FRONTLINE reports from Iraq on the miscalculations and mistakes behind the brutal rise of ISIS. The U.S. District Court judge who tried the case overturned the Also relevant is the time at which the jury receives the extraneous information. See Gilsenan, 949 F.2d at 95. The company, whose headquarters are in Stamford, Conn., makes components that measure and control temperature, pressure, flow and humidity for clients like the National Aeronautics and Space Administration and the United States Navy. In discussing the "Love Bug" story in the District Court, the prosecutor accurately pointed out that "we are talking about a virus, we are not talking about a time bomb. of Wichita, Inc., 969 F.2d 919, 922 (10th Cir. The government appeals. at 571-572. WGBH educational foundation, National Infrastructure %PDF-1.2 % Courtney Walsh, a former subordinate and close friend of Lloyd who had since become estranged from him, replaced Lloyd as supervisor of the CNC Department. For more accounts of notorious hacks, see the Discovery Channel's "Hackers Hall William H. Walls (D.C. No.'s recent "The Greatest Hacks of All Time. The attacks Food applications require highly accurate sensing and data collection products to maintain a seamless process that is clean, properly monitored and compliant. Rule 606(b) seeks to accommodate these competing considerations by providing: Upon an inquiry into the validity of a verdict or indictment, a juror may not testify as to any matter or statement occurring during the course of the jury's deliberations or to the effect of anything upon that or any other juror's mind or emotions as influencing the juror to assent to or dissent from the verdict or indictment or concerning the juror's mental processes in connection therewith, except that a juror may testify on the question whether extraneous prejudicial information was improperly brought to the jury's attention or whether any outside influence was improperly brought to bear upon any juror. state charges that he authored and circulated a destructive and costly virus The government argued to the jury that beginning in 1994 or 1995, Lloyd became a difficult employee. United States v. Thornton, 1 F.3d 149, 156 (3d Cir. According to published reports, Lloyd was fired in 1996 because he was unable to get along with his co-workers. After determining where the Even a rank-and-file employee who knows how to use the E-mail system could damage the employer.''. It stands for the proposition that someone from thousands of miles away can, by his or her actions, trigger efforts that will have an effect on distant computer systems. How to test a thermocouple with a meter (grounded & ungrounded). On May 9, 2000, Timothy Lloyd was convicted of writing six lines of codeessentially, a code "bomb"that obliterated Omega Engineering Corporation's design and production programs. See Waldorf v. Shuta, 3 F.3d 705, 710 (3d Cir. That the extraneous information is outside the jurors' generalized knowledge does not necessarily signify that the information is prejudicial. Included in that equipment, officials said, was a backup tape that could have allowed Omega to recover the lost files. a) risk b) threat c) exploit d) control 2. Still, we declined to apply the presumption in that case. In Wilson, we rejected information as not prejudicial because it related to the question of a defect in a products liability case and the appellant prevailed on that issue at trial. of unauthorized access devices and unauthorized access to a federal computer. See Wilson v. Vermont Castings, Inc., 170 F.3d 391, 394 (3d Cir. Indian population. the insurgency in Mexico and its use of modern technology has led to what one Government witnesses testified that normally with Novell networks only one person has supervisory-level access and that that one person at Omega was Lloyd. federal court granted the FBI permission to use the first ever "data tap" to To start, it is obvious that, for there to be any possibility of prejudice, the extraneous information must relate to one of the elements of the case that was decided against the party moving for a new trial. On cross-examination, Inglin testified that he gained supervisory-level access to the Omega network from either Ferguson, DiFrancesco, or Jim Daniels, an Omega employee trained in Novell networks. ; cf. The FBI was first tipped off to the Phonemasters' actions in 1994. These tags helped We are talking about something that overloaded circuits in many of the companies, including the Pentagon. of Appellant at 22. Accordingly, having found no evidence to suggest that Lloyd was prejudiced substantially by a juror's exposure to the story of the "Love Bug" virus, we conclude that the District Court abused its discretion in granting a new trial. approximately $1.85 million in business losses. Nor may a juror's affidavit or evidence of any statement by the juror concerning a matter about which the juror would be precluded from testifying be received for these purposes. Computer Emergency Response Team (CERT) issued an ", some photos copyright 2001 photodisc Thanks for your replies, and have a great day. pled guilty to 56 charges, including mischief and illegal use of a computer Protection Center, In Fight Against ISIS, a Lose-Lose Scenario Poses Challenge for West. Established 1962. destructive "malware." The government's theory of the case was that Lloyd, an Omega employee, planted a computer "time bomb" in the central file server of Omega's computer network while employed there, and that the "time bomb" detonated after he was fired from the company. On May 9, 2000, Timothy Lloyd was convicted of writing six lines of code--essentially, a code "bomb"--that obliterated Omega Engineering Corporation's design and production programs. Thus, the defense contends that because Lloyd's ultimate firing was "without warning," Br. They On July 31, 1996, all . On November 18, 1999, Carnegie Mellon's The intention was to delete all unnecessary information from the individual computers. In January 1998, Lloyd was indicted on two counts: (1) computer sabotage in violation of 18 U.S.C. David L. Smith, 30 years old at the time, said he named the virus after an . He had worked there for 11 years, eventually assuming a The victims, who had expected to contain conviction against Tim Lloyd, 37, of Wilmington, Delaware. on unwitting hosts. But Mr. Lloyd's lawyer, Jaime Kaigh, presented a humbler picture, saying that Mr. Lloyd did not go to college but earned a technical degree, and that ''he's learned from the school of hard knocks.''. In a strange twist, one of the jurors came forward in August 2000 to say that she had second thoughts about her decision to convict. Nevertheless, " [a] criminal defendant is entitled to a determination of his or her guilt by an unbiased jury based solely upon evidence properly admitted against him or her in court." Experts from Ontrack Data Services analyzed copies they had made of the hard drive from Omega's file server. We note that Lloyd's brief on appeal fails to address these issues, and instead concentrates on the Sixth Amendment's protection of the right of confrontation and cross- examination, issues we believe are not raised by the circumstances here. The government's theory at trial was that Lloyd was an uncooperative, obstructionist, and belligerent employee who sabotaged Omega's computer network by "planting" a "time bomb" prior to his firing on July 10, 1996, set to detonate on July 31, 1996. 1993). Once the virus penetrated a at 500. United States v. Gilsenan, 949 F.2d 90, 95 (3d Cir. information about their uprising to the public. In his book Tangled Web, author Richard Power writes, "The Simpson told the trial judge that over the weekend in the midst of deliberations she saw a television report discussing a computer virus called the "Love Bug." Citibank, tricking the company's computers into distributing an estimated $10 In November, Federal prosecutors charged a former employee at Forbes Inc. with breaking into the publishing company's computers after he was dismissed in the spring, sabotaging the system and causing an estimated $100,000 in damage. Tim Lloyd, a 37-year-old network . ISIS' growing foothold in Afghanistan is captured on film. Virgin Islands v. Gereau, 523 F.2d 140, 151 (3d Cir. ''It used to be that an employer needed to be worried about a hacker only when someone had real computer skills,'' he said. Omega Engineering, Inc. is a leading international, integrated, single-source supplier of highly engineered products and customized solutions in the process measurement and control industry, with a very strong brand, high levels of repeat business with an unmatched reputation for meeting customer needs. Id. Lloyd was tried by a jury in the District Court for the District of New Jersey from April 19, 2000 to May 9, 2000. It is apparent from the record that the government put forth credible evidence incriminating Lloyd in the computer sabotage under the theory that he knew his days at Omega were numbered, and that he "planted" the "time bomb" prior to his termination at a time when he had direct access to the Omega network. Federal prosecutors believe that the programmer, Timothy A. Lloyd, intentionally destroyed computer files of his employer, Omega Engineering Inc. of Bridgeport, N.J., because he was upset over the loss of his job. Tim Lloyd wiped the computers at Omega Engineering in New Jersey after he was fired. Finally, in security experts dispute that claim, however. Three days after the jury returned its verdict, on May 12, 2000, Francis Simpson, Juror No. In Gilsenan, we did not believe "that the allegedly prejudicial information could have had an impact on the verdict" where the jurors were exposed to that information at the outset of a six-week trial. Timothy Allen Lloyd, (DOB 1967-10-16), of Wilmington, a former computer network programmer for Omega Engineering Corp. ("Omega"), a Bridgeport, Gloucester County, New Jersey corporation with offices in Stamford, Connecticut, and branches around the world, was arraigned before U.S. District Judge William H. Walls. service. conviction was short-lived. The court repeatedly asked the juror to describe the actual effect the information had on her vote. Lloyd, a former network administrator at Omega Engineering Corp., thought he had not only destroyed his former. Gore employee on July 31, 1996, the day the Omega network crashed, that "everybody's job at Omega is in jeopardy." ''My client denies both charges against him and maintains his innocence.''. After considering the timing in both Gilsenan and Waldorf, we concluded in Console that extraneous information received by the jury was not prejudicial because "the jury deliberated for an additional two days" after it had been exposed to that information. 2000). a $10,000 fine. Contact M.R. We will not essay so long a logical leap." According to Inglin, " [s]omebody must have" had supervisory rights in order to log on. He will be sentenced in April 2001, and could spend up to two years in According to Grady O'Malley of the U.S. Attorney's Office, the juror had seen a news story about the "Love Letter" worm and its attendant havoc and couldn't decide whether the story had had an effect on her decision to convict Lloyd. Question: I. Morris, the son of a National Security That was not the theory that the government advanced in this case and it therefore, seems to me, would follow that the average juror, having heard about the `love bug' and using that information, that's the key, and using that information, would place his or her vote upon an actual pedestal that was not presented to her by the government. Levin, they say, used web site copyright 1995-2014 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Friday (alternating weeks) 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. To maximize customer convenience, it is highly recommended that an appointment time be scheduled. In Waldorf, the extraneous information was a media report of a $30 million verdict in a similar but unrelated personal injury case, "the very same type of information the district court had excluded as inadmissible." by financial institutions. couldn't decide whether the story had had an effect on her decision to convict In 1988, a 23-year-old graduate student at Cornell University, Robert Morris, Retrieved 13 September 2014. Moreover, the defense put before the jury Ferguson's strong recommendation of Lloyd to W.L. The government filed a timely notice of appeal. That expert also testified that there were three "tests" of the "time bomb," and that Lloyd was present at Omega after hours on each of those occasions. In particular, we have tended to apply the presumption of prejudice when a juror is directly contacted by third- parties. The government contended that Lloyd knew he was going to get fired because he had been demoted, had been written-up, and had received a lower-than-expected performance review and raise, and that his motive was revenge. On July 31, 1996, all its design and production computer programs were permanently deleted. arrested and charged in connection with the DDoS attacks. The court concluded that "the average juror, having heard about the `love bug' and using that information, that's the key, and using that information, would place his or her vote upon an actual pedestal that was not presented to her by the government." While Morris maintained that he did not intend to cause harm Under federal computer sabotage laws, Lloyd could have received up to five years in jail. After the hearing, Lloyd moved for a new trial and the District Court granted the motion. 1974) (per curiam) (not applying presumption to media coverage of defendant's indictment on other charges and its description of him as a "reputed underworld figure"); see also Console, 13 F.3d at 666 n.29 (distinguishing cases not applying presumption of prejudice as cases "not involv [ing] third-party contact with a juror"). expected by late March 2001. This court has applied the presumption of prejudice only when the extraneous information is of a considerably serious nature. Since Omega makes components for clients such as NASA and the U.S. Navy, those systems were the company's rainmakers. The Melissa virus spread like a cancerous chain letter, exploiting a hole in The juror told the judge she was unsure whether a piece of information she heard on the TV news regarding the Love Bug had been factored into her verdict, according to O'Malley. Further, there was strong uncontradicted evidence to support the verdict. App. John Bosanac got We need to deter others in this increasingly computerized world and economy. at 601-602. enforcement to intercept wire and oral communications--was interpreted to However, in the instant case, after the District Court deviated from Federal Rule of Evidence 606(b) by questioning Simpson about the actual effect the "Love Bug" story had on her vote, App. the first hit on February 7, 2000. You may call 714-990-7691 for appointments. All of this strongly suggests that Lloyd's jury undertook its duties with considerable care and diligence, increasing the likelihood that the "Love Bug" story did not prejudice Lloyd. /* Hide the banner for the Canada site if Alert is only on US site */ html[lang="en-CA"] .alert-banner, html[lang="fr-CA"] .alert-banner { /*display: none !important;*/ } /* Apply look/feel changes to Alert messaging */ .alert-banner a { color: #fff; } .alert-banner a:hover { text-decoration: underline; } .alert-banner span { color: #fff; font-weight: bold; } /* Added Responsive styles for Alert Header */ @media screen and (max-width: 1024px) { html[lang="en-CA"] .alert-banner, html[lang="fr-CA"] .alert-banner { /*display: none !important;*/ } } /*add bottom border to l2 and l3 in mobile nav*/@media screen and (max-width: 1174px) {.main-menu .sub-level .cat-level-two a, .main-menu .sub-level-two li .cat-level-three a {border-bottom:solid 1px #ddd;white-space: pre-wrap;}.main-menu .sub-level-two li .cat-level-three a{padding: 10px 20px;}}, Check out some of our most popular instructional videos. App. ordered him to pay Citibank $240,000. However, no one ever argued at trial that Lloyd committed the act of sabotage by remote access. The Lloyd case was the first federal criminal prosecution of computer sabotage. The Citibank case marks the hacker community's first foray into big-money database.". He had worked there for 11 years, eventually assuming a position as a network administrator. installing the denial-of-service script on several computers, a coordinated Gore & Associates at a job fair about a possible job opening. Our solutions are written by Chegg experts so you can be assured of the highest quality! Industry observers had hailed the conviction as a precedent-setting victory, proving that the government is capable of tracking down and prosecuting computer crime. in southern Mexico. Gore in the following way: " [w]as a mentor to folks, people looked up to him, explained and showed them how to get through things. Charles Mangarella, another defense witness, even testified that he thought Lloyd's change in positions was a "promotion." On August 23, 1996, a secret service agent pursuant to a search warrant searched Lloyd's house and recovered two missing backup tapes for the Omega file server which had been reformatted, a master hard drive from the file server, and numerous other items belonging to Omega, all despite Omega's policy prohibiting employees from using company hardware and software at home. In contrast, the jury in Waldorf was exposed to the extraneous information "both the night before and the very same day that it reached a verdict." In contrast, the jurors in this case dealt with only one defendant, two counts, and a two-week trial. Mr. Lloyd was sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison and was ordered to pay 2 million dollars in restitution. at 794-796 (pointing the jury to the testimony at trial as well as documents and other physical items submitted into evidence). racking up $200,000 in bills. The court concluded that the "Love Bug" story caused "substantial prejudice to the rights of the accused," thereby implicating his Sixth Amendment rights. There is also the issue of computer espionage, which in some cases has included computer sabotage. Since Omega makes components for clients such as NASA and the U.S. Navy, those systems were the company's rainmakers. attacks, where one attacker can control tens or even hundreds of servers. The defense further sought to refute the government's emphasis on the amount of Omega property recovered from Lloyd's home by pointing out that Lloyd often brought work home with him while employed at Omega, and that his supervisors knew this. However, "the court may only inquire into the existence of extraneous information," and not "into the subjective effect of such information on the particular jurors." Calvin Cantrell of Dallas was sentenced to 24 months. As we noted in Gereau, "it is not necessary that jurors be totally ignorant about a case." '', Mr. Kaigh said he was confident that Mr. Lloyd, who he said is 35 and has no prior criminal record, would be exonerated. siphoned from its accounts. attack can be orchestrated from a remote location. See Gilsenan, 949 F.2d at 96 (finding noteworthy that the jury was exposed to the extraneous information "after the jury was instructed to decide the case on the basis only of the evidence and not extrinsic information, an instruction the jury is presumed to have followed"). federal sentencing guidelines allow for a maximum of $80 million in damages. R. Civ. Though the Melissa virus reportedly caused nearly $400 million in damages, There have been numerous instances in which companies have alleged that employees who, like Mr. Lloyd, had been dismissed, not only damaged computer files, but leaked information about what was on the files to competitors. 2.6M subscribers in the hacking community. While Citibank spokespeople have BACKGROUND. messages on We have jurisdiction pursuant to 18 U.S.C. While Omega continued in its attempts to recover this lost data, Ferguson searched for backup tapes that had been made. officials then contacted the FBI, who tracked Levin as he trespassed on been estimated at nearly $400 million. Walsh objected, fearing that the removal of these programs from individual computers could cause the whole computer system to crash, yet Lloyd apparently remained steadfast in his position. Government witnesses also testified that Lloyd had instituted a policy at Omega in late June 1996 to "clean up" all individual computers in Omega's CNC Department. TIL that after, Tim Lloyd, an 11-year employee of OMEGA got fired he unleashed a hacking "Time Bomb" within their systems. We may overturn the verdict and grant a new trial only if there was a substantial likelihood of prejudice. obtain the information he needed to commit the fraudulent transactions. at 922. exotic dancer he met in Florida. original message to When Levin pled guilty a juvenile detention center. The Phonemasters reportedly forwarded an FBI phone line to a sex-chat line, Hackett answered, "No," and the questioner continued on to other subjects. On July 31, 1996, a logic bomb was triggered on the server for Omega Engineering's manufacturing operations, See, e.g., Mayhue v. St. Francis Hosp. On May 9, 2000, Timothy Lloyd was convicted of writing six lines of codeessentially, a code "bomb"that obliterated Omega Engineering Corporation's design and production programs. Similarly, in Boylan, the First Circuit refused to apply the presumption of prejudice to a magazine article linking the defense attorney to the mob, in part, because the article "did not refer to the case, the trial, the defendants, or their activities." had committed the largest ever act of worker-related computer sabotage, causing Gore in response to the job application of Lloyd's friend Raymond Nabb, another Omega employee, that "everybody's job at Omega is in jeopardy." targeted system so busy that it can't handle its normal workload. In examining for prejudice, this court has never set forth a list of factors to consider, yet it is apparent from our jurisprudence that several factors do stand out as relevant to the analysis. Levin. Gore employee also testified that Lloyd had asked at one point that his references at Omega not be contacted for awhile. The conviction was derailed, however, shortly after the verdict was handed down in a U.S. District Court in Newark, New Jersey, when Walls set aside the decision. Any file format is acceptable. conviction. The jury in Gilsenan dealt with two defendants, a 41-count indictment, and a six-week trial. He contacted Lloyd and repeatedly asked Lloyd for any tapes that he had but Lloyd answered that he had none. App. As this court recently discussed in Wilson, we do not permit jurors to impeach their own verdicts. The charges were in connection with a 1996 crime that cost Omega Engineering Corp., a Stamford, Conn.-based high-tech . The morning of July 31, 1996, the first worker in the door at Omega Engineering's manufacturing plant in Bridgeport, N.J., logged on to his computer and unwittingly detonated a software time bomb that systematically eradicated all the programs that ran the company's manufacturing operations. The government cites Lloyd's job interviews with W.L. speculation that someone inside Citibank served as Levin's accomplice. Sealed App. In early July 1996, Lloyd had a run-in with Walsh and a female colleague, Arona Mullenback. He was later sentenced to Quickly, Morris discovered that the program . In the next few days,, eBay, CNN, App. On Appeal from the United States District Court for the District of New Jersey District Judge: Hon. Olson as well testified on cross-examination that he came across two accounts that had supervisory access to the Omega network. 3 F.3d at 710 n.6 (quotation omitted). " Wilson, 170 F.3d at 394 (quoting Fed. 1975). After three days of deliberation, the jury found Lloyd guilty of computer sabotage but acquit-ted him on a second charge of interstate transporta-tion of stolen goods. self-replicating, sending email to as many as 50 correspondents in the user's 33 0 obj << /Linearized 1 /O 36 /H [ 918 284 ] /L 38509 /E 9420 /N 8 /T 37731 >> endobj xref 33 18 0000000016 00000 n 0000000724 00000 n 0000000779 00000 n 0000001202 00000 n 0000001356 00000 n 0000001503 00000 n 0000002361 00000 n 0000002568 00000 n 0000002775 00000 n 0000003623 00000 n 0000003838 00000 n 0000003947 00000 n 0000004736 00000 n 0000005588 00000 n 0000005799 00000 n 0000009191 00000 n 0000000918 00000 n 0000001181 00000 n trailer << /Size 51 /Info 31 0 R /Encrypt 35 0 R /Root 34 0 R /Prev 37721 /ID[] >> startxref 0 %%EOF 34 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Pages 32 0 R >> endobj 35 0 obj << /Filter /Standard /V 1 /R 2 /O (ujQ\)5{sw lR) /U (#L_I-gx'K* ]) /P -4 >> endobj 49 0 obj << /S 164 /Filter /FlateDecode /Length 50 0 R >> stream Since leaving Omega, Mr. Kaigh said, his client has taken a similar job at a company near his home. Lloyd was convicted in May 2000 of planting a software time bomb in a centralized file server at Omega. an extensive investigation that involved Texas, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Colorado, Archived from the original (PDF) on 4 March 2016. Any old-timers remember this one from back in the day? and messages, and their computers crashed. Experts said that email infected by Melissa And the percentage is probably even higher than that because most insider attacks go undetected. Ernesto Zedillo, however, reportedly buckled and crashed under the pressure of the 18,000 protestors who launched FloodNet. And, unlike the extraneous information in Waldorf, the "Love Bug" story is both completely unrelated and factually dissimilar to the facts of the case. John McPoyle, also trained in Novell, also failed to recover any Omega files. However, in October 2001, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals in Philadelphia reinstated the guilty verdict. S 3731. Ferguson went to Lloyd's house to look for tapes, but again did not find any. California, Oregon, New York, Florida, Canada, Switzerland, and Italy, the case Constructive collaboration and learning about exploits file named "" Omega nearly $10 million in lost sales. We also find informative the District Court's instruction to the jury at the close of trial that it should only consider the evidence developed in the case. 1996, the date that the bomb was set to detonate. In part, the critical timing of the exposure to the extraneous information persuaded the Waldorf court to find prejudice. In this case, the "Love Bug" story might be viewed as suggesting that Lloyd could have gained access to the Omega network even after his termination of employment there. The W.L. of political interaction is being rewritten, thanks in part to the internet. The government introduced into evidence Lloyd's time cards from those dates, which showed that he had stayed late at Omega on those specific days or just days earlier. Contact Us. In examining for prejudice, we must conduct "an objective analysis by considering the probable effect of the allegedly prejudicial information on a hypothetical average juror." In 1990, a federal judge sentenced Morris to 400 hours of community service and customers to make transfers to his accounts. at 62. See United States v. Maree, 934 F.2d 196, 201 (9th Cir. A jury convicted Timothy Lloyd on one count of computer sabotage, a violation of federal law. 1988) (concluding that the presumption of prejudice was overcome by overwhelming evidence of the defendant's guilt). That same day Lloyd told representatives of W.L. 1992); United States v. Perkins, 748 F.2d 1519, 1533 (11th Cir. Gore paying $49,000 per year, and he accepted. Citibank's system and made more illegal transfers. On July 10, Ferguson and DiFrancesco met with Lloyd and informed him of his termination. Lloyd knew Omega's systems well. They stated it was due to his longstanding interpersonal problems and the repeated incidents of physical intimidation. 1990) (applying "the Remmer standard to cases of significant ex parte contacts with sitting jurors or those involving aggravated circumstances"). In doing App. 949 F.2d at 96. From the time the Morris worm struck the internet until the onset of the Temperature Connectors, Panels and Block Assemblies, Temperature and Humidity and Dew Point Meters, High Accuracy Sanitary Pressure Transducers, Tuning Fork Sensors detect levels of liquids, Electronic Pressure Switch Display + Alarms, Wireless IIoT Smart Environmental Sensors, Web-based Environmental Monitoring and Recording, Sanitary, Rangeable, Pressure Transmitters with Display, 21CFR Compliant USB Data Loggers for Vaccines, Single use Cold Chain PDF Temperature Logger. 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Kevin Blackwell Kahala, Articles O