It seemed normal. The boy's mother, 35-year-old Crystal Smith, surrendered to police in early June on a charge of evidence tampering in St. Johns County and was released on $25,000 bail, according to the. She liked to issue instructions. Eight months later he began spending a lot more time on the Internet, the teenager said. document.write(new Date().getFullYear()) That was how the child discovered that the man who had been living with his mother was not his father, as he had supposed. Even when John passed his exams (much to his surprise) and gained entrance to a prestigious grammar school, the names continued unabated. A person, says the lawyer, whose future may well turn out to be "brilliant.". In the universe he inhabited, there was, John felt, no one to sustain himexcept on the Internet, which he peopled with characters of his own device. Boy A, a 15-year-old, stabbed Boy B twice,. Not a spelling or grammatical error, Hogg decided. Sometimes John would approach their bedroom and listen quietly, his ear pressed to the door. Mark was now a suspect and after he was shown the CCTV footage, revealed the truth that he was the one who stabbed John. There's no supervision on a lot of these chat rooms. The two boys were beginning to meet in person. "The 14-year-old boy showed no intention to hurt anybody but himself," he A teenager has been charged with murder after a 16-year-old boy was stabbed to death . I havent really thought about it.". Suddenly the "postman, ice cream man, teachers, drivers" were all revealed to be secret agents, checking to see if he, Mark, might be smart enough to join their ranks. Janet was to be the first to arrive on the scene, disguised as a detective who would ensure Mark wasnt arrestedbut Janet never arrived. There were conditions made: no unsupervised Internet sessions for either boy, no further contact between them. This Dobinson woman claimed to have urgent business with a very lofty crowd. "Incitement to murder," said the prosecutor. After the investigators had poured through the thousands of lines of text from the chat room, they realised most of the people on there were fake. A ring of pedophiles? In Wythenshawe Hospital, where he spent more than a week, John asked to see a psychiatrist, but this was Britain, home of the dilatory National Health Service. 3 in the hierarchy of the British secret service, as she informs correspondents), on whom John clearly lavished special effort. If he completed his mission hed become a member of the British Secret Service, receive 80 million, meet Tony Blair (the then PM), the Queen and receive sexual favours from Janet, a 44-year-old married woman who lived a double life for Queen and country. The chat room took a dark turn when Kevin declared that hed kidnapped Rachel and would rape and kill her unless Mark recorded himself masturbating via webcam. Rhamero West was taken to hospital after he was found with stab wounds in Norton Street, Old Trafford, at about 18:00 BST on. Of these invented creatures, the most passionate and durable was the high-ranking spy Dobinson. By April 3, 2003, Mark had grown so smitten with the character Rachel, whom John had equipped with her own e-mail address (, that her creator grew alarmed. sonicwave 231c non responsive Uncovering hot babes since 1919.. little girl emily murdered music box. The stab wounds still pain him. But it wasn't just the virtual Mark whom John loved. The 17-year-old boy, known only as Boy A . "Skilled writers of fiction would struggle to conjure up a plot such as that A 15-year-old boy who died after he was stabbed in Miles Platting has been named by Greater Manchester police as Jakub Szymanski. Dobinson, too, was interested in watching sexual activity via the Webcam. "Staggering," said the judge who would hear his case. "Skilled writers of fiction would struggle to conjure up a plot such as arises here." This, however, made little difference; at night the boy would manage to retrieve and re-assemble the laptop and modem. "Paki" and "gay" were some of the names hurled at himthe first because "I think my dad must have been Asian," the second "because most of my friends were girls." Much later, after months of wrong turns and huge confusion, the police would be very impressed by his skill. There he wielded control over everythingespecially his laptop. "If it is strangers, they are saying I am a Paki and a terrorist," he says. The teenager was with his friends when. "Take him [to] a quiet place," advised the British agent. No man in his life had ever meant much to him: he had no recollection of his biological fatherwho had, John's mother later told her son's therapist, not only abducted their son when he was a baby but also abused her physically and sexually. Just a few well-chosen words typed into Google are enough to call up some media stories identifying John as a stabbing victim last year, as well as other articles, more recent, revealing that in fact the victim incited his own attempted murder. "There was no verification," Ross says. He dresses in a manner equally rigid. His mother, an office manager, also disappoints him, he suggested to therapists. "He would become withdrawn. Officers found three victims had been shot. "Brilliant for an e-mail chat! Despite his mother's pleas, the teenager was put on a waiting list. ", The bleakly serious nature of the case is expected to lead to calls for tighter monitoring of internet chatrooms. In October 2003, three months after the arrest and detention of Mark, authorities would discover that someone by the name of Dobinson logged on to John's laptop with a password at a time when only John was at home. From John's laptop emerged what the prosecutor would subsequently describe as "an Internet soap opera moving from one scene to another, each character and story line more fantastic than the last." Mark, for example, was to stab his friend while saying: "Love you bro Make sure he knows you love him. A 44-year-old man was arrested in Kent on Friday night on. Both sets of parents decided there would be no more sleepovers. He was never in any trouble and was close to his family. Since seeing a psychologist, John's mother informed the court, John had been getting along nicely with her live-in companion. Anna Delvey led the most lavish lifestyle possible, but none of her friends realised it was all a massive con. All of it? It was from this injury that the teenager almost died on the operating tabletwice, police tell me. "I couldn't go home and carry on with this fantasy," John would later confide. Most views are considerably less indulgent. The boy was, no mistaking it, aghast. He stabbed him twice, once in the stomach and once in the chest and then waited 20 minutes before calling the police. As Hogg sorted for clues through the stacks of transcripts of Internet chat, however, she noticed a repetition of a certain word. thats wot ur asking me? That was the day before the attempted murder. A court order, citing the age of the culprits, would not permit any media outletincluding Vanity Fairto identify the boys and required every publication to use the pseudonyms "John" and "Mark." John, too, had his suspicions about the degree of his friend's credulity. At 13, upon receiving a laptop from his mother (a homework enhancer, she thought), John became a habitu of the Internet. Not in Britain, however. He was the kind of teenager who needed every last detail spelled out. At first, the investigation was like any other. "This was a seemingly unprovoked attack," he told the media, which were directed to inform the public of the knife-wielding monster, "and we have no idea why this happened." It wasn't John whom Mark loved, the boy knows. But for all his facility at invention John wanted for himself no identity at all. ", As for John, he, too, was getting what he wanted from his friend, as Dr. Smedley would later recount: "He described a feeling of emotional intimacy he had never experienced before.". John wonders. Both gangs are believed to have grown out of Manchester's notorious Gooch and Doddington outfits. Around 12:27 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2022, police said,. The following day, June 29 2003, boy A "carried out his orders to the letter" and stabbed boy B once in the chest and once in the stomach. Fifty-eight thousand lines of text were extracted for scrutiny, a fraction of the total. The media swarmed all over the case, fighting, in vain, to extract from the principals every last ounce of information. Manchester stabbing: Boy, 15, killed and mother injured as police hunt suspect Anyone who believes they have seen the suspect has been instructed by police not to approach him and to call 999. They travelled to the Trafford Centre, where they bought a knife. says Goldberg, John's lawyer. If the 14-year-old painstakingly arranged for his own execution in an MSN chat room and chose Mark for the job, it wasn't out of wickedness. "That was the stumbling point for me. He was infatuated with this woman. The newspapers and television networks, which at the behest of law enforcement had terrified the region with tales of a crazed would-be murderer loose in Manchester, weren't even permitted to correct these false allegations. "Just wanted to be on the Internet, that's all that mattered." But what could John do? ", Detective Chief Inspector Julian Ross said John's actions remained baffling. A 15-year-old boy has been hailed a "hero" by his family after he died amid reports he tried to step in and save his mother during a stabbing at a house. Mark was a college student who worked part-time at a restaurant. "Mark did it once, stood up, holding me, did it again," the victim told police. Some madman had attacked his friend, the boy told the police. "I wanted to be dead," John told his therapisthe finally has one. Friday 3 December 2021, 5:53pm. On the other hand, for whom exactly were Ross and his computer experts supposed to be looking? Whilst the chat included usual teenage topics such as sports, movies and clothing, sex and masturbation was often the focus. Blood pooled inside the boy's body cavity, and this restricted the movement of his diaphragm, which stopped the functioning of his lungs. The Internet did something like that to him, said John. Once John had introduced himself as Rachel's brother, the two boys just clicked, John was later to explain. The ice-cream vendors and shop assistants engaged in ceaseless surveillance of Mark: all John. The word was "mybye," and it was used by John, Kevin, Dobinson, and Lyndsey. When investigators seized Marks computer they found over 58,000 lines of text within the chat room. A 16-year-old boy has been stabbed repeatedly outside Manchester's Arndale Centre. Mark was to carry out oral sex on John to complete the test Another test was given. They might as well have burned them. "What emerges from this is an extraordinarily persuasive, inventive boy!" John would recover from his near-fatal wounds and whilst Mark was charged with attempted murder, John was charged with inciting his own murder. Sally Hogg, the police analyst, recalls that "there were 193 separate e-mail addresses" culled from the computers. A man has been charged with murder after a 15-year-old boy was stabbed to death in Manchester last week. Writing only in capital letters, Janet convinced Mark she was a spy and he was the reason she had joined the chat room, to recruit him into MI5. As they poured through the copy, they initially believed they were looking for a paedophile pretending to be Janet and grooming Mark. Boy A: u want me 2 take him 2 trafford centre and kill him in the middle of the trafford centre?? Sometimes, as night falls over Greater Manchester, the ingenious adolescent returns to the place where he was stabbed last year, when he was 14. Privately, grief and shame aren't so easy to contain. (As things turned out, John would never utter the abort code to Mark: "Well I knew that he had to do it because I sort of told him," he later told police.). the perpetually besotted Mark asked her. "And as nobody's ever been charged with inciting his own murder, it's a novelty.". He said that under normal circumstances, the offences committed would have resulted in extremely lengthy custodial sentences. "I am quite convinced it was a deliberate suicide attempt.". He had "a buzz," he told one of the innumerable experts who would eventually interview him. A story of a near-fatal Internet attraction. Stand there a [minute] while i stab u?". "He was kneeling on me saying, 'Trust me,' holding the knife to my stomach. Over the coming weeks, Janet spun her web of deceit, convincing Mark to carry out tests to prove his worthiness before hed be given his first official mission. A 44-year-old Manchester man, who is believed to be known to the victims, was arrested last night in Kent on suspicion of murder. As Mark would discover on the chat-room site, Rachel, along with her "brother" John, were in a state of ceaseless peril, threatened with abduction and rape by a self-proclaimed homosexual stalker named KevinJohn's fourth character. | They then realised a number had used the same stylistic variation of the word maybe, writing it as mybye. "But these could not be described as any normal circumstances," the judge added. A man has been arrested in Kent on suspicion of murder after a boy died in north Manchester on 9 June 2022. And that raises the question: How much of this elaborately constructed Internet fantasy did Mark really believe, at heart? Police were called to Norton Street, Old Trafford, just before 6pm on 9th September, to. "And sometimes it would be a week or a few weeks before that character came back," always without a hitch, Hogg says. "The aim of it all was to find Janet Dobinson," says Ross. "And jus leave him 2 die . "No offence but wot does she do neway?" With each passing day, the fantasy Janet was creating became even wilder, even more unbelievable, yet Mark did not question it. That, however, was not how it seemed at the time. Over a nine-month period before the attempted murder, John began presenting himself as a 16-year-old girl in search of a cyber relationship, then "introduced" himself as the girl's step-brother. A deliberate stylistic variation of "maybe," shared by four supposedly different people. Both pleaded guilty and received, to their patent relief, probation. A murder investigation has been launched after a 14-year-old boy was fatally stabbed at a house in north Manchester. Almost nothing consequential came out, as the lawyer representing the Manchester Evening News, the Daily Mail, and The Sun complained. Also in evidence were communications to both boys from someone who claimed to be a 44-year-old top administrator in the British secret service. Threads of plots, no matter how complicated or absurd, were never dropped. Within short order, a devastated Mark was to learn his virtual girlfriend was deadgang-raped and then murdered by the mythical stalker and his cohorts. Detectives made appeals for help through the local media for the apparently unprovoked attack in Altrincham town centre. However much John longed for death at this point, there was evidently a small portion of him that held back: "6969 abort code ok?! At the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean lay a "huge massive safe" containing "the worlds richest jewels." "Mark must have known at some point that these characters were not real," he later told a therapist. He remembers sitting on the stairs of this more confined house, listening to his mother weeping in the living room. Then on June 28 Janet told Mark that he had to kill the younger boy. Detectives launched a murder inquiry after a mother and son were both stabbed at a house in Miles. The modem was removed from John's laptop and the computer itself exiled to her room. To lose that world meant losing his friend. Two years ago, she found another companion, a plumber who moved in with them, and it seemed to John that this newcomer was receiving more attention than he was. Asked if anyone had ever been able to exert control over his private thoughts, the boy said yes. The lawyer is distinctly impressed by his client. However tragic for its victim, the condition also had devastating consequences for the British secret service, which needed John dead, she explained, in record time. Deceitful. About these taunts, which were ceaseless in elementary school, he said nothing to anyone. said one message. Sign up to our newsletter to receive email updates on new series, features, and more from your favourite Crime+Investigation shows: Ad Choices. Someone stabbed him in Goose Green for revenge, he told her, because he, John, had identified a killer on the loose. The schoolboy was knifed at Manchester Academy in Moss Side, Manchester, yesterday around 9.4 (After this, there was to be a meeting between Mark and a grateful Prime Minister Tony Blair.) A 14-year-old boy has been stabbed in the neck while sitting an exam at a high school in south Manchester. "This case serves as a stark warning of the dangers of the dark side of the internet," Nicholas Clarke, prosecuting, told the court yesterday. ", Boy A thought he was carrying out the orders of a British spy, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites, 28 May 04 Mark was no help at all. The second was John himself. One final thing, both mothers told their sons. he wrote when told his true love had been raped. John and Mark then physically met, as did their parents, but in the chatroom John introduced increasingly far-fetched characters, including another boy who "stalked" John and supposedly killed his girlfriend. The trauma for him!" One in the chestthat was the light woundand another in the abdomen, six inches deep, which pierced his kidney and liver and necessitated the removal of his gallbladder. He was told that his reward would be money, a job as a British secret service agent and sex with the spy, whom he believed was a middle-aged woman. A 16-year-old boy who was fatally stabbed in Manchester has been named by police as Kennie Carter. The female creations came across, police decided, as archetypes of femininity, and not simply to a 16-year-old mind. Yousef Makki, 17, a pupil at Manchester Grammar School, was stabbed by his friend, Joshua Molnar, aged 17 at the time, during a fight in upmarket . Paramedics had treated the boy at the scene but he was taken to hospital, where he died around an hour later. Though John's life was in the balance for a time, he did not die and was released from hospital after a week. For their protection, the true identity of these boys cannot be revealed, they are simply known as John (14) and Mark (16). 2023 Cond Nast. "Bear in mind this is a love storythat's why he wanted to commit suicide," says Goldberg. Mark, who "liked me loads," as John realized, would certainly cease correspondence if the truth emerged about his virtual romantic interests. No media alarm should have been raised. "U want me 2 take him 2 trafford centre and kill him in the middle of trafford centre??" Rhamero West was stabbed to death in south Manchester. But when officers examined CCTV footage they realised the story was implausible. Four months after the stabbing, the charges were amended. But all he manages to attract is the curiosity of the local police. Eventually, the time came when Janet asked Mark to carry out his mission. 01:25 AEDT 29 May 2004 June 29, 2003 | 4:00am A headless and handless body washed onshore near La Guardia Airport yesterday, police said. Janet Dobinson, who had watched him masturbating on a Webcam, and who had promised him a lifetime of wealth and glamour, was John. Freezing cold. "He said it was important to him to keep Mark as his friend and he was not confident that Mark would be interested in just speaking to John.". John's mother wasted no time. Mark was in the courtroom, listening to Clarke sketch the full account of the story in which Mark himself was such a major participantand of which he knew so little. A 16-year-old boy has been stabbed to death in Manchester. A 15-year-old boy has been killed and his mother injured after they were both stabbed at a house in Manchester. He, in turn, went to Judge Maddison. He believed that by doing so he would be recruited into the British secret service and would be rewarded with sex with the spy, a middle-aged woman, the court heard. Then she again vanished, to be succeeded by the flashier secret-service agent Janet Dobinson, a doting mother but love-starved, married (unhappily) to an ogre from whom she was eager to escape. That same camera follows John whenever he revisits the scene of the crime. The mere thought of Mark reduces the boy to tears. "There is nothing you would see in these boys that is different from any Just before 8pm on Sunday 29 June 2003, the police were called to a stabbing that had taken place down an alley behind a row of shops in Altrincham, a town in Greater Manchester. "She" then introduced him to her stepbrother, who was John. These books "were about mental illness," the teacher observed. At the time of the stabbing the alley led nowhere; it was cut off by a 40-foot drop. Not at home: "It doesn't suit me, being part of a family environment, being sucked in," he says. We are no longer accepting comments on this article. John was careful to find an excuse for a certain character to disappear so a new one could enter the online chat. A. , updated Apparently a girl named Rachel had signed in to the chat room initially. Only a part of this amazing story was ever revealed to the British public. Mark was, he told John, falling in love, ceaselessly trying to arrange a rendezvous with the girl. Around the time of this incident, she slipped into her son's room and checked his laptop, where she found that Mark was a frequent on-screen presence. His gall bladder had to be removed and he remained critically ill in hospital for a week. Disaster awaited one young female character, it was noticed, whenever a love-struck Mark attempted to rendezvous with her ("which could not happen due to her not existing," as David Boulger, a probation officer, crisply observed in his report). Under the keyboard of his computer he kept a kitchen knife. He had to wait. At the time. It was then that Janet entered the chat room. "Everything was planned out the previous day," said DCI Ross. John saw his friend surrounded by admiring girls. By all accounts he too, like Mark, was an ordinary teenager, nothing in his history would suggest hed be involved in something so terrible. But was there a Rachel in real life? The older boy he had "looked up to and wanted for myself," as John would later express it, had fallen for an imaginary girl. Turnb Mark had even been given a codename, 47695, and been provided with an abort code, 6969, should the mission be cancelled. "It has to be big to stab him and make him bleed to death.". Sally Hogg, the Criminal Intelligence Analyst, who examined the 56,000 lines of emails and messages, said Boy B developed a dangerous influence over his older friend. January 13, 2004: New York, NY FKL. "I bottled it in," he told the Manchester psychiatrist Sue Bailey. This delay had also been an order Janet had provided, as it would have given John enough time to bleed to death. An all-points bulletin was issued by Detective Chief Inspector Julian Ross, 43, a terse, authoritative figure with an iron jaw and a manner to match. Mark had initially fallen in love with Rachel, even though their attempts to meet up in real life had never worked out. Objects in his bedroom must be arranged in neat, parallel lines, toiletries and desk items perfectly aligned. Two teenagers on a junior high school basketball court after school became involved in a fight and one stabbed the other in the shoulder. ", Practically everyone I speak to about this singular boy and his case demonstrates toward him a high level of antipathy, with the notable exception of Goldberg, who compares this story to Romeo and Juliet. There were no demands to see Janet Dobinson, who had sworn that she would engineer his freedom. He told Mark: "So convincingly were the characters presented to you that you really did believe you had been recruited by the Secret Service to kill your co-accused and face the consequences if you did not do so. At first, the police thought the attack was committed by an adult robber described in precise details by Mark. John would later confide or grammatical error, Hogg decided September, to of... While sitting an exam at a house in Miles John clearly lavished special.... 12:27 a.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 29, 2022, police said.., no further contact between them a kitchen knife as Hogg sorted for clues through the of. [ minute ] while I stab u? ``, it 's a novelty. `` hour.... Mother injured after they were both stabbed at a house in Miles passionate durable... The degree of his computer experts supposed to be `` brilliant. `` became even wilder even! Hierarchy of the local police, holding me, ' holding the knife to my stomach said! 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