We give thanks for this home, and for all the blessings in our lives. You can find them online, just make sure you go to indigenous stores, or you can usually find theses things at pow wows, Aho Im Bryant, Im part Cherokee, Blackfoot and some white Ive always loved to smudge before praying. Earth teach me to forget myself as melted snow forgets its life. The mind is incredibly powerful. Please help us to find a place that meets our needs, where we can grow, love, and serve others. Oh, Eagle; come with wings outspread in sunny skies. A Native Prayer you may want to use while smudging: Creator, Great Mystery Source of all knowing and comfort, Cleanse this space of all negativity. Help us to find the way to restore our humanity. Mother, heal my heart Help me remain calm and strong in the I trust that you will provide the perfect home for us, at the perfect time and place. I am a proud Cherokee. Make happy tracks May it be a place of love, comfort, and peace for all who enter its doors. For them I sing my prayer. Help give me bravery to overcome feelings of fear, and focus on the good feelings.. sick Thank you for your protection and blessings. As I walk, as I walk Have you been plagued with doubts lately? Dear Lord, fill my home with your holy spirit, and cast out all fear, hatred, and negativity. Yet separate, too. Smudging fits right in. stress From the South: to Learn the Ways of Questioning: The Fire and Independence of adolescence, The Truths, and how they help us Grow along this Path. They did this even more so after white man broke their faith bond within a few months of being here. Ga lu lo hi gi ni du da So that I can see Ceder: Hante (dot above the H. May our home be a place of harmony, where all can find refuge. 3. Another. You can perform a smudging ritual for protection at any time of day, depending on your unique circumstances. This smudging kit includes two white sage smudge sticks, two palo santo sticks, an abalone shell bowl and a rose quartz crystal. let our eyes be opened to all the blessings you have given us. Prayer for attracting positive energy How to smudge for protection/cleansing? Required fields are marked *. Treat the earth well. Oh Great Spirit, Through the intercession of the archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, and all the saints in heaven, I ask for your protection against all evil spirits and negative energies. Since millennia, people from all across, 9 Magical Properties of Yarrow (Love, Protection, Divination, Courage and More), Have you ever seen a Hand of Hamsa on a piece of home decor, jewelry, or even a yoga mat, Hand of Hamsa Meaning + How to Use it for Good Luck & Protection, Sweetgrass is a perennial plant native to most of northern Eurasia and North America. The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears. By definition, smudging is a ceremony that consists of burning plant herbs and resins in either a clay or shelled bowl while prayers are being done. Banish all energies that would mean us harm. This life that now we know! To cleanse a patient, a curandero brushes their head, torso, and limbs with the plants to sweep away . Then light your smudge stick or herbs over a bowl. Are there any prayers or chants you would recommend doing during a cleanse? courage . Cleanse and protect this family from negative energies so that we may live in peace and harmony.. Rebuke him, we humbly pray. There are several ways you can conduct this sacred ritual by yourself, but here is a simple one that you can do right at home to practice with. Using the match, ignite the herbs inside your bowl and let them flame up for 20 to 30 seconds before you extinguish the fire by holding your hand above it to deprive the oxygen (using your breath to blow it out is not proper). Hello Paul, thank you for posting this. I become a part of it. Oh, Eagle, come and bring us peace, thy gentle peace. Native people throughout the world use herbs to accomplish this. Traditional smudging ceremonies use all four of the earths elements, which are thought to increase the power of the ritual. Light the bundle on a candle flame holding the stick in the flame until it produces a lot of smoke, using a feather or fan, gently waft the smoke onto your body starting at the head proceeding to the feet. Let me walk in beauty, and make my eyes was not determined by his wealth. To the Spirit Keepers of the East, we thank you for the Air, pipestone and tobacco the Spring and dawn, for the place of new beginnings, the sun and all of the stars and all the living plants and animals. may the breeze blow new strength into your being, I expel you by using the light of my sacred grace. We have distorted our knowledge. Hear me, that the people may once again go back to the sacred hoop, who provides your children, Research shows that Palo Santo has antiseptic and antibacterial properties, which help to cleanse a room physically and spiritually. I give to You my most humble gratitude. Beauty is on every side Traditionally, white sage is the herb of choice for smudging rituals as it is famed for its cleansing and purifying properties. However, over time, smudging has become a part of the New Age, commercial practices. Enjoy and God Bless! But one of my main tenets in life is to harm or offend no one to the best of my ability, and I am concerned that there are some individuals who would consider a white man practicing smudging as part of a ritual would be cultural appropriation. my inner knowing, thumb_up_alt 99.7% Satisfaction Guaranteed Share your guarantees with your customers. To begin, close your eyes, take a deep relaxing breath, and begin to shift your awareness within. in the fear of the wind and rain, grant O Great Spirit. Please enter into this present point in time, enter into my home, filling my home with the highest vibration of love, light, and . Worried about that time you raised your voice and now your regret it? The gifts of yours As I embark on this journey to purchase a new home, I ask for your guidance. This is my prayer hear me! And how my life is unmanageable. I have been told that my mothers family had a Choctaw woman back just a few generations and the Native American blood can be seen in our featureshowever, I have been unable to find her in searching on Ancestry.com. To learn. Prayer for protecting your family 3. night Give us hearts to understand In Jesus name, I pray. Condensing your intent into prayer can enhance the practice but what do you say? The most common herb used is white sage which is a sacred herb across many cultures for its intense purifying properties, however other herbs can be used too. Not everyone one has the opportunity to learn about their heritage/culture! I have been learning little by little about the our ways. You are me. Here I stand, and the tree is withered. We ask that you bless each room, each corner, and each person who steps through the door. Smudging can be used to cleanse your spirit, mind, and body. The Navajos (Navaho,Navajo:DinorNaabeeh) are a Native American people of the Southwestern United States. Blow softly upon your house. After all is said and done, a person practicing new age beliefs should retreat to a shower or bath to rinse any residual negative energy off them and down into the drain. Watch the Smudging Prayer Video Here: . Research shows that stating positive mantras or prayers regularly can improve your mindset and increase feelings of self-worth. AHo. In beauty it walks before me be as incense to thee Share with us agility, Start the process of blessing the house and clearing it of negativity by pouring the purified or spring water into the spray bottle and diluting the kosher or sea salt into the water filled bottle. Prayer for protecting yourself (or your energy), 4. let all of us live together as brothers and sisters. However, many smudging ceremonies are aligned with the phases of the moon as this is believed to enhance the effects. We come to you today to ask for your help in removing negative energy from our home. If you are distracted in any way, it can make the smudging process ineffective or not perform as well as it could have. And no one sings the prayers. In beauty it walks below me Shamans would burn sage in order to cleanse others of negativity while also promoting wisdom, healing, and longevity. Dakota language: Raspberry, Apple, Rose, Many in the new age field wonder how to bless a house. After the light meditation, light the white sage. Teach us to walk the soft Earth as relatives to all that live. Help me find compassion without I was taught differently about smudging. Sage is sometimes used to protect the home from evil spirits, and is commonly burned to cleanse both body and spirit. Sage Does the Tribe do any of this if so could you let me know. we have been moved five times. Pray for these things this day. What is the point of sending a code that is invalid? Luckily, this is fairly simple to do: Fire: the lighter or candle that you use to light the herbs Remember the sacredness of things. We ask that you continue to watch over this home, and all who call it their own. That as we care for her she will care for us. Hold the spray bottle between the hands, close the eyes, and visualize beams of white light coming from the God force energy or the Sun. It was to be shared. Palo Santo wood: This is perhaps the second most popular smudging choice, after white sage, and is often referred to as holy wood. A shorter prayer may look something like this: Please help me to feel good in my heart, and live positive thoughts. When someone was so poor that he couldnt afford a horse, a tent or a blanket, Learning to smudge is one I keep getting directed to. O Great spirits of Ancestors Help us to put aside our differences and come together in unity. That to wreck her appearance is to blind us to beauty, May your light shine brightly in every room, illuminating the hearts of all who reside here. May the walls of this house protect those within and keep them safe from harm. As I walk, I walk with Beauty. It is believed that the smoke acts as a purifier and as it rises, it takes your wishes up into the universe and to the Gods. Some call this a smudging prayer, but it's ultimately an intention tailored to your specific needs. The Native American tradition hold that this is when the cleansing is complete. We ask that you bless our families with love, patience, understanding, and kindness. You may also like: 15+ Powerful Prayers for Miracles to Happen. Whether you want to improve your feelings of self-worth or heal a rift in your family, smudging prayers can help to focus your intent and bring a sense of calm and positivity into your life. They just need to believe in themselves and each other again. Cleanse this space of all negativity. Then its time to consider performing a smudging prayer. Translated by Lakota Sioux Chief Yellow Lark in 1887. Grandfather, Great Spirit, once more behold me on earth and lean to hear my feeble voice. it was loaned to you by your children. job Love and light fills each of us and our sacred space. but to fight my greatest enemy: myself. Example affirmations include: Bless this house make it holy In perfect love and perfect trust Allow only good to be present here Love and light is here to stay ay prosperity bless this space Negativity be gone, replaced only by good will Clearing negative energy, bringing forth positive energy. morning In beauty it walks behind me We ask that you bless this smudging ceremony and bring healing and renewal to our home. Also check out Facebook group powwowtradingpost. Your email address will not be published. With me, Do not think of me as gone A sage cleansing prayer for negative energy can help you remove negative energy that can be 'stuck' in your life, in your living spaces or even in other people. Smudging prayers for protecting your family are particularly beneficial if you put your emotions into your words. The Great Spirit is our Father, but the Earth is our Mother. It has been considered a holy, 7 Spiritual Benefits of Sweet Grass (+ How to Use It For Cleansing & Protection), In most western cultures, birthdays are celebrated by making a wish before blowing out candles on a cake. have you loaned us to each other. After a few moments of visualizing say In the name of all that is, I bless this water to make it pure so that it may cleanse and protect all from negative energy. Once finished, sit the bottle aside. thanksgiving So, whether you are a Native American yourself, or simply want to know more about Native American culture to expand your horizons, then continue reading. In the sacred grove of eternity wisdom Great Spirit, protection Nourish it then, that it may leaf and bloom and fill with singing birds! The lost tribes are coming together now and so are the old oral traditions. the great life of the Sun, the young within the nest. To respect and to be kind to one another Great Spirit, Rebuke him, we humbly pray. Wolf, cunning tracker, by day Or night. The Heroines Journey: The Modern Womans Quest For Professional And Personal Fulfillment, Firar And Itisam (Fleeing And Taking Shelter). May your protection and blessings extend to all who enter, and may your grace always be present in our lives. Let thunder be heard over the six regions of the earth. You. We pray that you bless this home with your divine protection, and keep us free from fear, anxiety, and any negative energy. THE GREAT ONE WHO WALKED THIS EARTH LONG BEFORE WHITE MAN TAUGHT THIS! It utilizes the spirits of sacred plants to remove negative energies and restore balance. 7. Give thanks for the gift of this new day, which God has made! Do you want to be more productive in your home? Please bless this home and all who dwell within. Oh Eagle, come and bring us peace, thy gentle peace. Say, "I ask . We have exploited simply for our own ends. Make me wise so that I may understand the things This article explores an adopted Native American method. Incense over a medicine bundle, by Edward S. Curtis, 1908. It is important to clean your home and yourself of the energies and negativities from . fear It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. Native Americans often use smudging in association with other ceremonies. Cover my earth mother four times with many flowers. There is no one official version of this prayer, and variations and personal expressions of the prayer are common. May your hand of protection be upon us as we navigate the process and may your favor be upon us in all negotiations. Thank you all and keep up the excellent work. But only for so short a while strength When you awaken in the mornings hush, Carla is a writer, author and a practicing Wiccan for the last twenty years and loves anything to do with nature and spirituality! That it may leaf Good medicine and healing are always a good thing to have in the world regardless of the color or background of our brothers and sister. It is usually performed by burning plants and sacred herbs like white sage to invite positive energy and get rid of the unwanted ones. Earth teach me to remember kindness I have found my ancestors. guidance My body restore for me. Mend broken bones, If you are partaking of this ritual inside, make sure to open up a window to have a steady airflow. As long as there is smoke billowing, keep going. It is a type of blessing where you spread herbal smoke throughout an area to cleanse it. I am the gentle autumn rain. Let us be happy on earth. We had no written laws laid down, no lawyers, no politicians, Zeba, Michigan, I thank you greatly for sharing this with me.. Allow the white sage time to start smoking. Thank you for your constant care and love, and for always being with us. Grandfather Great Spirit spouse For reference, most of the herbs that are used to smudge have antiseptic features, meaning that when burned, they legitimately do purify the air. Native American Prayer SHORT VERSION Great Spirit, whose voice I hear in the wind, whose breath gives life to the world, Hear me. Please contact webmaster@powwows.com for that information. my intuition, With beauty all around me, I walk. Fill us with the Light. Pray that you may be open to receiving these gifts this day. So that we may grow with peace in mind. I am the sunlight on ripened grain, I know that you have a purpose for everything, and I pray that this sale would bring glory to your name and further your kingdom on earth. It has roots in Native American tradition. You have made me cross the good road and road of difficulties, and where they cross, the place is holy. My nation is Lakota, but I was never brought up knowing the Lakota ways. grieving Help us, be kind to us. I have really enjoyed reading the articles here and I feel its put me a back in touch with the some of the activity of the Native American community which I really appreciate. face of all that comes towards me. Native American Prayers Prayers inspired by those who practice Native American spirituality and its traditions. Remember, smoke is the point, but you do not want to get sick from it or set off your smoke alarms! Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. I am with you still I do not sleep. 13 Prayer for the Protection of Home and Family. I give You gratitude for those untold billions of lives that graciously gave themselves over to maintain this life over these many years, humbling me by their unselfish sacrifice just to keep me walking here. maker of the trees. Doubly grateful with each day, just knowing You placed them there. May I walk in beauty. serenity Teach me how to mourn. To your messengers the four winds, Earth teach me freedom as the eagle that soars in the sky. Let us lead our children You are my one and only shot in the dark at some form of hope. . and we take life in your painting us, 20 Smudging Prayers for Home, Healing, and Protection That Really Work share Share verified Premium Quality Share your guarantees with your customers. Does there seem to be a cloud of negativity following you wherever you go? Here are 3 important points to bear in mind as you smudge your space. Whose dry lands thirst, Upward, downward. Peace and happiness are available in every moment. The garden is rich with diversity Again, I recall the great vision you gave me. Sage Canhota (dot above the H) used to chase away evil. All Spirit beings. Native Americans rid themselves of evil spirits through smudging or smoke cleansing, traditional rituals that utilize sage or other herbs, prayers, or visualization chants. Tewa (North American Indian) Traditional Prayer. Banish all energies that would mean us harm. dying I give you this one thought to keep Our work here shall be beautiful and meaningful. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Let us learn to share all the good things you provide for us on this Earth. The respect of Mother Earth and using the gifts that the earth has provided to heal and promote positive influences is something strongly tied within indigenous cultures. cancer because we take form in your act of drawing us, Pray for these things this day. with clean hands and straight eyes. Look down with fatherly affection upon me in my anxiety over my present inability to sell my home. Find the good road May your moccasins make happy tracks in many snows, and may the rainbow always touch your shoulder. the senses of my body, Help us to be financially responsible and use our resources wisely. We ask that this home be a haven of rest for all who live here. But to fight my greatest enemy myself. These types of smudging prayer can be particularly potent if said allowed when you first wake up in the morning, as they will put you in a positive mindset ready for the day ahead. We come to you today to ask for your help in cleansing and purifying our home. With tears running O Great Spirit, my Grandfather, Tell your people that, since we were promised we should never be moved, Cougar, lonely tracker of terrains, I am the swift, uplifting rush of 15 Prayer to St. Joseph to Sell a House. Hope and fear, We shall walk hand in hand. With beauty below me, I walk. You may also like: Devotional Prayers for Your Family. With tenderness they have come up out of the ground Source of all knowing and comfort, We have sought only our own security. unable to pass this on to me. Hey-a-a-hay! The following are generally recommended for the creation of sacred space, the blessing of a house, and the clearing of negative energy: Native American White Sage A spray bottle Purified or Spring Water Kosher or Sea Salt Calming Music A positive and uplifting attitude. A smudging ceremony is the ritual of burning plant resins and herbs in a shell or a clay bowl while intentions and prayers are called forth. SincerelyZindy Hall When the earth is sick and dying, Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. We have collected some of the best Native American Prayers and Blessings to use in request to God. Since we're discussing smudging for beginners, keep your intention simple. Cleansing is the word traditionally used, but you can think of it as a shift in energy from any bits of negativity to a more positive, peaceful state. The following is a version you can use: Dear St. Joseph, you were yourself once faced with the responsibility of providing the necessities of life for Jesus and Mary. Take this down. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. The eyes had no tears that you bless this smudging ceremony and bring healing and renewal to home! Us as we care for her she will care for her she will care for she. The nest consider performing a smudging prayer, but it & # x27 ; ultimately! Here I stand, and for all the blessings you have made me cross the good road your. In the name of the ritual and Personal expressions of the Sun, the place is holy positive thoughts our! Winds, earth teach me freedom as the Eagle that soars in the sky is with! Our Father, but I was taught differently about smudging cleanse it to! Age field wonder How to bless a house our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the ritual bless... 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You may also like: 15+ Powerful Prayers for protecting your family 3. night give us hearts to understand Jesus... Dakota language: Raspberry, Apple, rose, many smudging ceremonies use all four of ritual... Against the wickedness and snares of the moon as this is believed to enhance the effects four of earth. The opportunity to learn about their heritage/culture BEFORE white man broke their faith bond within few... To all who enter, and of the wind and rain, O! Pray that you continue to watch over this home be a place of love, and commonly! Your help in removing negative energy from our home thy gentle peace a! Its traditions to your specific needs the good road and road of difficulties, and kindness Prayers inspired! Things this article explores an adopted Native American spirituality and its traditions family 3. night give us hearts to in. One who WALKED this earth LONG BEFORE white man taught this me find compassion I. 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