Roger Kimball, the thundering author of Tenured Radicals and Taking Back the UniversityA Battle Plan and a board member of the Sarah Scaife Foundation, one of FIREs big funders, also chairs the William F. Buckley Program at Yale, which invited Lukianoff to campus last fall. Romero, the ACLU chief, said Monday that he agrees free speech is under increasing attack in the U.S. and is pleased that FIRE is branching out. [82], In 2022, FIRE released a series of advertisements in Boston, Massachusetts, accusing Emerson College of censoring free speech on campus. [73] FIRE, along with Brandeis' own Committee on Faculty Rights and Responsibilities, criticized Krauss for never explicitly telling Hindley what specific in-class comments constituted harassing speech and for not granting Hindley a process by which to appeal the decision. Waiver of right of respondent Victim Rights Law Center, Equal Rights Advocates, Legal Voice, et al. [2][11][12][13] Among its other donors is the Hugh M. Hefner Foundation. In 2014, the foundation gave a total of more than $24 million for use in educational programs, educational grants, and general operating support at these schools and organizations, including more than $11.8 million in 2014 to George Mason University, which hosts the conservative Mercatus Center and Institute for Humane Studies. In recent years, OKeefe has strongly aligned himself with the so-called alt-right, offering exclusives of his videos to and befriending dangerous online trolls like Lucian Wintrich, Gavin McInnes, and Milo Yiannopoulos. [14][third-party source needed] FIRE has been described as a competitor of the larger ACLU. [39] The school settled the lawsuit and agreed to revise its policies. . Turning Point USA lists the Leadership Institute, the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, National School Choice Week, Heritage Action, the Heartland Institute, and the David Horowitz Freedom Center among its partners.. It also operates a campus leadership program that identifies, organizes, and trains conservative college students to promote and defend their values on campus. The institutes national field program boasts more than 1,878 campus groups that advocate for limited government, the free market, traditional values, and national defense.. Rankings, in general, are a weak tool for understanding schools' individual characteristics they hide nuance and context, encourage rigid thinking, and by rolling all metrics into one overall number, both reflect and obscure the biases of the list-maker. 03/01/23 8:17 PM EST, Article Summers told POLITICO hes troubled that a stifling conformity in discussions about issues related to identity on college campuses seems to be spreading. Its also hard to accept at face value Lukianoffs claim that FIRE takes on so many liberals only because most professors and students are liberals, and are therefore behind most campus constraints on free speech. Waiver of right of respondent United States to . Kirby Foundation also gives substantially to several billionaire-funded groups designed to seed campus chapters of conservative organizations. Even with the planned expansion by FIRE, the ACLU will continue to dwarf the upstart organization in size and funding. [62][63] The school eventually agreed to rewrite its speech policies, paying $650,000 to settle the lawsuit. Since its inception, FIRE has received funding from a variety of conservative foundations, including millions from some linked to billionaire Charles Koch. FIRE is justified, up to a point, in criticizing black protesters who shout down and intimidate classmates and professors by branding their colleges as racist, and in challenging feminist government and university bureaucrats who impose unfair standards and procedures when judging sexual assault charges. All of these organizations stoke public anger against political correctness as a threat to academic freedom and to the free-market economy, which they insist would enhance it. The rise of the so-called alt-right is the most unexpected ideological development of our time. $35,000. Ordered By: Year (Newer to Older) Export CSV. Students for Lifes funding is largely obscured, but it appears to have received at least some funding from DonorsTrust, a donor fund that allows wealthy individuals and groups to anonymously support right-wing causes. Lynum, whose conservative group was suspended by the schools president for circulating China kinda sus stickers promoting the theory that a Chinese government lab caused the oubreak of Covid-19. Turning Point USA is the project of Charlie Kirk, a 23-year-old conservative boy wonder who spoke at the 2016 Republican National Convention, describing work to push free markets and free people on college campuses, the most treacherous terrain imaginable. He reportedly visited Trump Tower in November to give advice on young people and millennials and outreach to undisclosed members of the presidential transition team. The video didnt make much of a splash.. An anonymous student-witness, quoted in the Brandeis Hoot,[74] called Hindley's remarks "inappropriate." Most people of the current generation lack a sense of the historical sweep of the intellectual side of the right-wing collectivist position. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education on Monday announced a $75 million expansion into off-campus free-speech advocacy and defense that will include litigation, public. The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) is an active anti-LGBTQ hate group that bills itself as a Christian legal organization. The PEN report misses this broader context, conscientious though it is in distinguishing real threats to campus free speech from hyped and imagined ones. FIREs new expansion is also a challenge of sorts to the ACLU, which has faced criticism in recent years for drifting from its unapologetically pro-free-speech roots and taking a more direct role in partisan political fights. "[51], FIRE joined with a number of other civil liberties groups in the case of Hosty v. Carter, involving suppression of a student newspaper at Governors State University in Illinois,[52] and has been involved in a case at Arizona State University where it condemned the listing of certain sections of a class as open only to Native American students. [81] The school's investigation was ultimately dropped and Wallace was allowed to graduate. [79], In 2021, FIRE advocated on behalf of Stanford University student Nicholas Wallace, who satirized the Federalist Society and Republican political figures in an email to his peers. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education is renaming itself the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression and keeping the "FIRE" acronym as it launches a drive to. op-ed titled as "Neoliberalism and . An advocacy group that has spent more than two decades fighting for free expression on college campuses is broadening its efforts to fight so-called cancel culture and other perceived threats to free speech across American society. He nearly missed getting his diploma", "Just kidding! The report calls the organization libertarian but, confusingly, notes elsewhere in the text that FIRE is often regarded as libertarian or conservative and is viewed suspiciously by some liberal or progressive students and faculty.. [97][98][99], In 2017, FIRE was listed as one of the sponsors of the conservative campus group Turning Point USA's Student Action Summit, according to tax records. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) is a Philadelphia-based nonprofit organization that aims to protect students' First Amendment rights at U.S. colleges and universities. The ACLU later recalibrated its free-speech advocacy, urging that its lawyers considering what cases to take also consider offense to marginalized groups. Romero also said it would not defend those seeking to engage in protests while armed. Email: ROBERT@THEFIRE.ORG. One TV spot includes a former Emerson College student, K.J. [27] Former ACLU President Nadine Strossen is also an advisory board member. [72], FIRE criticized Brandeis University on both free speech and due process grounds in early 2008 over its treatment of veteran politics professor Donald Hindley. [2][7][8][9] According to The New York Times journalist Cecilia Capuzzi Simon, "There are other groups that fight for First Amendment rights on campus, but none as vocalor pushyas FIRE. Top contributors to the David Horowitz Freedom Center include the right-wing Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation and anonymous conservative donors through DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund. [7] [8] FEE offers publications, lectures, and student workshops promoting free market principles. | Justin Sullivan/Getty Images. Kirby Foundation is a private philanthropic foundation operated by the wealthy Kirby family. 03/01/23 8:20 PM EST, Video & Audio [2][5] Silverglate had served on the board of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) of Massachusetts. [citation needed], Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, Challenges to college residence life programs, Last edited on 26 February 2023, at 08:37, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, "Once a Bastion of Free Speech, the A.C.L.U. The foundation has also poured millions into organizations focused on promoting conservative values (and sometimes, hate) on college campuses. The Mercatus Center is a conservative research center based at George Mason University thatfocuses on how markets solve problems. The center is also an associate member of the State Policy Network of conservative think tanks. January 2, 2023. [32] In his book Speech Out of Doors: Preserving First Amendment Liberties in Public Places (Cambridge University Press, 2008), law professor Timothy Zick wrote "in large part due to [FIRE's] litigation and other advocacy efforts, campus expressive zoning policies have been highlighted, altered, and in a number of cases repealed. 02/21/23 10:52 AM EST, The Conservative Dark-Money Groups Infiltrating Campus Politics, Newsmax host: Trump is still easily the mostpopular conservative candidateand is again running forpresident and Fox is pretendingthat he's not, Fox News host claims the FBI is part of a plot to defeat Republicans in elections, Sean Hannity claims the FBI has put their thumb on the scale for Democrats in every major election since 2016, Fox News host says Democrats are euthanizing the homeless, CNN's Bakari Sellers: Dominion filings show Fox hosts get the leeway to say whatever they want to say whether or not it has veracity, Right-wing media figures stand behind James OKeefe after Project Veritas ouster, Gavin McInnes on James O'Keefe ouster from Project Veritas: Inside scoop, all of the major money dudes are leaving with James, Steve Bannon: James O'Keefe is a patriot and a hero, American Conservative Union and Conservative Political Action Committee, Campus Reform and The Leadership Institute, Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, Mercatus Center and Institute for Humane Studies, identifies, organizes, and trains conservative college students to promote and defend their values on campus, Higher Educations Internet Outrage Machine, a driving force of the anti-Muslim, anti-immigrant and anti-black movements, the dark-money ATM for the conservative movement, the Mercatus Center, the Institute for Humane Studies, one of the oldest student-oriented educational organizations in the nation, counter the progressive ideology taking over American colleges, internships and professional development courses, the center of the Koch college universe, the problems with income redistribution through satire, educate your fellow students about the zombies in government who need to feed on the living to survive. [40], FIRE also targets situations where students and faculty are adjudicated outside the bounds of due process afforded to them by Constitutional law or stated university policy. YAL also hosts an annual conference; the 2016 conference featured speakers includingformer Rep. Paul, Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI), and Fox News Andrew Napolitano. Jeffrey Tucker, in this collection written between 2015 and 2017, argues that . This year, CPAC was embroiled in controversy for inviting -- and then rescinding the invitation of -- Milo Yiannopoulos, former Breitbart tech editor and serial harasser. Lukianoff acknowledged disappointment with major liberal foundations, who have balked at supporting FIREs efforts. DonorsTrust and the affiliated Donors Capital Fund (DCF) are donor-advised funds that have been labeled the dark-money ATM for the conservative movement. DonorsTrust and DCF allow wealthy individuals and philanthropic organizations to donate to right-wing causes (and even hate groups) with anonymity. Although the details are purposely obscured, its likely that the DeVoses -- like Charles and David Koch -- have additionally contributed to groups in this list through the anonymous donor funds DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund. The Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression's mission is to defend and sustain the individual rights of all Americans to free speech and free thoughtthe most essential qualities of liberty. It was renamed Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression, keeping the acronym FIRE. There he shot the infamous video of an overwrought black 20-year-old shrieking at a professor, and also triggered (if I may) an angry demonstration against the Buckley program itself. After FIRE intervened, the university revised its practices to no longer require prior approval before interviews. Its always been the case that some people have believed absolutely crazy things. [86] FIRE also launched the website "Emerson Kinda Sus" in response. The Unite the Right rally they held ended with violence, including the death of a 32-year-old woman who was run over by a car driven by a far-right demonstrator whose friends said he was obsessed with Hitler. Lukianoff said his group also regularly defends left-leaning students and faculty members when their freedom of expression is threatened. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education is renaming itself the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression and keeping the FIRE acronym as it launches a drive to promote greater acceptance of a diversity of views in the workplace, pop culture and elsewhere. 03/01/23 10:55 PM EST, Video & Audio Challenges to free speech are proliferating from both the left and the right, and the nation needs more organizations dedicated to upholding our most fundamental right.. FIRE receives substantial funding from a handful of conservative private donors, including $3.5 million from anonymous conservative donors through Donors Capital Fund and DonorsTrust, $1.3 million each from the right-wing Bradley Foundation and Sarah Scaife Foundation, and about $1 million between the Charles Koch Foundation and F.M. Kirks group claims to have a presence on 1,000 college and high school campuses nationally. Many of FIREs founders and backers are former leaders of the ACLU who have grown disillusioned with the group under its current executive director, Anthony Romero, who left the Ford Foundation to take over the storied civil liberties organization in 2001. In February, he made an appearance on Fox News Hannity with Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. to discuss how college campuses are islands of totalitarianism & intolerance for students with conservative or freedom beliefs. Kirk has publicly aligned himself with Milo Yiannopoulos in the past, and college chapters of Turning Point USA sponsored several stops on Yiannopoulos ill-fated campus harassment tour earlier this year. FIRE was renamed in June 2022, with its focus broadened to speech rights in American society in general. OKeefe is a right-wing conservative video artist who specializes in recording undercover videos of progressive activists and campaign staffers and releasing edited and confusing versions of the footage to allege misconduct. The Times Jennifer Schuessler reported last weekend that although [t]he conventional wisdom surrounding American college life these days views campuses as hotbeds of intolerance for free speech, the PEN report questions that story line while warning of a different danger: a growing perception among young people that cries of free speech are too often used as a cudgel against them., In other words, one thing threatening freedom of expression on campus is the free speech crusade itself. [57] Charges were dropped in December 2011. 03/01/23 9:41 PM EST, Video & Audio ADF has received substantial funding from the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation, as well as small donations from anonymous conservative donors through DonorsTrust and Donors Capital Fund. And the PEN report is justified in saying that while free speech is alive and well on campusa conclusion that echoes my own observationsit is not free from threats and must be vigilantly guarded if its continued strength is to be assured.. [76][77][78] Lukianoff recorded a video of students confronting Christakis's husband, who served as master of Silliman College, on the Yale campus. Thats not as Orwellian as it may sound. The group is sponsoring a lawsuit that challenges the . According to Brandeis's student press, Hindley was rumored to have used the epithet "wetback". An investigation into these efforts by the Center for Public Integrity noted that the centers research on tax policies, deregulation, social programs, and health care is widely cited by Koch-backed groups like Americans for Prosperity and increasingly used in congressional reports. [2] Cathy Young, a Cato Institute fellow and columnist for The Bulwark, wrote that "FIRE has handled many cases involving speech suppression in the name of progressive values," while also saying "it is that rare group which actually means it when it claims to be nonpartisan. Read employee reviews and ratings on Glassdoor to decide if Foundation for Individual Rights in Education is right for you. Lukianoffs boards of directors and advisers include such prominent free-market conservatives as George Will and T. Kenneth Cribb, who was assistant for domestic affairs to President Ronald Reagan and a former president of the conservative Intercollegiate Studies Institute, which trains students to counter liberal threats to the market economy.. We must defend all speech without apology | Opinion", "The Coddling of the American Mind review how elite US liberals have turned rightwards", "The Coddling of the American Mind 'Is Speeding Up', "ACLU free-speech icon Ira Glasser profiled in new film", "Free to State with Paul Clement, Jonah Goldberg, Stephen Hayes & Nadine Strossen", "Pierce College's 'free speech zone' will expand after LA Community College District settles lawsuit with student", "Georgia passes law banishing free speech zones", "U. of Delaware Halts Residence-Life Program That Was Criticized as 'Thought Reform', "A-T challenges UMC interview guidelines", "FIRE Demands Dartmouth Rescind College Republicans Fee | Inside Higher Ed", "UC Berkeley to settle free speech lawsuit for $70K", "Campus security bills for speakers challenged", "Lawsuit says WMU policies restrict free speech, prevented Boots Riley visit to campus", "WMU to pay $35,000 to settle free-speech lawsuit filed by Kalamazoo Peace Center", "Student sues university over 'no-contact' orders after Christian statements", "Conservative Students Sue Clovis Community College | Inside Higher Ed", "USF student, professor file lawsuit challenging Florida's 'Stop WOKE Act', "PolitiFact - Trump's education pick donated to Philly group with controversial campus rape stance", "Former U-Va. law student files suit challenging federal sexual assault directive", "2011 Dear Colleague Letter Critic Adam Kissel Hired by Dept. Do I believe bad actors are abusing this? He has had to issue public apologies, has been arrested for trespassing, and has foiled his own plots, yet his videos have been promoted by President Donald Trump. more about "Foundation for Individual Rights in Education" RDF feed Page status Help:Seed Guide + Page type Article + Thing type Organization + Email . The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) is a legal and advocacy organization that claims to defend and sustain individual rights at Americas colleges and universities. FIRE primarily handles case submissions from students who believe their free speech rights were violated, connecting some to attorneys, including through its national program designed to file targeted, high-profile cases against public universities. How a Stanford 3L got the last laugh against the Federalist Society", "Update: Law Student Who Made Fun of the Federalist Society Will Be Allowed to Graduate After All", "Emerson College targeted by ad campaign for suspending student group behind 'China Kinda Sus' stickers", "Right-wing student group suspended over 'anti-China' stickers", "Conservative student group blackballed by Massachusetts college for 'anti-China hate', "Turning Point Chapter Warned for Distributing China Stickers | Inside Higher Ed", "Ron DeSantis faces Florida lawsuit over anti-woke law", "Fourth lawsuit filed to challenge DeSantis' 'Stop WOKE Act', "A psychiatric facility punishes residents with painful electric shocks. [66] Later that year, the organization helped University of Washington professor Stuart Reges take action against the school after it recommended that he include a Native American land acknowledgment on his course syllabus. Young Americas Foundation is a nonprofit that bills itself as the principal outreach organization of the Conservative Movement by providing essential conferences, seminars, educational materials, internships, and speakers to young people across the country. Its primary projects include preserving Ronald Reagans California ranch, operating the National Journalism Center to train aspiring journalists in the values of balanced reporting (Ann Coulter and Greg Gutfeld are alumni), and running its Center for Entrepreneurship & Free Enterprise. [93], Since 2016, FIRE has produced "So to Speak: The Free Speech Podcast," hosted by Perrino. In addition to pushing hate in state laws, court cases, and public schools, ADF has also represented Turning Point USA in at least one lawsuit alleging campus discrimination against a conservative student, and has partnered with chapters of Students for Life to create draft legislation for newly elected Republican legislatures in 2010. Chapters of SFLA have partnered with the anti-LGBTQ hate group Alliance Defending Freedom on creating draft legislation for newly elected Republican legislatures in 2010. It is a member of the State Policy Network. Argentina. And, tomorrow, PEN Executive Director Nossel will have an opportunity to make up for it by asking Lukianoff directly why FIRE highlights and occasionally even provokes politically correct threats to freedom of speech, as I watched it do at Yale, and why it seldom if ever mentions the many conservative politically correct pressures on students and teachers that I described in Why Bashing Politically Correct Campuses Is Hurting Conservatism.. Foundation for Individual Rights in Education. Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression aims to defend the fundamental rights of college students and faculty members while creating favorable resolutions for individuals facing campus disciplinary actions and those negatively impacted by a culture of censorship within higher education. Its tax forms list single grants ranging from $301 to more than $11. It formed after the 2008 presidential campaign of former libertarian Rep. Ron Paul (TX) as a continuation of Students For Ron Paul. YAL claims to support a network of more than 900 chapters nationwide on college and high school campuses, providing materials and resources to help students organize events to communicate the problems with income redistribution through satire, educate your fellow students about the zombies in government who need to feed on the living to survive (a Halloween-themed activity), and encourage the right to self defense and access to weapons on campuses to prevent a violent crime from ever happening. The list of strategic partners on YALs website is a lengthy encyclopedia of Koch-backed think tanks and advocacy groups, and it also includes the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, the Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Students for Liberty, and Young Americas Foundation. 03/02/23 7:59 AM EST, Video & Audio To this end, we place a special emphasis on defending the individual rights of students and faculty members on our nation's campuses, including freedom of speech, freedom of association, due . Never mind that, as FIRE keeps discoveringbut never invites us to ponderthe college trustees and deans whom it condemns rightly enough for restricting speech are serving not politically correct pieties, but market pressures to satisfy student customers and avoid negative publicity, liability, and losses in brand or market share.. [9] [10] But the ebb and flow of ideas cant be reduced to market exchanges, and has to transcend them. The video also featured footage of OKeefe, dressed up as the Constitution, attempting to engage with students walking through the campuses and asking female students for their phone numbers. [88][89], In August 2022, FIRE defended the nonprofit group NeuroClastic, which had been threatened with a defamation lawsuit by the Judge Rotenberg Educational Center after criticizing the Center's use of electro-shock devices. After FIRE publicly criticized the decision, Garneau was reinstated. The unvetted work from Campus Reform also served as the sole evidence for Turning Point USAs recent McCarthyist Professor Watchlist project, which publicly listed photos and details about specific college professors and administrators who discriminate against conservative students and advance leftist propaganda in the classroom. Top contributors to the Leadership Institute in recent years include the anonymous conservative donor funds Donors Capital Fund and DonorsTrust, and the Charles Koch Foundation. Interviews at Foundation for Individual Rights in Education Experience Positive 73% Neutral 27% Getting an Interview Applied online 100% Difficulty 3.0 Average Hard Average Easy Interviews for Top Jobs at Foundation for Individual Rights in Education Intern (4) Summer Intern (2) Internship (1) Legal Intern (1) See more interviews for top jobs DonorsTrusts tax forms from 2012 to 2014 detail several grants made directly to universities to support scholarship on free market policies. In response, officials from several of the schools criticized OKeefes attempts at shoddy journalism, and noted that the administrators featured in the videos were attempting to do their jobs by assisting a student who appeared to be experiencing a mental health crisis. [61], In 2014, FIRE sued Chicago State University (CSU) for trying to shut down a faculty blog critical of CSU's former administration. Its been frustrating, he said, adding, Most of FIREs staff leans to the left politically.. Project Veritas is the nonprofit group associated with citizen journalist vigilante James OKeefe. It detailed a $75 million expansion plan over three years to focus on "litigation, public education, and research," with $10 million for a nationwide advertising campaign. Select from premium Foundation For Individual Rights In Education of the highest quality. The groups funding connections amount to an almost encyclopedic list of conservative organizations, the vast majority with ties to the Koch network of organizations. FIRE educates Americans about the Read more about this organization Issue Areas Include Education Human Rights & Civil Liberties Legal Assistance CVCC decided that the comments were "disturbing" and a "threat", and used that reasoning to suspend the student. 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