For example, high fiber brown rice has a higher thermic effect than does its low fiber counterpart, white rice. The same is true for many of the other fitness trackers Ive reviewed, including the Fitbit Versa. I would not recommend the Whoop. One of the things I immediately noticed when I put the strap on for the first time was that WHOOP doesnt have a display or buttons. Ive worn WHOOP since January 2019, and the data it has provided has helped me optimize my diet, workouts and lifestyle habits. That number should be relatively stable from night to night. I tried the Oura ring but it had large gaps that took about 2/3 of fmy sleep time. Without knowing your full physiological profile, WHOOP cant make a completely accurate assessment. Below the table youll find links to in-depth comparison articles and YouTube videos I recorded along the way. This reliability is key to its use, because it means that eating more or eating less on days when you burn more or fewer calories is still a reasonable way to action this data. The wearable device contains a ton of sophisticated sensors that can measure your hearts beats per minute, heart rate variability (HRV), electro-dermal activity (EDA), skin temperature, blood oxygen saturation (SpO2), movement and 3D acceleration. Women tend to have lower BMRs than men but this is mostly because they also tend to be smaller. Many of my friends and fellow CrossFitters use WHOOP and none of them have reported any of the issues youre having. Thats where I think WHOOP has a leg up, and independent validation studies (such as this one) confirm that belief. The stress alone of being hooked up to monitors while trying to sleep in a lab-environment renders the results pretty much useless. Strain tracking is more reliable for cardio workouts (than HIIT or Olympic lifting). I honestly dont know but let me try to find out and get back to you! In case youre wondering, the WHOOP wristband is not available on Amazon. I admit that doesnt always make it easy to find what youre looking for. Ill cover the WHOOP Journal in more detail below, but in a nutshell, understand that it enables you to make better lifestyle choices to improve your sleep and recovery. ? The integration enables athletes to track running/biking routes in Strain Coach and to upload their WHOOP data and GPS routes to Strava automatically. One common confusion is the difference between BMR and RMR (resting metabolic rate). Obviously, thats an unrealistic expectation much like its unrealistic for a Tesla to operate entirely autonomously. I earn affiliate commissions from some of the brands and products I review. In fact, I havent even heard about it but will check it out! Considering what I told you about the cost of upgrading above its free if you have six or more months left on your current membership I see no reason why you shouldnt get the new Strap. WHOOP measures your daily accumulated strain score using a scale from 0 to 21: Note that WHOOP calculates strain from your max heart rate, which means the score is highly personalized. It actually turns out that there is a lot going on during Sleep, even though you don't know it. For more information, check out my YouTube video about the 10 hacks Ive implemented to increase my HRV. The activity tracker on the Whoop gives me roughly the same amount as well. Please ensure you are getting formally tested for a diagnosis if you believe you are suffering from this disease and need care. Thanks for taking the time to answer. WHOOP normally recognizes when you remove the strap from your wrist. If you are consistently exerting high strain days and not allowing room for recovery, you will not make the same fitness gains if you were to take a day of active rest. First of all, thanks to anyone who responds. For example, Id like to see all of my HRV and SpO2 readings throughout the night instead of just getting a single metric that likely reflects an average. Not much in-between. WHOOP accurately tracks cardiovascular strain, as well as exercise and sleep performance. WHOOP gives you insight into exercise performance, recovery, rest and sleep in a way that no other device can. Awesome - thanks for this response. Thats why WHOOP only uses its pulse oximeter for sleep tracking. As a runner and former gymnast, Emily knows first hand the importance of sleep and recovery for peak performance. However, its important to understand that the accuracy of any wrist-worn heart rate sensor is limited by how well it maintains contact with your skin. As of WHOOP 4.0, WHOOP also exposes the measurements via its app. The WHOOP Journal is the best way to record how your diet may be affecting your performance and recovery. I dont rely on it to know my caloric output at all. We saw particular improvements with cycling and weightlifting. So it wont recognize those 20-second sprints on CAROL, the REHIT bike Ive been using to complement my CrossFit workouts. I say that because my chest strap tends to move around a bit as well. Does Whoop 4.0 has a normal haptic function that informs messages or phone calls? I will read through more of your articles. Reading a book before going to sleep (instead of reading on my iPhone or iPad) helps me sleep better and longer. When I got the WHOOP 3.0, I started using the new ProKnit strap and fell in love with it. I wear an Apple Watch 4 right now. Regardless of your desired wake-up time, Sleep Coach also tells you when you should go to bed and when you should wake up for maximal sleep consistency and to achieve 100% of your sleep needs. WHOOP. But despite their similarities, there are plenty of differences between these two wearable fitness trackers. Since the WHOOP Strap doesnt have any buttons or a display, you cant tell the device to start tracking a workout routine. We will break it down into 3 pillars of performance to help you get a better understanding of how it works. That means the super powerful ones (like towers) that are far away are often not reaching us with the same intensity as less powerful devices that are right on our bodies or under our desks. On the ingestion side, it is important to understand all the limitations on accurate calorie counting, even with the most diligent and intentional tracking practices: A more exhaustive review of all challenges with accurately counting calories can be found in a 2013 issue of Scientific American. Because of this seemingly simple relationship, lots of athletes are interested in tracking their daily caloric expenditure in order to manage their weight according to their goals. Published: Jan 11, 2023Jan 2, 2023 Sometimes, I feel like although my mind is getting stronger my body isnt or at least not at the rate Im expecting. I wear my Oura ring for most workouts, unless it involves gripping a bar or kettlebell. Can you collect pulse ox data during the day? This is a good idea very badly executed. When you tap on the VoW, you will see each of these Recovery-related metrics for the day compared against your last 30 days (in gray). Your profile displays various information, including: By visiting, you can view data and trends across your last 6 months of data (if available). Ich wuerde sehr gern Sie einmal kennenlernen. 2) it references a new metric HRV but does not give any insight into how to address it and what is good or bad. A typical sleep cycle consists of four stages: WHOOP uses its sensors to detect changes in my heart rate, the ambient temperature, electrodermal activity and movement patterns. Would you expect me to be able to better monitor my sleep with Whoop than Pillow? Do you have any thoughts on this? BMR is, as mentioned above, the calories associated with maintaining the necessary functions of sustaining life (things like breathing) while RMR is used as an estimate of ordinary non-workout caloric consumption, and therefore includes all forms of ordinary activity (things like cooking breakfast). You might still see the accumulated strain and maybe calories burned (never tried it) but you definitely wont see any recovery scores or sleep analysis. Its third-party sleep tracking apps are inaccurate and gimmicky. If you have a race or competition coming up, you might have to take it easy and conserve energy, despite WHOOPs recommendation. In a nutshell, the WHOOP analysis engine uses three key metrics to measure recovery: A high heart rate variability and a low resting heart rate, compared to your baseline, indicate that your body is recovering well. Thanks for writing such a succinct review. We see on average across all of the different activities we collected on (over 30 different types) on over 20k data sets a 10% improvement [in accuracy]. @decker_saquan, 13. Thats the same approach I took in my review and comparison of the best sleep trackers. As a result, I dont pay close attention to the strain score WHOOP reports, considering the type of workouts I do on a regular basis. Therefore, not surprisingly, natural foods like a salad tend to differ from their advertised caloric contents by more than processed foods like a candy bar which tend to be truer to their nutrition labels. However, their staying power should not be interpreted to be a sign of accuracy the Revised Harris-Benedict Equations, which were developed in 1984 and are considered the most accurate BMR prediction using only height, weight, age, and biological sex, is still known to have only a 95% confidence level of 213 kcal/day for men and 201 kcal/day for women. Their website advertises you get the current band free with your initial membership. WHOOP is a high-tech gadget that can guide you through exercise, recovery and sleep. Whoop always showed more deep sleep than Oura-every night. Is it bad to eat before bed? The way we prepare food can alter its caloric density. Today, I wear both devices. If youre still using WHOOP 3.0, you might be wondering if its worth upgrading to WHOOP 4.0. Otherwise, I dont do anything special. You get the Whoop Strap 4.0 free but you pay a subscription fee to access the app and support and community features over a -6, 12-, or 18-months period. Ive had the whoop for about a week now and Im getting ridiculously low total calories burned. 2) Pick your moments to drink alcohol. Low HRV and high RHR. Its hard to believe we have such opposite experiences. That is correct! Albout the gym, (or sports), Ive come to notice that optical HR monitors are really bad when tracking HR during the sports. Do you take Whoop off just for the shower? Once youve worn WHOOP for a couple of months (or as in my case, years), you might wonder if you should continue wearing the gadget or if youve learned enough about how your body responds to certain foods or exercise. The only downside to using wearable methods is that it takes a few seconds to transition the sensor from your wrist to its new location. It offers no useful analysis and reporting around exercise performance and recovery. I am looking for a fitness monitor that is accurate enough for my profile (not a competitor/athlete) the will provide a more fully featured range of health metrics and the Whoop sees to fit the bill. Specifically, the new WHOOP Strap now includes red and infrared LEDs and additional photodiodes to penetrate the skin deeper and to differentiate between oxygenated and non-oxygenated hemoglobin. Update: I can confirm that moving the sensor from my wrist to larger body parts (by leveraging WHOOP Body the companys new line of functional garments) has fixed the problem. While there is a link between respiratory rate and COVID-19, WHOOP cannot conclusively prove that you have contracted the disease, along with other illnesses. Im incredibly competitive (primarily with myself), and Im in a constant battle with my mind during workouts. So if your body is managing post-workout stress and inflammation well, your HRV might be virtually unaffected. Wearables quantify, but they don't describe. However, I realized that unless I move away from the city and put a Faraday cage around my house, there isnt a whole lot I can do to limit the exposure of the big EMF emitters. I let my Whoop expire as the strain algorithm never meant much to me as I only do Peloton cycling and it always desired more strain for some reason. What Id really like to see is the ability to add custom journal entries. The Hydroband didnt stretch, but I didnt like it very much for two reasons: it was less comfortable and I couldnt quickly move it out of the way when a workout called for gloves or grips. Great review Michael. Whats missing from Biostrap is recovery tracking and the actionable insights I get from WHOOP. Really keeps me healthy and injury free. WHOOP is a fitness tracking wrist strap that works with a companion mobile app to provide unique health insights. I saw this option when I tried to upgrade my membership to the new WHOOP 3.0 strap. I've noticed a change in my calories. Below we break down some of our most intriguing findings in the context of the three core pillars of WHOOP: Strain, sleep and recovery. However, there is RF around you (from natural sources and otherwise) that the BT antenna in WHOOP wont make a difference. I received the white not grey Whoop 3.0 on Friday and it is nothing like the 2.0. @markfox96. Do you know if other measurements in the day happen or are considered. I also use it to track most of my workouts, because I have other apps that integrate with Apples Health app to correlate the data with my blood glucose levels and other biometrics. Another eye opener is if I have any drinks the night before. You probably already know that if you consume more calories than you expend you will gain mass (either muscle or fat), if you consume fewer calories than you expend you will lose mass, and if you match input to output your weight stays the same. As mentioned above, you can swipe left and right to switch between different Today views, including the home, strain, recovery and sleep screens. So many deal breakers this is not ready to be in market and certainly not at the price point. Appears there might be some accuracy deficiencies that no product has resolved. I recommend studying undergraduate level exercise physiology to grasp a bit how complicated and fine machines we are. I was torn between Oura and Whoop. That makes it easier for WHOOP (and other wrist-worn devices) to capture your HR readings. Absolutely! WHOOP measures blood oxygen saturation (non-continuously) only during sleep. For example, Difficult (if not impossible) to measure factors including the. If the strap is too loose or too tight, the sensors will either receive a lot of noise or no signal at all.WHOOP recommends positioning the strap on your dominant hand, about one inch from your wrist bone. The rest of the time, its just an accelerometer being used to determine how active a person is, and theres no data lost by not wearing the ring during a workout, especially if that workout is tracked by something else that integrates with Apple Health or Google Fit (Garmin, Suunto, &c). WHOOP can monitor and correlate data from its various sensors to understand when and why your skin temperature deviates from your baseline, which is helpful for predicting the onset of a fever or a menstrual cycle. My estimates historically have been anywhere from 15% to 30% low. As I debate joining Whoop and wearing both devices, is the Apple Watchs ability to perform what Whoop does just a software upgrade away? I also wear an Oura ring btw. My thoughts are that the band would loose contact or its performance hindered by copious amounts of sweat, regardless of the type of band and where its worn. Thats then reflected in your lower-than-expected recovery score. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires that food labels are accurate within 20%, but studies have shown that food labels are more likely to underestimate caloric content than they are to overestimate it. For example, if youre trying to improve your fitness, you need to functionally overreach. As mentioned above, I recorded my highest-ever strain score while building a chicken coop. How can this be so? Your body is a complex system that is working 24/7. One of the most common questions people ask us is why they should use WHOOP over other devices. Any benefit of Whoop over Garmin? Black Slime On Faucets: What It Is And How To Get Rid Of It,,,,,,,,,,,,,, purchase one of my supplements or branded shirts. @cdissins. After charging the strap, you have to charge the battery pack using the included USB-A to USB-C cable. Thanks for your feedback Chris and Im sorry to hear about your issues. Thats why I dont bother with WHOOPs strain scores. Thanks! Also, the problems with optical sensors during HIIT or short intervals are especially well known (even Polar H10 the golden standard of sports labs has problems with these). In Crossfit the Whoop can go crazy. This is called the Voice of WHOOP, or VoW for short. Thats one of the reasons why Biostrap decided to lump both deep and REM sleep into a single metric instead of trying to differentiate between the two. WHOOP claims 95%, but I think its too high based on their technology and lack of EEG. I know that there are pros and cons to WHOOPs subscription model vs. paying for the hardware up-front. As a result, I build very little cardiovascular strain. Ouch! If I want really good data in the pool, Polar Beat with OH1 on my temple in memory mode does the trick and I just accept Whoop for what it is. I couldnt find any significant discrepancy. Many WHOOP members have wondered how their data will reflect a strenuous strength session, so heres the breakdown: In order to read true muscle breakdown following a workout, youd need additional tools such as an EMG or blood test. A complete charge takes between 120 and 180 minutes. However, keep in mind that WHOOP needs good contact with the skin to accurately measure your heart rate. In other words, it doesnt matter whether youre an elite athlete, a fitness enthusiast or someone who doesnt work out at all.For example, if your body is run down, maybe its not a great idea to start skydiving. For devices that cant be turned off for whatever reason, each time you double your distance, the exposure scales down exponentially. So in order to maximize accuracy, its important to make sure data like your height and weight are up to date in your WHOOP app. Heart-rate-based calorie estimates, like the ones provided by WHOOP, scale reliably with true caloric consumption, meaning that you can look at trends in caloric burn and trust that its accurately identifying relatively high and low calorie-burn periods. In many cases, extensive strain and sleep debt cause a much higher sleep need than you might like. Great review. The problem is that none of the fitness trackers on the market (including the WHOOP fitness tracker) can pick up on that, because they all rely primarily on heart rate information. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. without a subscription, the strap is useless as all the data crunching happens in the cloud. Remember, WHOOP captures HRV during the last five minutes of deep sleep. As a result, you might see a notification informing you that the app hasnt received any data from the strap in more than three hours.To fix the issue, just open the WHOOP app and follow the on-screen instructions to reconnect the strap. My cardiologist believes it was the perfect stormBang Energy Drink, hot Crossfit session, 40 mins in sauna at 190 F. AFIB began in the sauna. I am not an athlete, I am in my early 60s, out of shape, work too many hours sitting on my tail and have terrible sleep habits. I usually just keep WHOOP on my wrist during CF workouts but I move it back a bit, so that I have enough room to close my grips, if I use any. As always, feel free to message us on social media or contact one of our Membership Services representatives to better understand how to optimize performance on WHOOP! The two others are resting heart rate (RHR) and heart rate variability (HRV). Thank you for this very detailed and comprehensive review. When you do, your body has to work hard to repair and recover, and youll end up with a yellow or red recovery score. For example, after having consumed two glasses of red wine relatively close to my bedtime, my resting heart rate increased to 60 beats per minutes (which is relatively high for me). Yes, the WHOOP Strap measures your ambient skin temperature, which is an important parameter for ensuring accurate sleep tracking. So heres a list of issues that Ive come across (or that others have reported to me). Just received my WHOOP 3.0 and have not found in any literature what is the preferred hand to wear the device. But I usually take it easy or easier on those low-recovery days to give my body a chance towellrecover. 12-month membership: $24 per month ($288 in total). While Im sure using a hammer and drill and lugging lumber around for several hours increased my heart rate, I didnt have to go all out. My first workout while wearing both WHOOP sensors was a recovery bike ride on CAROL. As a result, Id argue that Fitbit can keep relatively accurate tabs on calories burned and other standard metrics. That seems absolutely ludicrous to me. I appreciate the time you took to draft such a detailed comment. Wut. Is there any ability to integrate the two platforms? I assume the reason is data consistency, so that WHOOP can continue aggregating journal information across its entire user base to fine-tune its algorithm and better understand how certain behaviors impact users. A little cumbersome getting it on and off the device but I think there are newer versions now. While Ive never seen WHOOP overestimate my sleep need, my wifes WHOOP Strap 3.0 keeps telling her that she sleeps too much. Its a fun way of recording short workout videos and publishing them on social media. Thats awesome to hear you have the issue on your radar (pun mostly intended). I think thats a terrible business practice: refuse to provide the service already paid for. Great review! Wi-fi and Bluetooth operate on an entirely different frequency than the critical systems of an airplane. The same workout performed by different people (or even pro athletes) might result in different strain scores, so dont compare your results to someone elses. Interestingly enough, electrodermal activity also changes under stress and during epileptic seizures. Thats helpful for certain types of exercises, like lifting weights, that increase your heart rate only moderately. Of course, your sleep performance also plays a crucial role in recovery. Went ahead and ordered the Whoop. The Oura Ring is a fascinating device that packs numerous wearable technologies into a tiny form factor. For example, a study from 2010 showed that epileptic seizures induce a surge in EDA. As I mentioned in my article, I expect their accuracy to be around 86%. Regarding the Oura ring, it is really not a fitness tracker in the same vein as the Apple Watch or Whoop. While that doesn't change my editorial integrity, it helps make this blog happen. A 0-4 strain is a very common and normal strain levelif you just waking up, not working out, or taking an active recovery day. Tapping Sleep Needed in your app shows how we calculate your specific sleep requirement. Alternatively, you can use the WHOOP app on your smartphone to start or log an activity instead of relying on the trackers automatic detection capabilities. Over 100 years ago, Arthur Harris and Francis Benedict came up with the Harris-Benedict Equation for predicting BMR from height, weight, age, and biological sex. Valid question. The 4.0 tracked all our workouts, sleep and recovery extremely well, even during the hardest sessions on the Peloton. The technology behind WHOOPs HR sensor is called photoplethysmography (PPG), and it enables WHOOP to measure your heart rate and heart rate variability. Now, heres the caveat: the more you have sleep disturbances the more these models get wrong. If you see a lot of lines containing the words MEMORY WARNING, you know that iOS is causing the disconnections.To temporarily work around the issue, force close some of your other apps or reboot your phone. As you can see, the data captured by the devices is pretty consistent. The flip box toward the bottom of the screen will give you insights based on your data. So Im curious if WHOOP has any plans to add stress and seizure monitoring to its platform in the future. RHR is essentially how many beats per minute your heart makes when you are completely relaxed, and is usually used as a general indicator of your overall health. Thanks for the extremely thorough review! The WHOOP apps Sleep Coach feature gives you personalized recommendations on how to leverage sleep to increase your performance. Thats a welcome improvement from the WHOOP 3.0 battery pack, which wasnt waterproof. This conversation started several months ago during which I was quite patient however when the refund was requested the correspondence ceased. While anyone can benefit from WHOOP, it depends on what you are looking for out of a fitness wearable. Hi, I saw whoop website that the 3.0 watch just compares hrv during the first 5 minutes of your last sleep wave to establish a baseline for day to day comparison. @valerie_bedrock. With the release of iOS 13 and the launch of the iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro, Apple doubled down on extending the battery life of its devices. Ive heard from several WHOOP members (including my wife when she first started wearing WHOOP) that they would get anxious when WHOOP reported a red recovery. WHOOPs straps have come a long way since the WHOOP 2.0. That depends a little bit on your definition of good. What I can tell you is that WHOOP is incredibly reliable and accurate see above. Id like to discuss why I have to keep paying when my equipment doesnt work..but I am able to contact them and they seemingly have no interest in contacting me. To find out whether thats true in practice, I performed several tests while wearing both WHOOP 3.0 and WHOOP 4.0. This is a very detailed and comprehensive review of the product and services offered by Whoop. Interesting deep dive. Note: After this review was published, I decided to write a detailed comparison of WHOOP and Fitbits flagship smartwatch, the Fitbit sense. As a result, I firmly believe that WHOOP 4.0 more accurately captured my HR data, calorie burn and cardiovascular strain. Overnight HRV was somewhat consistent between the three. More than that, I felt like I was dreaming the whole night, and I have vivid recollections of my dreams. The more time you spend in your elevated heart rate zones, the higher your Strain will be. not really all the functionality is tied to the subscription. For example, if your current strain score is 5.0 and then you go for a run that clocks in at 10.0, your total strain score is likely lower than the sum of both (15.0). Unfortunately, WHOOP isnt immune to such growing pains. Hi Allen! I have used Whoop for a couple of years and have benchmarked it with chest straps and/or Apple Watch for Crossfit, running, and cycling and the Polar OH1 HRM against the temple and on the goggle strap for swimming. Two other huge issues, which ultimately would be the reason for purchasing: 1) on days where I literally do nothing it has me showing as having a strain level higher than 91% of users, and days where I run 21 miles it barely notices a difference. How possibly can this be so bad at just reading basic variations in activity level for low to moderate exercise like walking? Combine it with a good 3rd party sleep app like AutoSleep that detects your recovery using HRV, and you get legitimately great feedback on recovery and how much you can push yourself every day. As with every new product or major release, there is always a chance for bugs and issues that have to be ironed out. Based on my experience over the past three years, I can say that WHOOP has constantly improved the platform for its paying members. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Thanks to the advanced sleep monitoring technology in WHOOP, the device can not only measure how much time I spend in bed, but also how much time it takes me to fall asleep (sleep latency), how long I sleep, how much time I spend awake after sleep onset (WASO), and what stage of sleep Im in. 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