The parent doesnt have to rely on her own preparations and resourcefulness; she can just follow the teachers manual. The average student retains about 10% of this information. Most teachers identify strongly with the Christmas holiday through family memories. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Package Holidays And Independent Travel Essay - Keyboard Navigation . Students and teachers receive more flexibility with their schedule, which may create more time to rest. They provide special craft activities that include Christmas trees, decorations, chimneys, stockings, Santa Claus and reindeer. Teachers do not display multicultural sensitivity when they treat Chanukah as the most important Jewish Holiday of the year, while ignoring more important Jewish holidays that do not fall in December. Being exposed to a different way of life will allow me to gain knowledge and adapt. You'll find yourself in places so beautiful, you'll never want to leave! When this is the case, they may ask the minority children for help. We might see something new in ourselves or discover new interests., In both cases you learn something new, see the places youve never been to, enjoy the atmosphere of old cities or the modern architecture of the new towns. Studying abroad will allow me to learn new information about myself. Besides, as the English say, the grass is always greener , so we want to see the way people in other countries live and act, learn about their traditions and habits., i) advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad disadvantages: missing friends and family, talking English. Rosenthal, N.R. 03 Disadvantages of ICT in education. The 4-day school week follows the working schedule of many parents. Such changes would include: References: The 4-day school week creates a negative impact for families at or below the poverty line. And even as they pay lip service to non-Christian holidays, teachers may still give children of minority religions the message that they are "guests in their own country" by imposing Christmas upon them (Rosenthal, 1986). Under the 5-day format, most teachers use a lecture-based teaching style that incorporates self-study from textbooks. Journal of Medical education and curricular developMent 2016:3 133 Integrated Medical Curriculum: Advantages and Disadvantages Gustavo a. Quintero 1, John vergel2, Martha arredondo 3, Mara-cristina ariza 3, paula Gmez3 and ana-Maria pinzon-Barrios 3 1Dean of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universidad del Rosario, Bogota, DC, Colombia.2Director of the Center for Education It is an try to describe the work noticed in classrooms so that it's nicely communicated to lecturers and learners. Extending that time commitment to 10 hours for them is a recipe for disaster. Besides, it will not only influence the local country but also the travellers themselives. It is said that one in every four new HIV infections is found in people who are under 22 years of age. We're ready to begin writing our essay. In Georgia, the Chattooga County School District implemented a 4-day school week and saw discipline referrals decline by more than 70% in their first year on this schedule. In other cultures, they will have opportunity to learn and know more about other customs in the world. 4. Even with a full day free for work, the number of hours allowed during the school year on that day are also capped. There is also a Christian group, the Jehovah's Witnesses, that does not observe the holiday. That's why almost everyone goes at least once a year on a holyday. About 10% of the schools on a 4-day week right now are classified as being urban, suburban, or large. As schools continue to adapt and modify their curricula to meet the students needs in these unprecedented times, there has been an increase in discussions considering an extension of the academic school year, reducing the number of holiday breaks, or having longer school days. Studying abroad gives chances for students to enhance their knowledge and have experiences. DisadvantagesUnavailability of Parents:Although students have breaks, this does not necessarily mean that parents also have time off. Another disadvantage to learner-centered instruction would be too much independence. Working slowly. Friendships may be continued through letters, e-mail, Facebook, etc. Having the time and space to catch up with the things that have been pushed aside or that might require more focus and time is equally beneficial and rewarding. Physical knowledge in preschool education. The main characteristic of the curriculum based approach is of course that theres a curriculum to follow. Schlachter, B. The school districts which have implemented the 4-day week typically hold class from 7:30 am to 5 pm each day, or from 8 am to 5:30 pm. At RHS, we have Thanksgiving break, Christmas break, winter (February) break, spring break, and most importantly, summer vacation. The disadvantages are that it can sometimes be difficult to stay on track. The Flexnerian curriculum has disappeared to permit integration between basic sciences and clinical sciences, which are taught throughout the curriculum. What educational apps are best for your child. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'brighthubeducation_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_4',143,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-brighthubeducation_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0');Often, but not always. Some businesses now advertise "Christmas in July" sales to give the shopper a head start on the holidays. While computer can be used for the purpose of education, similarly it is a popular form of entertainment too. When school is in session, it almost becomes a job for high school students. The similarities are immediately clear: Theres a lot of textbook learning and workbook exercises involved, and working with a curriculum is usually also highly structured. All of this requires a nice rest from everything. Required fields are marked *. At the local level, districts save between $700 to $1,200 per student each year. Travel Isn't Cheap (One of the Major Drawbacks of Travelling!) Without these schools vacations, I wouldnt be able to see them and spend time with them.. By allowing myself to discover new food, there is a great chance that I will actually enjoy the cultures cuisine. 5. Con: Getting up at ass o' clock. Over the last century, humans have acquired a staggering amount of knowledge and understanding. Advantages: new experiences, improve your English, meeting new people., Nowadays, a lot of young people seek the opportunity to study abroad. An understandable concern for parents, teachers, and students about the 4-day school week is the extended time required to be at school during the day. Traveling introduces new ideas that can change your opinions on different topics and help you to become more open minded about things you would normally disapprove of, such as exploring different political situations in countries you visit. I went to the city with my family and cousins! This typically occurs toward the middle to end of summer as some may feel like there is nothing left to do. The curriculum also helps students develop skills needed to interact with others, such as sitting still in the study room or following the rules. Disadvantages include regulatory scrutiny, less flexibility, and the potential to destroy value rather than create it. Although students and families alike look forward to holidays as a break from the usual routine and studies, there is growing criticism that American students do not spend enough time in the classroom. Under the 4-day format, teachers are using small-group discussions and practical practice as teaching tools, which improves the retention rate to over 90%. I recently observed the implementation of a Christmas saturated December curriculum in a university-affiliated preschool that serves children from many countries and religious backgrounds. Christmas is also associated with charity and compassion. One important advantage of hiking is that it allows you to relax from your stressful daily life. They may also introduce children to Christmas songs such as "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" or "We Wish You a Merry Christmas," read aloud stories related to the Christmas theme, and sponsor a Christmas party for children and their families. Telling children to be "good" so that Santa will be pleased and give them presents is a holdover from an earlier age with another view of child development. The number one reason for lengthening the school day is to provide teachers with more time for instruction. Christmas is usually described as a holiday that commemorates peace on earth and good will towards others, in addition to celebrating the birth of Jesus. The advantages include increasing market share, reducing competition, and creating economies of scale. But the tourist service is better developed in Europe, for example, than in Russia. However, the overall consensus has been in favor of keeping school breaks and holidays as is. Although parents might have reduced daycare needs for their children with a 4-day school week because only one day of supervision is required instead of five, the hours remain the same. This as well, should be supported by valid points, and the daily . School vacations are based off of important events or seasons. Districts keep administrative staff available during the extra day, allowing for the grounds to be open during weekdays. The childs progress is easily monitored. Toward Positive Outcomes The natural isolation of the rural school districts in the United States is what allows the shift from the traditional 5-day schedule to be effective. Writing an IELTS Advantages and Disadvantages Essay. The recipe supplied publicly is in a sense a report on the experiment. It doesnt always save money for schools. Once we've gone as far as we can go, we might have to wait a few months or even a year until their mind has developed some more and they are more capable of grappling with the topic. Not only have holiday breaks proven to be highly beneficial for mental health, but they are also undoubtedly beneficial for physical health too. Students juggle various responsibilities from managing six or seven classes. Therefore you become more open to the various communities, cultures or countries, so eventually variety is the spice of life., Foreign travel, I think, is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have in life. That expense is often the largest line-item for a district behind labor costs. Ideal for families who thrive on a highly structured routine. Some Disadvantages: There's less face-to-face interaction time between peers and between teacher and students. Teachers take fewer sick days with a 4-day school week. Other deeply observant Christian families are opposed to the commercialism that accompanies the celebration of the holiday and would prefer to have their children exposed only to the holiday's religious significance. Advantages And Disadvantages Of ICT: Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is an expanded term for information technology (IT) which also includes the role of communications and the integration of telecommunications. If every school district in the United States were to shift to the 4-day schedule, taxpayers would save over $4 billion. One of the advantages breached upon the sharing of cultures. The intensity of the Christmas curriculum in non-religiously affiliated schools and centers isolates children of minority faiths, while contributing to the development of ethnocentrism in majority children. It makes sense that we now need to spend more time educating children, especially in the STEM fields, where knowledge is advancing rapidly and . This is an issue for families with kids in elementary school, as school vacations do not always align with a parents work schedule. But, if you decide to go really far away and perhaps travel ON the holiday instead of around it, you still can find some deals. This is an issue for families with kids in elementary school, as school vacations do not always align with a parents work schedule. You'll be able to secure specialised jobs. Students have more information at their fingertips and build technology skills. With the added rest, students were more likely to stay on-task, feel rested, and be focused on the work which was required. The popularity of the 4-day school week became so popular in New Mexico that the state government had to set a moratorium on the practice to determine how beneficial it would be for their students. Accreditation International; Body paragraphs. I was able to live life carefree and explore a new culture. Exploration allows students to see life outside of the classroom. Traveling allows us to go outside of our boundaries. Jaimie Douaihy, a junior, spent her winter break catching up with her family. Nicoletta Venizelos spent time in Greece over the summer and was able to see life from a different perspective. While studying abroad, opportunities of a different culture, including the countrys food, can be a new experience every day. Nevertheless, as professionals we are committed to understanding the effects of our educational methods on children and revising them when they are problematic. Anyone interested in becoming a writer or artist can come to monthly meetings and sign up. This opportunity may allow that hole to be filled., Another area to consider is that the travelling develops an understanding of other cultures and become more tolerant or intercultural differences. Travel also teaches you independence, because it allows you to escape the familiar surroundings of home and stay in a strange or alien place. All of these activities are supported by tradition as well as the popular belief that Christmas is a central celebratory event of childhood, perhaps its highlight. The Five Biggest Sports Clubs In The World, different homeschool methods and philosophies. Jaimie Douaihy, a junior, spent her winter break catching up with her family. As for eco-tourists, they would gain greater respect for nature once they have observed it up close and personal. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Its highly structured approach to learning gives new and uncertain home educators a solid framework to rely on. ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES Asih Nurakhir1 1Instructor at the Department of Nursing, Diponegoro University; . It is a trend that these districts are still seeing today, more than 20 years after they implemented this schedule change. Rural school districts often look at the 4-day school week as an option because they are trying to meet tight budgetary constraints. The advantages are that you will be able to improvise with how the students work on things. Trying to accommodate other schedules is virtually impossible if your school is the only one in the area on the 4-day week. Teachers take fewer days off during the school year when theyre working the 4-day school week as well. Access high-quality, current information. The extra day off gives teachers more flexibility to engage in volunteer activities, hold down a second job if required, or rest after a difficult week. Encourage awareness, understanding, and inclusion, not the practice of or devotion toward any religion. Boredom. The delighted teachers were apparently unaware of the problem this situation posed for the non-Christian children who did not wish to be left out. All Rights Reserved. Copy. AdvantagesTime With Family and Friends:When school is in session, it almost becomes a job for high school students. Many students attend camps academic, religious, or just simply summer. In Melstone, Montana, administrative attendance went up 20% in the first two years of their 4-day school week plan. With the introduction of computers, education has advanced to a new dimension. It creates a long school day for some students. Children may lose their natural enthusiasm for learning because the textbooks are not interesting enough and there are too many drills involved; resulting in stress for the whole family. Whatever you choose to do, enjoy the holiday break! By shifting to this new schedule, districts are able to immediately cut 20% from their transportation budget. Advantage 2 for students: Make it more fun. Traveling allows us to go outside of our boundaries. The first unintended message of the Christmas curriculum, then, is that joy and personal worth are measured materially. "I was able to sleep in, but also go out. 7. Nicoletta Venizelos spent time in Greece over the summer and was able to see life from a different perspective. Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools Commissions on Elementary and Secondary Schools; Christmas programming often reinforces the commercialism that has become deeply connected with North American observance of the holiday. One disadvantage is that a gap year sometimes results in a loss of academic momentum. How would we function without them? The following are disadvantages of Learner centered curriculum design: An approach to learning with not as much structure or discipline as a traditional method, causing students to feel overwhelmed and maybe not pull as much from learning as they normally would. The High Times is Ridgewood High Schools student-run newspaper in Ridgewood, NJ. Most teachers work outside of their usual 8-hour day anyway, so their schedule isnt really that different except for the added day where they can work from home if they wish. Here are the top five pros to technology in the classroom. A child goes forth (6th ed.). If youre involved with athletics at school, you will still be going to practices on Monday or Friday, depending on what the extra day off happens to be. However, there are both advantages and disadvantages. Authors Gustavo A . To meet new people with different personalities and perspective. Students have the opportunity to compose articles and design graphics relating to the RHS and greater Ridgewood communities. In conclusion, integrated curriculum has both advantages and disadvantages. Travel can also help you get back to your roots. That gave them a total savings of about $200,000. It improves the overall attendance rate for students. Although some schools across the country have contemplated longer academic school days or schedules, holiday breaks are still favored as they allow time for families to spend together. This should be backed by practical points, and the examples would be even better. Kids are finding that the need to stay engaged with their lessons is taking them away from the fun activities of school too. When properly managed, school breaks give students time to decompress from chaotic school schedules, encourage rest, and give students the boost they need to refocus and do their best when they are back in class. Emphasizing rewards for "good" and "bad" behavior is poor childhood guidance. Teacher conferences are held on the day off, as are training days, and the schools must still be cleaned. First, teachers who observe only the secular aspects of Christmas may believe that everyone, regardless of religious background, celebrates Christmas in at least a secular way. 4. Finally, travel enables you to see some of the famous tourist spots and landmarks in the world which, otherwise, would only be experienced second hand through books and the Internet., Traveling is a common and useful way to release ourself. In New Jersey, 180 days of student instruction are required for public schools, while private schools require less. Celebrate holidays from a variety of cultures, not just one. Students can adjust to the new schedule. To learn more check out this guide from Sleep Advisor! When an individual's mental health is in balance, the body also gets an advantage. The child looked at Santa in confusion and, either unable to explain or unwilling to do so, remained silent. Schedules is virtually impossible if your school is in balance, the 's! The 5-day format, most teachers use a lecture-based teaching style that incorporates self-study from textbooks more about other in. To a different perspective parents: Although students have breaks, this does not observe the holiday break Department Nursing... Is the only one in the world, different homeschool methods and philosophies to immediately cut 20 % in United. A head start on the holidays celebrate holidays from a different perspective students and teachers receive more flexibility their... Often look at the local level, districts are still seeing today, more than 20 years after implemented. 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