This is of course a pre-millennial Judgment. 29:10-12 & Romans 11:6-8) or a spirit of passivity which quenches the Holy Spirit and causes inertia their hearts are hardened - therefore, pray for a softening and an awakening However, the Religious Spirit likes to work . This is what God showed me while reading my word today. "Stay yourselves, and wonder; cry ye out, and cry: they are drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink. As you pursue God, and are honest with Him even when its difficult, its amazing how others are watching. This friend is very gifted prophetically. Good intentions. 4 lesson of dipping your own pipe into the bowl is a warning directly to you, be aware. This reality is vital to us because we should be able to look at all the sacrifices and rituals and see Christ's glory, for He was their object. For example, it can cause syndromes without any evident causes. God has not cast away His people; He will still save them, but He lets us know why things are the way they are now. He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Isa 40:29. These things are an abomination to the Lord and He curses those who practice such things. I would go to work for one day and take two days to recover. Ive spent decades in inner healing and deliverance but Im not perfect and confess I sin to medicate severe inner pain at times. David C. Grabbe Nothing seemed to give any lasting relief. On the road to Emmaus, the two disciples' eyes were restrained (Luke 24:16). to awaken my spirit. I KNOW THIS IS YOUR COMMENT!I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!! In the midst of praying it, I felt the spirit of control break from my life and my generational line. He is one of a very few remaining S.D.A friends whom I have stayed close to over the years since disclosing to the church my affiliation with the Lords final message of Elijahthe Shepherds Rod (Micah 6:9). People struggle with insomnia and it steals the gift of sleep that God has given to them. It used to be believed that the python kills the prey by suffocation. Brother Ken, we do not dispute that you may have some knowledge of the SRod message. God destroyed these cities, but the spirit that infected those people is still active today. As you well know your understanding of this teaching is mostly rejected by DSDA and there is no wonder , the Spirit of Truth does not guide to such things. The lies of Satan lose all power against the truth of God's Word. Focus on His attributes. The thrust of Jesus' exhortation is that we should be continually expecting His return; it should always be a major part of our focus. 7. When I repent of the spirit of control in my life and in my generational line, I release past woundedness and judgements. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site. Anyway, this is how the study went, the main clear points were not comprehended much. However, fear can also manifest as its true self. I wondered why I was even alive if all I could do was lay around. God bless you! Speaking of divination there are some psychics out there who claim to help people all over the world. Matt 6:23. Juice fasts. When Jesus came to His own, God withheld an incredible blessing, such that the Jews, in general, could not see their Savior. We do not overcome this spirit by floating along with the status quo. As the fatigue grew stronger, I just dug down deeper into my own determination to keep going. Wave after wave of fatigue hit me. A Prayer against Negativity. Cancelling on them. (Ephesians 6:10-18) For more on this topic, check out my blog posts entitled, The Armor of God Part 1.. of Olive to set up the infant Kingdom. God was gracious and shared a revelation to me about this spirit. I know this is very disappointing to you yet we shall stand firmly upon the rock of Truth. But the ol let me think about it for a while time drag is shown to be a bad potential trap as Scriptures gives us a lesson. Read the prayer through a couple of times. When the time is right, He will open the eyes of those whom He has blinded for now. It's what made Lucifer turn into Satan. Romans 10:4 says that Christ is the end (meaning "the goal" or "aim") of the law. These texts make this clear: Deborah, thank you for your message. The only next physical coming by the Lord will be in the clouds. To be sure, there are others from my area such as sister M, brother W and sister L, who have yet to fully comprehend the message, please join me in prayer for all these souls that they are given wisdom. In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I repent for myself and my generational line: for all manipulation that resulted in the spirit of Jezebel, the spirit of control. If youve ever witnessed or been in a relationship with a person who suffers from jealousy, then you know that its impossible to have peace. I dont want to do this any longer. This reality is vital to us because we should be able to look at all the sacrifices and rituals and see Christ's glory, for He was their object. We give high priority to WORSHIP at The Light. However, new research suggests that it actually cuts off the blood supply. My past reaction to avoid people who displayed the spirit of control did not show emotional health but my lack of health. All scriptures are taken from NKJV unless otherwise marked. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); For those who have yielded to this spirit, their ability to see is impaired, ANOTHER WORD FOR SLUMBER IS: STUPOR MY FAITH-BLOG. I prayed to Father and rebuked that spirit off me and prayed heaven come and rest on me. You are of incredible worth. We have wrote many many times that prayer is just half of the equation, the other half is tobelieve. We are commanded to be strong, (Deut. Spiritual Blindness (Part Two): The God of This Age. It falls among the category of the more influential evil spirits listed in Ephesians 6:12 when it says, For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. This evil spirit has a higher rank in Satans kingdom than others. These powers include witchcraft, magic, horoscopes, fortune-telling, occult practices, tarot cards, and are always caused by rebellion. Thank you Lord Jesus because your thoughts for me are thoughts of good and not of evil to bring me an expected end, all glory to you In Jesus Mighty Name. Why did the fatigue seem to lift when Id spent time in worship? He permitted it even as He permitted Adam and Eve to be tested in the Garden. The spirit of depression is no joke. It felt like I was always letting people down. Slumber needs a point of access in order to be allowed to operate. You know I am aware of the SRod teachings on ALL subjects including the invisible Coming of the Lord to the Mt. It was like some protective barrier had broken inside of me. I know that thou believest. Restore health. He knew that today might feel overwhelming but tomorrow could be totally different. Today I was listening to my Pastor preaching and he just mentioned the word slumber ( he wasnt preaching on it ) and it clicked that I should research the spirit of slumber to see if I found anything helpful. The past the mountains that you have Read more, Serving God Belonging Series, Part 3 God calls us to serve Him As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. (Joshua 24:15) God has a PURPOSE for your life Jeremiah 29:11 has Read more, Belonging Series The Light Christian Fellowship The belonging series is designed to help new people to The Light understand the foundational truths about the faith. Praise God for your courage to post this. When we do this, the enemy flees. "Try this." I command every spiritual scale used by the enemy to cover my spiritual eyes to fall and catch fire, in Jesus mighty name. Thanks be to God for your help. For those who are doing studies with newcomers to the message, it is always best to show them present truth from the Bible and SOP. The Inspired counsel is: Christ would have all understand the events of His Second Appearing. RH Sept. 20, 1898. I felt, I didnt want to do it. There is incredible power in agreement. I got saved during the summer of 2012. These scriptures show that Israel's spiritual diet was misleading them; their table had become a snare. Good. Control spirits act to control the person and prevent deliverance. (2 Peter 1:3), 9. And they have caused Egypt to err in all her work, While I may write posts on the topic of health or healing, I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to be giving health or medical. See now, I have two daughters who have not known a man; please, let me bring them out to you, and you may do to them as you wish; only do nothing to these men, since this is the reason they have come under the shadow of my roof., A picture of whats known as Lots Wife Pillar Of Salt. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. As a Christian, you cannot be possessed or fully ruled by an enemy. (LogOut/ So true, all the more we must sound the alarm. We see clearly in this story that all the men in the village desired to have sexual relations with the angels. The fact that somebody's eyes are open does not mean that he is not sleeping spiritually. Did you notice that energy drinks and coffee are a rapidly growing industry? Once again, even if we don't feel the motivation to open God's Word, this discipline will be our lifeline and anchor in each storm we face. Do you think the saints and the wicked are co-mingled in any way AFTER the 1,000 and then separated? So what are those effects, or markers of this spirit? As far as the second study of the jubilee study, why go on to the second study when your first one is not grounded in the Rod (our present truth)? A chiefly mental condition marked by the absence of spontaneous movement greatly diminished responsiveness to stimulation, and usually impaired consciousness. Im struggling so bad with this is there anything that im doing to deserve this did the enemy Put this spirit on me or Did God i love God and as i was getting closer to him this started to happen i was talking alot of naps and things and i never knew what it was but now i do can God help me with this. Now I really understand I am up against a powerful ruling spirit that When people hear the word perversion or perverted, they usually associate it with sexual sins. It is a spiritual stronghold that blinds too many leaders or people who want to be leaders. He thought he knew better than God and could run the universe better. And they called to Lot and said to him, Where are the men who came to you tonight? Its no wonder the enemy loves to use this tactic- if you destroy the family then you can destroy society! Thank you that I can do all things through you because you give me strength when my own runs out. Every dream prison, break, in the name of Jesus; 7. Its more that Im worn out from spending all my life trying to get better w no results. He who knows God hears us; he who is not of God does not hear us. A stress storm. They were so appreciated! The following prayer was release at The Light on June 9, 2013. Now before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Sodom, both old and young, all the people from every quarter, surrounded the house. ref: William Fagal May 7, 2008. I remember trying to act as if I was ok that night, but I wasnt. This spirit can be found in many people today. Jesus was physically weak from a 40 day fast. Can I do self-deliverance and cast it out? He has consigned them to disobedience so that He may show mercy. Today, as this evil spirit came upon me ( even while reading this..)the Spirit of God inspired me to research this topic as I had an idea as to what was wrong but didnt know what to do. Thanks again for your email! 9. On the other side of this coin exists people who get more than enough sleep and still feel tired. I feel soo blessed for this knowledge..its great word. 31:6, Psalm 29:11) and we have been given everything we need to obey. THEY HEALED THE SICK AND CAST OUT EVIL SPIRITS AT THEIR RIVALS IN THE EARLY 1900 HUNDREDS. Change). Finally, brethren, whatever things aretrue, whatever thingsarenoble, whatever thingsarejust,whatever thingsarepure, whatever thingsarelovely, whatever thingsareof good report, ifthere isany virtue and ifthere isanything praiseworthymeditate on these things., We are of God. These can usually be found at the foundation of all demonic activity. Work to confuse the identity of children. That night I laid in bed in the fetal position. When this happens, invite God into your rest, and just soak in His presence. Hello, I am thankful for the teaching on the types of spirits. Another reason we should be concerned about yielding to the spirit of slumber is because it acts as a smokescreen for the enemy to do his dirty work, unhindered by a sleeping church. As always, thanks for reading! He has given them over to being deceived; He has permitted it. Once again thank you, would like to follow you on Instagram. Thank you for sharing this topic about fear, i learned how to manage my inner fear. Jesus is our blood supply. And as he reasoned of righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come, Felix trembled, and answered, Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for thee. (Acts 24:25), For the king knoweth of these things, before whom also I speak freely: for I am persuaded that none of these things are hidden from him; for this thing was not done in a corner. So I did. Israel failed to obtain what it was seeking. cohort is the spirit of stupor (Isa. Im going to get help to get all out, from a sister in Christ from our ministry. A Spirit of Slumber. I pulled out the dry erase board and we pulled out our Bibles. This is why its incredibly important to be able to recognize these spirits and tear down these strongholds. (Isaiah 29:10), Therefore, behold, I will again do a marvelous work among this people, a marvelous work and a wonder; for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hidden. A person with a Slumbering spirit will have a hard time feeling presence of God in their lives. Tomorrow may never come as they say. The spirit of stupor is like a widespread communal disease among our people. Just like Smith Wigglesworth and John Lakedid. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Practical steps to overcome the spirit of slumber: 1SM 225; MS 36, 1890 What a scene will be presented when the judgment shall sit and the books shall be opened to testify the salvation or the loss of all souls!. Mark 13:35-36 says, Therefore stay awake for you do not know when the master of the house will come, in the evening, or at midnight, or when the rooster crows, or in the morning lest he come suddenly and find you asleep. Lets work while it is daylight. Then I noticed something. (LogOut/ This article has been a blessing to me. I ask myself where my thoughts were. However, you can be harassed, oppressed, and beat down by failing to cast out these spirits. That can be very trying. Thank you. Stop and take some time and wonder [at this prophecy],Blind yourselves and be blinded [at its fulfillment by your spiritual incompetence].They are drunk, but not from wine;They stagger, but not from strong drink. Recently, I took a closer look at the spirit of control after hearing many Christians bring up the topic. Sexual sins are highly glorified in the media today. Moses' veil was out of consideration for a carnal people who could not handle the lighteither physically or spirituallybecause of their natural state (see Deuteronomy 29:4). GC 299 The doctrine of the second advent is the very keynote of the Sacred Scriptures. Restore godly authority. So what I have done recently, thanks to the Lords Spirit letting me know, is to go before the Lord in prayer for brother G. At least my submission will be heard and if the Lords will be done in this regard, all praise and honor to Him that saves! 8. The main passage that talks about this spirit is found in Romans 11:7-8: What then? I actually had different pastors pray over me for it. And this is thespiritof the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world.. John 10:10 says, Fall Afresh by Bethel Music and Jeremy Riddle, Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live. (Ezekiel 37:9), Awake, sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you. (Ephesians 5:14b). Please help me to resist this evil spirit of slumber and also help me to submit to you. The Bible says that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. You teach me the truth and the way may God bless youYou say it all true, You did a marvelous job on explaining how these spirits work. I will walk in the protective armor of God. I am a Kingdom Ambassador. There are a lot of signs that someone can show if under this spirit, such as eating disorders, dependency, an attraction of bad relationships, and any kind of addiction. See what over 150,000 subscribers are already receiving each day. Thank you for this. The antichrist spirit is one of the worst demonic spirits. He loves God but I dont see him having an intimate relationship with God and when I speak about experiencing Gods presence he looks at me like Im from another planet. They desire it but cannot get there. It seemed like any time my flesh (sin nature) was given a say in things, the fatigue grew worse. Thank you again for your obedience. It guarded the oracle of Delphi and was slain by Apollo. In our praise and thanksgiving, God calms our troubled spirits and restores our perspective. Closer look at the Light tear down these strongholds on the types of spirits and usually consciousness! Awake, sleeper, and Christ will shine on you prayers against spirit of stupor spirits and restores our perspective from. Those people is still active today repent of the equation, the fatigue worse! You that I can do all things through you because you give strength. May show mercy was physically weak from a sister in Christ from our prayers against spirit of stupor occult practices tarot... 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