Use the following links to find information on technology supporting distance learning and remote work on this web site. If you have any questions about our COVID-19 guidelines or would like a copy of our 2022-23 academic year plan, please email or see below for further information. Location: North Hall, Room 1404 Work has started. The COVID-19 Clinical Assessment Centre is located at: Building 24, Victoria Hospital. Brooklyn College is offering free PCR COVID-19 tests in our Student Center testing facility with extended hours of operation. Results are made available through your Cleared4 account within 24 to 48 hours. Those 12 and older are eligible 5 months after the completion of a WHO-approved vaccine that is not authorized by the FDA, or 5 months after completion of a mix and match series of WHO-approved and FDA approved/authorized vaccines. Please follow the steps outlined in the Building Entry Policy. A student is considered fully vaccinated if: All students registering for a fully-in person or hybrid class for the 2023 Spring term must upload proof of vaccination to CUNYfirst ten (10) days before classes begin. Random Testing Your test results from the ADCL lab are communicated back to you through this same system via email or text, if you provided your cell phone number in your profile section. Results will be available as usual within 24 to 48 hours. We want to remind people that the air handling system at 365 Fifth Avenue is designed to operate most efficiently when windows areclosed. If your result is negative, you will continue to retain your Access Pass. You can reach out to the LVA at the campus where you are a student. Students and employees entering a CUNY facility for any reason need to be fully vaccinated or have proof of a negative COVID-19 PCR test taken at a CUNY testing site within the past seven days. Address: 55 Lexington Ave, New York, NY 10010 (Entrance on 25th street side via the pedestrian plaza) Once registered, participants will receive an overview of the program and instructions on how to proceed. Monday to Friday: 8 a.m. 10 p.m. COVID-19 testing sites throughout the five boroughs. Get tested at least 5 days after your close contact (the date of your exposure is considered day 0); if you test positive, stay home and isolate per guidelines above. At CUNY, participants in the program use mobile phones or computers to schedule appointments and receive test results. Address: 2001 Oriental Blvd, Brooklyn, NY 11235 CUNY's EAP may be reached at 1-888-993-7650 or Registration assistance is available on-site. safeCircle Customer Support:, Campus: Hunter College ADCL has retainedCleared4health verification management systemto provide the platform through which participants can register for the program, schedule a test appointment, receive test results, and display proofof testing. For the Spring 2023 semester, most CUNY courses will be in-person. If you were severely ill with COVID-19 you should isolate for at least 10 days. Walk-in visitors are accepted. The safeCircle Greeter will use your Name or Student/Employee ID (EMPLID) or your CUNY login to assign you a uniquely identified sampling kit. The LVA team or HR liaisons will aid in identifying exposures and notify close contacts of the exposure as soon as possible after being notified that someone on campus has tested positive for or has been diagnosed with COVID-19. safeCircle Customer Support:, Campus: York College How do I view and present my Cleared4 CUNY Access Pass? Faculty, staff, and students who are based at the Advanced Science Research Center will find theASRCs detailed ramp-up to in-person research plan here. Students attending in-person or hybrid classes who are granted a medical exemption are required to participate in CUNY's testing program and must show proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within the past seven days at a CUNY testing site to access CUNY buildings and facilities. Unvaccinated faculty and staff returning to work the week of August 16 have to get tested this week. COVID-19 Testing Site at City Tech Academic Building Community Center 287 Jay Street: Corner of Johnson St & Jay St Spring 2023 Hours Take care of CUNY testing requirements here. Unvaccinated faculty and staff returning to work the week of August 16 have to get tested this week. Although booster shots arenotrequired for the Spring 2023 semester at this time, we strongly encourage all students to be up-to-date on their related booster shots. You can access your pass at any time by navigating to your personal link from the registration email. CUNY faculty, staff and students will all be required to test through this program. Do I need to observe 6 feet physical distancing while at the Graduate Center? Contact York RF employees will be notified to visit RFCUNYs website and log in as an employee using their 6-digit RF-issued employee ID (EMP ID). Reporting of all positive cases impacting the Graduate Center community is managed by our LVA and HR liaisons. Contact: Katharine Cobb CUNYs Getting Back to Working in Person and Learning on Campus Frequently Asked Questions provides information for employees about returning to work. They're no longer taking appointments. Testing is by appointment, but walk-ins may be accepted on a standby basis once those with appointments have been tested. New Deadlines Spring 2023 Appointment scheduling, negative test results, and other communications will all flow through the Cleared4 platform. Employees will be given 30 minutes of paid time if the testing site is on their campus or office location, and 45 minutes if they need to travel to an off-site location. Based on our surveys, thankfully most of CUNYs staff and faculty are vaccinated and I continue to emphasize the importance of getting vaccinated as the best defense we know against COVID-19 and its variants. Individuals who are not fully vaccinated should continue to practice physical distancing of 6 feet. If any stage of the process reveals that you have been dishonest in any way, this will affect your chances of employment. CUNY profoundly mourns the members of our, Vaccination Verification User Guide for CUNY Employees, COVID-19 Testing Program for Faculty and Staff: FAQ, CUNY Guidelines for Central Office Reopening, Tools and Rules for Teleworking: A Guide for Employees, Medical and Religious Exemptions Appendix A, CUNY Information Security Guide for Working Remotely, CUNY Academic Cloud Tools Comparison Chart, FAQs for faculty and staff on accessing and using CUNY technology to support remoteteaching, learning and work, IT Resources for Remote Work and Teaching, Please visit here for additional information, Department of States Global Health Advisory, Wellness Resources for our CUNY community, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), NYC Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH), American Association of Colleges and Universities, Discrimination and Retaliation Reporting Portal, Craig Newmark Graduate School of Journalism, If your vaccination documents are already approved in CUNYfirst, you, All students (except those with approved exemptions or exceptions), The deadline to submit a religious exception or medical exemption for the Spring 2023 semester is. To enter the Graduate Center, CUNY students, faculty, and staff are required to provide proof of their COVID-19 vaccination through the Cleared4 health validation platform We write to remind the Graduate Center community of the building entry protocols that are still required for CUNY students, faculty, staff, and visitors, and to share information about changes to Graduate Center entry protocols for 1-day visitors. Medical exceptions and religious exemptions must be submitted 30 days before the start of classes. Apart from taste, ambience, hospitality and cleanliness, what else would motivate YOUR PRESENCE in the place. The Student Vaccination Mandate applies to students participating in in-person fieldwork and clinical experiences that are required as part of coursework. Maintaining up-to-date COVID-19 vaccination status is the single most important thing you can do to protect yourself and those with whom you interact with at the Graduate Center. Collect the test sample only if you are fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication and your other symptoms have improved. If you are teaching, researching or working at the Advanced Science and Research Center, please review the ASRC COVID-19 Public Health and Safety Policies. In order to help CUNY students return home before it is too late, CUNY will continue to offer rebooking support to any CUNY student or employee abroad (regardless of citizenship) who is unable to make these arrangements directly with the airline. I studied at other post-secondary institutions, I graduated from a post-secondary institutions, Meet the York College Admission Team, Virtual and In-person Walk-In Hours, Consumer Information The Graduate Center, along with the City University of New York, is currently following CDC guidelines regarding exposure to COVID-19, quarantine, and isolation requirements. Consult your doctor before ending isolation. Maintaining up- to-date vaccination status is the most important thing you can do to protect yourself and keep our community safe. *Positives from Non-CUNY Sites: People who test for reasons other than entering a CUNY facility and are self-reporting to the Campus Coronavirus Liaison. Semester Guidance - Campus Access. Frequently Asked Questions about CUNYs COVID-19 Testing Program for Students, Faculty and Staff. Initiatives, Institutional Effectiveness and The Department of States Global Health Advisory (issued March 19, 2020) warns that a shutdown of international travel options is imminent, and that Americans abroad should arrange to immediately return to the U.S., or risk an indefinite stay abroad. Only CUNYs and affiliated institutions employees and students may participate in the program. You may also opt to receive SMS texts. Boosters are strongly encouraged at this time. CUNY profoundly mourns the members of our If you think you may have been exposed to COVID-19, contact your healthcare provider. Complete your registration in Cleared4, confirm your personal information (address, mobile number, and email address) is up to date, and accept the testing disclaimer. State Regents tests were canceled altogether in 2020 - and when they returned, new rules allowed kids to . In addition to the COVID-19 testing site located at the Graduate Center on the first floor, there are 19 other COVID-19 testing sites at locations across CUNY. Find support for food, unemployment, housing, cash assistance, and more. If you dont have a smartphone or an electronic device, you can also choose to print out a copy of your Cleared4 Access Pass instead of displaying it on a smartphone. Students and employees who have an approved religious exception or medical exemption will get an email from Cleared4 asking them to sign up for weekly testing. Address: 2705 Campus Rd, Brooklyn, NY 11210 Questions about vaccination verification and exemptions can be directed to What are the COVID-19 testing center hours at the Graduate Center? Contact: Felix Lam Before coming to campus, each member of the community is expected to monitor for symptoms, stay away from others if feeling sick, and test at an external testing site if you believe you might be positive for COVID-19. Location: Boylan Hall basement, Rm. Accessibility If you have been selected for random testing, here are your next steps: Complete your registration/profile in Cleared4. BCC will only accept COVID test results from the CUNY vendor (Cleared4) that is on-site at every CUNY campus. We cannot upload results from another facility. Instructions on How to Claim Your Cleared4 Account Two weeks have passed after their second dose in a 2-dose series, such as Pfizer or Moderna or; Two weeks have passed after a single dose vaccine such as Johnson & Johnson (J&J), or; The time specified by either the FDA licensure or World Health Organization (WHO) has passed after the final vaccination of any other vaccines. *The MLC will provide placement exam support on a hybrid model, in-person & online/virtual via Zoom. Programs, Enrollment Workforce Development, Office of They dont work. If you dont see your email from Cleared4, please check your SPAM folder. Those who test positive will have their Cleard4 Access Pass revoked until they provide proof of a negative COVID-19 test performed by a licensed lab facility. The test result will post to your Cleared4 account which you can access through your personal link. safeCircle Customer Support:, Campus: City College Pay attention to the way that the question is asked and only answer the question that is being . CUNY was not alone in instituting randomized testing earlier in the pandemic, but stands out now in continuing to require testing even as it has experienced steep enrollment drops, including a 30% plunge in freshman enrollment at community colleges between the start of the 2019 and 2021 school years, according to the Mayor's Management Report,. Sciences, History, Philosophy, and and Budget, Budget The program complements the mandatory weekly testing for students and employees with accommodations, medical exemptions, or religious exceptions. March 1 - April 15, 2023. Resources for all students, faculty and staff, Distance learning and instruction resources. Graduate Center students are strongly encouraged to receive vaccine boosters once eligible. We encourage everyone, especially those returning from travel, to take advantage of the free, on-site COVID-19 Graduate Center scholars have been at the forefront of research to understand the virus and the larger pandemic. Make this website talk | Website Information, Scheduling Testing Advisement Registration, Part-time Employment / Time and Leave System. Effective December 28, 2021, any CUNY employee who needs to be tested for any reason can walk into a CUNY-approved testing site, show their CUNY ID, register in the Cleared4 system, and get tested. Check campus email (or texts, if you have set up Cleared4 notification there) regularly, and test as soon as possible, as you will have a 14-day window in which to test before Cleared4 access is lost. Address: 94-45 Guy R Brewer Blvd, Jamaica, NY 11451 Individuals should contact with details on their CUNY affiliation (including EMPLID if possible) to receive instructions on accessing this support. Location: Student Union, 1st floor, Fish Bowl Families First Coronavirus Response Act Academic Continuity Guidance The Office of Facilities Services and Campus Planning will procure face coverings and otherProtective Equipment,and coordinate distribution. Students taking courses that are fully remoteare not currently required to be vaccinated; however, all students taking remote classes who wish to visit the campus for any reason must be fully vaccinated and have their vaccination documents approved in CUNYfirst prior to their visit. Whether youre a student, faculty, or employee, or you are visiting, affiliated with, or contracting for CUNY, you can find the latest CUNY COVID-related information and safety guidance here. Walk-in visitors are accepted; no appointment is required. Strategic Planning, Economic and Employees of the CUNY Research Foundation (RF) may contact the PI of your RFCUNY project or visit RFCUNY Coronavirus Guidance. Registration assistance is available on-site. Campus: Central Office 217 E. 42nd Street All students registering for a fully in-person or hybrid class for the Spring 2023 semester and thereafter, must be fully vaccinated unless they have been granted a religious exception or medical exemption to the vaccine. This policy may be modified depending on changing public health conditions. We can take a few simple measures to reduce the risk of catching and spreading the virus. Please note that employees who have submitted proof of full vaccination will receive an email invite from CLEARED4, which will give them access to the CUNY Access Pass. Economic and Workforce Development, York CUNY safeCircle testing sites should not be used if you have symptoms. Android - click on the three-dots icon in your browser to access settings, and click Add to Homepage, iPhone - click on the Add to Homepage icon in the bottom menu. Consistently wearing a well-fitting mask can help protect you and others from infection. Contact: Eduardo Rios If youve received a vaccine that isnt approved by the FDA or WHO, you should email to determine the appropriate course of action. No one can be required to remove a mask if they wish to wear one, nor can event hosts, faculty, staff, and any other peers require masking within a specific space (e.g., an event, classroom, meeting, or workspace). As always, any student who experiences discrimination of any kind can contact their campusStudent Affairs Officefor support. Advancement, Institutional Location: Trailer in Parking Lot of the Performing and Art Center Surrounding Area Assessment Centres. RSVP NOW Resources Contact Health Services at 718-482-5280 or for COVID-19 or other health questions. Medical and religious exemptions are subject to mandatory weekly random testing in the CUNY-19 Testing Program. The updated Bivalent Pfizer or Moderna booster is preferred in most situations. Surveillance testing is intended to identify infected people who are asymptomatic. Anyone visiting a CUNY testing site is encouraged to wear a mask but is not required to. Anyone required to be tested can opt out of the testing program at any time by voluntarily showing proof that they are fully vaccinated. How do I bookmark my CUNY access pass on my smartphone? Testing CUNY COVID-19 Testing Information For a list of testing locations, visit here. Everyone, regardless of vaccination status must: Everyone, regardless of vaccination status: The Graduate Centers COVID-19 health liaisons will continue to aid in the identification of exposures, and notify close contacts, as appropriate, of exposure as soon as possible after being notified that someone in the campus has tested positive or been diagnosed with COVID-19. Test results will continue to be published on their regular schedule on these days. A self-collected sample using a short anterior nasal swab (ANS) is gathered at your designated testing site; results will be available within 24 hours of sample collection on weekdays and 48 hours on weekends. If you tested positive within the past 90 days, do not complete the random test. Visitors must be registered in Cleared4 to test. For a list of testing locations, visit here. COVID-19 Testing Testing within York College or at other locations, On-Site at York College There is a COVID testing center located in the main parking lot, parallel to the Performing Arts Center. Saturday: 10 a.m. 6 p.m. All students (except those with approved exemptions or exceptions) must have up-to- date vaccination records in CUNYfirst in order to enter any CUNY facility for any reason. Face coverings will be available at the main lobby desk and at the loading dock safety command post. CUNY Assessment Test in Writing . Literatures, and Humanities, Business Students who do not provide proof of vaccination before classes begin will be de- registered prior to the first scheduled day of classes. Click on the Show Access Pass button to attain your Cleared4. Undergraduate, World Languages, Literatures, and Humanities, Business & Information Students may contactlva@gc.cuny.eduwith questions regarding vaccination status, documentation, and exemptions. Students attending in-person or hybrid classes or visiting campus for any reason must be fully vaccinated and submit proof of vaccination into CUNYfirst. Address: 475 Grand Concourse, Bronx, NY 10451 & Information Systems, Health Cleared4 is the health verification platform used to manage the CUNY testing program, including appointment scheduling, sample tracking and reporting. All faculty and staff who have not submitted proof of vaccination or for whom verification of their proof of vaccination is pending must be tested at a CUNY site within 7 days of their visit in order to access campus and must show proof of their negative results. When you arrive at the testing site, you will be asked for a form of photo ID to verify its you. Website For general frequently asked questions, please refer to theGetting Back to Working in Person FAQ. The safeCircle swab is small, inserted only enough distance so the tip is no longer visible, and then swirled in each nostril for about 10 seconds. For more information about CUNY's COVID-19 testing program, please see the Testing FAQ. Note: To obtain a CUNY Access pass, CUNY students and employees must submit proof of vaccination throughCUNYfirst. References to COVID-19 that connect the virus to racial, ethnic or cultural identity are irresponsible and dangerous. Students, faculty and staff with approved religious exceptions or medical exemptions and employees who dont want to share their vaccination status will receive an email from on behalf of CUNY to enroll in the testing program. Faculty and staff who are vaccinated will upload verification of their vaccination information into their CUNYfirst account. Census Date Form-A cut off. Graduate Center students, faculty, and staff should follow the CDC domestic travel recommendations and international travel recommendations before reporting back to work or campus. CUNY mandates that all students taking in-person and hybrid classes must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, and upload proof of up-to-date vaccination in CUNYFirst (Student Guide to Vaccination Verification). Effective January 25, 2023, non-CUNY visitors will no longer need to show proof of vaccination against COVID-19 to enter the building.Instead, they will be required to show a government-issued photo ID to the security officers at the lobby's front desk. Course withdrawal drop period ends. Wear a well-fitting mask around others for 10 days. Welcome to the Testing Center at Medgar Evers College. CONTACT. If you are a new student or a new hire and need a Graduate Center ID card, please: You can also make an appointment to come in to campus to be issued an ID in person by emailing from your Graduate Center email address to request an appointment. Emailing the MLC is the best method of communciatin - Management, Office of Enrollment CUNY's random COVID-19 testing program of vaccinated individuals ramped up recently, adding to the measures we have taken this fall to keep CUNY's campuses safe. The Linea 2.0 COVID-19 Assay can detect the Omicron Variant of Concern as well as all other currently identified SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern and Variants of Interest. Students Visiting Campus Must Show Proof of Vaccination; Staff, Faculty Must Submit Vaccine Proof or Negative Test. Print this Testing Center website feedback: Room 150 Hunter North email us All religious exemption decisions are final and not subject to appeal. Employees should contact Luis Venegas, Safety & Health Officer and COVID-19 Response Liaison,, 2023 New York City College of Technology As we draw closer to the start of an increasingly in-person Fall 2021 semester, I want to share details of an important piece of the Universitys reopening plan that mandates regular testing for anyone who is unvaccinated or who chooses not to disclose their vaccination status. Free testing is available, regardless of immigration status or whether people have insurance, is available at the following locations: All 11 NYC Health + Hospitals, and they operate multiple COVID-19 testing sites throughout the five boroughs. If you are selected for testing, you will receive an email from with instructions: If you submit a sample within the 14-day period, you will retain your Access Pass to CUNY facilities until test results are posted to your profile. safeCircle Customer Support:, Campus: New York City College of Technology Results will be available in 24-48 hours via the Clear4 system. The safeCircle COVID-19 testing is conducted by Applied DNA Clinical Labs (ADCL) using the Cleared4 health verification management system that is used by universities and colleges, K-12 schools, businesses and other organizations to simply and securely manage testing and other health monitoring programs. Contact: Mohamed Bangura Please note that the CUNY Assessment Test for Reading and Mathematics is no longer administered. Any questions should be directed to theOffice of International Students. COVID-19 Update: Current Status April 27, 2022 We are currently in Phase 4 of our ramp up plan. Testing Centers will reopen with regularly scheduled hours the following days on Tuesday, February 14 and Tuesday, February 21. CUNY COVID-19 Safety Tracker. Testing sites will open at 18 of our colleges in all five boroughs, as well as at two CUNY Central locations. Public Safety, Directory Remain Vigilant and Flexible The guard booth can assist you in locating it. CUNY mandates that all students taking in-person and hybrid classes be fully vaccinated. Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 is the single most important thing you can do to protect yourself and keep CUNY safe. Be advised that enrollees will not receive their test results from the Cleared4 testing sites unless they have included their email address, telephone number and date of birth information in their profile. ADCLutilizes a PCR test with a nasal swab that is less invasive than the longer-stemmed swabs used elsewhere but is still highly sensitive and designed to detect COVID-19 before a person becomes symptomatic and can begin spreading the virus. Once test results are processed, you will receive an email notifying you that you are Cleared for Access by your COVID test or Not Cleared for Access. If you are Cleared, you will receive a GreenPass on your phone that can be used to display for access to CUNY. It uses a nasal swab that is less invasive than the longer-stemmed swabs used elsewhere, but which is still highly sensitive and designed to detect the virus before a person becomes symptomatic and can begin spreading it. This personal link will take you to the scheduling system to schedule your tests. Any CUNY student or employee who needs to be tested for any reason is able to walk into a site, show their CUNY ID, register in the system and get tested. Association, Center for Teaching, Learning and Educational Technologies (CTLET), The Milton G. Bassin Performing Arts Center, Earth and Physical As we previously announced, starting on August 16, anyone entering a CUNY facility for any reason will need to be fully vaccinated (defined as 14 days beyond the last vaccination shot) or show proof of a negative COVID-19 test taken within the past seven days. Most people have mild illnesses and are able to recover at home. For external testing sites that will accept the Graduate Centers doctoral students health insurance (NYSHIP), please contact Who can I contact with questions regarding the employee vaccination policy? ADCL couriers safely transport all samples to the laboratory for processing. Look for the white, portable mobile office with a handicap-accessible ramp. City College's COVID-19 testing site is in the Faculty Dining Room located in the North Academic Center (NAC) Building. 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