He fits your description of having fungus. Small fresh branches from Oak, Pear, Apple, Dog Wood Last December my fiancee brought home a injured near dead 6 month old squirrel. 1) Her hair has almost grown all back on its own. I saw another squirrel mother a day after I last saw the one I have asked about but sadly, she became road kill 2 days later and she too had babies, 2 of which i have seen running aorund my property that are very scared of everything but they seem to be eating just fine. Seed-bearing hardwoods like hickory, maple, beech, and poplar are their favorites. Hi, Raeann! It sounds like maybe I could follow your advice re: coconut and oil. Round tailed ground squirrels are found in the southwest of the US. The good news is, a squirrel bite from a normal healthy squirrel never triggers a rabies protocol. I have been hydrating (I believe its a her) with salt/sodium water until I could get some puppy powder milk replacer. ( That is an ingredient found in most Athletes Foot medications.) I feed my squirrels a lot of avocado in winter. In addition to having a constant struggle trying to keep her weight under control, she has had urinary tract infections, fluid retention, hormone problems and gets quite bored from being inactive. I have hundreds of birds eating out of my feeders but the squirrels look so bad that I took the feeders down. Hi Denise! Iam in Colorado and they will be hibernating before too long. Will have to be very deliberate and study them closely to tell them apart and see if I can get each to approach individually or toss a treated nut to each with accuracy so they don't fight. Hi, Dianne, She is eating and acting normal though. These squirrels have the nickname of flickertail due to the nonstop tail twitching they exhibit. The vet could not identify the problem and gave him an antibiotic shot. He has access to all his food that i have for him so he pick and choose what wants to eat. Cherry Tomatoes That alone is an expression of love that is becoming rare in this day and age! To everyone else who replied, thanks for the responses and it's greatly appreciated! Prety fun lovimg squirrel and considers my mother as his own mom. they sleep in fleece hats which they ADORE! thank you so much for your information. I've been feeling the squirrels in my backyard every morning for the last 5 years (I can not touch them). Anyway, at this mornings feeding I noticed one of them itching behind his ears. there is almost a "rash", "abrasions" on her belly? The underside is paler with light brown, gray and white hairs. Almonds are OK for squirrels, in or out of the shell doesn't matter. Do you know about the pressed corn log? The California ground squirrel is common to most parts of California, Western Oregon, and some areas of Western Nevada. Add to that the drying effect of indoor heating when it gets cold, and you have a perfect recipe for dry, itchy and flaky skin. Bill. The oils in this fruit are great for skin and coat. Hi William, She often sees squirrels. The Alaska marmot is found in scattered small colonies in the mountains of northern Alaska. Once the bones are depleted of calcium, the squirrel becomes suddenly symptomatic. Is that good for them? Bill. I don't want them to contract what these squirrels have. If it is an open wound I would soak it in warm salt water or Epsom Salt, and spray it frequently with Ionic Silver and give the squirrel a quarter cc of Ionic silver twice a day or put 10cc of it in it's water bottle or dish. It truly touches my heart and soul to see the love and trust he has for me. And, believe me, released squirrels, (especially females,) can be as sweet and fun as having them live in your house. Is it too soon to diagnose what it could be? He did take a little water from an eyedropper, and I just read your blog about the formula recipe, so I'm going to try that next. Bill. Buy a whole coconut. The skin doesn't appear to be scaly, but there are some harder spots still beneath the fur in some spots. What specific questions do you have? Guess I'm having difficulty understanding how to comment to someone else's post. Noticed a couple of weeks ago, odd behaviour when eating. Thanks again. It may be that their skin has a different pH that makes it an ideal medium for it to grow, but that is only speculation on my part. Putting her on a diet, and having her lose weight didn't help. The cat has been kept indoors since the squirrels' skin condition was seen, around January. It's an alarm sound that squirrels make that starts with a long draaaaaa, followed by a chuck, chuck, chuck. From what I've read, it is a viral condition with no known cure. Pigeons and Doves (Order: Columbiformes, Family: Columbidae) Rock Pigeon White-crowned Pigeon Band-tailed Pigeon Eurasian Collared-Dove African Collared-Dove Inca Dove Common Ground Dove White-tipped Dove White-winged Dove Mourning Dove Browse Species in This Family More to Read Where to Put Your Bird Feeder Living Bird Magazine Girls start wearing their rings early. All I can say is that if you have a captive squirrel, hunger is a powerful motivator to get a squirrel to try other foods. A chipmunk is a small member of the squirrel family, with a long, fluffy white tail. Hello! There is . lol. But, I would caution you to not use Ivermectin as flea control for squirrels. We have treated them for mange in winter with Ivermectin successfully - using the information you kindly provided on your website. Thank you very much in advance. It's like sending your kids off to college! So far I don't notice anything else out of the ordinary no rashes or anything. A totally hairless squirrel is a rarity. As far as diet, as much raw coconut oil as you can get into them, including coconut out of the shell. There are four different species of antelope squirrels and they are well adapted to high heat environments. Then, repeat the process once a week for a couple weeks. They spread by spores so, yes, a fungus can be transmitted. We do not allow other people to handle him. We handle tons of e-mail every month and responding to replies on the Blog are very time consuming! He will go on a hunger strike and become even more difficult to manage. Try a drop of a puppy or kitten flea drops on the back of the neck. Not being able to see the squirrels, I can only speculate on what is going on. Shop here: https://genuine-haarlem-oil.com/shop Usualy as I know, squirrels are active on the day. January we had below 0 temps. The syringe does have the past in it. I have two more rescues in the house that we're almost ready to be on their own and I wonder if they brought something in the house like a Mite or something. I have noticed since about a mouth of release she has been itchy. He eats sweet potato green beans broccoli avocados sliced fresh corn on cob, well everything is cut up fresh for him daily. Last nite he was putty in my hands! The eastern gray squirrel is one of the most common types of squirrels in Ohio, the Midwest and the rest of eastern North America. Have a little girl with hair loss and itch. I would like to build some squirrel housesdo you have any recomendations or any squirrel house plans that you could share? Thanks in advance. The squirrel hibernates during the winter and enters an inactive period in its burrow during the hot summer months. Bill, I have a wild squirrel who has hair lose and i feed it i call him max he come every day and eats i have pictures to show u. I understand a gray squirrel molts twice a year, once from top to bottom, the other time from bottom to top. They are dominant over the antelope ground squirrels that also live in their areas and will chase them out of their territory. I noticed her a couple of months ago one day in the winter and "thought" she might be pregnant. Good luck with your squirrel. I have to take her for a heart sonar tomorrow as well as blood tests,the vet does not seem to think its a skin disease because she is not scratching and its only on the front paws,they seem puzzled by what wrong with her. Can you please contact me (email is great) with advice? He is HIGHLY agitated and growls and darts at anyone who approaches his cage, which is covered to lessen his stress. Many good quality of information a useful content to share. When people are trying to learn about squirrels they often get confused by all of the different names. He is just curled up and his eyes are closed but he is breathing heavily. If it's lice, you can obtain a Nit Comb at any pharmacy to come out the little egg sacks or Nits. Bill. The ones with missing skin didn't have parasites, some others did..But these don't harm the animal and certainly won't cause their death and large areas of skin down to the meat to be missingthere was no blood on the missing skin areas or anywhere on any of them. Ways theyll eat it and like it? Hopefully, these suggestions will help calm you boy down. We adore her like family, is there anything we can treat her with on her FOOD instead? What you describe sounds like ringworm. The idea is to spread out the treated nuts far enough, that the chances of a single squirrel finding more than two treated nut is greatly reduced. We got him some fresh coconut yesterday and gave him a couple small chunks of it. He gets Rep/Cal sprinkled on his other nuts and seeds everyday. Thanks in advance. Hi Berenice! But would like to know if this MBD And what can i do to close his wound, or hasten the process? The Big Differences Between Squirrels and Rats! Males sport iridescent copper-and-gold plumage, a red face, and a crisp white collar; their rooster-like crowing can be heard from up to a mile away. Thanks for writing! Our dog was chewing on a grey squirrel that had died in our yard. Spoiled rotten. Hi Bev! I have an almost ten year old pet flying squirrel who, out of the blue, started developing red, hairless patches all over his body that seem to scab over. Its eyes are extra large and its tail is long and flat, making it an excellent rudder. Good nutrition is all that is needed. Please send a good close up picture of what you are seeing to me at SquirrelNutrition@Yahoo.com , so that I can better evaluate it. I saw one guy making a delivery actually hand feed it. If you know any stores that sell horse products, you can usually find a syringe of Ivermectin paste wherever they sell supplies for horses. Pls suggest. Thank you so much for your help. When he was with his mother, her breast milk was up to 24% milk fat as proven by a study conducted by the Ohio State University. She made friends with another wild squirrel of equal temperament. Scientific name: Tamiascuriurus hudsonicus. She was always a home body and reluctant to leave the release cage. It sounds like the squirrel you are describing may have Squirrel Pox. There are 65 species of squirrels in the United States. The confusion comes from the reddish underbelly of the fox squirrel. You may feel it's a battle you can't win, but don't give up. Douglas Squirrels are generally grayish in color with a chestnut-colored belly, but they do have slightly duller colors to help them blend in during winter months. You may not see much the first week other than less redness and less scraching. Time will Tell. Susan got it also because you both your names are on it. Ive read this can be corrected with proper diet. He has bite me only a couple times since i have had him. So far, I've had several people who have had positive results in experimental trials of this herb called Dionaea Muscipula. Diadophis punctatus, commonly known as the ring-necked snake or ringneck snake, is a harmless species of colubrid snake found throughout much of the United States, central Mexico, and south-eastern Canada. I had brought him to a vet specializing in squirrels, who diagnosed him with cancer! It makes no sense to knock out the primary way a body protects itself, (the immune system,) to treat a problem. So: 450g squirrel (.450kg) x 0.2mg/kg = 0.09 / 1.87% (18.7mg/ml) = 0.0048ml. I figure the best way to handle my gathering of squirrels is to first take notes on how each squirrel looks, then give that squirrel a treated nut (it will usually eat it somewhere in front of me) then give it a big walnut in the shell and it will run away to bury or eat it, so then I can focus on the next squirrel. The squirrel you described sounds like it has Dermatophytosis as opposed to Mange as this Blog Article outlined. Thanks for writing! When we had dogs we bought and went through many bottles every summer. Was very aggressive before surgery, has calmed down alot. Dermatophytosis contagion: They have to be passed skin to skin. Now today he has scratched it open raw again and there also seems to be places on the other side of his face and top of his head where he is scratching and fur is gone but has not broken the skin. Thank you very much for your response. Is it possible to overdose? I don't want to treat her wrong. Crack the coconut open and either dig out the meat, or let the squirrels do it. The red tailed chipmunk is found in the Rocky Mountain region of Montana, Idaho and Washington. From being in direct sunlight. When a female is nursing, she needs double the calcium because milk production plus tooth growth can get their bones brittle pretty fast. This species is listed as Threatened due to active human pressures through shooting and poisoning. Squirrels can break their teeth much in the same ways humans do, through trauma. P.S.I also have a wild rabbit living under my deck & a dog who has to potty in the garden. Then maybe u can tell me whats wrong with him do u have a email adress. Bill. We and carrots apples and other veggies and fruits to switch up but the first five he eats almost every day. I started her on the coconut oil a few days ago and she's been eating avocado since day 1. Bill. I have a healthy happy family of squirrels that has just been joined by a little guy that has a completely bald body. We have had the squirrel now for three days and she just opened her eyes today. Vet said to leave him alone except to feed and water him, I did. He would always warn me - he didn't just bite me - he gave me the infamous "growl!" Mange won't kill a squirrel, it just makes them look ugly until some kind person, like yourself, comes along and helps them get better. Now that she is getting older she really loves her light, because it gives off a little heat. If you write to me at SquirrelNutrition@yahoo.com I'll send you all the information you need since I can't send attachments through this Blog. Bill. If you believe in conventional medicine, about all you will get is a bunch of hype about treating it like a cancer. Please help I love this little guy and have raised him since 2 days old. They live in lowland rainforests and mostly eat leaves and fruit. As I said, squirrels have multiple systems for keeping warm. My heart was breaking not knowing what to do I bought kitten formula and an eye dropper & proceeded to try and save them. How often should I apply the Ionic Silver to the hair loss areas? Is it okay if they all eat it? That's rather strange for the hair to fall out so suddenly. Their bellies and the underside of their tails are white in color and there is a black stripe on the tail. They are all wonderful! I use a heavy bowl and put one ounce of Colloidal Silver and 3 ounces of water, (a 25% solution.) Thinning hair and itchy skin is a sign. I noticed my squirrels ears on the outer edge appears to be missing fur. You will just have to wait and see what happens. Once their nutrition status improves the hair will eventually begin to regrow. Make sure he is not having urinary problems or constipation such as increased urinating or dragging his butt across the bottom of his cage. I'd be glad to evaluate the squirrel's skin condition. I've never noticed any major shedding in the spring. It has rust-red fur and brown stripes on its head and sides. I had a left a comment but I thought it was directed to her. Hi! If you stick your hand in a fire, you get burned. :>) Bill. Harriss antelope ground squirrels are found in New Mexico, Arizona, and New Mexico. Also known as derma rolling, Dr. Rabach recommends the treatment to combat neck lines. I wasn't concerned with rabies as she wasn't agressive, and I know I have an extremely rare chance of that. I still get a little nervous around him, fear of being bit. Arctic Ground Squirrels range over most of Alaska. Your boy is discovering his ability to make varied vocalizations. He popped it while he was sleeping in his cage but now his head has a red raw bald spot on his head and it looks likewise fur is just peeling off. Thanks! If that's the case, his chances of having mange are slim to none. They can live fine with an occasional bite from fleas and such because they don't bur rough under the skin to live and lay their eggs like mange mites. The defining characteristic of this species of chipmunks is their grey feet. The botfly is an obligate squirrel parasite whose presence is evidenced by fluid-draining warbles on the neck skin of a squirrel. Then, when it does arrive, what's the best way to administer it? Hi Kris! Mange in squirrels are like scabies in humans. We've been feeding a squirrel for almost three years now. Then, wait a week, and do the same thing. Here in the US people sometimes put cedar wood chips in the bottom of their squirrel's cage. I have order treatment for mange , its couple squirrels suffering on my backyard and local forest scratches they self badly , loosing hair , so nervous . Dens are holes in a tree that are useful during winter. It means that you could successfully treat him or her either with medication or nutritionally. Just put out some untreated foods to see when it comes to visit and eat. God Bless you for caring! It has large black eyes ringed with white, big ears, and a narrow, pointy muzzle. It's not contagious to humans or other animals but it is viral and can be spread to other squirrels. I have a couple suggestions. It's highly unlikely that one squirrel would be able to find and eat them all. These squirrels weigh in at about 8oz and feed on a diet of seeds and nuts. Hi. We have been blessed with a healthy little fellow. My baby squirrel was found a few days BEFORE hurricane IRMA. http://www.squirrelnutrition.com/mange-treatment-in-squirrels.html Hi William. Hope they are on the road to better health. It was not their intent, they would have had the nut in a flash and moved away to eat it, but because of the movement, their target was no longer there. I think I am ordering it Saturday. If you could, take a picture of your squirrel's condition and send it with the e-mail, so that I can compare the condition with the pictures I have. May 2013 Sorry I didn't call back, it's just that when I get on the phone talking about squirrels, I lose track of time. This time of year, it is probably mange. The two species can easily be mistaken for one another, but the western gray squirrel is differentiated by its steely gray coloration, slightly larger size, longer tail, and more prominent ears. Both these substances are anti fungal. Thanks for any recommendations. The Douglas squirrel is much smaller than any of the gray squirrels. The Kaibab squirrel is fascinating as the entire range of the population is a 2040 mile section of ponderosa pine on the north rim of the Grand Canyon (source). The bald areas start to look dirty when the new hair starts to emerge and regrow! These squirrels can be found in the eastern, central and southeastern portions of the United States. I've treated one squirrel this past summer, and I am in the process of treating one now. August 2018 Thanks! Please anyone feel to email me and I will show you photos. Thanks alot!!!! We have had several squirrels at our bird feeder over the past couple months with significant hair loss on their backs accompanied with pronounced itching. The Lodgepole chipmunk has a variety of common names including: Tahoe chipmunk, Sequoia chipmunk, Mt. I have researched and the only thing that keeps popping up is squirrel pox. Squirrels don't pull this much hair to line a nest. It is found in the U.S. state of California at elevations from 1,500 to 3,000 metres (4,900 to 9,800 ft). If this is mange do I need to be concerned? The Colloidal Silver is interesting. Most times, squirrels don't scratch themselves raw with skin fungus, but like everything else in life, there are a few that do. An occasional piece of fruit like apple, banana, frozen Researchers have found that the colloidal silver will attack the cell membrane of their eggs that are laid under the skin. Bill. Highly contagious? I have still been doing the Bactrim/water and anti fungal, about every other day as it makes her belly feel kind of dry? They can grow to 14 inches long and weigh up to two-thirds of a pound. What I'm wonder if the fungus in squirrels could have been picked up by my cat while on this walk from the dirt or underbrush in the nature park (where there are lots of squirrels) ?? Once a week for a couple times since i have researched and the underside of their tails are white color. Are closed but he is just curled up and his eyes are extra large and tail! Wait and see what happens identify the problem and gave him a couple small chunks it! Ringed with white, big ears, and i will show you photos n't agressive, and are... 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