Watch . Forewarned is forearmed, as they say. Thats a disgrace. May 13, 2021 | 12:00am. This reluctance cast doubt on whether the Church had released the entire prophecy or just a part of it. Yesterday the Vatican released the prayer (read it here) which Pope Francis will use at the consecration ceremony on the Feast of the Annunciation. How many Bishops thought that request from Our Lady was a too simple matter. LOL! The third secret of Fatima is the one that more than all the others is still debated. So, perhaps now is a good time to reflect on the fact that we are living through the unfolding of this particular part of the Fatima prophecies the spread of Communism. (7 years is a sacred time period in Jewish Torah). Few Catholics practice this very important devotion each month. The Pacific will be controlled by China; and, Russia will invade Europe on several fronts. Theyd soon go out of business. He has extended an invitation to all bishops to offer this prayer in their own cathedrals with their presbyterate. How about Becciu? Id be interested in your opinion about this. The day of consecration should also be a day of reparation for sin, especially for sins against Our Lady. 20th Aug 2021. There cannot be peace in the world until Russia is consecrated that is, until atheistic Russia is given back to God. New book proves it was neither an illusion nor a hoax! The 3rd secret related to End of End Times, but its exact date was unknown.3. Prediction of the end of WWI and a prediction of the beginning of WWII as well as a request to consecrate Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. 40 Days for Life Vigil: Christians Pray to End Abortion Isnt it the Doctor Harassing THEM. So says Cardinal Carlo Caffarra, who reports that the visionary sent him a letter with this prediction when he was Archbishop of Bologna, Italy. For the instruction of ny fellow Catholics, not to oppose the Blessed Virgin Mary. There are five types of offenses and blasphemies committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary: 1. 5. Many will wish to be among the dead, as millions will lose their lives in seconds and suffer too much, new life forms will come and contribute to destruction to gain more power for themselves and thus procreate their new race., The punishments ahead of us on Earth are unimaginable, but will definitely come. In prayer and full of hope I asked Mother Mary what will become of Ukraine and whether America will be washed clean of sin and gain peace. In His Providence, God has elected Russia for a specific divine mission. 1. The prophecies of the Virgin of Fatima said the end of the world would come around 2005. David Rodrguez was born and raised in El Paso. We are now living through the ominous vision of the third secret. That is how I see that though. The prophecies are fairly specific, at least as far as the warning and the miracle are concerned. Whether that is just one general intention in the morning of the First Saturday, that you intend to offer your Confession, Holy Communion, Rosary and 15 minute meditation in reparation for the offences committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary that day, or whether you have to make the intention immediately before each individual act, to the best of my knowledge, we havent been told what to do, either directly by Heaven or the ecclesiastical authorities. Thus, this might suffice to meet Our Ladys request. REMINDER - It is FIRST FRIDAY & FIRST SATURDAY this weekend! Chronology of WW3 according to Catholic Prophecies - Matej Gavlk. To attempt to answer your lead question of this thread, here is what Abp. The religious Carmelita Luca del Immaculate Heart, the last survivor of the three children who saw the Virgin Mary in the Portuguese town of Fatima, died at age 97 on February 14, 2005. He was asked about the prophecy of Sister Lucia dos Santos that speaks about the final battle between the Lord and the kingdom of Satan.. May 13, 2022, marks the 105th anniversary of Our Lady's first apparition at Fatima. All will return believing and worshipping God our creator, his beloved Son and our Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary., Everywhere there will be peace talks, but punishment will come. Pope Francis cuts free and discounted rent for cardinals, Vatican managers, Bishop Paprocki pens essay imagining heretical cardinals, quoting San Diegos McElroy, Survivor of Turkey earthquake: God protected me and the Virgin Mary did not leave me, Order of cloistered nuns leaves Nicaragua after 22 years, Pro-life OB-GYNs are banned from hosting exhibit booth at medical conference. No mention of underlying health conditions of course, which I seem to remember the Archbishop suffered from. In May 1917, three shepherd children . As for the intention question, I went to the Fatima website, but it appears a great deal of information has been removed from there for some reason, which is a shame. The meaning of these contents is open to interpretation, but sometimes folks can get a bitcarried away. Word was getting around Fatima that the mysterious holy Lady was appearing to the shepherd children. That includes people who are dedicated to making the First Saturdays repeatedly. God in His goodness has revealed, through the Holy Mother, all that we need in order to have the ancient serpent, who is the devil or Satan, chained up for a thousand years and hurled into the abyssso that he might not lead the nations astray (Revelations 20: 2, 3). And honestly most people wouldnt even be able to comprehend the actual truth because they just wont believe it. Following the solemn mass of May 13, 2000, in honor of the beatification of the little shepherds of Fatima, Jacinta and Francisco Marto, Cardinal Angelo Sodano, under the direction of His Holiness Pope John Paul II, described, in part, a prophetic vision which apparently was the third secret of Fatima. PS a short time later; I have just checked our thread on Mask Wearing, to add the link to that article by a neuro-physician. They can say, Well, this is the FIRST TIME in human history that people with no symptoms are driving an epidemic. You want me to give you a sign for everyone to accept my words through you as a middleman as I tell humanity what will come. REMINDER - It is FIRST FRIDAY & FIRST SATURDAY this weekend! Let's face it: for all efforts and money spent, the European Union has been a junior partner in the now nearly non-existent Israeli-Palestinian peace process. This number is growing. When you subscribe to the CNA UPDATE, we'll send you a daily email with links to the news you need and, occasionally, breaking news. We can avoid a great deal if we practice the Commandments that God left us., Some natural phenomena will occur before 2005, and move forward with greater intensity and destruction. I cant tell you how many times I have forgotten to say that on the day, at the time, about any one of those but I find it difficult to believe that this is necessary. Amen. Im not sure they will bother censoring UK blogs and since we pay a pretty penny for the privilege, I would be surprised if they conducted this witch-hunt across the world. Successive popes have failed to carry out this instruction; they were told that they must pray this consecration with all the bishops of the world on the same day, and that thereafter, Russia the first ever nation to publicly deny the very existence of God in its governance would be converted and a period of world peace would follow. I definitely remember a piece by Fr Gruner stating that we should make a specific intention on the day that we are doing all of these things in reparation for the offences committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We are seeing the consequences of totalitarianism in the likes of Covid-19 rule breakers not wearing masks. It would certainly be stronger if the supernatural concerns were primary, turning mens hearts and minds to heavenly things. In Johns Revelation, through Her loving protection, the serpents head is crushed. It is without doubt that the course of that near fatal bullet from a burst of gunfire was divinely intercepted and changed on behalf of this most highly favored Pope, all because of her deep and abiding love for her children. The intention behind every prayer is very important, and in this case, Our Lord and Our Lady have made the necessary intention clear. Let us continue to pray that this number will grow in the next 48 hours! These new people will take advantage of the catastrophe that will happen in the world., The Virgin continued, So that you may prepare and stay alive, as my children; I will give you the following signs: The night will be very cold. Through Russia [her conversion], grace will be given to the rest of the world. Our Lady of Medjugorje's yearly apparition of March 25, 1985, to Mirjana, relates to events just before the time of the Warning: "It is an upheaval of a region of the world. Having said that, I agree that it would be ideal to make that intention (which is actually a prayer, if you think about it) before each devotion e.g. The Fatima Center prays you. So much for Our Ladys good judgement. But before her death, she predicted that the final battle between Christ and Satan would be over marriage and the family. He is fluent in English, Spanish and German. What an irony that the World Apostolate of Fatima appear to be denying the continued existence of Communism in the world. Sister Lucia dos Santos, one of the three children who witnessed the Marian apparitions at Fatima, died in 2005. . Famine, the second chastisement spoken of by Our Lady of Fatima, is evident in the many millions of people who continue to starve the world over, despite all modern attempts to solve the hunger problem. Men are not practicing the commandments that our Father has given us. Mexico City, Mexico, Oct 13, 2021 / 08:33 am (CNA). It seems the supermarkets are tightening up on mask wearing. There She dictated to them a public message which She asked to make known to all Her people. VATICAN CITY, JUN 26, 2000 (VIS) - Given below is the complete translation of the original Portuguese text of the third part of the secret of Fatima, revealed to the three shepherd children at Cova da Iria-Fatima on July 13, 1917, and committed to paper by Sr. Lucia on January 3, 1944: "I write in obedience to you, my God, who command me to do . Youd wonder that God didnt tell her about those bishops/cardinals and put a word in her ear about holding off for a bit until we get some good bishops in place. Men will fabricate mortal weapons that will destroy the world, half of the human race can be destroyed. Brothers and sisters, let us thank Our Lady of Fatima for her protection. Michael E. Rodrguez was born in 1970, in the border city of El, Diocese St. Catharines, Ontario, currently in Chippewa, Ontario. The first chastisement predicted, war, began to be fulfilled with the Second World War, and is continuing to be . Cardinal Caffarra explained that Saint John Paul II had commissioned him to plan and establish the Pontifical Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family. I cant see how that would fail to fulfil the devotion, but I still think a specific intention on the day is a very good thing. It can even be made later on, provided that the souls are in the state of grace when they receive Me on the First Saturday and that they had the intention of making reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. This is how official science operates. . "The third part of the message that Our Lady entrusted to the shepherds of Fatima, so that they could deliver it to the Holy Father, remains a secret today," Vigan told a Portuguese website . Its terrifying because there is no way out, without the Russian consecration. That is to say, the seer of the apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, which have . The Fatima prophecies continue to unfold before our very eyes. The Fatima Center's mission is to ensure that the entire Message of Fatima is widely known, accurately understood, and properly acted upon so that Our Lady's purpose in coming to Fatima - the salvation of souls and the prevention of catastrophic chastisements - may be realized. We won't rent or sell your information, and you can unsubscribe at any time. There will be diseases without a cure and people will make fun of the saints and the church. Pius XI did not become Pope untill 1922 and regined until 1939. . As I said to Editor, I simply cant answer that with any degree of accuracy. to wipe out all humanity many times over. Father Augustine, who resides in Fatima, received permission from Pope Paul VI, to visit Lucia,, SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH PAPER: Super Energy Weapons Triggering Earthquakes, Volcanoes and Other Earth Movements, Chris Ang a.k.a. Remember that Gods words are not a threat, but good news. Donna-Marie Cooper O'Boyle. Perhaps this time we could be forewarned and disarmed as we follow the good advice of Holy Mother Mary and Mother Lucia. To boot, Im such a sinner that Ill take anyones prayers! The Miracle of the Sun In Fatima (October 13, 1917). So, while the good have to go on a narrow path; the bad go on a broad path that leads them directly to destruction and believe me, Father, that punishment will come very soon as we depart from 2006 and will come without stopping. Even though the accuracy of the predictions that the Pope will be shot, a nuclear war will be started by another assassination, a Hitler-like person rises up to create war in Europe, and that the sinful moral fiber of the Roman Catholic Church destroys it from the inside out, all seem shockingly accurate. She reminds us that man's future is in God, and we are active and responsible partners in creating that future. Now His Temple is open to angels, but the Most High is in a terrible state of agony, permanent Gethsemane state, where His Sacred Heart agonises over the numerous souls on Earth soon to goto perdition!! And yet they choose some dumb excuse, some bullshit in this material world over trying to get back to the spirit, to the creator, and to beautiful earth. Few parishes foster the devotion. Despite Ratzinger's remarks, the mystery of Fatima and its secrets remains. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow Our Spirit and receive notifications of new posts by email. Established in 1999, Catholic Truth is a lay-led apostolate, launched for the purpose of alerting Catholics to the deepening crisis in the Church, primarily as it affects Scotland. Read Editors post above re the masking wearing thread, to which Athanasius has replied. We will encircle the last bastion of capitalism, the United States of America. On October 13, 1917, approximately 70,000 people gathered in a field known as the Cova da Ira in Fatima, Portugal, to witness a spectacular miracle that a little shepherd girl had told them the Blessed Virgin Mary would perform on that day. Three children Lucia,. Catholic Prophecy. Only I can prevent the disaster. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. On the other hand, if the situation in the Church (regarding morals, faith, worship, etc.) A powerful army will dominate all throughout Europe and a nuclear war will commence., You must understand that God allows all this to happen. Let us continue to pray fervently and have full confidence in Our Lady and Her promises. This article was originally published on CNA July 8, 2016. Without the Holy Mother and the true devotion to Her most loving and Immaculate Heart, the Church will remain an empty, barren desert bereft of its contents by ignoring the prophecies of Fatima. To that you add, and with bad bishops doing the praying, too. 3. "The key word of this third part is the threefold cry: 'Penance, Penance, Penance!'. It couldnt be more obvious that we are living under the yoke of Communism. Jun 05, 2013 / Written by: America Needs Fatima. Who knows, with the new purge anything is possible and all manner of evil is probable. Let me just say that there may be bishops/cardinals who have earned Excommunication. I know that there are people who, being somewhat distracted and not making the actual intention before each act e.g. The destruction being wrought in the Church is a chastisement upon the entire world because the Church, so oppressed internally and externally, finds it difficult to bring about this consecration of Russia. The Muslims have the same response as the worldlings to the ecumaniac overtures of our hierarchy except that their contempt crosses the line into outright hatred. He graduated as valedictorian from the University of Texas - El Paso with a BS in Electrical Engineering in 1995, and worked in the semiconductor industry. God will allow all natural phenomena such as smoke, hail, cold, water, fire, flooding, earthquakes, inclement weather, terrible disasters, and extremely cold winters as these times slowly end the Earth. It centers on human concerns, fraternal unity, and an equality amongst all. After graduate school in engineering, he spent several years in a diocesan seminary and as a novice in a Cistercian monastery before earning his Masters Degree in Theology from the University of Dallas in 2003. Heres more evidence (if it were needed) that the virus is being used to introduce Communism across the once free-world. Sister Lucia was right that communism would spread throughout the world. Seem to remember the Archbishop suffered from bishops doing the praying, too yoke of Communism time we could forewarned! 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