Following up with your interviewer can ease . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. ). We evaluate your French language skills by looking at a number of elements on your application, including:- Your transcripts to see how many French courses you have taken and at what level, plus your grades- Your personal statement of motivation, which should be written in French and not corrected by anyone else- Your letters of recommendation, at least one of which needs to be completed by a French professor or language evaluator from the Alliance Franaise, AND/OR your standardized French language test scores from the TCF, TEF, DELF, or DALF (if you did not take French courses in college or you do not have a French professor or language evaluator to complete your first letter of recommendation). However, due to the number of requests and limited availability in certain regions, we are simply unable to accommodate all applicants requests. Once I heard back in early April, I had to wait even more until May to find out whether or not I'd been accepted. 37% hear back within one week. TAPIF is a programme de mobilit, and assistants are expected to go wherever they are assigned in France. Your chances of being placed in the same region are higher if you both select Acadmies that receive fewer overall requests, like Caen, Clermont-Ferrand, Limoges, Reims, and Rouen. Business casual attire is perfectly acceptable. If you want to give yourself the best chance of receiving a teaching position in France next year (whether Fulbright or not), you should apply to BOTH programs. no advantage or disadvantage) during the application review process. I applied for TAPIF one year after graduating college. You must have your test results BEFORE the application deadline. Please note that work visas for assistants usually take 1-3 weeks to be issued. Every year nearly 1,500 new TAPIF participantstravel to France to take advantage of this unique opportunity to live in France to improve theirFrench proficiency level and discover the teaching profession. Some schools and contact persons arrange housing for their assistants ahead of time (for instance, a school might have a standing agreement with a landlord in the town who rents his/her apartment each year to assistants), while others are not able to provide very much help to their assistants. Now I'm working in the UK (I just moved in September), but had thought about grad school (still might one day, but that's not an immediate thought right now). 2 If you submitted an application prior to the 2019-2020 school year, email the Program Manager at with the subject line PREVIOUS APPLICANT. If you created or submitted an application for the 2019-2020 school year or later, your application will automatically transfer if you use the same email address to create your account on the 2023-2024application platform as you did for your last application. Summary. Assistants are also responsible for the costs of travel to and from their regional French consulate in the U.S. for the visa application process. Offered in partnership with US universities MAT program, the 12 credits granted by the certificate program can easily be transferred towards these masters programs. The TAPIF program manager is not qualified to advise assistants on the application process for the CAF. Study and renew your teaching contract, giving you yet another work visa. This is not mandatory, but it can help in cases where the applicant has not taken formal French classes at university or is no longer in contact with a university French professor. There is a non-refundable $90.00 application fee to apply to the program. For instance, if you wanted to study in Tours and ended up being placed in the Acadmie dOrlans-Tours, the school district administrators might still assign you to a city other than Tours (and you may end up teaching far away from the university). NW | Washington D.C. 20007Send an email, Follow us on Instagramand LinkedIn to get the latest program updates and see what our Assistants are up to this year! I am one of those people who believes in fate, that all things are connected, blah blah blah. Apply on tapif.orgstarting October 15th every year. This includes any sort of religious head or facial covering. If you are applying for a second assistantship in non-consecutive years (ex. You teach English in schools, get paid enough to live off of (no, you're not going to live in glamour), you work only 12 hours a week, and get 5 weeks of paid vacation. . Here is the . October 19, 2022 . Certain schools are able to arrange housing for their assistants, and some can offer assistants very cheap or even free housing at their schools dormitory (some high schools in France have boarding students who live at the school during the academic year, and the school can sometimes house their assistant in exchange for performing duties similar to those of an R.A.). Mind you, this should be done within 3 months of the expiration of your visa. But if you've done TAPIF, you've likely spent the better part of a year in front of a roomful of people, sometimes for hours on end. Budget questions really depend on region of assignment, plus personal spending habits, savings, and circumstances. So it really does seem like it's going by acadmie and some have yet to hear. Teaching assistants must obtain a long-stay work visa IN PERSON from the VFS center of their choosing in the U.S. Costs of travel to the assistant's regional VFS office are NOT covered by the program. From many of the experiences that I heard about and deriving from my own experiences, here are a few things that I advise that you do: . Several organizations offer discounted certification courses for future, current, and former TAPIF Assistants: The Embassy does not endorse these courses and does not promote specific organizations or offerings. If one member of a couple applies to TAPIF and the other does not (or if both people apply and only one is accepted), then the accepted person is responsible for researching visa requirements for bringing the other person to France. 785 per month allows most assistants to buy food, rent a room or apartment in their town, and live a modest student lifestyle. Note for previous applicants who applied prior to the 2019-2020 school year: You must have SUBMITTED your application in the past in order for us to access this information. Some are even able to travel a bit during their year in France if they bring some extra savings with them to France. Assistants are required to do a number of tasks all in French, including completing immigration paperwork, opening a bank account, going to a medical visit, and working with French teaching colleagues on a daily basis. Renewal is contingent upon a positive review from the host institution and whether or not the assistant wishes to remain at his or her host institution or be transferred to another school or acadmie, among other factors. For more information, see the French Skills section above. We hope this step-by-step guide as well as our tips and tricks are helpful to future applicants. Hello! I have the most up to date information on the subject because I recently completed TAPIF and I keep in touch . Paper letters of recommendation will NOT be accepted. why I quit TAPIF: a cautionary tale to future participants. The high-end modular Hear Back PRO personal monitoring system is all about choice - up to 32 channels on each Mixer per Hub, with up to 128 channels available by adding Hubs. Even if you were to be placed in the region where you are hoping to take classes, it would then be up to the school district to assign you to a specific town or city, and the school district cannot guarantee placement close to any particular university. (If you do not have access to a university French professor or Alliance Franaise language evaluator to complete the language evaluation recommendation, then you may take a standardized French language test and submit those scores instead. We will then transfer your dossier to the 2023-2024school year and email you shortly with new log-in information. This program, the TAPIF to Teacher Initiative, aims at providing them aclear and accelerated pathway to careers in teaching French through a Universit Paris Nanterreonline foundational certificate program (Diplme dUniversit) they can take in addition to their 12 hours a week workload. And remember to quantify it. Assistants are also responsible for covering the cost of: airfare to and from France, traveling to their appropriate regional French consulate to apply for their long-stay work visa, and the translation of documents required to enroll in the French national healthcare system. If you will not have attained the B1 level by the application deadline, we encourage you to keep learning French and apply for the following years program. The Real TAPIF Experience (so far) Posted on February 13, 2018 by eliseeneurope. Each year, about 1,500 American citizens and permanent residents teach in public schools across all regions of metropolitan France and in the overseas departments of France such as French Guiana . we were supposed to hear within the first 2 weeks of april but the vast majority heard later, i think the last week of april was when most people got decisions! In this TAPIF guide I touch upon major questions prospective applicants have. You can modify it or submit it as is. This statement is to be written IN FRENCH (approximately 500 words in length) and must NOT be proofread and/or corrected by anyone with a knowledge of the French language. If you only apply to the Fulbright program, you will only be considered for one of the highly-competitive 10 official Fulbright ETA spots; your name will NOT be automatically entered for a TAPIF position. However, due tothe current health context as well as administrative delays beyond the control of the program, this timeline is currently subject to some change. Use the google. This option is useful in cases where the applicant has not taken formal French classes at university or is no longer in contact with a university French professor. If neither of these fixes resolves the issue, please email Erin Glaser at with the full name and email address of the recommender who did not receive the automated recommendation request. If you do not receive a Fulbright, you will still be considered for a normal TAPIF position as long as you submit a TAPIF application on Previous applicants will still be required to pay the application fee. Join. Applications for 2023-2024are now closed. You will need to research your options independently if you wish to bring a dependent with you to France while working as an English Language Assistant. We can use your previous application if you submitted it in 2016-2017 or later. Neither the U. S. Program Manager nor France ducation International is in a position to provide any guidance on this topic. Again, the appointment processing fee and cost to mail back the stamped passport is around $80 total. In this situation, we review applications with the same criteria as first-time assistants, however we systematically place . Applicants cannot make requests for specific city or school placements. We encourage you to apply for both programs. In order to be eligible to apply to TAPIF, you must have a French proficiency of B1 or higher on the CEFR Scale. I ended up making my decision on the issue before you had a chance to reply, but your words helped me feel more confident about my choice. Many applicants are teachers and educators taking this year to immerse themselves in the French language. Just keep everybody on standby till you hear back from me. and are willing to be part of this initiative, please reach out to Yes. (waiting to hear back from one other program and unsure of . Certain schools are able to arrange housing for their assistants, and some can offer assistants very cheap or even free housing at their schools dormitory (some high schools in France have boarding students who live at the school during the academic year, and the school can sometimes house their assistant in exchange for performing duties similar to those of an R.A.). Here is what you should do: 1 Create a new dossier for 2023-2024on by clicking Sign-Up. For information about testing centers in the U.S. and dates, please contact your local branch of the Alliance Franaise: Please research testing dates WELL IN ADVANCE. TAPIF assistants work 12 hours per week, spread across one, two, or three schools; Participants normally cannot sign a contract to work a second job on top of the assistantship; Since the 2014-15 school year, TAPIF assistants have been able to apply for a renewal of their contract to complete a second year of teaching just after their first We ask that you order an official version of your transcript from the registrar of your university and then upload a PDF copy of the transcript to your application. The online certificate will be offered for the first time to the next cohort of TAPIF students who will start the program in October 2023. However, due to the current health context as well as administrative delays beyond the control of the program, this timeline is currently subject to some change. This isn't to say that the TAPIF experience is not a good one, but I will be honest and say that it won't be what you'll expect, let alone perfect. Decisions are typically sent out by e-mail within the within the monthof April. Prior applicants, regardless of the result of their application, will be given equal consideration (i.e. I am happy to announce that applications for the 2021-2022 Teaching Assistant Program in France (TAPIF) are now open on We can use your previous application if you submitted it in 2016-2017 or later. TAPIF is a programme de mobilit, and assistants are expected to go wherever they are assigned in France. The thing I would say from the other side is this: the things that you want to do after a year in France will likely be available to you after another one, whereas the opportunity to teach in France doesn't come around that often. NOTE: We can accept the compulsory version of the TCF for application purposes (meaning the version which only tests oral and written comprehension). Hey everyone, I know a few people mentioned that they were going to email Erin to get updates since they were going to have The remaining candidates were not offered positions. Their applications will be reviewed based on the same selection criteria applied to first-time applicants. We are not typically able to accept transcripts sent directly to the French Embassy or to the Program Manager via email due to the volume of applicants. Vacation/Hours. Flexibility is HIGHLY ENCOURAGED when it comes to regional placement. After that, there is no fee for participating in the program. During this period, remember to practise self-care in whatever form that looks like for you. If both members of the couple are accepted, we would do our best to place you together in the same region. We love that TAPIF gives assistants time to explore France and Europe in general, and the ample paid time off was well worth . After ranking applicants based on the programs application evaluation criteria, the top 1,100 applicants were immediately offered positions in early April. Certain Acadmies are more "competitive" than others. You do not need to submit this with your initial application. Other Acadmies like Amiens, Caen, Limoges, Poitiers, Reims and Rouen, are less "competitive". There is a non-refundable $90 application fee to apply to the program. You will also need to provide a statement of purpose about why you want to be a Teaching Assistant in France. Rosie says: August 8, 2017 at . As an American, you cannot work in France without a visa, and you must apply for the visa in your country of origin. Former assistants wishing to do the program a second time must meet all normal program eligibility requirements. CULTURAL SERVICES OF THE FRENCH EMBASSY IN THE UNITED STATES, Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. After that, a lot depends on your specific school(s) in France. Press J to jump to the feed. This surge of applications means that you can expect the initial review process to take longer than the previously advertised 6 to 8 weeks. Success stories of the 2002 FCRF winners. Paris, Lyon, Strasbourg and Grenoble always receive many requests for a very limited number of spots. Assistants are generally not allowed to have second official jobs within the bounds of their visa. Please also note that France's laws regarding la lacit prohibit the wearing of explicitly religious symbols in schools. I hope you hear back from your best friend. If you're late, you can still apply, you just have to do it . This advice for myself first and foremost, don't be upset with a rejection or a wait listing as there are plenty of other options to get yourself into the country to have the opportunity to explore, travel, work and learn. Print-outs of unofficial online transcripts are NOT acceptable. I applied for an extension in January and still haven't heard back. Be sure to consultthe 2022-2023American Assistant Handbook and the overarching program guide,Le guide de l'assistant de langue en Franceprovided by France ducation International,for helpful information and many answers to frequently asked questions! If this seems like the only option for you, please contact the Program Manager to arrange an exception. The monthly salary for teaching assistants comes to approximately 785 per month NET (slight variations possible due to region-dependent local deductions) which in most cases (depending on personal spending habits) is enough to live a comfortable lifestyle in most regions of France., Your transcripts to see how many French courses you have taken and at what level, plus your grades, Your personal statement of motivation, which should be written in French and not corrected by anyone else, Your letters of recommendation, at least one of which needs to be completed by a French professor or language evaluator from the Alliance Franaise, AND/OR your standardized French language test scores from the TCF, TEF, DELF, or DALF (if you did not take French courses in college or you do not have a French professor or language evaluator to complete your first letter of recommendation), French-language skills (applicants must demonstrate a proficient level of French equivalent to level B1 on the European Framework of Reference for Languages), Experience working with children or young adults, The level of the applicants university studies, If you submitted an application prior to the 2019-2020 school year, email the Program Manager at. The program does NOT cover airfare to and from France, nor does it cover the costs of travel to the regional VFS visa processing office for the mandatory in-person visa appointment. No. Moving to France was the ultimate dream of my early 20s. While it is technically possible to be a student at the same time as doing the Teaching Assistant Program, this presents a number of challenges in terms of scheduling and logistics. Teaching assistants work earn 1215 euros (~$1357) net in the DOMs and 790 euros ($882) net in the metropole per month. . If there will be a significant delay in acceptance results, candidates will be notified by the U. S. program manager via email. Here's why: Salary. TAPIF - Teaching Assistant Program in France. Assistants are responsible for purchasing their own plane tickets to and from France. If you are more interested in pursuing a degree or taking classes at a particular university, then this would be much more difficult. 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