers are attached at various locations about the hull, rather than being concentrated on one location. Designed to prevent, or at least limit, water entry. Used to provide lineup cues for night landings. Draeger Tubes - An older method of sampling atmosphere, in which a hand-held pump is used to draw samples into the test system. ones spouse. Handsomely Executed carefully or deliberately. Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. (2) The lighting-up of an area with flares, often abbreviated 'illum' (pronounced to rhyme with room). --Terms in ALL-CAPS have a separate listing. Lighting off boilers and getting steam up has always been an involved and lengthy operation, requiring anywhere from an hour to even longer before the ship could get underway; in time of war, being caught cold iron could be tactically disastrous. Aka 'angle deck', 'the angle.'. Liberty cams. Graduating Sailors will be granted daytime liberty after graduation to spend time off-base with their families and friends. Line-Crossing Ceremony - The ceremony which turns POLLYWOGs into SHELLBACKs. Derives from the historical use of a leather collar or stock to protect the neck from saber cuts. Refers to Russian 'trawlers' (or, more recently, purpose-built ships) stationed off NATO ports and following major fleet units. Even if your platoon doesnt break the rules, if you got a bunch of rowdy, recently promoted war fighters, youre in a rough ride. Loadtoad (1) (aviation) See REDSHIRT. Joe Shit the Ragman - The generic US Navy dirtbag or screwup. Boarding Rate - The percentage of carrier approaches that result in successful arrestments. Aka 'Light Water' for the foam's ability to float on oil or gasoline. (2) (RCN) A sailor often in trouble. Hot Rack (or Rack) Sharing of beds due to a lack of living space aboard ship. Carrier Landings A game involving a long flat table and, generally, a lot of beer. CAVU - Aviation term, short for 'Ceiling And Visibility Unlimited'. In-Flight Refueling Replenishing an aircrafts fuel supply in flight. Vessel LIBERTY PASSION is a Vehicles Carrier, Registered in USA. Chinstrap - (RM) So tired, usually from running, that one's head drops. Drifty A sailor who is not SQUARED AWAY. (2) Weapons Electrical Branch. Common usage now is 'ready to go,' or recovered. (2) Any jet aircraft, for their tendency to suck objects and debris up off the ground, but especially a jet aircraft with a chin or beard intake, such as the A-7 Corsair II or F-8 Crusader. Fresnel lens installations are also found on almost all Naval Air Station runways. I&I Intercourse and Intoxication. Chipping paint would not qualify as EMI, while inventorying the ship's pubs (publications) would. Chicken of the Sea - Ballistic missile submarine, or a crewmember of same; the nature of their mission is to avoid detection by whatever means necessary. One of a number of standard combinations of flight profile and headings used to depart an airfield. An open, or unsafe, closure was indicated by a red light. Put the social media down for one day and Google some fun stuff. The time for it to be given is determined by the disbursing officer. See CONN. (2) (Aviation) Generating a contrail. Makee-Learnee Also seen as make-ye learnee. Final Diameter The diameter of a circle inscribed by a turning ship once it has stabilized in its turn. Fall in at your pay station. Goat Rope An evolution which is going not at all well; disorganized; chaotic. See FLOOR. in that painting is generally used to denote detection and tracking, while illumination is generally for targeting and/or guidance of weapons. It was usually anything useless to a sailor or ship, scavenged and saved for trade to locals for the purpose of earning a little extra liberty money. God's G - The acceleration due to gravity. Some specific applications: (1) A process for cleaning water-sides of a boiler. Bear in mind that discharges under the initial entry l. Bingo - (1) Fuel level or status requiring either an immediate return to base or vector to a tanker, 'bingo fuel'. Advance and Transfer Two separate terms involving a ships turn. The 'Fleet Joss' was the Fleet Chief Petty Officer Master at Arms. Get the liberty cuffs, to brag to fellow soldiers about how much better the Navy is. :$. Heave to In a sailing ship, to come into the wind and essentially stop, with minimum sail area exposed. Call the Ball - A radio transmission to a pilot requesting that he report when he has sighted the BALL during approach to the carrier, or the action of reporting same. Also scran-bag (RN). Acey-Deucey Club A club for E-5 and E-6 enlisteds (Second- and First-Class Petty Officers). Hunter-killer (1) A SAG whose primary mission is ASW; a term coined in WWII. They wear red flight deck jerseys. FANG Fucking Air National Guard, or Florida Air National Guard. A takeoff on R&R. Sort of. Drip - (RN) Complain. Hollywood shower - An excessively long shower. Boot Topping The black paint used at the waterline of many warships. Funding Opportunities. It is a combination of. aka speed jeans.. Generally found in the depths of the engineering spaces, a maneuver used to get a female guest to bend over. Article 1282 of Navy Regulations directs that all persons on deck aboard ships passing the USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, between sunrise and sunset be called to attention, and that those not in formation render the hand salute as the ship passes the memorial, which symbolizes the losses suffered in the surprise Japanese attack on Coast Guard. Division Officer for MP Division, the group that operates and maintains the ship's main engines. Masker - A noise-reduction system in which air is pumped into the water from belts in the vicinity of the engineering spaces. Based on the recommendation from the V-22 Joint Program Office, the U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command and U.S. Navy issued a time limit, via fleet bulletin, on the V-22 . Can be used as a noun ("Look at the piece of FOD I picked up.") Chop (1) Supply Officer. (2) Time check, though this usage is more common to USAF than USN. Aka 'pogey bait'. Hull Up The term for a ship which is sufficiently close that her weather decks may been seen. May be due to a crash, location of an aircraft, gear or personnel, or the condition of the deck surface. The difference between hazing and tradition is humiliation. Big Chicken Dinner Bad Conduct Discharge. AFFF - Aqueous Film Forming Foam. The difference this time around is that theyve gotten with the program and wont snitch if theyre getting hazed. VIRGINIA BEACH - Leaders of the Military Resale Joint Buying Alliance announced $140 million in savings for its customers. All in the same day. Depart, Departure (Aviation) (1) More properly, Standard Instrument Departure (SID). Military Power - Aviation term for maximum 'dry' power, i.e. HS Helicopter anti-submarine warfare squadron. The item is in excellent shape. Regular: $6499. Graduating Sailors will be granted liberty to go off-base during the day with their families. Huffer - A cart used to provide start air to an aircraft. USN usage, 'Jack o' the Dust.' Class Alpha Fire A fire which leaves ashes. Material Condition Zebra - All fittings and closures marked 'X', 'Y', and 'Z' must be closed. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY UNITED STATES NAVAL ACADEMY 121 BLAKE ROAD ANNAPOLIS MARYLAND 21402-1300 USNA INSTRUCTION 1050.lA USNAINST 1050.lA 28/Pers Off 26 Jan 2016 From: Superintendent, United States Naval Academy Subj: LEAVE AND LIBERTY FOR NAVY MILITARY PERSONNEL Ref: (a) MILPERSMAN 1050 (b) DOD Instruction 1327.06 (c) NAVADMIN 252/10 (d . Do not let your personal bias get in the way of protecting the rest of your troops. Theyre a wild card even if they are getting out. In extremely cold temperatures, the brass monkey shrank more than the iron cannon balls, and the stack of balls would collapseor perhaps ice which formed under the balls pushed them up enough to break them loose. Hook Skip Bolter A BOLTER which results when the arresting hook bounces over the wires. See "6 D's". Hardpoint Location or locations on an aircrafts wings and fuselage where weapons or other stores can be hung. (nuke) Electricians Mates often stand Motor Machinist (MM) watches to support the watchbill. Arriving" immediately followed by, "Secure from Man Overboard". During WWII, members of the Black Gang were issued black "Dixie Cups" instead of white ones, and were therefore sometimes called "Black Hats.". 'EMCON Alpha' is total emissions silence, 'EMCON Bravo' allows radiation of certain non type-specific emitters, etc. Crown of the engineering spaces lack of living space aboard ship foul deck - a flight which... 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