What activities are driving this? European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 109(4), 307-314. Explore palm oil production across the world, and its impacts on the environment. OPEC countries, including Saudi Arabia, made up the largest share of production at 35% or 1.5 billion tonnes of oil. Output continued to decline in Latin America (-0.5%, with -1.1% in Brazil) and in Africa (-5.3%), driven down by Nigeria (-11.4%). Reducing tropical deforestation. In an oversupplied market suffering from a lack of demand, oil prices turned negative, shocking market participants. Lets take a look at how this comparison affects the global landscape of oilcrops in terms of production and land use. Each of these countries experienced major production declines at different times in the past, but since 2014 all three have been producing near their peak rates of 9 to 11 million barrels per day. The volumes in the table do not include biofuel. What this means is that it accounts for a very high share of oil production without taking up much land. United Arab . Some countries use much more palm oil for biofuels than others. liability for the information given being complete or correct. NEW! Article by Melissa Pistilli; FAQs by Melissa Pistilli and Georgia Williams. Thank you for subscribing. Both are far ahead of U.S. proved reserves of 69 billion barrels. Increase companies sourcing from suppliers with sustainability certification. Here I have calculated the actual yield of oil from each crop, rather than the yield of the total crop. Read on for a look at the top 10 oil-producing countries in 2021. But this is reasonably consistent with studies that have looked at the expansion of palm plantations more broadly. help centre, See if you qualify for a discount. Only 2.8% was in Indonesia, and 0.2% in Malaysia. A situation analysis by the IUCN Oil Palm Task Force. World Crude Oil Production by Year (Thousand Barrels per Day) Product Crude Oil Natural Gas Liquids Motor Gasoline Jet Fuel Kerosene Distillate Fuel Oil Residual Fuel Oil Liquefied Petroleum Gases Other Petroleum Products Dry Natural Gas Coal Ethanol Fuel Biodiesel Total Primary Energy Electricity Hydroelectric Power Nuclear Electric Power , Top 5 US Oil and Gas Dividend Stocks in 2023. But would the alternatives have fared any better? A meta-analysis conducted by the Royal Academy of Engineering on EU biofuels found that when we factored in land-use change, the greenhouse gas emissions from palm oil were higher than using a petrol car.14 Other studies have shown that when we take the additional environmental impacts into account, these biofuels are much worse than conventional fuels.15 By using palm oil, EU countries are not only increasing emissions, theyre passing the responsibility and accountability of these emissions on to other countries. Having done my own review of the literature I conclude that palm oil has been a significant driver of tropical deforestation, especially in Southeast Asia. How Has COVID-19 Impacted Oil Supply and Demand? Net volumetric gains and losses in the refining process and marine transportation losses. Most sources of global crude oil supply projected until 2040 can break even below $50/bbl Brent in constant 2020 dollar terms. We can compare crops in terms of their yields how much oil we can produce from one hectare of land. The petrochemical industry remains a pillar of growth over the forecast period. The story of palm oil is not as simple as it is often portrayed. READ: 10 African countries with the highest petrol prices as of March 2022 That said, below are the ten African countries that produced the most crude oil in 2021. Copyright Enerdata 2009 - 2023 All rights reserved - Terms and Conditions, World Energy & Climate Statistics Yearbook 2022, Share of renewables in electricity production. The IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature) Oil Palm Task Force conducted an in-depth review of the literature to understand the impact of palm oil on deforestation.5 There was a lot of variability in the results, depending on how a forest was defined, the geographic focus of the analysis, and timeframe that was considered. The data produced by third parties and made available by Our World in Data is subject to the license terms from the original third-party authors. Founded in 1960, OPEC, or the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, is a group of 13 countries headquartered in Vienna, Austria. PloS one, 11(7), e0159668. Learn more, The data behind the Oil 2021 report with forecasts to 2026, Keep up to date with our latest news and analysis by subscribing to our regular newsletter. Energy exports to the US account for the vast majority of Canadas total energy exports. This is true for other tropical oilcrops such as coconut, groundnut, or soy. [3] The monthly U.S. oil production reached 12.86million b/d in November 2019, the highest monthly level of crude oil production in U.S. The current level of U.S. crude oil production as of February 2022 is 11,600.00 thousand barrels per day. [5][6], .mw-parser-output table.static-row-numbers{counter-reset:rowNumber}body.skin-minerva .mw-parser-output .static-row-numbers2.sortable{counter-reset:rowNumber -1}body.skin-minerva .mw-parser-output .static-row-numbers2.sortable.static-row-header-two{counter-reset:rowNumber -2}.mw-parser-output table.static-row-numbers tr::before{display:table-cell;padding-right:0.5em;text-align:right}.mw-parser-output table.static-row-numbers tr::before{content:""}.mw-parser-output .static-row-numbers-skip{counter-increment:rowNumber}.mw-parser-output table.static-row-numbers.sortable tbody tr:not(.static-row-header):not(.static-row-numbers-norank)::before,.mw-parser-output table.static-row-numbers:not(.sortable) tbody tr:not(:first-child):not(.static-row-header):not(.static-row-numbers-norank)::before{counter-increment:rowNumber;content:counter(rowNumber);padding-right:0.5em;padding-left:0.5em;vertical-align:inherit}.mw-parser-output .static-row-header-text thead tr::before{content:"No. Top 10 Countries with the Highest Oil Production (barrels per day) United States - 11,567,000 Russia - 10,503,000 Saudi Arabia - 10,225,000 Canada - 4,656,000 Iraq - 4,260,000 China - 3,969,000 United Arab Emirates - 2,954,000 Brazil - 2,852,000 Kuwait - 2,610,000 Iran - 2,546,000 Winter could br Equals the arithmetic difference between total demand minus total nonOPEC supply minus OPEC NGLs. We also provide some thoughts concerning compliance and risk mitigation in this challenging environment. Increased crop yields. From shampoos, to detergents, from chocolate to cookies, companies are trying to eliminate palm oil from their products. World oil markets are rebalancing after the Covid 19 crisis spurred an unprecedented collapse in demand in 2020, but they may never return to normal. Palm oil achieves very high yields relative to other oilcrops. If we werent meeting global oil demand through palm oil, another oilcrop would have to take its place. Switching to alternatives would mean the world would need to use more farmland, and face the environmental costs that come with it. 1. This comparison by crop is shown here. All the software and code that we write is open source and made available via GitHub under the permissive MIT license. Indonesia accounted for 57% of this (41 million tonnes), and Malaysia produced 27% (20 million tonnes). Twelve of the most important oil-producing countries are listed in Table 2.3, together with their annual output from 2007 to 2011 (in units of million barrels per day, 10 6 bbl d 1 ), 1 and their percentage contribution to the world total. But its also true that alternative oils are not always suitable for the products we need. Output in 2018 helped the Middle Eastern nation regain its sixth spot position. All of our charts can be embedded in any site. Some studies suggest that palm oil has played a very small role in global forest loss. In addition to being a major oil producer, the US is a big consumer of oil. It includes crude oil, natural gas liquids (NGLs) and additives. By December 2019, it was producing 3.10 million bpd - up by 0.52% from November 2019 and by 15.44% from the previous year. That marks a dramatic change from recent years when the United States dominated world supply growth. The Oil 2021 dataset includes 2019 data and forecasts through 2026 for world oil supply and demand by region, global oil demand by region and for major economies, world oil production (OPEC data through 2020 only), world refinery capacity additions, world Oil 2021 The data behind the Oil 2021 report with forecasts to 2026 Data set Although total U.S. crude oil production generally declined between 1985 and 2008, annual production increased nearly each year from 2009 through 2019, reaching the highest amount on record in 2019. Nearly all of Canada's proven oil reserves are located in Alberta, and. Find out about the world, a region, or a country, Find out about a fuel, a technology or a sector, Explore the full range of IEA's unique analysis, Search, download and purchase energy data and statistics, Search, filter and find energy-related policies, Shaping a secure and sustainable energy future, Clean Energy Transitions in Emerging Economies, Digital Demand-Driven Electricity Networks Initiative. Irans oil output increased dramatically last year, rising from 2,990,000 bpd in 2020 to 3,458,000 bpd in 2021. Interestingly enough, 2010 was also the time that Crude Oil prices plummeted because of supply and demand concerns. These distinctions on how quickly palm oil plantations replaced forests make it difficult to give a clear, single number on how much deforestation it has caused. There are a number of steps we can take to ensure we meet global demand for oils, without destroying our tropical forests. Although production is focused in only a few countries across the tropical belt, we see that palm oil is an important product across the world. Global production increased ten-fold since the 1960s from 17 to 170 million tonnes in 2014. A much stronger pivot towards a cleaner energy future will be required to reach ambitious mid-century goals for net-zero emissions. The last frontiers of wilderness: Tracking loss of intact forest landscapes from 2000 to 2013. (2018). As a result, by 2026, global oil consumption is projected to reach 104.1mb/d. 1 min read. The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers says it expects investment in oil and natural gas production in this country to hit $40 billion this year. According to the EIA, "Increased growth in pre-salt oil . By 2026, global effective spare production capacity (excluding Iran) could fall to 2.4mb/d, its lowest level since 2016. Most of Russias reserves are located in West Siberia, between the Ural Mountains and the Central Siberian Plateau, as well as in the Urals-Volga region, extending into the Caspian Sea. Yet any increase is unlikely to match the lofty levels of the recent past. 4. Last year, the US consumed a total of 7.22 billion barrels of petroleum products thats an average of about 19.78 million bpd. The United Arab Emirates is an OPEC member, and has ranked among the world's top 10 oil-producing countries for decades. Find your information in our database containing over 20,000 reports, largest company in the world based on revenue. Stats Related Indicators World Energy Explore global data on soy production, how its used, and how much deforestation is caused by its expansion. This is a list of countries by oil production (i.e., petroleum production), as compiled from the U.S. Energy Information Administration database for calendar year 2021, tabulating all countries on a comparable best-estimate basis. In the next section we will look at what countries produce palm oil, but here we see a map of palm oil imports. Get the best reports to understand your industry, Crude oil industry of the Gulf Cooperation Council. This has had a negative impact on the environment, particularly in Indonesia and Malaysia. While the upstream sector could see its capacity cushion deflate, the refining sector is struggling with excess capacity. Measured as deliveries from refineries and primary stocks, comprises inland deliveries, international marine bunkers, refinery fuel, crude for direct burning, oil from non-conventional sources and other sources of supply. Direct deforestation for palm oil played a larger role in Malaysia; 60% was driven by plantations, whilst in Indonesia it was only 16%. Whatever the transition pathway, the oil and gas industry has an important role to play, and no energy company will be unaffected. Crude oil is a vital resource that plays a significant role in the global economy. Other emerging markets oil producers have potential to ramp up production, but the expected volume and destinations of exports, as well as whether production goals will be realised, remain to be seen.. Argentina is among the most promising, as its large-scale Vaca Muerte shale field comes on-line after years of development.The country's unconventional oil production reached 282,000 bpd in . 2023 Battery Metals Outlook: Australia Edition, NEW! In some cases, especially for European domestic markets, some substitution for rapeseed or sunflower seed oils could have a positive environmental impact even if it required using a bit more land. In addition, there are technologies vital to energy transitions that can be a match for the industrys capabilities, such as carbon capture, low-carbon hydrogen, biofuels and offshore wind. This comparison is shown in the chart. The top 10 countries with the highest crude oil production. Its oil and gas sector accounts for around 50 percent of its gross domestic product and about 85 percent of its export earnings. Aviation fuels, the hardest hit by the crisis, are expected to slowly return to 2019 levels by 2024, but the spread of online meetings could permanently alter business travel trends. But has this expansion came at the expense of tropical forest? The Dominant Oil Producing States Impressively, 71% of total U.S. oil production came from just five states. At the same time, more and more governments are focusing on the potential for a sustainable recovery as a way to accelerate momentum towards a low-carbon future. The United Arab Emirates accounts for 5.6 percent of global total reserves. This is an extract, full report available as PDF download, Use of IEA data in any type of modelling for the purpose of creating derived data or derived products, and any services to distribute or display such derived products, requires a separate License Agreement with the IEA (see help centre), Find out about the world, a region, or a country, Find out about a fuel, a technology or a sector, Explore the full range of IEA's unique analysis, Search, download and purchase energy data and statistics, Search, filter and find energy-related policies, Shaping a secure and sustainable energy future, Clean Energy Transitions in Emerging Economies, Digital Demand-Driven Electricity Networks Initiative. 114K subscribers This video ranks the top 15 countries in the world by oil production from 1965 to 2018. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(1), 121-126. Total Non-OPEC excludes all countries that are currently members of OPEC. As the third largest oil-producing nation, Russia accounts for 10 percent of global output. Substitutes for palm oil do not always exist. Together, these three countries combine for 39.1% of global oil production, and about 24.9% of the world's proven oil reserves. All of this demand growth relative to 2019 is expected to come from emerging and developing economies, underpinned by rising populations and incomes. As we will see later in this article, more recent data for 2018 comes to 218 million tonnes. Oil Price and Inflation: Whats the Correlation? In this article I address some key questions about palm oil production: how has it changed; where is it grown; and how this has affected deforestation and biodiversity. Global oil demand, still reeling from the effects of the pandemic, is unlikely to catch up with its pre-Covid trajectory. Its of course true that some crops provide co-products in the process. When will countries phase out coal power? According to the 2022 BP Statistical Review of World Energy, Venezuela has more proved oil reserves than any other country in the world. The less land we need for farming, the better. As mentioned, Saudi Arabia played a key role in OPECs decision to curb oil output back in 2020. Palm oil has been an important driver of deforestation. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of cookies. However, we also see that its role has declined over the last decade: there was a peak in 20082009, when it reached almost 40% of Indonesia deforestation, but it has since declined to less than 15%. In other words, how much land would be needed if the 218 million tonnes of oil was only produced from palm oil, or only produced from rapeseed? How has the world achieved such a rapid expansion of palm oil production? This is shown in green in the chart. 2023 Pharmaceuticals Outlook Report. It thrives on high rainfall, adequate sunlight and humid conditions this means the best growing areas are along a narrow band around the equator.4 Palm oil is therefore grown in many countries across Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia. An example of this is in 1990 when production steeply declined, leading to the WTI Crude Oil and Brent Crude Oil Spot prices to abrubtly increase. Sharp drop in crude oil production in the United Kingdom. History of Global Oil Consumption Many believe that boycotting palm oil is how we make a difference. No crop is 100% oil-based, and therefore this will differ from the mass of the crop itself. To do this effectively, understanding for consumers has to be clearer. All other material, including data produced by third parties and made available by Our World in Data, is subject to the license terms from the original third-party authors. Although the US is the worlds largest oil producer, its domestic oil consumption far outpaces its homegrown output. Statistics are from the Energy Information Administration (EIA) and include total production of petroleum and other liquids. Sunflower oil was almost exactly proportional in terms of how much oil it produced relative to how much land it took up: it produced 9% of oil, and required 8.3% of land. Palm oils contribution to deforestation which has greater environmental impacts than degradation would be higher. All other material, including data produced by third parties and made available by Our World in Data, is subject to the license terms from the original third-party authors. [1] In 1903, California became the leading oil-producing state in the US, and traded the number one position back-and forth with Oklahoma through the year 1930. Deforestation displaced: trade in forest-risk commodities and the prospects for a global forest transition. The country possesses 17 percent of the worlds proven petroleum reserves and is the largest petroleum exporter. And is this reputation justified? In Germany, for example, bioenergy is the largest use, accounting for 41% (more than food at 40%). , Saudi Arabia, made up the largest use, accounting for 41 % ( 20 tonnes! Review of world energy, Venezuela has more proved oil reserves are located in Alberta and. If we werent meeting global oil demand through palm oil, natural gas (! World 's top 10 oil-producing countries in 2021 115 ( oil production by country last 10 years ), 121-126 and 0.2 % Malaysia. An oversupplied market suffering from a lack of demand, still reeling from the effects of the National of... Total energy exports the Gulf Cooperation Council top 15 countries in 2021 no crop is 100 % oil-based, face! A look at what countries produce palm oil production without taking up much land struggling excess! 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