Compared to the gathered samples of slate gravestones from Maine, these show that biotite mica starts mechanically flaking off the surfaces after 197 years. They were discovered buried alongside the shores of Spirit Pound close to Popham Beach. down the signs and symbols the Knight Templar andthe associated Venus families left as they secretly pursued their goal of founding their sanctuaryin the New World. 25. He convinced the fishermen (now known to be the Zeno Brothers), to accompany him, and the 12 ships back to North America. Take care! When reading through the Knights Templar Encyclopedia by Karen Ralls, I came upon the entry of "Abraxas" which just had a quick note for the reader to go to the section on Symbols. The Templars felt that the treasure was too important to leave to chance that anyone might find it and they feared that its location would be found if it stayed in Europe. A video about the symbols of the medieval Knights Templar, featuring on their equipment, buildings, tombs etc. Little wonder some Knights Templar may have fled. Along with being used as gravestones, the places where Templars were imprisoned had Cavalry Crosses etched into the prison cells. Known for their equestrian skills and bravery in battle, they played a crucial role in expanding the empire and establishing its dominance. The colors of the Templar banner were black and white. The irregular illustration was supposed to portray a helmeted a knight at arms with a shield and sword. Even though there are a few different stories and theories of where they sailed, there has been evidence to suggest that those 12 ships landed on the newfound land of natives a new world full of different cultures that had no knowledge of the Knights Templar, God, and the power of Europe. The most common symbols used at various stages were the Red Cross, the Beauceant, Agnus Dei, and the image of two knights upon a single horse. Cavalry is the Latin name of the Aramaic word, Golgotha, which we learn from Biblical history, is the place of a skull as there is a skull-like appearance on the hillside and it was the place where Christ was crucified. The first rune contained a version of H that dated to the late Middle Ages. This obviously was not a very popular belief in the 2nd century and Basilides is considered a heretic and damned by many historical Roman Catholic figures. June 8, 2012. Some organizations, like the Freemasons or the Masonic order, have revived Knights Templar traditions and continue to use their symbols in operation and pageantry. THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR TREASURE | MY FAMILYS INVOLVEMENT WITH THE TREASURE, THE BACKSTORY OF THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR TREASURE. At Chinon and Domme, where the Templars were imprisoned, there was seen graffiti carved into the walls, one such carving in Chinon was a hand with a heart superimposed on its palm. Ive spent countless hours hunting down the Spanish treasures in Western America. The stones have caused a sharp divide. The Cistercians lived under religious vows as Gnostic Christians. Until 1500, medieval maps were similarly oriented to the location of Jerusalem, putting the east direction at the top. Knights Templars and the church's hidden history. Lamb of God. Templar graves could be seen engraved with swords and the cavalry cross. This was enforced with a system of harsh punishments. The inscriptions date of 1362, Wolter demonstrates, was in addition to the encoded in the runic text itself. Its been a fun and exciting journey; Ive made many discoveries and found many surprises along the way. 21. The Oreo wasn't always as we know and love today. Templars knights were legendarily tough soldiers, known for their iron discipline. This alleged artifact had signs of a subsurface erosion process that required a minimum of 200 years. He was actively involved in the plans of relocating this valuable treasure. I haven't posted an article on Templary, Masonic or Crusader, in a while so I thought I'd get one out. After the carving, the stone was buried, a triangular formed hole was drilled into glacial boulders nearby. Upholding the ageless ideals of Chivalry and Christian religious commitment and protection, Crusade historical research, and fighting today's enemies of disease and social distress through charitable efforts and fundraising. Some say that this is the origin where the superstition of Friday the 13th began; a day that would forever be remembered and considered cursed. American Knights Templar wore regalia beginning in at least the late 1790s, but it was governed only by loose traditions until the late 1850s. To these ancient cultures, the cross represented the Sun or has been a symbol of Earth and nature with the number Four representing the Cardinal directions, the changing seasons, the four winds, the quarters of the moon, and the alchemical elements. Like many organizations, the Templars were known to employ a variety of symbols for various purposes such as official seals, shield ornamentation, and gravestones, but there never existed a single symbol that was used during the entire existence of the medieval order. The discoveries were publicized shortly after in The Ruins of Greater Ireland and New England by Meador Press in 1946. Knights Templar. Other accidental finds, unfortunately made by an unaccredited person, the three Spirit Pound stones were automatically deemed fraudulent by mainstream opinion. Photograph by David Bohl. I think the most important thing I can do is to continue to research, learn, and document as many records as I can so I can share the stories with my children, and they can tell their children and so on, which brings me to the actual point of this story, the Sinclair family history. 4. He responded by to that by saying that there was no standard for the mica degradation work that he had performed on the rune stone since to his knowledge he was the first to perform this kind of relative age dating examination. It is interesting to note that this seal was not used for particularly significant Templar documents, but can be found on ordinary, seemingly unimpressive, historical records like those dating from 1214. The answer to this questions is in the "Gospel of Judas" which is older than believed. September 6, 1997. Understanding the Mysterious Kingdom of Shambhala, The Irish Story and Legend of C Chulainn, Aluxes: The Mischievous Little People of Maya Mythology, The Curious Apparitions of Pagan Goddesses to the German Knights Templar, The Truth Behind the Christ Myth: Ancient Origins of the Often Used Legend Part I, 3: The Perfect Number - Trinity Symbolism in World Religious Traditions, Translation of 5,500-Year-Old Babel Text from China Reveals Oldest Known Map of Inner Solar System, The Gristhorpe Man: A Bronze Age Skeleton with a Story to Tell, A Blazing Weapon: Unraveling the Mystery of Greek Fire, Medieval Hygiene Might Have Been Better Than You Think, New Evidence Shows Humans Were Using Bows and Arrows in 52,000 BC. McMahon, Tony. This particular description of Abraxas was known as Anguipede which means "snake-foot". Crusade for America! And on Friday the 13th, he had some of the Templars arrested for it. The Meaning of the Jerusalem Cross. Was this German silver mine really defended by two Roman forts and a line of "spike defenses? November 10, 2010. The Walls of Benin: Four Times Longer Than The Great Wall of China! We had a camp by two shelters one days journey north from this stone. The period that was suspected is confirmed when a telltale hooked X was found in the Narragansett Stone. However, the maple leaf is also an ancient symbol of love, often used in China and Japan. When it was first released in 1912, it featured a much simpler wreath around the Oreo symbol. The Calvary Cross. Historically the duties of the Standard Bearer included being the paymaster and ensuring the equipment (to include the horses) was kept in working order. Among the least known, but most convincing, finding of its type is a one line, lithic inscription discovered close to Pojac Point in Narragansett Bay, a large river on the north side of Rhode Island Sound. When they go to war, a standard of two colors called 'balzaus' is borne before them. At Santa Maria Olival in Portugal, the Pentagram is very clearly evident at the end of the nave. These were used to relocate the exact position of the buried stone. By it are we reminded of time and the delineation of seasons, as it was on the Fourth Day that God put lights in the firmament to separate light from darkness, to mark days, and to outline the passing of seasons and time. Abraxas (Greek: ) is a god written about in Gnostic texts and may also be known as Abrasax (as there is thought to have been a mistranslation from Greek to Latin). Masonic Symbols. Together, thats Jesus, Mary Magdalene and their daughter, Wolter said, and the symbol was one of many used by the Knights and their monk supporters as part of a secret language to communicate with one another without giving away their continued existence. Thats how I got into treasure hunting or what I like to call, Historical Treasure Hunting. n.d. source : The leo is slightly of an obvious symbol for a christian order. The Runes and Language of the Spirit Pond Stones and the Narrangansett Inscription can be Found in Modern Books by Richard Nielsen, The Holy Grail in Maine? All we need to do dedicate the time to research, organize, and find clues to the truth. Many also believe that the Sinclair Party and Templars landed in the Nova Scotia area for the winter, and then sailed on to Massachusetts. I hope to hear from you. There are several TV shows and documentaries that talk about similar things that Ive as well. In the month of November, he presented his main discoveries. In autumn 2019, I spent three months in France. Anyway, I know youve done more research on Spanish mining activities than anyone so I was wondering if you had any info that would be helpful. This finding was very significant, for the reason that dotted runes only occur on the head stones of 14th century graves. This structure has raised many questions: Who built it and when? Relatively little is known about the founding of the Knights Templar. The map had displayed land masses that were identified as the Vinilanda Insla. n.d. n.d. 6. While archaeologists and linguists were still insisting that the Kensington Rune Stone was a fake, a geologist at the Minnesota Historical Society, Newton Horace Winchell, had taken a detailed physical examination of the object for the first time. The construction of the Tower is of European design and looks to be something of value. You might already know that the stork uses maple branches in its nest, making the maple tree a symbol of fertility in a couple. 1887. A giant boulder carved with cryptic 14th century symbols. Not many books have ever really rewritten history, yet The Hooked X: Key to the Secret History of North America, by the writer Scott F. Wolter, is definitely one of them. There is one story I found of an unknown fisherman and his brother that showed up in Orkney Scotland, after 12 years of being missing in action. It was used by warriors and noblemen alike as a symbol of their strength and authority. They weren't the types to roug. If there's a purpose in concealing the truth of Christ's marriage or not being married, it will be revealed when it is meant to be. Evidence such as this prompted investigators to seek out professional assistance of their own in 2000. Also, we are in touch with a Hollywood producer who has done work for the History channel, so we are hoping to turn our search into a reality show. How lengthy have you been running a blog for? His report in 1910 was hidden beneath the louder words of the skeptics against him. A short walking distance from the Westford Knight, the JV Fletcher Library shows a 300-pound glacial granite boulder with a picture of a sailing vessel in the company of three gyphs and an arrow. A few amateur archaeologists had their own doubts, and questioned if other local proof may support the rune stones truth. 22-03-2018 - Khm ph bng "knights templar symbols" ca KNIGHT TEMLAR T-SHIRT ONLINE, c 1.988 ngi theo di trn Pinterest. n.d. These marks are unknown and uncharted when compared to tool marks recognized in Colonial stonework. Later, a similar color was used on the banner of the Prussian kingdom; several . It was reputed in local legend to be the seat of the god Wotan and to be haunted. Colored vector illustration, made in the form of a . Templar symbols. To symbolize duality through the colors of black and white is quite ancient as most cultures see white and black as symbolic of good and evil. The history that has yet to be discovered is so complex that if a modern-day treasure hunter could have the resources to research and follow the clues, they could discover more than he or she thought possible. No one knows the origins of Abraxas and the relics associated with him. The bigger picture is the credibility from his analysis that unveils the astonishing extent and depth of the Norse impact on our continent long before Christopher Columbus was born. Our open community is dedicated to digging into the origins of our species on planet earth, and question wherever the discoveries might take us. Its place in New Englands biggest river, which functions as a wide area natural harbor, tends to support the possibility of visiting seafarers who used this place as a headquarters to navigate the interior. Newell, Barry. Photo source . We are way over due for a paradigm shift. I hope to give something back and aid others like you aided me. In the season finale, Forensic Geologist Scott Wolter returns to his roots, gathering new evidence to support the theory that started him down the path of in. Skeptics set out to fault his resolution by arguing that standards for mica degradation did not exist. Templars were a very complex organisation, they used ciphers, some of which had not been translated (the graffiti of Chinon, where Jacques de Molay was questioned have still not been deciphered). In Christianity, the lily was said to represent the Virgin Mary and there appear many pieces of art with Mary carrying the lily. King Phillip felt that the Templars had grown too powerful and wealthy and he felt threatened by them. They chose to contact St. Paul American Petrographic Services. My Grandmother was Dorthy Standish and I am related to Myles Standish of the Mayflower. Ave Maria. Some believe that it originated with a man named Basilides (an Alexandrian mystic) in the 2nd Century AD, but even then it cannot be proven and is also hypothesized that it was transmitted to him from another source, yet unknown to us in modern times. It is a tragedy that too little of the Templars remains for analysis and study. It was first used around the 11th century and then continued to spread in use throughout the Middle Ages. Sinclair was born in Scotland in 1345 A.D. The hooked X . The Crown and the Cross. I would like to form an alliance of knowledgeable people and go after this story. To protect the location, Goodwin did not reveal its actual position. It is established that in 1118 nine French knights gave the Patriarch of Jerusalem a vow of chastity, poverty and obedience. Abraxas was also referred to as the Great Archon, the Lord Creator, Almighty God, and Greatest God. I know that many people have spent a good chunk of their lives researching and putting the pieces of the puzzle together. April Holloway is a Co-Owner, Editor and Writer of Ancient Origins. The same Sinclairs that are known for the Knights Templar treasure and the Roslin Chapel of Scotland. Were theonlyPop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. In . W hen vigilante militiamen stormed this farming town in western Mexico this month, a killer for the Knights Templar drug cartel pushed out of a house with a bazooka . Appointed by mainstream archaeologists to be nothing more than a ruin from the 17th century mill claimed to be owned by the family of Benedict Arnold, the stone building in Touro Park, as Wolter demonstrates, was created using architecture that is not conformable to pre-Colonial construction before the first noted recording in Benedict Arnolds will in the year of 1677. Yet around 100 years later, more discoveries have proved the stele was actually the real McCoy. Agnus Dei. Greybeards At Play The Wild Knight and Other Poems Wine, Water, and Song Poems, . Interesting analysis followed by a romanticized version of the event as perceived by the author. The lion was the sigil of the Israelite tribe of Judah and Christ was besides referred to as the Lion of Judah. The Fightback starts HERE- TODAY! The Chilling Mystery of the Octavius Ghost Ship, Film Footage Provides Intimate View of HMS Gloucester Shipwreck, Top 8 Legendary Parties - Iconic Celebrations in Ancient History, The Spanish Inquisition: The Truth Behind the Black Legend (Part II), The Spanish Inquisition: The Truth behind the Dark Legend (Part I), Bloodthirsty Buddhists: The Sohei Warrior Monks of Feudal Japan, Legends Of The Oracle Of Delphi At The Centre Of The World, Ancient Animal Bone Ice Skates Found in Chinas Birthplace of Skiing, Caesars Savage Human Skewers Unearthed In German Fort, The Red Taj Mahal and the Dutch Hessings of India, Ivar the Boneless: Viking Warrior, Ruler and Raider, What is Shambhala? His analysis displayed that one of the stones was illustrated with a map. . The mostly drowned, two ton, glacial boulder is in a challenging position around 60 feet from shore. Some say that Henry Sinclair, and the men that accompanied him, were the first to discover North America almost 100 years before Christopher Columbus ever set foot. Then, two things happened: either Chaos or Gaia created the universe as we know it, or Ouranos and Tethys gave birth to the first beings. Primarily found in England and parts of France, the Lamb of God (or Agnus Dei) was used on seals, but was not uniquely used by the Knights Templar. Some lesser-known symbols that were used by the Provincial Masters included the star, dove, lion, crosses, and the fleurs-de-lis. When the first Knights Templar returned from the Holy Land they brought back with them huge amounts of gold, silver and Temple artefacts recovered from under Temple Mount. He had found out that the rune stone was not just some pre-Columbian object, but it proved that the Norse had beaten the Spaniards to America. Wolter has explained the hooked X was a symbol that was important and likely made by the Cistercian monks. The walls have been covered with a stucco finish, both exterior and interior. This is not far from the Maine coast. The seal recognises the humble, but noble origins of the Order. It was, however, actually left there by the Knights Templar instead of the Norsemen. In some of these tunnels, altars have been found that have running, natural springs that could be symbolizing the Holy Water of Christ. I have spent over 20 years learning everything that I can about the Spanish Conquests of gold, silver, and power in North America. WHY WOULD THE TEMPLARS HIDE THEIR TREASURE IN NORTH AMERICA? Symbolic Meaning of Lions. Carl Jung in his writings on the Seven Sermons to the Dead stated that Abraxas was a god higher than Jehovah. When the Knights Templar came back from Jerusalem, they were the main money exchangers and dominant financial group in Europe, which I explained in PART 1. n.d. The Red Cross was not an ornament of the Templars until 1147 when Pope Eugenius III granted them that privilege via papal bull. Wolter claimed the inscription included information that was related to who the party was, where their exact location was, why they were there, and when. Subsequently, the stones found their way to Einar Haugen, Harvard professor of Scandinavian languages and history. For the Templar, the red cross was a symbol of martyrdom to remind them of Christ. Finding out the story that is attached to certain monuments and structures is fascinating to me. In 1924, it was revised, adding a pair . In Search of the Knights Templar - Simon Brighton 2009-01-01 'Their existence was a meteor, which illuminated the age in which they ourished', Reverend G. Oliver, 1841The Knights Templar was a military and religious order that dominated medieval Europe for nearly two hundred years until it was suppressed in the early 1300s. Knights Templar. This revealed many remarkable characteristics not seen to the naked eye. The head of this community, combining public service with severe . 44min. The Image source . The carbon 15 examination displayed that the Newport Tower was standing throughout the years of 1440 to 1480. As for this rabbi Jeshua getting himself killed, for the reasons we are in limited ways apprised of, when he had children to raise, one might say he was a rather poor example of being a responsible father. Futhermore, also mentioned by Charpentier in his book for the first time, Templars built the town of La Rochelle and had a triple barrier of "commanderies" set around the newly formed port. Coat of arms Knights Templar is the black and white background with a traditional red cross in the middle. They migrated from France to other places in Europe, including Gotland. Breda was backed up by Norways head archaeologist of the late 19th century, Oluf Rygh he and his coworkers at Northwestern University at Evanston Illinois proclaimed that the whole translation of the rune stone was entirely based on wrong analysis of the copy. Watch with HISTORY Vault. The mysterious stones measure about six by eleven inches. The family clans from above are exactly the reason why I am deeply passionate about my family history but I cant help but wonder, how can someone carry on the honor of their family history and their devotion for God and land? Constitution and Statutes of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templar in the United States of America, Illinois, 1920. It has been dated back to the late Middle Ages, and this is helping to create not only the truth of the stone, but the time the particular rune was made. This symbol was used by many Grand Masters as one of their seals with minor variations through the successive line of Grand Masters; starting around 1167 and lasting until around 1298. Information like that could change history and what we are taught. Sort by: Most popular. The logo unites the Crown and the Cross symbols. Wolters coworker, an amateur linguist known as Richard Nielsen, had already made a firm decision on a date of 1401 from the Maine artifacts runic texts. The Knights Templar was a secret religious order established in 1119-1120 in the aftermath of the First Crusade and officially acknowledged by the Roman Catholic Church in 1129. . According to Sue Carlson from the New England Antiquities Research Association (NEARA), once Haugen called them fakes, legions of other scientists in the mainstream establishment wrote them off as such and wouldnt listen to any other theories. It was found by the Swedish immigrant farmer, Olof Ohman, while he was clearing his land in the township of Solem, Minnesota, in September of 1898. Knights Templar. The official seal of the Grand Master was closely guarded in the Treasury under the protection of the Commander of the Kingdom of Jerusalem, and could only be accessed by a select few. 15. The Sonnenrad, or 'sun wheel'. Knights Templar Seal. One stone features a rough map on one side and inscriptions on the other. Irish Impressions What I Saw in America Biographical Works Autobiography by G. K. Chesterton G. K. Chesterton - A Critical Study by Julius West Man and His Symbols - Carl G. Jung . Scott F. Wolter will present the three pillars ofevidence which prove the medieval Knights Templar were in North America beginning in the mid-12thcentury, operating in North America . This is believed because the architecture of the tower has similarities to that of northern Scotland, where Prince Henry had ruled. The cock (rooster), being the creature who traditionally greets the golden dawn, is an emblem of foresight and vigilance. Have your say in our news democracy. Wolter displays the near resemblance to the sacred structures located in medieval Europe and the Near East, Scotlands middle 12th century Eynhallow Church located in Orkeney, or Jerusalems Templum Domini. Wolter gave us the Kensington Rune Stone amoung other, linked finds. The tower was built with strange openings inside; some believe it points to stars and charts our galaxy, while others believe that it could be more like a map. Templar Symbolism. The Spirit Pond rune stones, as they are often called, were found in 1971 by a Walter J. Elliott, Jr., a carpenter born in Bath, Maine. It was to determine the specifications, conformance, and suitability or the causes of failure. 10. Browse 216 knights templar symbols stock illustrations and vector graphics available royalty-free, or start a new search to explore more great stock images and vector art. Two very devout men stood at the foundation of the Order of the Knights Templar: Hugues of Payens and Geoffroy de St. Omer, a Frank and a Norman. Templars and the Roslin Chapel of Scotland the hooked X was found in the United States of,. The Narragansett stone a minimum of 200 years be the seat of the Prussian ;., in a while so I thought I 'd get one out France to other places in Europe, Gotland... Being the creature Who traditionally greets the golden dawn, is an emblem of foresight and vigilance known the! Be something of value gave the Patriarch of Jerusalem, putting the pieces of the Prussian kingdom ;.! Until 1147 when Pope Eugenius III granted them that privilege via papal bull legend to be the of! Us the Kensington rune stone amoung other, linked finds Great Wall of China research,,... 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