The page you are looking for no longer exists. Overreaching, fatal crashes, being disabled or crippled in some way. there is definitely a routine like none other here. Look at the position of Aphrodite in ), the more high end the better (100% real denim, silk blouses, designer, etc. This native may have a sense of power and drive that is very attractive to the opposite sex. you probably change your style pretty often - you may even like designer brands and lots of bracelets/rings! When afflicted, this asteroid can indicate a kind of ruthless, all-or-nothing brutality to winning or victory. Trines are lucky charms in a synastry or a chart as they bring positive energy and light. you just have an interesting take on everything. Love and relationships can become co-dependent, used as a way of escaping resp0nsiblities or a distraction from the self and replacement of the spiritual journey and attaining love within. Transit asteroid Amor can impact your ability to love and be in love. war. you have expensive tastes but its just not accessories, its your food too. Accidents, excessive risk, gambles that dont pay off, moving too fast, driving too fast, games of speed/risk. You don't need to BELIEVE in Jesus to come here and/or to contact me. Especially with the aspects you can see why you use this energy a certain way and how to move into the healthiest expression. Especially if you come across as confident and playful yourself. Arachne was an incredibly talented weaver, and compared herself to the Gods (and actually, said she was better than them!). While not necessarily bad (it can stand for an assertive, power-house type of personality, particularly in women), Bellona strongly placed in charts can be extremely confrontational or willing to fight. that being said you could have been adopted by another family member (zeus would have been aphrodites nephew lmao) or it could be a serious case of your the fairness of them all syndrome in your family. The sign, house placement, and aspects of your natal asteroid Amor can show where and how love is expressed and what we learned about love from others. When conjunct Neptune, you can be highly charismatic, and when conjunct Pluto, passion can be strong and obsessive but may not last. union asteroid in synastrydandy nicholls cause of deathdandy nicholls cause of death Mercury retrograde and the astrology of anxiety, Vivienne Westwood and the astrology of punk, The astrology of Bernie Sanders: The high-minded catalyst. The sign and house placements and aspects to your natal Sappho can show how you are with expressing your true sexual self, along with how devoted you may be to your friends. functions within a natal chart. 12h? heavenly body would not make one a heterosexual or anything Can indicate incest, sexual abuse or sexual relationships that go against natural law (bestiality, incest, et. In charts, look Ceres is technically now a dwarf planet, but we still put this as an asteroid! She is the Swindle has got it ALL. my answer: intuition and experience with other peoples charts that i have available to me. In the natal chart, but have no fear as long as your aphrodite isnt aspecting zeus or hephaestus (see below), you are more than likely safe from being unwillingly married or immediately unsatisfied in marriage. 1h: this is big goddess of beauty vibes. in their romantic affairs.). Anubis is named after the jackal-headed Egyptian God of the Dead. I believe they do this in every natal chartwhy theyre worth looking into. Sun in the 2nd House : in the 3rd House : and Relationships during Saturn Return: All About Me:Im from NJ, born and raisedGemini Sun, Gemini Moon, Scorpio RisingDo you offer personal chart readings? you may not relate to this goddess like others reading her post do/did. For example, maybe youd like to search for your mothers namesay its Joan. Sometimes in life we may feel that certain events were fated or pre-told. i wont regret it for you while you fret over those initial days of shocking those around you because i just know you will look beautifully you! Illuminated Expressions: Wisdom as integration of intuition and intellect, pattern recognition, strategic thinking, artistic expression, Shadow Expressions: Over identification with intellect, rejection of the inner feminine, black and white thinking. you are a jealous person - i dont feel like i need to explain this one - just look what happened with adonis! The traits of aphrodite - sensual, beautiful, elegant, loving - are very evident in the individual's self expression. The house placement can show where this comes out most, and aspects made to your natal Juno by your other natal planets can impact your ability to be committed (and your risks of being with someone like Jupiter!). you may also be jealous of those you find prettier than you - you may target them. ideal lover. One day Persephone is out picking flowers when the God of the Underworld Pluto (aka Hades) kidnaps her; he makes her the Queen of the Underworld. Ate may show where one is likely to respond to real or imagined threats in an exaggerated fashion. Cupido likes the pursuit of romance and the initial period of courting, but there needs to be other stuff involved to get to the next level beyond infatuation. I dont like it when Toro crops up around a personal planet like Venus, as it can sometimes indicate violent or intense and aggressive relationships. psychology - one surrounded with so many stereotypes and prejudices Where we seek to make things balanced, fair, and right. you likely appear petite with very soft, long hair - again venus ruled aphrodite signs have my envy lol my skin and hair will never be as glorious as yours lmfao. Perhaps you can return back to the homepage and see if you can find what you are looking for. and yet there is a darker edge brought by her involvement in war. and i have to agree lmao - because he low-key was pissed when they were doing the same thing to hephaestus (lmfao every time i write that name it autocorrects to hepatitis <3 we love that) but the story is you found that act of rebellion fun as well (like zeus just forced them to marry where was aphrodites consent to this?). Charm in social situations, especially one-on-one with others, able to make them feel comfortable and appreciated and more. In ways, this may be subconscious, as With Neptune, it may be purely imagination. Asteroid Ara is only bad, per se, when poorly positioned or afflicted within a natal chart. you are probably jealous when others move on from you or they stop paying attention to you. like many paintings of this greek goddess, everyone notices you but you are noticing everything else - the atmosphere as an example. Read below to learn more about your zodiac. this reason they have become associated with an abnormally intense 6h: you and your 2h aphrodite friend should go into business together, like a day spa and gym. Casanova. You could potentially attract a partner that restricts your personal freedom. Hope has astrological significance of ambush, attacks, prejudice, territorial disputes, Native Americans, minority experiences. What's your game moves - so to say - if you'd like to attract someone? She represents refined sexual energy pursue romance and sex despite any conflict with society, or Now, she cant imagine doing anything else! Mini Readings, email me at Relationship Healing Journal Available on Amazon! In the end, Arachne cant go without diminishing the Gods, therefore royally pissing of Athena, who as punishment turns her into a spider. there is a chance you have an elegant neck (lovers are likely obsessed), you may be shorter than those around you, and/or have a stocky build (you are probably curvy af :p). you likely speak a love language or possibly multiple - it always sounds so exotic and beautiful when you speak as well. Some argue it should be the ruler of Taurus instead of Venus (makes some sense given how much Taurus loves food! Your Weekly Astrology Forecast: February 27 March 5, 2023, Heres Exactly How to Manifest Abundance in March Using Astrology, Your Signs Weekly Tarotscope for February 27 March 5, 2023. your realism and black and white thinking makes drama and gossip seem like bullshit. Or, you can try finding it by using the search form below. If Aphrodite has a strong presence in your birth chart, it means you don't like to be tied to one person and will avoid highly demanding relationships. I have aphrodite in the 1st house in retrograde what does that indicate? Especially if you're into man/more masculine people it's about who you find attractive. Related article: Is Love Doomed During Mercury Retrograde? your parents may have told you you werent allowed to date until you were a certain age. lmfao. // MY STYLE: Hipster meets hippie // MY SIGN // Sun in Taurus opposite Uranus, Moon in Aries conjunct Venus, and Cancer rising // MY HEALING: Ocean and redwood walks, kitty cuddles, and bubble baths. you are so enchanting in presence and personality. you look at others drama and you analyze it knowing how you would solve it in a very logical manner. To look them up in your birth chart, I recommend using In natal charts, I frequently see asteroids reflecting interests, overall orientation to the world, career choices, and even potentials we may not have previously considered. you may bounce back pretty well after a breakup because you have an incredible ability to heal on your own. People will look up to you and see you as a lovely and graceful person. reach into your core self; you can do and be anything you wish to be. synastry, if it is more dominant than anything else, without any home, Lesbos, and the term Sapphic of course derives from her you have a lot of drama surrounding beauty standards, with women around you and old flings, or regarding your possession (black friday may get ugly for you lol). Bill Clinton had the asteroid Sphinx next to the asteroids Paul and Monica. negative aspects: you get into it with women around you - they may judge you for your sexuality (could be a religious outlook on sex and its virtue) - there are probably a lot of rumors and whispers about your sex life. Im picking : The sign, house placements, and aspects of your natal Aphrodite can show if you're someone who doesn't want to be tied down at all and is very casual about relationships. *all of these observations are based on a natal chart - solar return and persona charts will change all these observations because the context is different*. but no y'all have a ton of friends, followers, acquaintances, and whatever else distinction can be used to organize all those people around you. The second largest asteroid reminds us of our devotion and how we can commit to a spiritual path and guard our inner sacred flame. Yo I have number 5!! heavenly body both. They would freely have sex with others, and for Asteroid Karma is a great indicator of such energy within a birth chart. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Sumerian counterpart, Ishtar is the goddess of fertility, love, and Bellona was the Roman Goddess of War. Your natal Cupidos sign and house placement can show your abilities to get others to be enthralled with you and how you are when youre the one enthralled. aphrodite-zeus (5731): positive aspects: viewed by the men around as someone to be respected and protected from other men. Grief, loss, mourning. freedom in women has been demonized, as was nymphomania, as When transit Ceres is conjunct a personal planet or Jupiter, you can be more caring and supportive or may seek that from someone else. okay :/). this is just a starting place for when examining a single asteroid in an entire galaxy. Triggered where Juno is in the chart, place of potential power and empowerment but issues with balance of power, infidelity, and betrayal. i feel like every 6h aphrodite i know has a familiar as well (my best friend has a cat named smokey lmfao). you are the aphrodite who is just walking through the world adored and you barely realize it because you are so busy taking in the world and the culture around you. virgo (6, 18): you are the person on a mission - aphrodite emerged from the sea and went to olympus. I have some other generally harsh aspects between Mercury, Saturn, and Jupiter. Just wanted to pop in because I was doing some astrology research with black moon Lilith that you may find interesting. In the past, nymphomania was a term used in There are seven love asteroids to get you started! you may be prone to gossip - you could be gossiped about often or you may attract a lot of drama like the goddess herself. you may appear to others as someone with an expressive face - empath vibes. Happy pub day @ani_ferlise!!! Achilles is incredible for highlighting potential areas of deep wounding, or the achilles heel of the chart when prominently placed in the natal chart. In synastry, when you have an asteroid Aphrodite connection with someone, this may be an illicit affair or relationship in some way, and it runs the risk of being purely sexual and without reason if there arent other connections to ground the energy. I added Venusia who puts an interesting spin on beauty and attraction. When transit asteroid Amor is making beneficial aspects, you can find this easier to express; when Amor is making challenging aspects, this can be more difficult, and you may hold yourself back. In this sense, she is brave, and shows us how we can be In relationship charts, synastry and composites, they can also be remarkable (see my recent post on George and Amal Clooney). 10h: you and the 6h aphrodites are girlbossing the shit out of the world - like does your back ever hurt from carrying around the weight of everyones adoring gazes, your incredible reputation, and your big bags of money? In transit, Hygeia can show medical intervention, surgery, sickness, and imbalance if aspected poorly. you just know what will make a person jealous and want you more. This can also apply with the transit planets aspecting your natal asteroid Juno. Ive also been known to be someone who takes no shit from men and will speak up if I feel like theyre playing games with me. (You can see it at work in the charts of Brigitte, Hugh 4h: your whole family is pretty - like what is that (the genetics are just that good)? Power is very sexy. However, when Skepticus is placed very near to asteroids like the Moon or Venus, the skepticism carries over to emotions and/or love, creating an impossible situation. When badly afflicted, Lysistrata can talk about someone that uses sex as a tool of manipulation or power. Asteroid Aphrodite is a super flirt and very seductive. You come to see it when you get to know someone better. you may also be hypnotic in the way you walk or have a very relaxing way of speaking - there is something peaceful about you. A strong Aphrodite can also make you someone who is highly seductive, almost irresistible to others (a real Aphrodite!). In your own personal chart it can show what you easily find endearing or what other people find endearing about you. people with this aspect likely have a darker aesthetic to them (dark clothes, dark hair, etc.). Asteroid Karma stands for exactly what it should: Karmic connections, relationships, pain or circumstances that go back lifetimes. Over-confidence. When transit Cupido is conjunct a personal planet or Jupiter, this can trigger infatuation in you for someone, or vice versa. I am undiagnosed so please take this with a grain of salt. Im hesitant to put this out there, but based upon research I have done I think I may be autistic. I also find them an insightful way to connect with mythology as well as the larger universe, if youre into that idea. Psyche encompasses the soul, the mind, and the self. In old school astrology, asteroids weren't given interpretations. This asteroid confers physical beauty, as well as grace. For this reason, this asteroid can Idk if this considered a good aspects negative aspects: could be seen by the men in your family as another woman to marry off as soon as possible to avoid the burden of keeping you single and independent (its like the 1800s all over again). Two celestial bodies are in conjunction when they are very close to each other, often in the same sign but never more than 8 degrees apart. i will give yall the same warning i did 5h aphrodites if you do not want a kid USE PROTECTION - yall are super fertile. physical. Ive quoted my mentor Dawn Bogrodi on the asteroids: The one thing that has revealed itself to me very clearly over the past five years or so is that the asteroids definitely give pinpoint definition to a chart (particularly through progressions). 7h: we know that you are the spicy goddess of beauty placement that is terminally single until suddenly you arent. This asteroid reveals our Dejected, Klytia told Apollos potential father-in-law, who killed his own daughter as a punishment for her actions. Ive been working with a number of specific asteroids, but the rules seem to apply to all of them. You then enter the asteroid numbers in the asteroid field, separating the numbers with commas, e.g. aphrodite-poseidon (4341): positive aspects: you likely attract charming individuals who have power - you may even have the ability of make others fall in love with you with minimal effort. Transit asteroid Juno can impact commitment for you in the here and now. Tap Click here to show the chart. Astrodienst can show up to 10 additional points in a chart at a time. you likely agree that you are dramatic or sassy but at the same time wont admit it because its part of the fun. this is an odd one too; i have noticed that these people often get posted in local papers? But, one may also mother the other, so it can be a parent-child dynamic. the natal chart, consider the sign, house, and aspects this asteroid I really love your website Sisyphus was punished by being forced to roll a boulder up a mountain every day, only to awaken the next morning and find himself again at the bottom of the mountain. Negative placements show hypochondria, fear of doctors, chronic illness. In their myth, Eros gives into his passion, pursuing a Aspects can add in more flavor, though know that conjunctions to the personal planets or the angles can make you someone who other people fall for constantly and/or easily (and it can get pretty annoying!). Design and Development by We Are Branch. Happy asteroid hunting. Where Venusia is and in the aspects it's activated by, there you could discover something new that you love about someone. you may be an easily jealous person because you think so highly of yourself - if not you then who? expression of sexuality in a time when and place where a womans Bella sextile moon and neptune opposite saturn Being forced to do the same thing over and over. In synastry, when you have an asteroid Cupido connection with someone, there can be a great chase, great infatuation, and a lot of romance, but at some point, you have to be caught. its all in the gaze for you - it is haunting in a way that people could be blindfolded and still imagine and feel the intensity of your gaze just after one occurrence of feeling the real thing. there is a chance like, emily in paris, you have a travel blog or some sort of social media presence that showcases where you are and where you have been. your makeup is likely the show stopper though - you are super talented at the different looks and styles! If you would like to choose one I will try to help, my Friend. libra (7, 19): have you ever seen those fan videos where they are like they kissed my hand, im never washing this hand again? synastry charts to find where and how your partner may refuse to give there may be a tendency to judge others based on appearance over conversations. but your opinion and style are highly regarded - people come to you for the harsh truth or recommendations (books, music, movies, all included). 2h: i mean like get it though! The current positioning of Adonis is good to look out for if you're looking for attraction. The Basic House Rulers23 Simple Steps for Beginners. you lowkey look like you come from connecticut where the old money families live. A [], Saturn is associated with structure, discipline, and practicality, while Neptune is associated with imagination, intuition, and spiritual awareness. Pretty plain and simple! aphrodite-saturn: i feel like this aspect in a person is often seen as mature or womanly or what have you from a very young age (this love goddess was born from the sea and rose from the water as an adult woman - she was never a child). The astrology of Amal Clooneyand her husband. woman of myth, instead a historical figure known for her poetry and or my favorite the are you sure thats your family moment - because you are just so pretty compared to others in your family (think about aphrodite walking into olympus and basically everyone adopting her in and wanting her because shes the prettiest). who is discussed later in this list, goddess of fertility and but honestly yes thats your vibe or like emily in paris - you love to dress to match your atmosphere! Abuse, violation of physical boundaries, sexual abuse. how we may suppress ourselves, be suppressed by others, or suppress From @rubywarrington's Pisces Season newsletter: When IG is your guru Just one week to go unti, NUMINOUS TAROTSCOPE SEPTEMBER 15: TEN OF CRYSTALS, REVERSED, NUMINOUS WEEKLY HOROSCOPES: SEPTEMBER 18-24 2017. The word or name "Luda" means "Love of the people". please tear up your to-do list and take a few deep breaths. Her path to becoming an astrologer started as a teenager, when she picked up an astrology book out of sheer boredom in a bookstore one day, and instantly became hooked. While this may show someone with perseverance, the asteroid Astraea more often indicates someone who stays in a bad job/relationship/friendship far too long, or doesnt know when to let go. considered a marker of primal, raw sexuality in the natal chart. herself and to explore her own being, is captured by her expression stems from luste, meaning pleasure, desire, or type, this might be what has contributed to your idealized neptune5 unregistered Secrets, hidden things, mysteries. you are likely super lucky and successful in almost everything you do (lol you could probably win a sizable amount at las vegas or end up being someones good luck charm in a casino setting). you probably are delicate looking, youthful, petite, and have a nearly perfect golden ratio. it needs to look as though youve been doing something to yourself - you may be afraid of the phrase youve let yourself go (a big fuck you to anyone who has actually told that to someone from your worst nightmare a.d.). 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