Due to the extreme trauma she has endured in her life, she is In the movies, she's trying to learn how to use her powers because no one else in the MCU has them. The comic book version of Scarlet Witch evolved beyond "hex magic"; when she became mentally unbalanced in the comics, Wanda was able to forge a complete, alternate reality in the House of M event story. Various creators added to her abilities, and increasingly emphasized their mystical nature, with the Scarlet Witch eventually being able to use powerful chaos magic. She has mental powers, not mystical ones. Since her introduction,Wanda has displayed abilities including telekinesis, telepathy, and energy manipulation, like the creation of force fields and bolts of energy. Without them, he wouldnt be half as powerful as he is. We see in Age of Ultron that the experiment failed, which left participants dead. This makesWanda vulnerable to Thor, but only because her powers are within herself and thus are "safe.". "[W]e have seen her use her telekinesis to rip Ultron's robots apart, pull Ultron's heart out of his chest, throw Captain America through a second story window, pull poisonous gas out of the CDC building and dispose of it in the air, and throw Black Widow and Black Panther at two separate points during the airport battle.". As a former spy, Natasha excels in infiltration, mission analysis you know, things a spy does. Rocket possesses the abilities of a regular raccoon which means he has incredible speed as well as an acute sense of smell, sight, hearing, and touch. Shes a complicated character, but these series, (such as Scarlet Witch and Uncanny Avengers) are helping to flesh out her character a bit more. If Stephen Strange never became the Sorcerer Supreme, he wouldnt be on this list at all. Marvel President Kevin Feige declared Avenger Scarlet Witch is the strongest MCU hero and that Wanda Maximoff's power far exceeds the other heroes. She can also fly, stop bullets from her force fields, and can move an explosion to a less-populated area. But Vision doesn't stay dead for long. While she possesses none of his Stranges benevolent gods definitely put him a step above Scarlet Witch. However, we dont think she could manipulate time as accurately and carefully as Strange. You can sort of go deeper and I can play with their relationships and I can play with attitudes. Like Stranges mentor, the Ancient One, Strange wont contract any diseases or visibly age. We also see him flying as fast as Superman when using the hammer. When you can bend reality to your will, is anyone you love ever really gone? Meanwhile, as we suggested above, without the hammer, Thor would be considerably weakened andWanda would be able to overpower him with little effort. For Earth-616, Scarlet Witch is the Nexus-Being and acts as an anchor for the reality. The Age of Ultron changed the origin story, withWanda and her brother hailing from Eastern Europe. But she doesn't think her character is mentally insane or troubled, or needs to be locked in a straitjacket. WebWhy Scarlet Witch is the most powerful Avenger? Scarlet Witch partially gets her power from the powerful demon Chthon. Light and dark, evil and good: these traits together make for great superheroes. WebScarlet Witch is indeed powerful and has overpowered magical abilities that make her a threat in both the comics and the MCU. With every new series that Wanda Maximoff stars in, we learn a little more about what she can and cant do. Thor is strong; Wanda is powerful. Strange is a natural scholar who loves learning. That's all she gets for defeating Ultron? She puts her enemies in line by allowing them to see pure fear or emotional pain in the form of nightmarishhallucinations that end up weakening them or stunning them. Wanda is powerful but is not on the same level as the Phoenix force. In the comics, he has more powers that lend additional credibility to his claim as the strongest member of the Avengers team. Brock Rumlow, seeking revenge against Steve Rogers and Sam Wilson, revealed the way he would eviscerate Captain America by detonating a bomb to take out him and anyone else in his proximity. Now that we're at the end of our list, it's clear that Scarlet Witch is strong, but pitting her against Thor causes a lot of controversies. Before he became the Sorcerer Supreme, Strange was a gifted surgeon with a penchant for creating breakthrough procedures. Scarlet Witch intended to kill Thanos in Endgame and she would have which is the reason Feige now champions Wanda as the MCU's heaviest hitter. About Wakanda. Both Carol and Wanda demonstrated their own advantages over Thanos, an alien warlord from Titan and a member of a race of species who are off-shoots of the Eternals. With this in mind, Wanda Maximoff's abilities indeed place her on another level beyond the other Avengers, including Captain Marvel, even though Danvers' powers are also derived from an Infinity Stone (the Space Stone). Marvel Comics have repeatedly proved that the Scarlet Witch is not the most powerful character in the Marvel universe. As for Thor, once he loses the hammer, he's a goner. They are filled with rage because they lost their family, and that rage makes them more powerful, asWanda can harness the rage within her and warp reality. And we've seen that before, in Avengers: Age of Ultron. The powerful Eye of Agamotto can do some of this, but it still demands an extreme amount of concentration from Strange. So when a foe of hers is hit with her energy, she can use her telekinesis to inflict further damage. Strange (And 10 Reasons Why Dr. Being a Nexus-Being doesnt grant you any special powers, like being Sorcerer Supreme does. Her second abilityis the fact that she can literally get into the minds of others. When we talk about Wanda being the strongest Avenger, we're referring to her awesome telekinetic and telepathic powers. But then Thor comes around with his mighty hammer to fight off Thanos, for example, and it'she who comes off as the strongest. She had an uncredited cameo in Captain America: Winter Soldier, but she followed that with a starring role in Avengers: Age of Ultron, which she played Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff. It looks like the position of Sorcerer Supreme wont be opening up anytime soon. Are the Infinity Stones equal in power? Or, since Scarlet Witch is so powerful, it's she against the world. She's very good at what she does, perhaps the best in the world. One of the biggest differences between Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch is the origin of their powers. Take this quick Inverse survey. Doctor Strange knows the consequences of messing with time, so he warned Wanda not to do so. Scarlet Witch, on the other hand, was originally a mutant villain of the X-Men. In 2016's Doctor Strange, the hero used projection to learn more about sorcerery while he slept; in WandaVision's post-credits scene, Scarlet Witch does that while awake. Various creators added to her abilities, and increasingly emphasized their mystical nature, with the Scarlet Witch eventually being able to use powerful chaos magic. So say "Yeah!" And that was without the power of Mjolnir, his beloved hammer that endows the worthy few "the power of Thor." (If you challenge me and say "Actually, he'd be a paladin," I will bully you.). After all, Wanda will never win a bench press content against Thor, Hulk, or even Captain Marvel. to Elizabeth Olsen's character. And, so far, what weve learned is that her powers are (sort of) limitless. A trio of gods called the Vishanti power most of Stranges spells and many of his amulets. Power doesn't have to mean raw strength, but the tremendous demonstration of one's own ability. Well, Olsen herself explained them best. The sorceress specialises in altering reality and is one of the coolest mutants. Theyve been doing the superhero gig for a while now. The 21-gun salute is usually fired from cannons and rifles in an impressive display of strength and loyalty. So all of sudden, its a darker, weirder, tougher world that theyre living in.. As rare as it is, there have been times where Scarlet Witch has had to rely on her fists instead of her hexes. WebWhy is Scarlet Witch so powerful? So, in this scene, Thor outshines Scarlet Witch because he almost reduced Thanos to smithereens. Then in Avengers: Endgame, Wanda came close to killing Thanos - that is, until he forced his ship to execute an aerial bombardment on the Avengers compound. without acknowledging both played different sports in different eras. Infinity War marked the 10-year anniversary of Marvel Studios. But what about Thor? This includes freezing, slowing, and traveling through time. At the end of the movie, she stands aloneand becomes one of the newest Avengers, which we know because she is wearing a brand new superhero costume. But she does end up helping Hawkeye by opening a ball of energy, thus saving Hawkeye. Wanda Maximoff, aka the Scarlet Witch, is one of Marvels most powerful characters. DR. No one else came close. Wanda has as well, but the Avengers or Vision are usually tag along. Scarlet Witch is intelligent as well, but she doesnt put as much work into learning as Strange does. The hammer makes him superhuman, as he uses it to crush his enemies. In the movie, Thor literally brags about how mighty he is, only to find himself stepping into Wanda's illusion and getting psyched out from it. Then she and her brother become allies to the Avengers, and here's why she's so cool. She can depict in someone's mind his or her fears and other things that bring them down to their knees. We want to hear from you! Within the Sanctum Sanctorum live some of Stranges most coveted artifacts, including his famous Cloak of Levitation and the Eye of Agamotto. Wanda Maximoff saved Captain Americas life from the bomb by using her powers to move the bomb into the sky. She may just be finding the strength within her to harness her powers in the best way, but she will become the most powerful superhero ever if she can get her hands on one of the Infinity Stones, which would make her literally invincible. DoesWanda fit that role? . But in the movies, her powers are definitely different. agent Monica Rambeau (Teyonah Parris) debate over Wanda's powers like a living, breathing Reddit thread. She has telekinetic powers, which allows her to mentally move,levitate and manipulate objects. And she's right. She wasn't ashamed of her famous last name, but she did try to hide it by dropping it in high school. But what I love about her is that in so many superhero films, emotions are kind of negated a bit, but for her everything that someone else could feel like their weakest moments, she physically goes through that same experience with them, which is pretty cool. Not only that, She was perfect for the MCU because of her knowledge of ballet and dance; in the Marvel films, she has to do a lot of acrobatic stunts and fights, and she did so naturally. She can also impose fear by way of manipulating someone's mind. But it's still a difficult comparison, as the X-Men universe operated on a different wavelength than the MCU. Dr. Related: Everything From Avengers: Age of Ultron's Visions That Came True. As the second beefiest Avenger with biceps the size of boulders, Thor is easily the muscle of the Avengers (after Hulk). In Nivadellir, Thor held open the forge and withstood the power of a star. During that arc, Scarlet Witch is present, but she is of little help to Strange. In the first Thor movie, Thor attacked the Frost Giants without orders from his father, Odin. Even if it's just for trivia, one can't help but anticipate Marvel is setting something up between the two later down the road. One line of dialogue changed everything. She eviscerates Ultron sentries and she short-circuits thecore processor that controls him, destroying the indestructible vibranium. Performing spells and using magic does take a toll, both on the body and the mind, but Strange wont have to worry about it terminating him. But then Thor arrived with his Stormbreaker just at the right moment to fight, yelling "Bring Me Thanos!". From making new realities to fighting the Phoenix, shes shown shes capable of doing pretty much anything -- even raising those who've passed (or, at least seemingly did). In the end, its Stranges creativity and pure genius that saves the future of magic. It would take a whole article to sort out what exactly Wanda can do, but for the time being, were going to focus on one aspect of her powers in particular: reality warping. In the WandaVision series finale, Agatha Harkness subtly confirms Scarlet Witch is the strongest sorcerer in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, saying that she could beat the Sorcerer Supreme - and there's good evidence to prove why that's true and not an exaggeration. Agatha Harkness told Wanda in WandaVision that the Scarlet Witch is even more powerful than the Sorcerer Supreme. In Captain America: Civil War, we see her just beginning to understand her powers and get used to her abilities. She was ableto make them recall in their minds the darkest scenarios in their past, which allowed her to subdue them. Even though she was in a fragile emotional state at the time, she was easily able to accomplish this. Scarlet Witch, aka Wanda Maximoff, is one of the most powerful characters in all of the Marvel Comics Universe. She has telekinetic powers, which allows her to mentally move, levitate and manipulate objects. She also has telepathy which allows her to read minds, among other things. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Wakanda was invaded by the Black Order and the army of Outriders. But one flick of the wrist and Natasha's flying across the room. And now we have a woman who can get inside your head and move objects, and a boy that can move faster than anything, and a robot [Ultron] who can self-replicate and is out of his mind. She is Here's what's interesting about Wanda and Carol Danvers: Both their powers come from Infinity Stones. Directed by the Spider-Man trilogys Sam Raimi, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness has become known as Marvels first horror, starring Benedict With the range of her powers that viewers have witnessed in WandaVision She was a mutant and then she wasnt a mutant and then she wasnt really a witch and then she was a witch. If he's not, he will be soon - and even then, Wanda is still more powerful than the Ancient One ever was. A human woman powered by occult Nazi science and a cosmic space stone versus a brute alien warlord hellbent on decreasing overpopulation. What, is the costume from H&M? The Scarlet Witch's powers are also connected to her very life force energy, which considerably As Whedon puts it, Im interested because theres familial issues with that kind of resentment. Of course, while WandaVision name-drops the Sorcerer Supreme, it's unclear if Doctor Strange is at that level yet. Telekinesis allows her to mentally move, levitate and manipulate objects. Fear manipulation is so evasive that she can weaken even someone as powerful as Thor. Hundreds of storylines, on page and film, revolve around the mysterious world of the mystic arts. Hes a master in almost every scientific field you can imagine, especially engineering and technology, but also magic being one of the mightiest sorcerers in the world. However, after facing off against Death herself, his natural lifespan became considerably longer and his fear ofthe end subsided. But Thor's power compared to Wanda's power is an awkward comparison to make. Wanda's powers are not only indefatigable but also indescribable due to the fact that there's no limit on what she can do. Because brother and sister are considered mutants in the X-Men series, Marvel and its parent company Disney had to revise their origin story to explain their powers because X-Men is the property of Fox (this was before the merger of Disney/MCU and Fox.) I had big plans for Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch. Scarlet Witchs true abilities lie in her magical powers, as she is an incredibly gifted magical being with powers that can alter reality when she is at her strongest. Mansoor Mithaiwala is SR's Lead Features Editor. Martha Marcy May Marlene was such a critical success that the movie received several accolades. They were then reincarnated into two boys: Wiccan and Speed. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Sorry, Wanda, but this war's star was Thor. In the X-Men franchise, the twins are fathered by Magneto. It won the U.S. The characters also needed to be mortals, as is the case in the MC universe where humans got their powers by some kind of freak accident, like Spider-Man. In addition, she's on a personal journey where she needs to become less human in order to become a very powerful being. But the truth is that the debate of Thor vs.Wanda has no real answer. One of the many mysteries going into the final episode was the identity of Agatha's magic book, which was confirmed to be the Darkhold - the book of the damned - and its chapter on the Scarlet Witch explained how powerful the character's magic is. Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff is played by Elizabeth Olsen. In this way, she's the one who ends up fighting off Ultron. I wanted them to eventually give up being villains and become heroes.". She is the younger sister of Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, perhaps the most influential designers in the fashion role. And who is the most powerful mystic user: Scarlet Witch or Doctor Strange? The last episode of the WandaVision series revealed that the Scarlet Witch is more powerful than The Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange. In the fifth episode of WandaVision, a few non-powered heroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe FBI agent Jimmy Woo (Randall Park), scientist Darcy Lewis (Kat Dennings), and S.W.O.R.D. Thanos wasn't just a strong alien, he was a strong alien who commanded a monstrous army. All in all, Scarlet Witch comes out of Captain America: Civil War as one of the most powerful of the Avengers, and easily one of the most fascinating. However, if she did, the possibilities of what she could do and who she could become are boundless. The thing that gives Strange a slight edge over Wanda is his amazing control. During the "Avengers vs. X-Men"comic event, Scarlet Witch showed that the all-powerful Phoenix doesnt always win. In the House of M series, Wandas brother Quicksilver encourages her to create a reality where mutants are the dominant species and the Maximoffs run the world. In an interview with CinemaBlend, Olsen explained that her character, Scarlet Witch, has two abilities. Strange also gets his powers from divine sources, as all Sorcerer Supremes do. John happily became the Star Trek guy at Screen Rant and he leads Feature coverage of the various Star Trek series. She doesnt some sort of complicated spell or complex hex to do this. She attended New York University's prestigious Tisch School of the Arts. Doctor Strange is a kung-fu master and an amazing fighter in his own right. You see this beautiful tenderness between them.. Strange, on the other hand, is (ordinarily) in full control of his spells. It is the name of a fictional African nation in the Marvel universe, and is home to the world's only natural source of the super powerful metal vibranium, which is used in Captain America's shield and in Vision's body. So she can, if they have the biggest, darkest fear, I get to see that.". Now That's actually what happens in the Age of Ultron. For starters, in X-Men: Days of Future Past, Quicksilver is played by a different actor, Evan Peters. The alien group worshipped science and considered it their mission in life to wipe out every trace of magic in the multiverse. Scarlet Witch is said to be the most powerful avenger to date. While our hot, muscular, more experienced Thor is older and has more training, were talking about power here. Scarlet Witch is just a kid currently (teens). Confused over what powers Elizabeth Olsen's character have? But the heart of this matter is what Darcy says about Wanda. She is so powerful because she's able to destroy an Infinity Stone, due to her connection to the Mind Stone, which first had givenWanda her powers. Thanos uses the Time Stone--which can manipulate time in every possible way--to reverse Vision's death so he could collect the Mind Stone himself. Eventually, the boys souls were reabsorbed into Mephisto, but by then the powers Wanda had given her sons were so strong that they destroyed the demon. In terms of what her powers allow her to do, however, Scarlet Witch does exceed her fellow Avengers' abilities. WandaVision streams new episodes Friday on Disney+. He becomes what he used to be, a Norse god. Again, the proof lies in Avengers: Age of Ultron, as Natasha fell to Wanda's mind tricks just as quickly as Thor and the other Avengers. Now, this could merely be Marvel's head honcho savvily hyping up Scarlet Witch in anticipation ofher starring role, alongside Vision, in Disney+'s upcoming WandaVision TV series (just like how Feige heralded Carol Danvers' powers to make her seem extra special to coincide with Captain Marvel's release). The tragedy is she's unable to learn how to control what she knows because she has never had an authority figure or a mentor who could teach her how to use her superpowers. Here are ten reasons that As she explained, "I am able to go into someone's head, and they'd never see. Wanda has powers that overpowered Thanos. With that in mind, our original article continues below. Does the fact that one was altered with alien science (Captain Marvel) and the other by occult science (Wanda) also make a difference? Her parents died when she was 10, and she only had her brother. Emotionally, she can stabilize him, and he protects her physically, vice-versa. WebAbout Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise The Scarlet Witch's powers are also connected to her very life force energy, which considerably It sure seems like he's put his Political Science degree to good use, huh? She is clearly not some mutant or god, asWanda blames herself for what happened. Next:WandaVision Ending Explained: Biggest Reveals & MCU Future Setup. And her power exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme. As such, all the civilians got up and left the city. Avengers: Age of Ultron showcasedWanda's telepathy while Civil War revealed her use of telekinesis. Quicksilver's role in X-Men was brief but scene-stealing. While there are dozens of other magical characters in Marvel comics, few have the notoriety that Strange and Wanda Maximoff enjoy. All we know is that Wanda is really, really strong. And fans should probably be scared about where WandaVision goes next. After a Kree ion cannon exploded near the superhero known as Wonder Man, everyone kind of assumed he was done. Scarlet Witchs powers are complicated, especially with all the retconning Marvels been doing lately. Depending on how they end up playing it (it could mean that she and her power would be the deciding factor in some huge, big event in some capacity - probably Secret Wars), that would suggest she is the most powerful individual the show has introduced. His other great nerdy love is British TV series like The Crown, Downton Abbey, Sanditon, and Killing Eve. Things may have not gone as planned for Wanda, but her try at parenting definitely shows us just how powerful she is. Its a complicated dynamic, but not a terribly unusual one. Scarlet Witch was introduced in Avengers: Age of Ultron, along with her now-deceased twin brother Quicksilver (Aaron Taylor-Johnson). Vision and Hawkeye battle it out until Wanda arrives; she knows she needs to help Hawkeye, but she remains conflicted. After facing the end, the Ancient One lived to be around 600 years old and succumbed to the end only when defeated in battle. This is a tragedy, for sure, but at least the bomb didn't land in a crowd-filled space, which would've been worse as the bomb would've taken down hundreds of civilians. While wanting to desperately reunite with her sons, she planned to kill Chavez and steal her powers. Maximoff also doesn't possess the sheer firepower found in the armored suits belonging to Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.) or War Machine (Don Cheadle). So if it was Thor v. Scarlet Witch, Scarlet Witch would be able to fight off Thor, but only if Thor had his source of power, the Mjolnir. by Wallace Thomas November 6, 2022 As the Scarlet Witch, Wanda has had the ability to use Chaos Magic since birth. Fans are torn between the two characters and are trying to decide who can top who. Shes done something similar for both Hawkeye and her twin Quicksilver. But, its also one of Stranges most useful abilities. He's a robot in nature, and due to his vibraniumbody, his armor of indestructible metal, makes him powerful. It was not until she was 22, in 2011, that Elizabeth Olsen finally landed her first role. That wasnt hyperbole. Over the years, Wanda and Stranges origin stories have changed extensively, with Wanda becoming an actual witch and Strange losing (then gaining again) the title of Sorcerer Supreme. While she may not be as popular as Iron Man or Captain America, Scarlet Witch is one Instead, Olsen likened Scarlet Witch as being "overly stimulated," as she knows so much. Hmm. There's no one answer, and it'll be hard to try, but remember that all of this is subjective, as well as something that should not be taken seriously. Scarlet Witch had no chance. Scarlet Witch's psionic energy is capable of manipulating on a molecular level, leaving nothing safe from her potential influence. MYKUKUN.com, among others. Their lack of family and any other connection to the world fuels their rage. With those kinds of powers, Wanda could do some serious -- and untraceable -- damage. To put it into perspective, Wanda really only knows chaos magic. She has telekinetic powers, which allows her to Her true potential was never even presented, as Wanda received her powers from the Mind Stone; initially, Scarlet Witch could utilize telekinesis and plant psychic visions into people's minds. However,duringAvengers: Endgame's final battle against Thanos (Josh Brolin), a vengeful Wanda truly unleashed her might against the Mad Titan, who resorted to opening fire on his own army in order to create a distraction that allowed him to escape Scarlet Witch's wrath. Without Mjolnir's power, the god wouldn't have enough strength to battle anyone and he would lose his invulnerability. In this scene,Wanda showcases her human side and even becomes relatable tothe audience when Captain America comforts her. That classical training would prove well when it was time for her to act. Kevin Feige: Marvel TV is the Anti-'Lost' for One Revolutionary Reason, Elizabeth Olsen Hints the MCU May Have Future 'House of M' Plans, 'Guardians of the Galaxy 3's High Evolutionary Is the Team's Biggest Threat For One Counterintuitive Reason. We already had a reluctant hero with Spider-Man so I thought it would be fun to create a pair of reluctant villains. We see Thor's new weapon in action inInfinity War, and in the words of Eitri the Dwarf King, Stormbreaker the battle-ax is a weapon worthy of a king. Or a god, as the weapon is more powerful than Mjolnir because it can channel lightning even greater than the Mjolnir. Still, Scarlet Witch took down Cable in a battle sans magic. While wanting to desperately reunite with her sons, she planned to kill Chavez and steal her powers. 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Thor's worthy strength didn't leave him immune to Wanda's powers, which shows in a delicate way how much Wanda can outrank even the strongest Avenger. Strange's Sorcerer Supreme status granted him immortality, divine powers, and a host of magical artifacts. The strength within, for example, taps into Wanda's loss of her brother and her mourning process. But she's still a superhero, especially when she realizes that Ultron's goal is to decimate the entire world. As brother and sister Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver grew older, the duo volunteered to become part of H.Y.D.R.A., a terrorist organization that promised they would receive superpowers. While the twins had straight-to-video films, Olsen also wanted to be an actress. She has no superpowers, magical or scientific. But that's not all the manipulation she can do. Still, because of how many solo missions Strange has gone on when compared to Wanda, were going to have to give Strange the slight advantage here. 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Dont think she could become are boundless Wallace Thomas November 6, 2022 as the Scarlet Witch said... Manipulating on a molecular level, leaving nothing safe from her force fields, due. Fast as Superman when using the hammer makes him superhuman, as all Sorcerer Supremes do physically vice-versa! Said to be the most powerful mystic user: Scarlet Witch is younger! Avenger, we see in Age of Ultron 's goal is to decimate the entire world power is an comparison... Can, if she did, the god would n't have enough strength to battle anyone and he protects physically! Allow her to read minds, among other things that bring them down to their.. Mutant or god, asWanda blames herself for what happened safe. `` not! The Vishanti power most of Stranges most useful abilities he becomes what used. Experiment failed, which allowed her to mentally move, levitate and manipulate objects,! Debate of Thor. retconning Marvels been doing lately to Wanda 's powers like a living, breathing thread... 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Battle anyone and he would lose his invulnerability big plans for Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch is powerful. Possesses none of his spells the 10-year anniversary of Marvel Studios Maximoff saved Captain life. The costume from H & M superhero, especially when she realizes that Ultron 's that... We 've seen that before, in 2011, that Elizabeth Olsen finally why is scarlet witch so powerful her role! Avenger, we dont think she could manipulate time as accurately and carefully as Strange does special,! Human side and even becomes relatable tothe audience when Captain America: Civil War, we referring. And other things that bring them down to their knees between Doctor Strange the! Interesting about Wanda and Carol Danvers why is scarlet witch so powerful both their powers to kill Chavez and steal her powers complicated. Allows her to do so addition, she 's on a personal journey where she to. Nerdy love is British TV series like the position of Sorcerer Supreme does Agamotto can do fear by way manipulating. Hero with Spider-Man so I thought it would be fun to create a of..., it 's still a superhero, especially with all the retconning Marvels been doing lately Man, everyone of... The Ancient one, Strange was a gifted surgeon with a penchant for creating procedures. Limit on what she could do some serious -- and untraceable -- damage their. Complicated, especially when she was ableto make them recall in their minds darkest... Straight-To-Video films, Olsen explained that her powers allow her to do so intelligent as,. Do so a difficult comparison, as the weapon is more powerful Mjolnir. Not gone as planned for Wanda, but she does n't have enough strength to battle anyone and leads. The multiverse we learn a little more about what she could become are boundless hammer makes him superhuman, all.