The canopy strike leading to Goose's death was, in fact, based around a real life incident, involving a test crew. They can't be characters since Charlie is the only character standing in front of the men briefing them at this time. See at 33:34. However, despite being the reason that Maverick - a good pilot but reckless operator - is sent to the titular flight school, Cougar's ultimate fate isn't made clear by the film. In reality, those two sounds would be completely different so as to give the pilot no doubt as to what's going on (as evidenced when Maverick appears confused when he hears a "lock on" tone when Jester "kills" him while Maverick's chasing Viper). His death is classified because it happened on the wrong side of some lines on a map. Any aviator gets a wingman detailed by the operations officer, schedule officer or the Squadron Commanding Officer. The RIO or an E-2C controller would be in a better position to state what is happening. . Additionally, the stenciled text on the cockpit even still reads "Lt. Jg. Tell me one thing, if you had to go into battle would you want him with you? Intra-cockpit chatter from the F-14s would not be able to be heard on the air operations room. All through Top Gun, RIOs like Goose, Slider, Wolfman and others just look at the radar and talk to their respective pilots. Top Guntells the story of the titularU.S. Navy's Fighter Weapons School at Naval Air Station Miramar in San Diego, California. The whole thing was made Classified Information because it took place "over the wrong line on some map," so Maverick has not learned until now that his father died a hero, performing a Heroic Sacrifice to save his teammates. That spin was hell, it would've shook me up. There were bogeys like fireflies all over the sky. The film's ending shows Maverick choosing to overcome it all, makingTop Gun's ending a happy one for the pilot, who finally fulfills his heroic potential. Additionally, it is visible in a later shot. The first, is the Antarctica Service Medal, which, while authorized for all branches of service, is typically only awarded to USAF transport crews who Antarctica support airlift missions. Yet both of them appear to land without incident. You're a lot like he was. In the opening, a full-screen explanation of the Top Gun program says it was created "to "insure" that pilots receive the training" etc. He is forced to take closer stock of himself, and after Goose's tragic death, he seems to have lost both his confidence and his edge. [after the first hop with Jester ends with Maverick shooting down Jester at the hard deck and Maverick doing a fly-by near a tower] Now Viper knows what it takes to be an A-list fighter pilot, and he knows just which buttons to push, especially when it comes to Maverick. : It's your option, Lieutenant. Although Maverick was officially cleared from blame by a board of inquiry, Goose's death triggered feelings of conflict in Maverick regarding his own father's mysterious demise, leaving him to grapple with grief, guilt, and the tragic repercussions of his reckless flight maneuvers and if he deserves to fly with the other Top Gun pilots. He also forms a rivalry with a fellow TOPGUN student, Tom "Iceman" Kazansky. The AIM-9 Sidewinder, also shown, which is still used to this day, is a short range air-to-air intercept missile that can be launched at targets up to 22 miles away. If Maverick and Goose flew their planes as close in reality as seen on the screen with one upside down above the other they would have crashed. Time jumped by at least an hour just to get that silhouette indoor shot. Completely unpredictable. Several characters like Slider, Wolfman, Sundown and even Goose hold the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade. Starting 26:29. When Stinger says "The communication ship SS Layton has become disabled, and has wandered into foreign territory" the movement of his lips clearly doesn't match what he is saying. His F-4 was hit, and he was wounded, but he could've made it back. Lt. Pete "Maverick" Mitchell, with RIO Nick "Goose" Bradshaw, manage to missile-lock one of the MiGs, and drives off the other who has moved in on the other plane in their element, flown by Lt. Bill "Cougar" Cortell and RIO LTJG Sam "Merlin" Wells. Viper: You fly jets long enough, something like this happens. Furthermore, in this shot the bow is now shown stacked with unused airplanes, which would render the depicted takeoff impossible. But there will be others. See 37:10. After spending his formative years soaking in as much pop culture trivia as possible, Niall started writing about film online in 2020, and contributes to numerous websites. He was a natural heroic son of a bitch that one. : In aviation training the "hard deck" is the simulated ground (for an added layer of safety). His bike does neither because the bike he is riding is strapped on to a trailer. This might seem unlikely given the apt nature of his callsign, but it actually makes perfect sense in line with his character development inTop Gun. Viper : The hard deck represents the ground. Maverick 2023 Shmoop University Inc | All Rights Reserved | Privacy | Legal. Top Gun's ending sees Maverick overcome his recently developed self-doubt to save his former rival, Iceman. Every F-5 that appears in this movie, however, is standing in as a MiG. The Exocet missile is large enough to be visible if it were carried. Let's go home, Viper has the lead. Anyone calling their aircraft over the radio would refer to the aircraft's mission callsign, in this case, "Ghostrider 117" for Cougar and Merlin, and "Ghostrider 203," for Maverick and Goose. He is impressed with his skills even after he broke Keep sending him up. The last position of the encounter was at 150 miles. : Viper See 1:39:47. Slider's vb double has thicker/darker colored hair. His cap changes from back on his head, about fingers from the eyebrows, to down lower, about 2-3 fingers from the brows, to back on his head again. So you think I should quit? As Goose was killed during the ejection, there is no explanation as to why his mask was undone in the water. Furthermore, while the top of the Martin Baker GRU-7 ejection seat did sit higher than the top of the crew members heads, they were not, however, equipped with "canopy breakers," like some modern ejection seats have. Maverick, I flew with his old man. (USN) Fighter Weapons School is known as "TOPGUN" all one word. Well, that's not something the State Department tells dependents when the battle occurred over the wrong line on some map. When Maverick is riding his motorcycle alongside the runway, after the F-14 takes off and turns to the left the shot changes and shows Maverick riding past lighting standards heading toward the runway as indicated by the strobe lights. See 1:06:56. During the first hop, the sky is clear with minimal cloud cover most of the time, but in the shot near the end of the hop where we see the F-14 chasing the A-4 from above, the sky is extremely cloudy. Such weapons would not make the shot at a close range. However,Top Gun's endingis significant as it sees Maverick finally realize his potential, not just as a pilot but as a man. At 10:06, Cougar suffering from PTSD ripped off his oxygen mask. However, with the whole SS Layton crisis going on, and the hangar only having recently received news of Goose's passing, it isn't unlikely that it they would have put off cleaning out his locker. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. During the initial flight scenes with the MiG-28's, when Maverick is visible on the screen, Sundown's helmet (orange and white stripes) is reflected on the cockpit canopy. Damn, this kid is good! American You gotta let him go. His sunglasses are already on. He is a loving husband and good father. Viper Maverick takes responsibility for Goose's death, has a post-traumatic inability to fly like he used to, and considers leaving Top Gun. Viper, one of his instructors, tells Maverick that he flew with Maverick's father in Vietnam, and that his father's plane disappeared when he was acting heroically on behalf of his fellow pilots. At 1:36:41, Iceman radios, "I'm going for the shot" while at close range behind a bandit." : Therefore, it is highly unlikely that the dogfight scenes as shown would have occurred, as all five hostile aircraft during the final dogfight could have been eliminated before any of the friendly F-14's even made visual contact with the MiG's, which are all shown performing old-fashioned, World War II fighting tactics at close range. The two fall in love. When Maverick is cruising on his motorcycle right after arriving at Miramar, it is high noon. The F-14 is capable of locking on to up to six targets over thirty miles away and firing on all six targets simultaneously. This is because only two live missile launches were authorized by the military and so the footage is repeated many times throughout the film along with model shots. The story narrative tells us that Maverick's father, flying an F-4 off the USS Oriskany, vanishes/was shot down. : Because of this incident, Grumman extended the canopy lanyard, in order to give the canopy more time to clear the aircraft before the ejection seats would fire. Nationality Viper: My squadron we lost 8 Second it is a violation of Case I departure procedures. During the final dogfight, Slider tells Iceman that there is a MiG "on your left, 3 o'clock." He's your typical, no nonsense, high-ranking naval aviator. There would be a Rear Admiral of the Carrier Strike or Battle Group. Generally indicates that Viper: My squadron we lost 8 of 18 aircraft. Exactly where Hop 31 takes place is totally inconsistent. At the start where the F-14s encounter the Mig-28s and at the final dogfight, Stinger relies on one radar operator or air traffic controller to receive news. : Yeah, I'm sure he's saying that. When Maverick and Merlin are preparing to launch for the final dogfight, one of the shots of the plane on the carrier is Iceman and Slider's F-14. This happens at 10:12. It seems highly unlikely that every man in the room would make the same exact singing error. Covers are only worn outdoors. I know. Viper encourages Maverick to make his own decision about whether or not to come back to Top Gun. How come I never heard that before? WebMaverick tells Rooster that if he were to fly long enough there would be other flyers who would be lost. Several times you can see missiles that are supposed to be live for combat hanging from aircraft wings. Maverick and Goose manage to eject, but Goose smashes into the fighter's canopy and is killed on impact. These shots and plane livery were originally made for the final flight. Maverick: He was my R.I.O., my responsibility. Upcoming sequelTop Gun: Maverickcontinues the original movie's storylinesand will see Cruise return to TOPGUN as an instructor. while holding a plane model in front of his face. : After the losing engagement at TOPGUN with CDR Mike "Viper" Metcalf and LCDR Rick "Jester" Heatherly, Maverick is shown in his quarters looking at a picture a picture of himself and Duke that Maverick carries in his wallet. Is that clear? : One of Maverick's key decisions in Top Gun's climactic scenes regards Iceman, his former rival and new wingman following the death of Goose. During the "choice of assignments scene", after the final dogfight, the "late" Goose's name is seen on the red locker door. Iceman radios "I need another 20 seconds then I've got him" yet he is flying extremely close to the bandit. In the final dogfight scene, when Iceman's plane is hit, they claim they are hit in the right engine; however, when they show the closeup of the bullet holes the "Rescue" point arrow is clearly visible. : Family "Top Gun" was released in May 1986, starring Tom Cruise as Maverick and Val Kilmer as Iceman. Flies by the seat of his pants.' If Maverick's father passed away in 1965 while flying an F-4, then he presumably fought during the early stages of the Vietnam War. [after the dogfight with Viper] Viper is a Vietnam War vet who flew a McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II along side Duke. Maverick and Iceman return as heroes, and Maverick throws Goose's dog tags into the ocean, beginning to move on from his best friend's death. Why? : When Maverick pulls him upright, Goose's mask is unhooked from the right side of his helmet. At the time that the movie was filmed VA-25 flew A-7 Corsairs. When Maverick is in a dogfight in training with Jester on his tail, he tells Goose he is going to hit the brakes and Jester will fly right by. Maverick fires the same missile from the same wing station at least three times. While this is technically correct, it is only correct because the State Department is in no way involved in the process of informing military dependents on the deaths of service members, that is the responsibility of the Defense Department. That lets everyone know several important pieces of information. He'd have a regular "intel" camera, and if he didn't get good photos of an airplane that nobody had ever been that close to before (as Goose says) then he would have failed in his part of the mission, big time. : He tells Maverick that he has acquired enough points to graduate with his Top Gun class. : Commander (O-5) August 29, 2020, 2023 The Script Lab - An Industry Arts Company. Now hear me out. At 1:28:56, a pilot salutes the catapult officer with his oxygen mask off, a safety error. In the following scene where Maverick approaches Slider and tells him he stinks, Slider is now seated in the chair to the left of the one he was previously seated in. Quotes In the scene on the carrier after the last dogfight, Ice gets in Maverick's face and they discuss being each others wingman. He does so by pushing the throttles forward which in fact, would increase speed. This, in addition to any ground targets within range of the appropriate weapons, had the F-14's been equipped with The AIM-7M Sparrow, for example, developed in 1982 which the F-14 carried, has an effective range of up to 31 miles. It's your option, Lieutenant. Gender : In reality. First date between Charlie and Maverick, level of wine in bottle goes down then up and down then up and then some before the first drop is poured. WebViper or Madame Hydra may refer to: Madame Hydra. However in the next shot, the contrails of the tails indicate a takeoff trajectory from the secondary angled runway. Moments later, in the very brief third camera shot after Goose says, "We're going ballistic Mav, go get him," the larger plane (Maverick's F-14) passes through the frame first, followed by Jester's smaller plane. During the final dogfight, Slider tells Iceman to "break right" the first time one of the MiGs fires its guns at their plane, to which Iceman responds by putting their F-14 into a roll. As a fan of Erotica where my mind can What's on your mind? It's a triumphant and bittersweet victory for Maverick, who is forced to let go of his guilt over the death of Goose. See 1:07:13. Yeah, your old man did it right. At 1:32:10, one F-14 launches in a aileron roll or a maneuver in which the airplane rotates 360 primarily about its longitudinal axis. That spin was hell it would've shook me up. Throwing Goose's dog tags into the ocean signifies that Maverick wants to move on with his life, and it's his way of letting go of the guilt he felt over his friend's death. The squadron insignia that Maverick and Goose wear is from VAW-110 "Firebirds", which was an E-2C Hawkeye squadron, and never flew fighters. He stayed in it, saved three planes before he bought it. Maverick's entire character arc is built around him becoming a better person by letting go of his ego, and later on, he must also let go of his guilt and fear in order to achieve his mission. Since all of them already have squadron assignments this means some of them are suddenly and unexpectedly reassigned to a new squadron. Viper Viper didn't get that far up the food chain without making a name for himself, and the implication is that he made that name during the Vietnam War, where he flew with Maverick's father. When Maverick leaves Charlie's house after he has dinner with her, there is a For Rent sign in her yard (as there is when he drives by her house later in the movie), but there wasn't one when he arrived. After going from a rebellious prodigy to a genuine hero, Maverick possesses both the talent and the experience to inspire young pilots, meaning that his career shift actually makes perfect sense. In the next shot as he's lifted into the helicopter the glove is rolled up over his sleeve protecting his arm from the spray. 1986 minus 33 means Maverick was born in 1953, which means Duke and his wife last got dirty as early as 1952, which was when the Oriskany was supporting the war in Korea. However, Mike "Viper" Metcalf (Tom Skerritt) knows that Maverick's father, Duke, was one of the best military aviators, and also that the general public doesn't know the specifics of his untimely death - which remains "Classified" information. The hard deck for this hop was 10,000 feet. Alternate Versions John McCain was flying off the Oriskany in 1967 when he was shot down. Our flying services do this routinely; we have air-to-surface missiles that can backtrack a radar signal to its source and take out the radar set (and probably a number of members of the crew as well.) All yours. At 59:04. As Cougar is seen "handing in his wings," the chances are that he never flew for the Navy again. Viper I like that in a pilot. His fate is important, as it shows what Maverick could become if he allows fear and loss to affect him - something which comes into play more than once inTop Gun. Viper : I was there. You fly jets long enough, something like this happens. There'd be no disgrace. Maverick : How come I never heard that before? Iceman's vb double has a different hair style than Iceman. Throughout the earlier stages ofTop Gun, Maverick believes that his father was killed in action due to his own inability to follow orders. The serial number, which is unique and does not change, is painted in much smaller characters on the side of the fuselage below the tail. Viper Maverick's wristwatch changes several times during the training flight. Viper is a Vietnam War vet who flew a McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II along side Duke. Maverick faces a Field Naval Aviator's Evaluation Board but at 1:14:20, it is depicted as a courtroom proceeding. Affiliation American In the navy, indoors, the officer would not have been covered. Trying to prove something? The altimeter reads 31,500 ft the first time, and *9,300 ft (the first number obscured) a second later. Second, "The MiG-28 does have a problem with its inverted flight tanks." In Viper's office, Viper starts questioning the boys, asking them why they followed Jester below the hard deck. Viper Sorry to bother you on a Sunday, sir, but thank you very much for your time. A good pilot is compelled to evaluate what's happened, so he can apply what he's learned. WebViper reveals that he had served with his father. Stockdale would have been Pete Mitchells and Vipers CAG for the beginning of the bombing campaign against North Vietnam. Physical description In the end, Maverick chooses to graduate from the program, though Iceman officially wins the TOPGUN Trophy. When the F-14 engines flame out before the flat spin, Goose says, "Engine one is out," and the next shot shows the number two (right) engine "flaming out." Nick Bradshaw 'Goose'" in this scene. Naval aviatorCommander of TOPGUN 1 Mar. In the final engagement when Maverick says he is "supersonic," the next shot shows his F-14 with the wings in the extended position. When he's not writing for Screen Rant, Niall also writes for Corner of Film (where he also hosts a podcast) and sporadically dabbles in fiction with a focus on dark comedy and horror. Toward the end of the movie, when Maverick is waiting on "Alert Five," the camera cuts between Maverick in the cockpit and outside, where carrier crew are working on "his" plane. He was my R.I.O., my responsibility. He could not have forgotten to sweep his wings back because the wing geometry of the F-14 is not pilot-controlled; it is controlled automatically by the flight computer. Good morning, gentlemen, the temperature is 110 degrees. When Maverick destroys the first enemy fighter in the final battle, it plummets straight down. In Hop 19, Maverick abandons his wingman Hollywood to pursue Viper. There is no rescue point on the engine nacelle of an F-14. An aircraft carrier never turns on its own radar, nor do any of its escorting surface ships. You gotta let him go. The goof items below may give away important plot points. Jester, as an instructor at TOPGUN, makes evasive maneuver in the A-4 using an aileron roll - not exactly an effective move in terms of creating the sort of lateral displacement that might defeat an enemy's weapons solution. Viper: Simple. Related:How The Vietnam War Led To Top Gun. Goose Appearance Another impossible case was that Maverick could still land with Cougar's F-14 blocking the way and the former low on fuel. Maverick United States Navy : Company Credits You can see while filming this (rear mounted camera), the plane that does the roll comes from a low-level flyby over side of the carrier. WhileTop Gunreceived mixed reviews upon its initial release, it remains one of the most beloved movies of a generation, with its sequel, Top Gun: Maverick, finallybeing made after several decades. Source: imdb. Failed admission into the US Academy may be due to low SAT scores for example. Jester and Viper read Maverick's report card which says, 'He's a wildcard. : By refusing to leave Iceman, Maverick overcomes his fear in order to act as part of a team. 104, but in his catapult launch the aircraft shown is No. Naval Air Station (NAS) Miramar was actually in the Miramar neighborhood of the City of San Diego, CA. Iceman radios, ""Mav's in trouble. Mav decides to go back and graduate with his Top Gun class. After Charlie gives Maverick the dinner invite, Slider is playing with the model airplane while seated directly next to the classroom window. When the CO departs, the cigar is a stub again. This is due to sustained major damage to the hydraulic system that powers the flight controls. Cougar appears in the opening scenes ofTop Gunas Maverick's fellow pilot who is shaken by an engagement with enemy aircraft. Iceman suddenly appears next to Wolfman in the locker. Twice, Maverick 'hits the brakes' at 31:31 during the hop and 1:38:54. Straight Niall is also a certified boxing coach, which goes hand-in-hand with his encyclopedic knowledge of the Rocky franchise, and considers himself something of an expert on Batman. When the first images of the MIG are shown after the "unknown aircraft, inbound Mustang" call the camera angle initially is from underneath and then raises to a side-on profile of the aircraft. And worse. First one dies you die too, but there will be others. The correct word in this case is "ensure" as in 'to guarantee.'. By the end ofTop Gun, he's learned the importance of teamwork and following orders, saving Iceman instead of chasing personal glory. Viper Maverick defends his actions, saying he wasn't below for more than a few seconds. The 3 o'clock direction is to the right; 9 o'clock would be the left. Hollywood's plane is in front of Maverick's but when Maverick breaks away to go after Viper, it is the F-14 in front that pulls away. His exact words are the same that Viper shared with him 36 years earlier when Goose was lost. Yeah, he did it right Is that why you fly the way you do? No pilot would ever violate the hard deck during training. That way, the LSO knows how to properly sort the approaching aircraft by amount of fuel remaining, should the aircraft miss the wires, and be forced to make another landing attempt, divert to a land base, or join on the tanker for more fuel. : : reversed/mirrored. Cruise, who's now an action star, is reprising his aviator role for a sequel called " Top Gun: Maverick ." During the first briefing, Chipper is smoking a cigarette. When Goose says, "Engine two is out," we see the number one (left) engine "flaming out." Twice at 1:36:54 and 1:38:02, the missile shot turns from a AIM-7 Sparrow into a AIM-9 Sidewinder in flight. As a civilian employee she would have had a green DOD decal for her car. WebViper tells Maverick that Viper served with Duke while both were assigned with VF-51 aboard the USS Oriskany. WebThat night she reunites with Black Clan ninja Harada who is forced to chase Wolverine and Mariko after Viper uses her powers on him. Charlotte "Charlie" Blackwood (inspired by civilian instructor, Top Gun Maverick Killing Off Iceman Betrays The Original Movie, Why Top Gun 2 Killing Off Maverick Would Be A Mistake, Top Gun 2 Has Already Forgotten The Original's Ending Meaning, Top Gun 2'S Original Movie Differences Show How Tom Cruise Has Changed, The New Mad Max Might Break A Decades Old Series Rule, Warner Bros Just Destroyed The Rings Of Power, 6 Reasons Welcome To Derry Is More Exciting Than It Chapter 3. University Inc | all Rights Reserved | Privacy | Legal `` TOPGUN '' all word! Heroic son of a team assignments this means some of them appear to land without incident twice at 1:36:54 1:38:02... 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