Belle is upset at this, but when Gaston sympathizes with her and even offers to leave to ease her discomfort, she decides to go on a walk with him. While she is on a diner date with Will, Hook pulls Belle aside for a chat and tells her about Regina going undercover and finding out Cruella, Maleficent and Ursula are seeking the Author to change their stories. GALLERY. To free her, he wants to use Pandora's Box to trap Rumplestiltskin. Mr. Gold, insisting he cannot be a hero, confesses to crippling himself during the Ogre war because he was scared of dying. David and Emma go searching for Mr. Gold while Hook opts to stay behind in the pawnshop with Belle. She states that it's important to truly know someone by seeing what's in a person's heart. Lauren Ash is embracing her weight loss transformation.. On Tuesday, the Canadian "Superstore" actress took to Instagram to share a sun-kissed, poolside photo of herself posing in a white and green bikini, paired with a sun hat."Thriving," she captioned the post for her more than 282,000 followers, alongside sun and sparkle emojis.. Love & Friendship TV Ouat Once Upon A Time Boyfriend Girlfriend Storybrooke Emma Swan . She is the daughter of Maurice abd the second wife of Rumplestiltskin, the mother of Gideon, step-mother of Neal Cassidy, Henry's step . Elsa dupes them by handing over a pouch full of rocks and takes the real pendant to continue tracking her sister. After the birth, Belle holds her son for a short time before asking Mother Superior to be his fairy godmother and to take him away so Mr. Gold can never find him. At the pet shelter, Mr. Gold magicks open Gaston's locker at Belle's request, but not without specifying her biased views on when it is acceptable to use dark magic. Emilie de Ravin Belle realizes that earlier on, despite knowing Gideon had bad intentions with Emma, she still wanted to protect her son. Mr. Gold shows up to tell Belle that Hyde may be coming after her, but she tells her husband to leave, which he agrees to do, but not before casting a spell on the ship to prevent her from leaving, and to ensure Hyde cannot get to her. Before doing so, she ominously considers the possibility that Mr. Gold is already in town. Horrified at herself, she comes to grips with having given into darkness in the heat of the moment, but soon realizes it was for nothing because Hades decides to keep the contract intact. ("Second Star to the Right"), When Leroy departs the pawnshop after urging Mr. Gold to restore Lacey's memories, Lacey pops out from the backroom, completely oblivious to the conversation that took place. Gideon doesn't listen and instead freezes his parents and the other bystanders to keep them from intervening. Belle joins Mr. Gold and their allies at Regina's house to discuss Hook's plans. In a final goodbye, Belle names her son Gideon, after the hero in the book. ("Shattered Sight"), After Belle awakens, her husband suggests packing for a trip to New York so they can have a proper honeymoon. Belle doesn't believe he's the real Hook until Ursula notes that if Mr. Gold was disguised him right now, he would have likely already killed Will. As Gideon dashes ahead on his own, Belle takes notice of the history of the river, where many people have come to make wishes. As an unexpected price, Neal must forfeit his life while Rumplestiltskin is resurrected. Inspired by this, Mary Margaret wonders if they could find a way to talk to Merlin. ("Skin Deep"), While Rumplestiltskin is away in Camelot, Belle examines a sword in the castle cabinet. A man, Keith, tries to flirt with her, but she shoots him down. Hook affirms it did nothing, but he resolves to not to give up on saving her. He says it's possible, but mentions that it doesn't keep a person immune from death. She was an American singer and actress, best known for playing Dorothy Gale in the 1939 film, The Wizard of Oz, which had her signature song, Somewhere Over The . Noting her friend's obvious discomfort, she comes over to excuse Ruby for the night with the reason being they are having a girls' night out. Spotting a lone puppy, she follows until losing sight of the animal and is kidnapped by Cruella De Vil. Succumbed to old age Another illustration from the book can also be seen. This, in essence, has helped her see how easy it is to do the wrong thing believing it's for the greater good. She notices wounds on the ogre's back, and in the broken mirror, she sees Gaston has demonic eyes, proof of the evil in his heart. Maurice orders her to stay put, however, she secretly travels to Arendelle where a woman named Anna helps her find the head rock troll, Grand Pabbie. She demands that he leave her alone, which he finally does in tears. Emma returns and holds a town hall meeting to figure out who is behind the new curse. Lacey grabs a nearby cloth, not knowing it's Baelfire's shawl, to wipe the mess up, until Mr. Gold angrily snatches it away, shouting that it belonged to his son. He wishes her happiness with Will, but she denies loving him. She is shocked to learn he stole the child, and his possible sinister intentions for the infant once he comes back at sundown. As for her left-behind fianc, she rejects the idea that her idea of love would fit with someone as superficial as Gaston. After the ultrasound, Belle receives two photo scans of the baby, with the option of giving one to Mr. Gold. She swears off a future with Mr. Gold and then returns to Storybrooke, where she passes by the closed pawnshop. Mr. Gold then claims that, while she won't come back to him out of love, she eventually will out of necessity if she wants her child to be safe. November 27, 2016, 11:09 PM. Before the curse is completely gone, Belle mentions true love's kiss, causing him to accuse her of conspiring with the Queen to strip him of his powers. At their parting, Belle discovers he won't be able to return to her, but she voices hopes that the future is not set in stone. Zelena eventually relinquishes the baby to Robin, and Belle joins the heroes at the apartment. ("Skin Deep"), Longing for her family, Belle spends the night crying. What has Rebel Wilson said about weight loss? In preparation, lest Zelena is planning something wicked, Belle, David and Tinker Bell seal off the streets. Leroy is quick to accuse Regina of wrongdoing, and Belle follows suit in agreement as do the other residents. In defiance of them, she storms out, going to the library to figure out Mr. Gold's location with a map. After last. Despite his reluctance to accept himself as a Savior, Mr. Gold goes to face the Black Fairy and returns with a heart presumed to be his mother's as proof he killed her. At first, they are unable to get in because of a protection spell on the door, but on Belle's suggestion that Emma would allow Henry into her house, Regina conjures Henry's scarf, using it to bypass the spell. Desperate to change their fates, Merida asks her to brew a potion, the Spell of Mor'du, which can transform someone into a bear. Really, really loved me. As the spell dictates, a candle must be lit with magic and then blown towards the target, which will form binds on the person's wrists. Gender: ABC Former Once Upon A Time cast member Emilie de Ravin has reached out to fans following the announcement today that she would not be returning for Season 7. Suddenly, a group of men burst into the tavern to announce they will be heading to a far off land in search of a beast called the Yaoguai. Elsa suggests that she herself was sealed in the urn, by Anna, who was under Ingrid's spell, so her sister may fit the criteria. After Mother Superior leaves to continue looking on her own, Mr. Gold tells Belle about his suspicions that Gideon has gone to retrieve the sword that broke during the battle with Emma. However, Zelena offers a solution, the sleeping curse, to pause her pregnancy indefinitely. Anna learns from Grand Pabbie that her aunt, Ingrid, is not trustworthy, causing her to fear for her sister Elsa's safety. Eye color: Without informing Mr. Gold, Belle leaves for the diner and gets Ruby's with possibly reopening the closed down library. She tries to thank him for healing her, but he avoids the topic of magic, which disappoints her. Startled, she apologizes for her mistake, while Mr. Gold grasps in this instance that he hasn't come to terms with Baelfire's death. Fleeing, she stumbles out just before Mr. Gold, on Zelena's command, tells them to stay out of the way or risk death. Belle refuses to let him harm the ogre unless he kills her first, and she then allows the ogre to escape. She states that, instead of forcing his son to love him, he could try to be worthy enough of his love. Mr. Gold insists he trusts her completely and then changes the topic to their upcoming wedding. Nearby, at the counter, David quietly soothes Mary Margaret's worries about leaving Neal; saying that Belle is a natural with the baby and she has their emergency numbers if anything goes wrong. The next day, as she and Mr. Gold are exiting the shop, David, Emma and Mary Margaret rush over to ask for the box as they believe Pan is controlling the escaped Shadow from inside it. Belle resumes life, albeit without Mr. Gold, and begins running his pawnshop. ("Ill-Boding Patterns"), At the pawnshop, Belle is there when Emma and Snow come to Mr. Gold for information about the Black Fairy. Emma arrives in her sheriff car with David and Mary Margaret. He hints that the answer to stopping Mr. Gold is right in front of her, and begs her to stop his father from changing his fate before it's too late. In an unknown library, Belle and her husband are pleased when Gideon announces he has been accepted into Elphame Academy. Belle chews him out for not telling her about Gaston's death, while also being irritated at her own botched plan. During the date, Lacey is impressed by Mr. Gold's approachable personality since the stories about him say otherwise. They scour books on light magic, but none reveal a way to turn dark magic into light magic. She also thinks no one will invade the town, and believes Mr. Gold doesn't need her. Mr. Gold admits it wasn't enough since he didn't believe anyone could love him, to which Belle asserts she knew what she was getting into with him and wasn't going to back out. Suddenly, Emma calls the pair back into the pawnshop, telling them that Mother Superior is waking up after all. The Black Fairy then kidnaps Mother Superior and teleports out, but before Gideon can follow her out, Mr. Gold clamps his wrist with a cuff to disable his magic. Mr. Gold believes, despite all this, they can have a future, but Belle refuses to make a choice at the moment and decides to wait until everyone returns home. When Rumplestiltskin bursts in to shut her up, they hear a thud from the main room. Tv shows frequently just do "pregnancy" stories as thin women with bellies (which some women . Engrossed in his castle collections, Belle reasons she was curious since he never talks about where the items came from. Though Belle warns Neal about the consequences should this happen, he stubbornly pushes the key into the vault seal. They kick her off the wagon to find the Yaoguai themselves, but Belle consults the book to track the beast to a mountainous cave. Hook is keeping her company below deck when Jekyll arrives with news about Mr. Gold stealing the serum in order to kill Hyde. She tells him of her imprisonment and asks if the release of magic was to seek revenge for her capture. She then encourages Mr. Gold into letting Emma revive Mother Superior since he hasn't yet found a solution and they shouldn't allow the Black Fairy to steal any more of Gideon's time from them. Later in the day, she receives an email from an Oxford professor, not knowing it is actually Mr. Gold, who gives her the translation, to which Regina uses the dagger to perform a ceremony on the hat. Pawnshop co-owner (formerly)Librarian (formerly)Castle servant (formerly) Belle takes it with her as she leaves to find the others. In an amnesiac state, Belle doesn't recognize her own name when Mr. Gold calls her and witnesses him conjuring a fireball just as a car crashes into town. One day, he takes away Moe's truck because he is late with loan payments. She also gives the Her Handsome Hero book to her, and asks her to read it to her son often as proof his mother is always close to him. Because Merlin is unfamiliar with the magic on the prison bars, Belle helps him with a spell to break them. However, Mr. Gold returns later with a chipped cup, which he says is enchanted with magic, and insists that she try looking at it so her memories might come back. Human Hudson originally lost weight thanks to Weight Watchers, and has kept it off long-term by being very careful about what she eats. Belle appears in a photograph in "Is This Henry Mills?". Frustrated, she angrily throws the cup at the wall as it shatters into pieces. Rumplestiltskin remarks that this person is not dead, though, and simply just lost. After telling her all this, he turns to leave, but Belle wants to start over with Mr. Gold and invites him to have hamburgers with her at Granny's. Belle, surprised by his sudden proposition, questions if something is wrong. Belle insists she doesn't know "Morpheus", but the latter reveals he is her unborn child. Mr. Gold proves his innocence by giving Emma a dream catcher to look into the memories of Archie's dog Pongo, who witnessed his owner's death. He accidentally spills wine on her dress, so she goes to clean up, but actually goes to make out with Keith outside. She tells him that while she is asleep, he'll have all the time he needs to figure out how to destroy the contract. Amused, Belle bluntly tells Dreamy that Nova is obviously inviting him to meet her there. Regina suspiciously accuses Mr. Gold of wrongdoing but he attests Belle has the dagger and wouldn't order him to harm Zelena. Belle is led by the ribbon to the shears within a cave, where she realizes that she's dreaming as "Morpheus" arrives. Afterward, Belle shows Mr. Gold a vacant mansion that she wants to use as their honeymoon suite. Belle pins him on the floor by toppling a bookshelf and scurries into the elevator. She returns to the library and finds a knot Hook left behind. Mr. Gold, however, believes no one is capable of loving him, especially since he's already lost her, and their son is now his only chance at love. ("Skin Deep"), Some time after this, Belle meets Robin Hood again and they have other adventures together. After declining, she sets up a dummy of Mr. Gold in the pawnshop to lure Gaston in. She claims Rumplestiltskin mentioned her, to which Belle is pleasantly surprised, though he says that never happened. Mr. Gold, overcome with emotion, believes they now have a fresh start, though Belle heartily corrects him by saying it's a happy beginning. Mr. Gold expresses worry since he's already lost one son and is about to lose another. Once at his castle, he shows Belle to her "room", which is essentially a dungeon cell. Merlin confirms he can remove Emma's darkness, but the darkness may have taken root inside of her where no one can see it, and for him to remove it, her heart must be ready to be free. To prove it, David runs the security tape, which Mr. Gold secretly manipulates to give the appearance that Zelena used magic to turn herself into a statue, which shatters and melts away into powder. Once Rumplestiltskin discovers this, he forces Belle to accompany him as he tracks down and murders the thief. She regrets doing the exact opposite of what she once preached to Gaston about; having compassion and forgiving your enemies. Amused, Lacey laughs and asks to know more about it, but Mr. Gold senses tension from Neal, so he sends her off to wait for him elsewhere while he converses with his son. ("Darkness on the Edge of Town"), Hearing of Cruella and Ursula's arrival to town, Belle prepares a transformation potion, in fear of retaliation from them. The next morning, Billy turns up dead, and Ruby is accused of murder, since she shape shifted into a wolf the night before, but can't remember anything. Mr. Gold goes on to tell her about the prophecy a seer gave him a long time ago that a certain someone will be his undoing, which he takes to mean his death will occur because of that person. He relents to her idea after she demands his cooperation if he wants a future with her. Later, Belle stops by a village well to grab a sip of water and is accosted by Claude and his cronies for previously misleading them to the lake. She tells Mr. Gold about what's happening, and he secretly decides to use the situation to his advantage by attempting to trick Emma into giving up her powers to the hat. Presumably, Belle is unfrozen and has no idea anything is amiss. Furthermore, it's her dream to see the world, which is what he gets to do. Emma Swan (Jennifer Morrison) is comfortable in her life as a bail bonds collector. Regina mentions they knew each other, and asks Belle about Mr. Gold and the dagger. ("Sisters"), After getting Hades to rip up the contract, Mr. Gold returns to the pawnshop, where he attempts to give true love's kiss to Belle. Belle remarks that he seems nice, though Ruby is distracted and heads to the back room of the diner. She dbuts in the twelfth episode of the first season and is portrayed by starring cast member Emilie de Ravin. She is both based on the character from Beauty and the Beast by Jeanne . Though Mr. Gold doesn't wish to leave his beloved, he is forced to by Zelena's will. "Skin Deep" "Morpheus" returns to congratulate Belle for not falling for Mr. Gold's lies again, explaining that this was a test and that now that she's passed, he'll wake her with true love's kiss. Belle promises they can restore him to his original form if he helps them bring back Rumplestiltskin. Belle realizes she is pregnant and is briefly happy at the news, before getting upset he sold their child. He suspects the ogres are using their young as spies and wants to bring the fledgling to the castle, but Belle disagrees, knowing the men will torture the ogre. ("And Straight On 'Til Morning"), As the Jolly Roger heads into a portal bound for Neverland, Belle tearfully watches the ship disappear from her view. Female With Emma and Regina's combined powers, the trigger is halted, however, Henry is taken by Greg and Tamara and taken to another world. Noticing Henry is unhappy, she learns he is disappointed over the fairytale storybook and all the bad things that happen to Regina in it. 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