[*1], He allegedly agreed to create an alliance between his group La Nueva Familia Michoacana, the group La Familia Michoacana de Arcelia, and the La Familia Michoacana group led by Don Jos. (Source) La Familia Michoacana de Arcelia is based in Guerrero and the State of Mexico. La Nueva Familia Michoacana caused hell for LFM and CT in the state and in 2017 ambushed the leader of CT Pablo Toscano Padilla alias "El 500" and his lieutenant Ezequiel Castaneda alias "El Cheques" who were killed on their way to a meeting where they were originally going to make a deal with CJNG over a truce. Then we have outliners like El Sargy and those few who came from the US thinking the Autodefenas movement was real believing the lies being told by Mireles, Hipolito and Papa Pitufo. ", If Mexico really is seeing the demise of La Familia, an especially violent and bizarre gang that made its muscle trafficking methamphetamine, or crystal meth, to a voracious U.S. market, it's an advance that Caldern sorely needed. CJNG, El PRI played a massive part in the whole plan the weapons were provided by CJNG the strategy was provided by El PRI the muscle by EL PRI and CJNG and media did their thing on orders from EL PRI. An official website of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, 12 Mexican federal officers were tortured and killed in retaliation for La Minsas capture, Immigration Authority Delegation Program 287(g). This case resulted from the ongoing efforts by the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF), a partnership that brings together the combined expertise and unique abilities of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies. The government has on its target lists its leaders, the brothers Jos Alfredo and Johnny Hurtado Olascoaga, a follow-up that can be seen in detail in Army documents, thanks to the massive hack carried out a few months ago by the Guacamaya group. described him as someone who operated as secretary or spokesperson for the organization. He is believed to have been released from prison in April 2020, as part of a federal initiative to reintegrate prisoners back into society which was compounded by concerns over the rapid infection potential in prisons during the COVID19 pandemic. 11. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. In 2020, the Knights Templar and other sub-factions of the group are still active across southern Mexico in parts of Michoacn and Guerrero, battling against the attempted territorial expansion of groups like the Jalisco Cartel New Generation (Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacin CJNG). Mexico: Tamaulipas , Nuevo Len, San Luis Potos , Veracruz, Jalisco, the U.S. states of Texas and Georgia. In 2014, when the government gave legitimacy and authority to the autodefensa groups by creating Fuerza Rural (Rural Defense Forces). Whos side are they on? If his antinarco campaign has actually knocked one of Mexico's seven strongest cartels off the battlefield, and if that helps reduce the body count in 2011, it means he can finally claim progress for a military-based strategy that even stalwart allies like the U.S. have begun to question. What can I text my friend to make her smile? And then you also have outsider sources with no info on whats going on. La Familia is a heavily armed cartel that has utilized violence to support its narcotics trafficking business including murders, kidnappings and assaults. I'm just talking from experience. 2023-03-02T03:10:46.909Z, Lionel Messi and a top gift for his companions from La Scaleneta: he bought 35 gold iPhones for the world champions He was described as the leader of the criminal cell identified as Sangre Nueva Guerrerense by Contramuro in 2019. We can all agree that the Autodefensa movement was a Narcodefensa movement. @ 11:55 El Azul is not dead , he is the ultimate go between. However, PBS wrote that the Cali cartel did not inherit Escobar's public flair for violence, preferring to adopt a business faade in their international operation. 2023-03-02T00:22:33.363Z. Valorxmichoacan was what some of these propaganda pages are today.Do your own research its out there.https://www.vice.com/en/article/gynw8x/mexico-s-self-defense-militias-follow-cartels-into-deadly-internal-conflict. 2023-03-02T01:22:34.230Z, Canadian charged with dozens of sexual assaults on minors (. The two cartels enjoyed over a decade of business until the late 1990s, when the Gulf cartel had become self-sufficient. Its origins are traced to El Milenio, a group that was allied to the Tijuana cartel. Abuelo Farais and all Carteles Unidos are freaked out they don't want to fight CJNG so they are doing everything in their power to use the government and human shields to prevent them from advancing. PROFILE: El Gordo is one of the Sierra Santana brothers. By 2015, Milenio newspaper wrote that an intelligence report from the national security cabinet stated that Los Viagras were currently dedicated to drug trafficking working under or in an alliance with Cartel H3 (there was an iniative where areas in Michoacn were divided between groups called H1, H2, H3). (Source), While under the guise of the self defense movement, they worked under the leadership of Estanislao Beltrn alias "Pap Pitufo" or "Papa Smurf". (Source, Source, Source) So for now only the Don Jos group will be added to the Michoacn CU category. [16] [17] La Familia Michoacana still exists today, despite the killing of its founder and leader Nazario Moreno Gonzlez ,. And I think that is a beautiful thing, that we can all differ on our opinions but still respect each other just the same. 2023-03-02T02:22:40.603Z, Elon Musk announces to his investors the new Tesla plant in Nuevo Len: "We are excited for the 'gigamxico'" 2023-03-02T03:04:46.817Z, Longgutan ReclamationAdvocating new-type industry-led, road-expanding Zhou Haoding: Making reclamation worth the fare In and around Cali if the mafia doesn't like you, you just disappear.". Carteles Unidos have active or ex military working for them right now they are the link between the Sedena, GN, State Police and Carteles Unidos they are the reason they are supported so well. Episode 5: What's it like to be a special agent with HSI? The Gulf's cocaine business started when they brokered a deal with the Cali cartel, which was looking for new routes from Colombia to the United States. #323 Logical Kathi. reports that according to the Attorney General's Office (FGR) there are two groups of Knights Templars (CT) operating in Michoacn currently: one group centered around El Tena and one group centered around El Gallito called "Guardia Michoacana", a part of the CU. Just wanna say u made a great article Hearst, it was a good read Cant wait for the next part. But Sol and Hearst have done an excellent job at churning articles for us. Is the Knights Templar cartel still active? In the early 1990s, El Chapo steered the Sinaloa Cartel to dominance through his use of tunnel smuggling and widespread bribes. 7/26/2021 7:00AM CST: Revised wording around H3 to be more clear on the intended meaning. He also won territory from the Tijuana and Juarez cartels during the Mexican government's war on drugs, which brought new levels of violence to the region (via Britannica). 2:18 - Havent watched a single Olympic match this time around. The cartel's influence has declined like many of its fragmenting peers, but their power remains strong inCiudad Jurez and the Valle de Jurez, which are key trafficking locations. However, now it looks like the LFM has recovered, and has the potential to return to a high level as before, now they control more territory than many other cartels, but apparently internal disputes continue, this time due to the fact that some members of the LFM do not agree with the union of brothers Hurtado with the CJNG, as evidenced by the recent murder of El Zarco. Cuando menos desde 2020, el Ejrcito mexicano sigue de cerca las acciones de la Familia Michoacana, el otrora crtel ms poderoso del estado de Michoacn. Gosh, Michoacan criminal landscape is so confusing and I thought Golfos/Tamaulipas was bad with all their factions. The group led by Pap Pitufo including the Sierra Santana brothers joined the Fuerza Rural. Thanks. El Negro is described as one of the founding members of Los Viagras. El gigio is a top lieutenant for MZ in la nogalera, he pushed into magdalena to take over el cazador territory(chapitos faction). Other groups such as the LFM group associated with Jos Pineda Gonzlez Don Jos and Medardo Hernndez Vera El Mantecas, as well as the LFM group associated with El Pez appear to be in an alliance with the CU but whether they belong within the CU is unclear. (, ) However it later emerged that the only Sierra brother Daniel El Chaco was arrested in that operation. Then, in May, SinEmbargo reported that the cartel had destroyed a military helicopter with an RPG, killing 5 soldiers. As of 2011, La Familia Michoacana still exists, despite the killing of its founder and leader Nazario Moreno Gonzlez. That kind of power would seem to make any criminal group invincible. Based on this, there may have been a misidentification and the man featured in the La Tuta video is not Jos Carlos. Well El Chango Mendez did Try to join Los Zetas reason because all of his people were getting killed. You have opinions, I know facts. Take for example the cartel leadership figure Don Jos. On April 27 2020, El Chacal was killed by military elements after an alleged shootout in El Llano (San Miguel Canario) in Tiquicheo municipality. 4) The families associated with Los Tena and Los Pulido, For Notable Figures purposes we will expand on Lantias list. (Source) Then he was reportedly arrested again in July 2019, leading to another series of roadblocks. This would be a plausible switch as there was a great migration when many LFM members became CT back around 2010. Una vez aliado con el Crtel del Golfo como parte de los Zetas, se separ en 2006 para fundar su propia organizacin. 10:28Sadly, I'd hate to burst your bubble, but el azul(father) and el azulito(son) are dead. ICE identifies and apprehends removable noncitizens, detains these individuals and removes illegal noncitizens from the United States. They have a reward of up to half a million pesos for information leading to their . 3:23 - Keep in mind that EVERY source has a bias and may also be incomplete. Alejandro Poir, security spokesman for the government of Mexican President Felipe Caldern, won't say if he believes La Familia's breakup announcement is on the level, but he insisted, "What is a fact is the weakening and retreat of that criminal organization. El Pony and all of Chango Mendezs people continued to call themselves FM after the split with Chayo. If you do your research you'll also see that LNFM is said to be a successor of LFM since 2011 by point is there's two groups practically with the same name. As of 2017 (and likely still today), the Sinaloa Cartel is overall the most active drug cartel involved in smuggling illicit drugs into the United States and trafficking them throughout the country. (See "Mexico's Meth Warriors."). (, Other groups such as the LFM group associated with Jos Pineda Gonzlez Don Jos and Medardo Hernndez Vera El Mantecas, as well as the LFM group associated with El Pez appear to be in an alliance with the CU but whether they belong within the CU is unclear. The other reason is Silvano Aurelous is 100% with Cartels Unidos he is the one that sends the support. Rueda-Medina was arrested on July 11, 2009, by Mexican law enforcement. Estan bien revueltos esos mafiosos en michoaca. In 2010, Los Zetas established itself on its own terms, terrorizing the country with torture, beheadings and massacres (via Irish Times/Britannica). Today's Familia Michoacana is a shadow of its former self, but hasn't yet been entirely removed from southern Mexico's regional criminal landscape, continuing to imbed itself in local communities key for the group's criminal interests. A social media user claimed El Chaco was injured in the August 2020 confrontation in Zamora between Los Viagras and members of the National Guard. La Nueva Familia Michoacana is what Los Viagras and Los Troyanos call themselves. ;) (Provides no facts in his entire comment) . All three organizations reportedly began to support Cartel del Abuelo. Hes quoted as saying The authorities know where I am, but theyre afraid to come after me because of the scandal I could make by talking [about the governments links to organized crime]. He showed off his chrome-plated 9 mm pistol and claimed he could stabilize the state in under two months if the government allowed him to. This would be a plausible switch as there was a great migration when many LFM members became CT back around 2010. On April 27 2020, El Chacal was killed by military elements after an alleged shootout in El Llano (San Miguel Canario) in Tiquicheo municipality. The signs declared that one of Mexico's most feared drug cartels, La Familia Michoacana, was disbanding after body blows from a federal offensive that is believed to have killed the group's. A few weeks ago, a group of armed men chanting their initials announced their arrival in Milpa Alta, the rural south of Mexico City. His evil career was so incredibly successful that he made Forbes' billionaire list from 1987 to 1993. CJNG's battles with the Los Zetas and CRSL cartels are similarly brutal. To view it, confirm your age. "The government seems to have achieved something positive in Michoacn," says Luis Astorga, a drug-war expert at the National Autonomous University in Mexico City. news But not a trace of them. Chapo kept peace, Esparagoza kept peace so did MZ, chapos gone so is azul, cant MZ keep the peace or is his absence provoking the ongoing internal war???? In addition to belonging to Los Viagras, some publications say he belongs to Guerreros Unidos as well. I've literally been researching about cartels since 2000 why would I make something up? (Source), He famously gave an interview to the Daily Beast in 2017 where he boasted that he commands about a thousand Viagras foot soldiers and that his men maintain a sophisticated surveillance system that includes monitoring police and military radio frequencies. After the group's 1985 murder of DEA agentEnrique Camarena, the US and Mexico closed in on the cartel, causing several leaders to disperse across Mexico, leaving El Chapo and his partnerHctor Luis Palma Salazar as the Sinaloa chiefs. They robbed stores, they broke into an auto repair shop and stole cell phones and several vehicles, all with the goal of spreading terror.". @Hearts, those outlets put out whatever they want YOU to believe. It is currently unclear who may be behind the killing. (. ) Haha. Insight Crime and the BBC reported that these splinter groups are suspected to have abducted 43 Ayotzinapa students, which hit international headlines in 2014. 2023-03-02T03:28:41.689Z, Centuries of history were left in ruins after the earthquake in Turkey and Syria The Act also prohibits U.S. citizens and companies from doing any kind of business activity with Rueda-Medina; and it virtually froze all of his assets in the United States. Especially active in the State of Mexico and Guerrero, its members demonstrate surprising audacity, the enduring lead law that has subjected the region for more than a decade. El Negro is described as one of the founding members of Los Viagras. After La Tuta was arrested Los Viagras formed into a cartel and started to operate, in 2019 Los Viagras joined the Tepalcatepec Cartel among other Cartels to form carteles Unidos to fight CJNG in Tierra Caliente. Previously the oldest brother, Nicols Sierra Santana El Gordo was believed to have been the boss of Los Viagras and La Sopa was believed to have been his second-in-command, at least up until his death in 2017. Just like they're doing now, were they call viagras/c.u - autodefensas? , Los Viagras is a group that is currently believed to be a subgroup or armed wing under La Nueva Familia Michoacana, which is part of the Carteles Unidos (CU) alliance. It's been said that goofy looking POS raped a very young girl and look at that sad looking SOB. That's because Mexico's latest drug-war death statistics are a step backward: 15,273 drug-related killings last year a 59% rise over 2009 bringing the total since Caldern took office in December 2006 to 34,612. However, according to Insight Crime's profile, the cartel's influence has been compromised by arrests and infighting, limiting their territory to Tijuana, a vital smuggling city on the US-Mexico border. As of 2011, La Familia Michoacana still exists, despite the killing of its founder and leader Nazario Moreno Gonzlez. In 2006, severalLa Familia hit men, who said they had a "divine right" to kill, dumped five severed heads on a dance floor, yet this didn't alienate them in the public eye (via Insider/Insight Crime). I know poquito espanol so its hard to keep track. La Familia Michoacna emerged in the wake of a battle for control of Michoacn between the Gulf organization and a group known as "El Milenio.". ago Probably 1 Hizbollah313 1 min. Although this cartel has been weakened for 10 years, some cells are still active under the name of the Nueva Familia Michoacana and joined together called United Cartels who seek to end the Jalisco New Generation Cartel ( CJNG ). News (. ) Based on this, there may have been a misidentification and the man featured in the La Tuta video is not Jos Carlos. What if MZ is dead? (. 1 views . For example Sonora, Tamaulipas, and Zacatecas seem to have less news outlets that cover cartel news in detail. H3 was totally separated from viagras, that was migueladas group headed by americano. Nearby, in Coatepec Harinas, hitmen from the criminal group had assassinated 13 state and ministerial police officers from the State of Mexico months earlier. Originally a security detail for the Sinaloa cartel, BLO seceded in 2008 and a fierce conflict ensued. The U.S. Treasury Department has slapped sanctions on Mexico's Familia Michoacana drug cartel, which it accused of manufacturing so-called rainbow fentanyl pills purportedly aimed at children ( father ) and El azulito ( son ) are dead, and. Wan na say u made a great article Hearst, it was a migration... For Notable Figures purposes we will expand on Lantias list destroyed a military helicopter is la familia michoacana still active an,... Members became CT back around 2010 El Chango Mendez did Try to join Los Zetas and CRSL cartels are brutal... Familia is a heavily armed cartel that has utilized violence to support its narcotics trafficking business murders. Ensure that we give you the best experience on our website in La! As one of the Sierra Santana brothers Zacatecas seem to have less news outlets that cartel... 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All three organizations reportedly began to support cartel del Abuelo would seem to have less news that. @ Hearts, those outlets put out whatever they want you to believe (, ) However later. A bias and may also be incomplete also be incomplete 4 ) families...