With both the Ace of Cups and the Moon, emotions run in a heightened state. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. The Page of Pentacles is often indicative of taking actions steps towards . First, look for the people in both cards. It may not display this or other websites correctly. It may be calling you to care for the emotionally positive relationships on your life, or perhaps cull the negative ones to make more space for the people who truly support you. You have been thinking of this person all day, and you wonder if their smile was more than professional courtesy. When the Ace of Cups is in the same reading as The World, look for some of those deepest hopes and desires to be more than just understood; this card combination is like bulldozing a trail straight to your lifes goals. This is very helpful! I'm new to tarot and as I play with the deck over the past year or two I notice Ace of Cups and Page of Pentacles seem to pop up a lot no matter what. Any thoughts? Drottning av svrd OCH Tio av svrd OCH Omkastning Ace of Cups Automatisk genererad kombination fr Drottning av svrd OCH Tio av svrd OCH Omkastning Ace of Cups resultat frn kort betydelser: - nya knslor komplexitet kan inte bli vrre; - andlighet uppfattningsfrmga bara uppt; - intuition tydlig medvetenhet oundvikligt slut; You need to be very frugal with your financial resources at this time, and stay away from any careless spending or risky investments. Beginners, professionals and skeptics welcome! He wants you to stop worrying about what could go wrong, and start thinking of ways you can meet halfway, so that both of you are in a place of happiness and contentment. The first thing that stuck out to me is that these are both cards of beginnings. Are you considering a reconnection to a bygone friendship or considering rekindling a relationship with an ex? About us. Tarot Card Combination Meanings. The flowered embroidery on his attire signals that he is from a royal court. The skies in these cards are both overcast, grey or neutral-colored. The Fool in a Tarot Love Reading: Meanings and Combinations. If you are overly emotional or feeling lost in your head- take a step back and do your inner work first. I concur with Callanish; this is how I see this combo. Finding common symbols within a Tarot card combination can alert you to important themes associated with those symbols. Many Tarot readers prefer to pull any of the Aces off the table and hold them above the reading, an act referred to as exalting the Ace. The Ace of Cups in this position confronts you that an idealized notion of love off in the distance is a poor substitute for the real thing. Work through the other techniques for the same pair and see how your interpretations change or build up on one another. Read the meaning each of Tarot card in a pair to understand the full interpretation. The Ace of Cups followed by the Page of Cups indicates an invitation, announcement, or message of love. When there are lots of other cards from the suit of Cups in a reading with their Ace, the emotional foundation for growth and leadership is truly present. Are there any unresolved feelings for someone? Tarot eBooks. Someone is trying very hard to control emotions, but in the end they consume him and he looses his composure/temper/cool etc. I'm sure I could come up with other possibilities if I pondered it further. Dont jump into big decisions unless you have all the information. In a more negative scenario, Ace of Cups and the Moon can talk about a hidden relationship, secret or affair. Remember though, Tarot cards are neither wholly positive or wholly negative and there is always light and shade within each and every card. This is the card of subconscious emotions- and it can be dreamy and romantic, or confusing and deceptive depending on what is going on beneath the surface. Put these together andvoila, you have a meaning for the Tarot card pair. When you 'get' Ace of Cups, you got it: no surprises. In a more negative scenario, the Moon can represent something that interferes with the Ten of Cups. The longer you deny the presence of this possibility, the more frustrated you will become, especially in expressing your emotions. Cups represent emotions, and so the Ace of Cups tarot card can represent a beginning of emotions, think new relationships, friendships and connections. You gain happiness, and wealth when this combination of aces appears. Download your FREE guide to the Tarot card combinations here: If youre a Tarot beginner, start here! Contact us. Or, theHigh Priestess(intuition) +Eight of Pentacles(skill-building) = developing your intuitive skills. At this time, decisions made from feelings and intuition are favored; learn to trust what your gut says and avoid over-analyzing situations. The Six of Cups also relates to children, family and childhood memories. This pairing also could signify a new position in your existing line of work. Just remember to approach any such opportunities with great caution. A certain lack of anxiety will bring you a sense of happiness when this card arrives in the present position. The Christian ritual of communion is a re-enactment of Christ making the ultimate sacrifice for his followers. 6 of cups and page of cups as a clarification would strike me as issues regarding the inner child and needing to feel secure. This is not a harbinger of any such passing, just a metaphor for the depth of the love that is being expressed here. This is the card of getting to know the familiarity of love all over again. Are you giving yourself enough love and care or are you only giving it to others? If you use upright and reversed Tarot cards in your readings, then youll find some interesting insights from these two-card combinations. If Death is drawn in a reading that features the Ace of Cups, look for your loneliness to be the thing that is dying. A symbol for childlike wonder and imagination, The Page of Cups is a clear sign that youre arriving at a turning point with respect to self-awareness and the evolution of your inner core. Watch your step. This may be a sign that your angels are looking after you and offer a sign of hope and faith during a difficult time. If each Tarot card shares a different element, combine the meanings of the elements. The Queen of Cups joining up with the Page indicates you will be much more serious with your next love relationship than you might have been in the past. You are using an out of date browser. Three of Cups and the Moon combination in a love reading can represent something interfering with the relationship. The Fool will give you a lover who soothes your spirit when it joins a reading that features the Page of Cups. PSYCHIC READING This individual will be hugely attractive to you sexually, and will probably be much younger as well. How are they interacting with each other? If it's just the sex go on, but if you fall in love beware! All of Our Stories:The Little Red Tarot Guidebook An accessible, inclusive guide to the tarot, for use with any deck. If youre in a relationship you need to start being a little more romantic and spontaneous, as your union is in danger or growing tired and old. When paired with another Ace, the mastery of emotions will be complete and lead to success in a definite avenue of your life. This might be a sign that the end of one relationship opens up the space for a new one to blossom. A page is young, many years from the responsibilities of the court. Creating Tarot card combinations with keywords and phrases is the simplest and easiest method. Detailed meanings of the Ace of Cups Hi everyone, not sure if I'm posting into the right department. GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF A PERSON WITH ONE MAP<br> <br>The ace of pentacles - a money card, in the picture of money in hand - the person apparently " loves money very much"<br> <br>This is the life of righteousness.<br> <br>The priest - the main meaning of this map - faith, moral foundations, so - this in life is either "pious" or "believer" or "bred, cultural, morally stable".<br> <br>2 . He holds a golden cup from the Tarot suit of Cups in his right hand. She's afraid that you have some power over her and you'd be addictive and yet there is the pull of the ace of cups Well, I don't read Thoth at this point but I'd say, just from RWS, that this would be a strong sexual attraction that also held the potential for a romantic relationship with love in it. In love. Is there a common symbol? Read the meaning each of Tarot card in a pair to understand the full interpretation. Then, keep track of how often this card comes up after and in what context. These interpretations are written for when you receive the Moon card as the clarifying or the outcome card, or after the Cups. This personality is always creative, playful, usually open, honest, and friendly. Today's 12,000+ jobs in Acign, Brittany, France. On a better note, the Ace of Cups here often serves as a foundation to the reading and informs the Tarot reader that you have a sophisticated mastery of your emotions. So what does the Two of Cups and Moon combination represents as feelings of someone? In my opinion, Page of cups cards score for love and relationships is 2. As such, given how most dealings with this card are of a positive nature, your answer is most assuredly a yes. What is causing those feelings? Once you sort out what the card might be indicating, work on that area! 10 of swords + Five of cups: Deep grief. Upright and reversed meanings of Tarot cards Ace of Cups and Page of Cups together in readings of situation, future, love/relationship, finance and career. "Six of Cups combined with Page of Cups" - You meet your soulmate. This kind of combination is showing you the light and shade of a situation. Once you do, you will begin to move forward at an astounding pace. With the suit of Swords combining with this card, you have an opportunity to use verbal communication to get a deeper understanding of your feelings. Look around and embrace the love that is there. If youre single, the Page of Cups indicates that a secret admirer is about to come out of the shadows and make themselves known to you. These two cards together unite to hip you to the reality that theres some bad juju in your midst. 6 of Cups and the Moon combination can be about reminiscing. He just doesnt know what to do with this fortune yet. This library (and more) is available as a complete tarot guidebook. The Ace of Cups helps us show mercy and compassion and shower our loved ones with affection and care. ThePage of Cupsand theSun. The Nine of Cups on its own is a very positive card, symbolizing ultimate satisfaction and wishes coming true. Suit of Cups Tarot Cards Meaning: Upright and Reversed, Next: The Moon and Hermit (18/9) Tarot Birth Cards Explained, 2023 by Going Places. If both Tarot cards feature people, look at how they interact with each other for a new layer of insight. The Page of Cups and The Ace of Pentacles Aside from the overall meanings of each card, The Page of Cups and The Ace of Pentacles have one shared symbol appearing on both cards. Helping others. Suit of Cups and the Moon Tarot Combinations. They have a loving, gentle and warm personality and a strong desire to be around kindred spirits, who help them to feel needed and special. The Page of cups is a symbol for imagination. If the overall reading is positive, the Moon as the outcome card can symbolize temporary ups and downs in family and relationships. If you feel like your partner is acting secretive, it is time to talk to them about it. Is love something that you pursue in order to justify a lousy current situation? Ace of Cups signifies a new beginning for you, especially in romantic relationships. A fortune could be bubbling over. And if both are looking to the left, it may be a sign of reflecting on the past. Temperance is a card where the main character seems to be using the Ace of Cups to stay on the stable and sane path. The King of Cups indicates that a professor or boss is a possible partnership candidate. You can also mix and match the keywords and phrases that you typically associate with each card until you find a combined meaning that truly resonates. These two cards are quite the welcome sight as they signal the presence of a certain special someone in your orbit. He wears ornate vestments and a stylish hat. I tend to read this from left to right in order to see if the number is increasing or decreasing. At its best, love is all around. Understanding the obstacles standing between you and your goals is the key to surmounting them. In the traditional Rider Waite imagery, you will see three young maidens dancing joyfully, cups raised. Often, when I see a lot of the same cards coming up over and over again, its a sign that I or the querent needs to be paying attention to this area. You may also be interested in: Tarot Guide of Twin Flames: 16 Cards That May Surprise You. The Page of Cups is a good omen in a love reading as it portends something major is in the works, be that a marriage proposal, a pregnancy, birth, or the announcement of an engagement. The Six Coins is someone giving because they should - the Six Cups is someone giving because they want to. Emotions prevail in the end. This isnt to say that you should never leave the house for fear that something terrible might happen, but perhaps its also not the best time for you to engage in strenuous or risky physical activities. In reverse, the Page of Cups indicates a lack of motivation. And if they are people, who are they? It can signify the birth of a child, or the beginning of a love situation that affects us deeply. It also indicates good news and possibilities that you may witness in your future. Out of the cup a tiny fish has appeared, and it seems as if it is looking straight into the Pages eyes. What is clouding your judgement? The Pages begin the court cards with a pure, if sometimes naive, energy and offer insights into the characteristics of the suit at large. If youve been avoiding the doctor for fear of bad news, recognize how irrational youve been and schedule a medical appointment immediately. These are characteristics of water, the element (in most tarot schools) associated with the suit of cups. I've read that the Ace of Cups indicates pregnancy or birth sometimes. Discover Your FREE Personalized Tarot Power Cards. In the future position, the Page of Cups is a card that predicts an igniting of desire in the near future. The key to becoming really good at anything is to practice. In this case, make sure that your goals are achievable. Contact us. Ace of Cups and Page of Pentacles Tarot Cards Together Upright and reversed meanings of Tarot cards Ace of Cups and Page of Pentacles together in readings of situation, future, love/relationship, finance and career. It can also indicate the birth of a child, an engagement, a wedding or a christening all depending on surrounding cards. All you need is to get clear on your goals and act on them. TheQueen of Cups+Page of Wands= a teenage son ignoring his mum! If this resonates with you, it is time to get a good look within. Are you doing what you want with your present job or simply floating, hoping that youll somehow land in the right spot someday? Common meanings are those that you find in books, websites, courses, etc. The Page of Cups, the eleventh card in the Cups suite, appears when you need to know that its okay to let the childlike side of your personality come forward. If you drew the Moon as the outcome/clarification, you are lacking clarity in some way. If you asked about someones feelings for you and you drew the Ace of Cups- good news! When this card appears, it is wise to follow your instincts in any decision making. If one card is upright and the other is reversed, theres a focus on both the inner and outer worlds. It is one of the magic moments in all of Tarot reading. If everything has been going smoothly with your career, just keep doing what youve been doing. (The page) On the flip side, one could be looking towards the future with a childlike naivety. I am not kidding. Ideally, if youre able to, this is a good time to start paying more attention to your long-term savings and financial goals. A white dove holds a communion wafer in its beak just above the rim of the Cup. This card represents the culmination of a sacrifice that has been rewarded with satisfaction, contentment and a deep, lasting peace. If they are looking away from each other, it may be a sign of tension or disengagement in the relationship. Its important to look out for these seemingly negative and positive cards in a Tarot card combination, as they will either strengthen or weaken the combination. Clouds? The Page of Cups reversed can bring distressing financial news. The Tag will lead to excerpts of Posts . Look at both Tarot cards together. The Nine of Cups + Queen of Swords reversed = expressing contentment with personal decisions. A largely positive card, you should expect good things to happen when you see it. Or you just got out of a relationship, and it is too soon to start over. If both Tarot cards are numbered +/- of each other, then the cycle stage is important. In the traditional Rider-Waite deck the Page of Cups illustration depicts a young man, attired in blue, holding a cup with a fish peering over the top of it, looking as if its trying to engage the young man in conversation. Get your forecast of Money and Luck with Tarot cards now! Majors & Minors You may be in love with a classmate, co-worker or friend and not even realize the depth of your attraction to this person. The young mans interest in the fish represents the innocence and curiosity we possess as children. They may either lack motivation due to fear or stress, or they may feel indifferent towards this connection. This easy-going transition will bring you: Emotional stability, and the love of self, which enables you to experience a huge level of fulfillment, romantic love, and love of love. As you become more familiar with the techniques, youll find yourself combining techniques to get multi-layered interpretations of the cards. Ive left it until last because it is also one of the more advanced techniques that requires a little free flow on your end as the reader. If the cards are within the range of 4-6, it is the middle of a cycle, and if they are within the range of 7-10, it is the end of a cycle. Another meaning of Nine of Cups and Moon is overindulgence. The fish, out of water and seemingly eager to communicate, can also be interpreted as a symbol of knowledge being imparted to the mans naive and trusting young soul. But without a crown, he is not a king. Have you been operating on a hunch and finding your way in a relationship that is more exciting than you imagined, but more complex than you are used to? 2023 Ingenio, LLC. The Ace of Cups predicts pure and innocent love. I was just wondering about certain combinations of cards (RW deck and no Rx; it wasn't a spread), especially as I cannot find anything that would fit on the net. A walker, a glutton and a drunk.<br><br>2 Cups<br>The inner . Also, look at the Court position. TheEight of Wands(travel) +Six of Cups(childhood friendships) = travelling to meet childhood friends. Be honest with yourself about how you feel, dont use denial to hide from negative feelings. Being creative and learning a creative skill, cancelled social events/engagements/ proposals, emotional vulnerability/ immaturity/wounds. Advertise with us. Keep it simple and see Court cards as personalities or characteristics of a person. Major Arcana cards tell a different story to Minor Arcana cards. Are you being a little more tender and emotional lately, sobbing at silly sentimental things? You may be evoking some deep emotions that they dont know how to deal with. Step back and take a good hard look at your career path and decide what, if anything, could stand to benefit. Privacy Policy. 2023 Biddy Tarot. When your Tarot reading begins, there are many cards placed before you. Ace of Cups Upright Renewed emotions Love Financially, this is a nice card to find in a spread as it usually indicates good news for your wallet. A Little Spark of Joy - Everything Tarot and life's Higher Vibes In the Page of Cups, the flowers are on the Pages tunic, and in the Sun, the flowers are towering above the wall and around the young childs head. And do you know what this means? The suit of Cups is the Tarot suit that represents emotions. "Six of Cups combined with Knight of Swords" - Something happens very soon. Three of Pentacles+Eight of Pentacles= a focus on work, money and/or material things. 5. TheSuit of Swordsrepresents Air. The unique interaction of a group of cards is what makes your Tarot reading an individual one, just for you and your situation. Get a tarot reading today. Overall, Two of Cups and Moon advice you to gain some clarity over this partnership. When in doubt, trust your gut feeling for guidance. Book with one of our expert advisors here on Keen! This card represents the culmination of a sacrifice that has been rewarded with satisfaction, contentment and a deep, lasting peace. Whether you ask the cards about a relationship or what the future has in store for you, if you pull this card, prepare for your cup to overflow. If your Tarot reader follows the tradition of allowing the Ace to hover above the reading, the lessons about love and emotional maturity will be all the deeper and more meaningful for a full understanding of your situation. All you need is to practice available as a complete Tarot Guidebook an,... The Ten of Cups combined with Knight of Swords & quot ; Six of Cups ( friendships. Flames: 16 cards that may Surprise you most Tarot schools ) associated with the relationship moments. Lasting peace in reverse, the Page of Cups reversed can bring distressing news. To read this from left to right in order to justify a lousy current situation follow your instincts any... 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