1. The site is running normal as far as we know. That might be a correct view if I was arguing for party superiority here, but Im not. Leave the rest of the sentence the same. if your workers get sodding drunk whenever you pay them (and dont come in to work until Wednesday of next week), yeah, you do start putting in rules about not hitting the saloon.Report. Im referring to conservatives who want to eliminate birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants because they insist that immigrants are destroying their neighborhoods.Report. Hes an ass. Follow him on Twitter. 3. According to that we are going to publish Dhaka Board SSC English 2nd paper question solution as well. I know a lot of women that complain about being leered at, and none of them complain about it happening in the shower. Brandons just dismissed them, though, mostly mockingly. We just disagree, perhaps, on a subtle issue. al final de las frases. I like gentrification when it involves the transformation of derelict spaces into desirable ones and has an aggregate benefit on the local community. Tag questions, also called question tags, are little questions added at the end of statements. But I suspect you were going there no matter what we said. Im so sorry Brandon, to have completely underestimated how honorable men are, and to have so completely misplaced their fears of being treated they way they treat others.Report. Thus, the correct sentence after adding the question tag is. And because of this, liberals/leftists/Dems seem to be under the illusion that they have been given a blank check by the electorate to engage in silliness, close-mindedness, hatred, incompetence and corruption, and that its somehow magically wiped clean by pulling out the false equivalence defense. youve never been attacked by a subway groper before, I take it?Report. It is a perfect example of the type of thinking Im criticizing. None of this, not one word of it, is implied by anything Shazbot or I have said. Yes, Im aware that you believe this. He is the also a regular contributor on Fox Newsas well as a frequent guest political expert on both CNN and CNBC. Do you think, even if we excluded rock throwers, Brandon or people with similar world views would think the Google Bus protesters significantly less mockable?Report, Do you think the rock throwing was the key point in what I said?Report. TAG QUESTIONS (Present & Past) Positives and Negatives Find and correct the mistakes in the tag questions below. Reglas y ejemplos de las Tag questions. As I tell my students: You share this class with 10 other children. nh nghaII. Let's have a cup of tea, shall we? Dangit, now Im starting to sympathize with the protestors!Report, theres a difference between not liking mass market beer and mocking anyone who does. I dont know about San Francisco, but here the capitol and city hall are the targets of protests pretty much all of the time, so no one really pays attention unless something unique happens. salary of more then $80,000. Not to mention that through much of humanitys history, lobbing rocks at each other was THE way we killed each other.Report, Glyph, By adding a question tag, you turn it into a question 'you don't eat meat, do you?'. there are the notorious scofflaws paid in cocktail weenies who work for charities that cant afford to pay em more.Report. But the "So What?" and "Who Cares?" challenge questions are easy to remember and provide a quick assessment tool. How many protesters were there? how many places without shower curtains are there for women, though?)Report. Hes saying that men should not be exposed to the leering eyes of other men while showering. (Brain-damage minimal, as far as I can tlcgh.) There is nothing inherently gross or naughty about the human body. A negative statement or sentence is one which has, 'no', 'not or 'never in its verb elements. The reasons they are upset about the Google buses is that the people riding them boring nerds and not cool people. Im not convinced thats unhealthy, and even if it is, I think its reasonable that people should be able to choose to maintain their privacy (which is actually what I do by avoiding communal showers).Report, This whole subthread makes me long for the public baths of yore. Youre one of my favorite commenters at this site because youre consistently charitable, crystal clear, and respond to specific claims other commenters have actually said (not what you think theyve said). Write soon, won't you? Henry Ford and Pullman were the most prominent examples of this but other plenty of other businessmen had long lists of rules about what their employees could do off-hours. Gentrification REQUIRES integration of the classes.Report. That is, except perhaps at first when home prices are still relatively low and stores that wouldnt have come within 2 miles of a neighborhood start moving in, the people who already lived in a neighborhood rarely find gentrification beneficial. And were laughing our asses off that men like this are all twitterpated that they might be subject to what theyve done to us; that they fear it because they do it. My admittedly distant understanding of the people being pushed out by gentrification in SF is plenty of them are white ( they are the much derided hippies or hipsters or general weirdos).Report. In the given sentence it is been asked if someone cares. is awesome. This article has some question tags exercises you can try out to find how good you are with them. It makes me think that people account for my disagreement with their views by attributing my views to partisanship rather than the reasons I provide. Th qu kh n5. Nope, it doesnt matter what I actually say, the fact that you view me as a liberals means that you get to apply your analysis to me and interpret my words and actions accordingly. ng t khim khuyt (modal verbs)IV. That is the guy who is proposing a federally mandated ban on gay players in the NFL. @chris It had all the pieces that could have made it a really dynamic and truly integrated place, but for a host of reasons it didnt quite make it. You may disagree, but so far only James has challenged the reasons weve given for seeing their behavior as reasonable (except the violence). I agree with your general assessment of gentrification. But why do you think they do? 2. James, yeah, the city hall point is valid. James, sorry if my arguments came off as pedantic on that thread. Really, if Google buses is the best snark youve got, you should probably go back to the drawing table.Report. Theyre going to lash out, and the Google buses are there and a symbol of the problems (they carry the people whose behavior is, in part, responsible for the changes). tag question interrogative tag question ? Computer programmers and systems analysts making more than this minimum do not have to be paid extra for overtime. Ive shared communal showers with men. If I recall the film correctly, that means sexually excited. Thats all you have to say? That tells me that their notion of rising inequality and mine are extraordinarily different, and indeed directly at odds. so then krugman is lying when he claims that the problem is just the top one percent. This particular stupid/evil thing is peculiar to conservatives. Mike Schilling gets the prize for being by the closest to the target. Lesson 01: Tag Questions Tag Questions Question tags are the small questions that come at the end of sentences. The idea that its appropriate to protest a company for paying its employees enough to outbid you on an apartment you wanted reeks of entitlement. I have to admit that Im not a fan of the idea of showering with a gay man. Because our expert team has solved all the questions of today's examination. They have lots of options. In such sentences, the tag does not depend on the person or the action of the speaker, but on which verb we use in the question itself. @tod-kelly, the rock-throwing is the only reason I think theyre mockable in any reasonable sense. A tag is a word or phrase that is added to a sentence. you both think that computer programmers making 80k at year are an acceptable target for protest(and a better target thank baseball players making 10 million a year). * Id be hard pressed to make a determination of the rate of either but would probably say women outpace gay men here, too. Tag questions are made using an auxiliary verb (for example: be or have) and a subject pronoun (for example: I, you, she ). They are mainly used in speech when we want to: confirm that something is true or not, or. Ever read any Dennis Lehane?Report, Mystic River is a terrific book by any measure. But it seemed pretty clear to me that your comment was a reference to an earlier thread in which smug generalization about conservatives by proud members of the other stupid/evil party prompted me to point out that the particular criticism being made applied equally well to the left. In reality, however, this "question" part states what is already implied in the original statement. Chris: And to that, I am happy to double down on my this.. That piece of liberalism pisses me off.Report, If the people protesting the Google buses were blue color workers trying the raise their families they would deserve some sympathy; but they arent the folks protesting the Google buses hate middle class Americans and speak about them in condescending terms. Did they go back and time and change the facts and moral premises of the arguments that convinced you? While Im sure there is a certain amount of inherent self-consciousness that accompanies adolescence, I do think we would be well-served to promote a healthier sense of ones body especially if we are only going to give two dozen girls just three stalls. Im perfectly willing to say that they should have chosen another target, but once you admit that there are reasons why they chose the target they did, that those reasons are not silly (and, in fact, make a fair amount of sense, given what the buses represent), and that the protests may even have been moderately successful in garnering attention for the issues that were the source of their anger in the first place, it seems unfair to mock them for their choice of where to protest and how to go about it (except for the violence). Now, it is possible that the WF was just the tip of the ice berg and in 20 years time those formerly-long-time-and-now-displaced-locals will regret their support. Question tags: Grammar test 1. Gentrification is neither wholly bad nor wholly good, and its been my experience that which of the two valences one focuses on has a lot to do with which side of the gentrification equation one is on. Grammar; Study documents; Who interrogative subordinate clause interrogative subordinate clause question tag ( tag question) , Interrogative Assertive Who cares Nobody cares ( Nobody / None cares, do they? ) Moreover, it is not morally vile to protest gentrification. But not morally vile. Who interrogative subordinate clause interrogative . 1 Answer. It's a bit early, isn't it? Not entirely, but pretty close. Please let us know of any problems. Some people are going to be exhibitionists no matter what. The four colors include: Red. Liberal does something slightly controversial or mistaken. To turn the statement into a question, put a comma, then add the question tag. Visit him atTodKelly.com. Th hin ti hon thnh4. 4. Its like he didnt understand how ghettos worked. Yeah, thats luckily just property damage, but wed more properly call it an attempted stabbing, which I tend to take a dim view of. These protesters are undoing a lot of that work to me. But someday thats not nearly as long off as you think, that mindset is going to bite you all in the ass and youre going to be wondering how the fish you squandered what should have been an easy lock on a multi-generational majority. #vtfwoodworks" This is probably the best argument for returning some types of manufacturing to the US. In general, question tags (also called tag questions or question tails) are used to elicit confirmation or affirmation for a statement from the person one is talking to. I also think I have an argument to express what that heat source is. The sentences who cares or who goes . Just last month The Hill reported that Burkmans firm, JM Burkman, is big player in DC. A question tag is something which can turn a statement into a question. 1. So I do kind of see the irony zinc points out.Report, women are essentially never required to shower with or otherwise appear naked in front of men, And no ones forcing straight men to shower with gay men if one of them joins an NFL team. Particularly not when theyre packing to move. that doesnt make the way they treated black newcomers acceptable.Report. who cares tag question ? That you put it that way tells me precisely that you dont live in their world. If you treat them as hourly workers (e.g pay overtime), you can pay minimum wage, provided you can find someone wholl accept that.Report. He didn't buy the chairs, doesn't they? They were only able to reclaim a few blocks, meaning we were still surrounded by a lot of abandoned houses. Im not saying you cant criticize them. Sounds pretty simple, right? I cant really write it up in a way that would make sense, but when I lived in Yonkers, my immediate area was trying hard to gentrify with mixed results. In English, existential clauses usually use the dummy subject construction (also known as expletive) with there, as in "There are boys in the yard". The Google bus protests might be mistaken, nonetheless, but protesting upper middle class behavior that worsens inequality is fair game., How much of an income difference was there between the current residents of that neighborhood and the new Google employees moving in? Use a question tag to easily form a yes/no question. I mean, sure people can get incidental looks while you go in and outReport, But why is minimal exposure the ideal? If Google were closer to town, theyd probably be protesting at the Google campus, but its not, so you go with whats close. I suspect i disagree with the Google protestors about a lot, but most of those disagreements are within the realm of the reasonable and the morally understandable. The dog is brown, right? this is in contrast to krugmans claim that the left only has a problem with the top 1% and that taking about anyone making less than that is diverting attention from the real problem. Jane thinks that he will pass the exam, won't she? Theres lots of room for dispute over the scope of those effects, just as theres lots of room for dispute over the scope of gentrifications negative effects, but those effects exist nonetheless. The question folks are asking is why arent we getting rich? or didn't they? The tense of the statement and the question tag must match. In enforcement actions, the FTC contends that each mislabeled garment is a violation. Businessmen may have been less for Jim Crow than Southern society as a whole but I think that really only refers to the really big companies. That sucks. If the main part of the sentence is positive we usually add a negative question tag. However, how many people threw rocks? Their ability to move into that neighborhood is itself an example of inequality shrinking, not growing.Report. But people on the right that blame gays, minorities, the IRS or Obama for their own sinking financial and social net worth and anxiety about a changing world? No sarcasm intended. @jaybird this stop you refer to happened all over the place when the housing boom collapsed. Such neighborhoods, hell, is some places whole states, litter the map.Report. I know of no tags for these; they have no verbs to tag with. Adding a question mark sort of ruins the response especially in writing because it sets up an expectation (or subtle tension) of further response. Im in a currently-gentrifying neighborhood in Dorchester, a traditionally blue collar neighborhood of Boston. Actions. But they do make these things called shower curtains, and I think that might be the best, most cost-effective solution.Report, Do communal showers actually use less water? Unfortunately, not everyone can do X at the same time. Protesting at city hall might be a more direct way of doing it, but the Google Bus protests have gotten the issues a hell of a lot more attention than a few people with signs and slogans down at city hall would have. Yes, blaming gay people for your lack of socioeconomic success is unreasonable and morally vile. This really alarmed me, too; I feared I was so subsuming my liberal stripes to do my job without bias that everyone saw an elephant.)Report. I dunno, BB. What is the tag question of who cares? What will be the tag questions for above sentences ? Why would they be questions at all? Among other things, how a proposed name for Colorado ended up the name of another state. Having a tag question turns the statement into a question. The half-filled apartments couldnt support all the new nifty restaurants, so some closed. Religious conservatives are a large diverse and fairly powerful group that has access to the highest levels of power in this country, rich churches and significant influence. A tag question is a special construction in English. Its better if it doesnt, because 99.999% of the time its counterproductive as a form of protest, but anger is a heated fluid in a container (a cookie for the first person to recognize that reference), and sometimes the tops gonna blow, particularly when you put a bunch of people in a charged situation.Report. Definition: Tag means something small that is added on or attached after a sentence. Associate Dean for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Nicole Joseph sent a follow-up, apology email to the Peabody community on Feb. 17 at 6:30 p.m. CST. There are four colors and a wounded individual will be tagged one color based on their health status. But now a single protest which you -perhaps correctly- believe is targeted at an innocent party is causing you to give up that belief? Mocking is not having that conversation, or any conversation, though.Report, No worries. I am of a mixed mind on it, in part because no two gentrifications are identical. We often use question tags when we expect the listener to agree with our statement. Yeah, fish those guys.Report. At the moment it doesn't make sense because a question tag turns a statement into a question. May I have your clariufication? I always wonder about folks that assume that others are watching them.Report, I have to admit Im now sitting here trying to imagine a mother whose son is in the NFL, and therefore a really large adult male, and shes worrying about his safety in the shower with a gay man.Report. Thats not the super rich, its the young programmers making six figures and buying a condo or house for 800k in a neighborhood that, a few years ago, was working or lower middle class.Report. Gentrification, loss of what made SF a great community, growing income inequality, a failure of the upper middle class to try to integrate and live with lower classes, etc., How can you complain about gentrification AND a refusal to integrate? Know a lot of women that complain about it happening in the tag questions below because they that. Frequent guest political expert on both CNN and CNBC probably the best snark youve got you! Sorry if my arguments came off as pedantic on that thread a yes/no question came as! Tags exercises you can try out to Find how who cares tag question you are with.... Success is unreasonable and morally vile to that we are going to publish Board... The also a regular contributor on Fox Newsas well as a frequent guest political expert on CNN., I take it? 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