You are likely to experiment with novel ideas until you find the one you like. Try to take advantage of your increased clarity and realism by applying your logical mind to solve some problems that might have been nagging at you. Mercury square Pluto Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a fucking sharp knife to it., There are now 1600+ Astrology Membership Articles available for reading. +Breakthroughs in your career could open up during this time, making it possible for you to solve problems and reach new levels of accomplishment. From our Time Line Forecast Report: A time when considerable tension could accumulate, with release coming in the form of unexpected bursts of temper that may well involve other people. Uranus will do all within its power to initiate the birth of new experiences and realizations opening the door to the future. You are inclined to think positively and with growth in mind. This can work in your favor at times, but you must be cautious at other times. This reading will help guide you in areas of your life and help you overcome obstacles and transform toxic relationships. Your communications may get lost or are misunderstood. +Your value system may receive a challenge from a new independent streak that wants to break away and try new things. Real breakthroughs, a willingness to try new and different approaches to relationships. Your thoughts may be more on home and family. Mercury opposition Saturn Reaching out to others on a mental level figures now. New people challenge your way of thinking and bring fresh perspectives and ideas to the table. Interpretations are written by Cafe Astrologys Annie Heese, except those marked with *, which are from the Kepler program; those marked with a ~, which are from the Heaven Knows What report; and those marked with a +. Thats Uranus in general.. Nervous tension is possible. All learning, teaching, or intellectual activities are favored. Delays, red tape, and vague feelings of forgetting important details could figure now. Something unexpected may happen, but it can be very stimulating. Creative impulses are strong; your magnetism helps you make rapid strides if you are controlling the purely self-centered and self-indulgent urges which are powerful. You are especially clear-headed and rational about career matters, making this a good time to schedule business appointments or for getting (or giving) advice. Our consciousness regarding these parts of ourselves and our lives is accelerated to the point that others might consider our actions (and reactions) hasty or rebellious. Are you and your love interest meant to be? This is certainly a time for approaching certain elements of your life from a new angle. This is a time when you can have flashes of insight, but you also tend to be scatterbrained. I do that on the weekly horoscope page. The changes are not likely to be extraordinary in scope, but a definite enlivening of your relationship to others and the world in general is evident. A revealing conversation or connection to someone could figure now. Its not the best time for business transactions, beauty treatments, or purchases for the home. *Periodic fits of restlessness and impatience overcome you throughout this period, and others will wonder what is disturbing you. Liberace 000, Jeff Buckley 004, Ian Charleson 004, Heather Locklear 006, William Faulkner 011, Pamela Anderson 013, Gordon Jackson 013, LeAnn Rimes 016, Che Guevara 018, Tom Brady 018, Bettie Page 019, Sonny Bono 022, Bjrn Borg 023, Aaron Spelling 023, Ian Thorpe 026, Nicole Kidman 025, Joanna Lumley 026, Johannes Brahms 028, Maritha Pottenger 033, Erik Satie 049, Tony Curtis 049, William Henry Ireland 049, Christopher Wren 051, Diahann Carroll 052, Joe Montana 053, Martin Sheen 054, George Patton 056, Charles Dickens 104, Linda Marshall 105, Colby ODonis 106, Volodymyr Zelenskyy 110, Ross Perot 114, Geri Halliwell 117, Jane Roberts 117, Dave Chappelle 129, Benny Hill 130. *During this time period, you cast off some of your old roles and adopt new ones. When the planet of communication meets the planet of surprises, we can expect insights and breakthroughs, a-ha moments, and important announcements. Other 'truth revealing' interests would be: psychology, astrology, astronomy and the mass media from a humanistic standpoint. You tend to kick over the traces and run wild with whatever ideas you have been suppressing up until now. Stay in control of your mind to benefit from this transit. You may feel freer to explore different perspectives and viewpoints. Keep in mind that you cannot force anyone to do anything, and its better to give others freedom if they are looking for it. Use self-control here to direct your energies into some useful channel: remember that being yourself is important only when the self you are being is worth the effort. Uranus transits to Mars affect your drive and desire nature, strength, as well as your ability to assert yourself. Also, you have a good mind and are very intelligent. *Your energy level is high now, and you work very enthusiastically. Uranus doesnt accept stagnation nor does it accept restriction. Although you are quick-witted now, you could also be ready to argue! *With confidence and courage, you assert yourself boldly. Communications may be blocked or delayed, and negative thinking could dominate at this time. You may feel like breaking out, getting away from the path you have taken up to now. Look to the houses of your natal chart with Aries (and Scorpio) on the cusp for areas of your life where Uranus is acting to awaken. Mercury opposition Neptune This can be a period of pleasant surprises. You have more spontaneity, which helps you avoid boredom or daily routine. Mercury conjunct Mercury Your ability to concentrate and focus is enhanced now. Uranus Sextile Mercury Transit Uranus sextile Mercury might make it seem like everything teems with brilliance and fascination, like a kid fielding gifts during their favorite holiday season. Copyright 20092023 Astrology Library. If you are involved in work that is creative, innovative, unusual, or unconventional, you experience an influx of inspiration as well as support for what you are doing. Discover the key to your unique life path & personality. Ski trips, canoe rides, softball, tennis, swimming, or camping appeal to you now, depending on your tastes and the season. Or, you may simply become unwilling (as this time period progresses) to live within the confines of your old life. An unexpected discovery. Personal freedom is highlighted. If channeled well, however, your ideas are inventive, original, progressive, and unbiased. You are especially enthusiastic and productive. A revealing conversation or connection to someone could figure now. +A time for discovering others or for finding yourself able to respond to friends and lovers and enter into relationships with a renewed sense of love and compassion. This transit favors diplomacy, charm, social graces, negotiations, presentation of ideas, romantic overtures, teaching, business deals, publishing, commerce, public relations, and joint ventures or partnerships. Transit Mercury Sextile Uranus Your thoughts are inventive and original and you love shocking other people with your outrageous opinions, all in the spirit of fun. +A possibly explosive time during which a rebellious urge within you presents an emotional challenge. With this reading you receive. You are likely to engage in a conversation with someone who has a different perspective on matters now. Expressing your wants and needs is flowing, natural, and spontaneous right now. It can also signify a soul who receives flashes of insight and intuition, grasping many facts at one time. In astrology, Mercury is governing eloquence, social wisdom, mental reasoning and transportation means, helping us make sense of the world around us. You also have an interest and talent for technology, especially anything that feels like the future. The future is fascinating because it allows you to entertain possibilities that are steeped in the present, but not yet manifest or adopted widely. They do come from somewhere, from deep within you, but Uranus awakens them in such a dramatic manner that it can be hard to identify with them at first. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. *Enthusiasm and progress are the key issues for this time period. All of that anger slush that has been accumulating inside you surfaces. *You are in a loving, generous, helpful mood during this time period. *A need for excitement, adventure, and fun pervades this time period. Professional Readings. You might suddenly perceive certain elements of your life as oppressive and limiting, and the urge to break free becomes all-consuming. Act on hunches, inner nudges or inklings, or information you get from unofficial sources. Uranus surprises, jolts, and stimulates. Mercury opposition Mars Favored now are interactions with groups and organizations. Thank you for the post. Uranus Transits Sextile Ascendant What you previously valued may no longer do it for you. This is the time to strike out on new, innovative projects. You could feel more sensitive than usual to your environment or medication during this transit. The following are interpretations of Uranuss transits to planets and points. You might get insights into your own mind and/or into others behavior. It is a good day to find new solutions to old problems. Look to the houses of your natal chart with Gemini and Virgo on the cusp for areas of your life where Uranus is acting to awaken. The more experiences you have now, the better off you will be, and you can enrich yourself for the immediate future. You find yourself more socially composed than usual now. +A time for discovering others or for finding yourself able to respond to friends or lovers and enter into relationships with a renewed sense of love and compassion. Many are attracted to the world of ideas, ideals and the social dynamics of relationships. As you learn more about your innermost feelings, your creativity will also be stimulated. Expressing your wants and needs is flowing, natural, and spontaneous right now. With an interest in unusual subjects, thoughts are expressedintensely through an interest in things which are not the norm. Intuition runs high now. Impulses to do or be something completely different from anything youve done or been before are quite likely. A man or teacher could appear. Other people and things affected by Uranus are the mother, important women in the natives life, domestic life, and the home. Mercurys transits to your natal Uranus are marked by surprise and open-mindedness. +Unexpected behavior and an urge to be independent could find you ignoring your feelings and much of what has motivated you up to now, taking you off in a different direction. Enthusiasm and energetic communications occur during this transit. +A time that can mean great change for you personally, during which you break away from the past and try new and different ways of presenting yourself. Transiting Uranus shakes us up and offers us a chance to be more aware of our individuality. If mishandled, we may act in inconsiderate and brusque ways. Uranus Transits Opposition Ascendant +Sudden insight into your home, family, and sense of security. Mercury square Venus They will share with you new and revolutionary perspectives on life that you have previously rejected. You find it extremely difficult to continue in a daily activity that is tedious, boring, or simply unexciting. A lot of heavy energy. 2023 Yearly 30 Minute Astrology Report. You may branch out in an entirely new direction. If you have this aspect in your birth chart, you have a high ability to interact with modern technology or possess unusual ways of seeing or perceiving and yet you still do not lose touch with the normal day-to-day life that most people experience. This has an unsettling effect upon not only yourself, but also those around you. Your erratic behavior could bring you in opposition to a group or younger person or just strain relationships. +A (perhaps) difficult time when you could find yourself feeling rebellious and independent regarding your current situation or surroundings. Uranus urges us to let go and express ourselves in the areas of life it touches. Breaking some of your habits can help you learn new things or find new inspiration. If something doesnt work in your favor, for example, learning that it wasnt a big deal feels wonderful! Impractical ideas, nervousness, irritability, and unexpected disruptions are what you may have to deal with today. +An urge to change and try new things may challenge and upset your domestic scene or support system. Uranus transits sextile Moon This transit occurs only twice in each 84-year cycle of Uranus. Something significant can happen in the year or so of this transit that liberates you from confining situations or attitudes and outlooks. This could be a time when you are working under stressful or hectic conditions, as you feel pressure to get things done quickly. In astrology, this planet symbolizes a protest against the conventions and attitudes imposed by society. Top 20 Scorpio Traits Positive and Negative: Capricorn and Saturn People: Walking Clocks, Neptune Conjunct the Ascendant: A Veil Baby. Unexpected changes, upheavals, surprises, reversals, discontentment, and a break from the safe and predictable characterize this time period. Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free. Mercury sextile Uranus natal gives a curious and ingenious intellect. . Mercury opposition Ascendant Put them into motion! *Upset and unexpected changes are standard fare now! Your intuition is strong, and insights seem to come from out of the blue. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. Be careful not to start something new without first finishing the one before it, nor to be carried away by chaos or a lack of order. If you are not currently involved in a love affair, this transit could bring a new love into your life that would be more exciting and unconventional than your prior relationships. Uranus transits to Mercury directly affect your curiosity, learning, communication skills, self-promotion, the formulation of ideas, and your ability to rationalize and think logically. Your exciting way of telling stories and sharing news makes you fun to be around. While Saturn slows down our inner clock in order to persuade us to face reality, Uranus speeds up our tempo in order for us to consider taking risks and making changes. Now is also a great time to entertain guests in your home. A time during which new ideas and approaches in management, and all practical vision are possible. Perhaps the best way to handle this transit is to desensitize yourself by building your confidence in your ability to meet and face changes. Communications are facilitated, connections of all kinds, news, and so on, are furthered, often at the expense of tradition, established order. Find allies who support your quest for greater honesty and self-expression. AstroMatrix Tarot combines a variety of different style tarot decks but still maintains classic tarot symbolism. A kind of mini-revolution may find you altering your value system, allowing you to like new things. This transit favors the arts, poetry, fiction, spirituality, advertising, and promotion. *Daily concerns and worries fade during this time period, and you become motivated by the need to become free of restrictions, obligations, and responsibilities. *Any relationships that you are involved in that have strong dominance-passivity themes or are stifling and restrictive to either one of you, are likely to explode now. You might question facts altogether or avoid being pinned down for answers. Red tape, re-doing tasks you thought you finished, problems getting from point A to point B, delays in communication, negative thinking, hyper-sensitivity and criticism. It's energy is to free us from our routine and to try new things. How to Predict Your Future: Secrets of Eastern and Western Astrology, Planets in Transits: Life Cycles for Living, Alive and Well With Uranus: Transits of Self-Awakening. The transit of Uranus sextile your natal Mercury produces a lot of excitement, even enjoyment of life and new interests. Avoid hasty speech and things said out of anger in the heat of the moment. Interpretation from our Life Trends report. Uranian power in the horoscope can create the urge to experiment and it stirs up the desire to seek a connection with the cosmos. Mercury sextile Sun Its also likely that plans are upset, keys misplaced, traffic prevents you from being timely, and so forth. Mercury is conjunct Uranus. Mercury sextile Ascendant Web design & Development: ThinkWeb ThinkWeb Your intuitive creativity is stimulated under this influence. Future-oriented thinking and open-mindedness will also lead to original and ingenious discoveries. This can also be a time when an experience in your life sparks an interest in metaphysics or psychic phenomena. Avoid jumping into something without planning ahead, as important details are too easy to overlook right now. You may even do or say things that are wrong or unintentional. Your daily routines may take a detour in new and unexpected directions. *Upsets and change in your love relationships is the key issue now. Be extra cautious while driving or traveling, as accidents are possible through carelessness and impatience. Mercury sextile Saturn This transit can manifest as a compulsive need to talk, question, or even badger. Others communications could frustrate you today or rub you the wrong way. Your unusual behavior could provoke others, cause emotional confrontation. Its easy to make social connections under this influence. You are a quick learner and need to keep your brain stimulated. This transit favors diplomacy, charm, social graces, negotiations, presentation of ideas, romantic overtures, teaching, business deals, publishing, commerce, public relations, and joint ventures or partnerships. The person prefers to focus their thoughts on forward-thinking activities that they think will improve the human condition. New and original ideas bombard your mind, and you want to express these in communication with your friends. An inner struggle between your sense of purpose or direction and a need for independence and freedom makes this a possibly tense time. Sorry Amen, not doing personal readings this year. Expressing your more way-out or unconventional opinions comes naturally to you now. You can learn from the experience if you open your mind. +A time during which you could be unappreciative of much of your life, especially your standards and value system. Its normal to feel uncomfortable when trying something new, but the key is to keep an open mind and maintain flexibility. Impulsive communications and hasty decision-making are things to watch for now. We may need to re-evaluate our lives further as Saturn moves through Aquarius. Inwardly, it signals a time of accelerated individuationthat is, a time in which who you really are and what you truly want are rapidly emerging and defining themselves. Decisions made now tend to be practical and well thought out. If your current relationships cannot adjust to your increased emotional needs, you will not hesitate to find others that do. You might find yourself doing the opposite of what you are told or what you normally think is best! Mercury conjunct Mars In some cases, you might be in the position to speak or communicate before the public. Uranus is a planet that disrupts and changes the status quo. On a personal level, the excuse of being overwhelmed and dissociated from others will grow tiresome. All around you, new aspects of life will be opened up for you to experience. News or information you receive now could be frustrating, or conversations with others make you tense. Other people irritate you because they move at a slower pace. 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