Regina nodded back. Its over, Emma, I said and started moving forward when I found a way out of the crowd, dragging Emma with myself. Emma looked over to where Ruby, Mary Margaret, and David were waiting for her, saw how they all smiled and waved her over and felt her spirits lifting. You should pursue your dreams, Regina, Papi said gently and sincerely. He was wrong., He was, but you saying that didntandyou cantwhy did? Emma made a wordless noise of frustration. Thats why. Emma turned once they made it into the castle corridor and made a sweeping gesture, Follow me, Miss Navar, so that I can shower you in my thanks., Regina stuck her chin out, Quite right of you.. If you press two different compartments, the panel will immediately become hidden and youll need to start over., She continued to put in the password and after the final letter and number, then entire wheel pushed forward, revealing a key hole. Honestly, I dont know why they bother letting muggleborn in here, Sidney Glass, a Ravenclaw, was saying as they left potions class. And what if they dont believe me? She didnt feel any better by the time they pulled up to the house, at least it didnt look as bad as some of the other homes shed been in. You press the false blood lock of the compartment you wish to open after each letter. What did you do! Therefore, Regina immediately lead into her next argument, Also, I was hoping that I could try to brew some of the potions we dont cover in class, on the days I dont have a student I mean., Really? That caught his attention. I know a short cut! She didnt sound worried, she sounded excited. Guess., Everythings a mystery with you, isnt it? Neal rolled his eyes, but seemed up for another guessing game. It was already the faded yellow of a few days old bruise, but it did not look good. Emma realized he was even shorter than she was. Emma lead the girl around the tree, making sure the guys saw them and then quickly through some bushes so they ended up going in a wide circle. Reina slowed enough to hover in front of Emma, Climb on. She gestured behind them with her head, It can handle a second witch.. She bit her lip as if just realizing how what she said must have sounded to the other girl Imy apologies, her voice was stilted, but sincere when she looked at Emma. Regina slowly came closer, have expecting her mother to wake up at any moment and curse them all. Moms? Henry interrupted, standing with his arms crossed. It was a very distinctive look. I think we will handle it from here on out. She reached out and placed a hand on Emmas shoulder. Ive having enough excitement for five witches. There, happy now? Emma said, her anger fueled use of the pestle seemed to have created very fine powder. She leaned back a bit, cradling her arm. The blue circle flared before it died leaving just their clasped hands. I dont know what else to use.. How about you stand up?. Oh, of course, gotta have that beauty sleep, Emma joked, not that Regina needed it, her mind couldnt help adding. And you cant take that back.. Regina smirked as she moved closer, he had evidently figured out that the potion only made his body invisible. When I came out of the bathroom I saw that she was sleeping on the other bed. Ive wanted to for a while, but Papi didnt let me try until last year. Regina dreaded the day her mother started to truly pull her into her own conversations, for career reasons or marriage alliances. Ruby had brought a basic healing potion which she gave to him and soon enough the bruises on his neck faded. What do you mean? Thats a really hard spell., Regina looked at Emma sharply, Can you conjure a corporeal Patronus?, Yeah, Emma admitted. She gave Cerdita a quiet thank you as the house elf brought the first breakfast course of oatmeal. Shes asked to contact a number of very powerful people. Good night, I said confusedly and decided not to go after her. Yes, in its raw form. Both of you can come with me as Professor Gold and I notify your parents., Elizabeth moved to talk with them more quietly and Regina looked back at Whale. Who is it? Tamara asked, her eyes a bit hard. Danny! She slept fitfully and woke up feeling worse than she had if she hadnt slept. This library has some really good books from Uagadou, lots of their students become animagi, its basically part of their normal curriculum., Emma frowned, turning into an animal would be cool, but do you get to decide what you turn into? After another few minutes of the man showing no sign of letting up and the young womans smile looking very brittle on her face, Regina was finally thoroughly annoyed. Do you go to Hogwarts? he asked, curious. With a rush of feathers, it landed on one of the parapets and dropped something at its feet. Emma laughed briefly, but complied, even as doing so caused her nerves to start up again. Emma, Regina, Hook, Snow, and Charming get trapped in a game. And finally, Hufflepuff prized hard work and loyalty., Of course, she waved, most people have a mix of all of those traits, but everyone still has to be divided up by whichever is most important to them. It was calm and quiet and if Regina sat next to Emma instead of across from her, Emma didnt mention it. So, I get what it feels like, to have no one understand you., Well, Emma ventured, Now we can talk about magic stuff over the summer, right?, She gave Lily a hopeful smile and Lily grinned back at her, Right. Emma squinted in the now minimal light. Coras face contorted in rage as she understood that someone had been listening. She turned her back on the door to face Emma. Either way, she knew the second it was released, her eyes locked on the glittering golden ball. A counterspell to your mums heart stealing spell. Regina merely blinked at Emma in complete surprise as Emma barreled on with her explanation. Completely hidden, or merely inconspicuous?, Im not certain, Regina admitted. I hate it so much., Regina studied her furious friend carefully. We could just, go practice somewhere and I can take a look at what youre doing. He looked to be around her age, in a t-shirt and jeans that muggles and muggleborn seemed to favor, with messy brown hair and matching brown eyes. Of course. Emma kept talking though and Regina made sure to really listen to what Emma was and was not saying. My parents were settled in one of the larger guestrooms, Henry in his own bedroom. Its really hard to focus on someone when theyre disillusioned.. Regina studied her carefully, I think you get too overwhelmed by the instructions. Why did she have to go to the fountain? Mom! Here! Ruby pointed to a picture of two girls with their arms around each, standing just outside the very cottage they were in now. Mother needed to make arrangements, Regina said flatly as she stared at the suit of armor opposite her and tried not to remain calm. I hadnt heard of that book, Ill check it out of the library this evening. She was always looking for more potions books, when she caught what his sentence implied. Will Regina return her affections or will they . Both girls jumped, but rather than springing apart, pushed closer together, hands tightening with wands at the ready. I cant use my magic here, but I can still find ways to punish you., "For example?" Fir and dragon heartstring, like your esteemed professor, longer though and whippy. Regina saw the opening offered to her and replied quietly, Like Papi., Cora looked up at her carefully, Yes. Then she turned back to her paper, and said, almost as an afterthought, If your father had been stronger, I wouldnt have had to kill him.. Shakily, she reached over and opened up the letter. Henry and Reginas jobs were easier because they only got a quick hug and a Have a nice trip! before they could get in the car. Even after only a week of constant nightmares, she was noticing how hard it was to concentrate and how little of the review material she was getting through. But no matter where we go, Silver will be able to find me, so write back soon! I cant believe you are too!, After a few minutes exclaiming over the realization they were both witches, something occurred to Emma. Why would you want me to make you a calming potion? Its justIll be fine., Emma couldnt take the despair in her friends voice, the lie buried within it, that told her maybe Regina didnt think she would be fine. He didnt leave anyone he met here any forwarding information., Emma couldnt believe what she hearing. Youre welcome., Regina was leaving her transfiguration class when an older Gryffindor student she didnt recognize jogged up to her, Hey, are you the potions girl?. Shed liked both David and Snow, but planners they were not. Why did they do that?, Obviously, Emmas confusion and horror must have shown in her voice as Marco rushed to explain, We were concerned members of the Red Fist were going to personally target some of us. He let go immediately and tried for a smile, Regina Navar, right?. Regina, there you are. Absolutely not. Regina shrugged and turned to the publication page. She needed to get out of her room. You also dont have students every day, he pointed out. She wondered if that was the cause of the whispers or if they knew, despite her mothers best efforts, that the rest of her fathers family barely associated with them after her father married her mother. And I dont think that I can do the spellI need Sapphire or at least another witch.. One year after the birth of Robin and Regina's daughter Sophia, everyone's happy. Mostly SwanQueen with a few chapters of Zelena and Regina's sisterly bond post Underworld. I brought you coffee. What did you have for dinner?, Regina shrugged, I was reading. She thought she might have heard something about care packages from home being inspected, but shed never gotten one so she wasnt sure. Theres no need to do this. Now Emma was just pretty sure she was dreaming. And we tried, I promise you that.. What could she do now? She often had to adjust a batch multiple times to achieve the perfect temperature. Neither Hufflepuffs had much of a response as they panted to keep up with the other girls pace. Hm, she looked at Emma with exaggerated disappointment, Now Emma, I dont know what your other homes were like, but here we dont approve of lying and it isnt tolerated.. El Torcedor. Its the fact that now everyone thinks they know me and they dont. And then, without either remembering moving, they were locked in a tight embrace. And IIm part werewolf I guess. Emma hastily, turned the letter over and scribbled her response on the back. McGonagall climbed into a silver cart that pulled up and Emma scrambled in behind her, while the goblin took a stance at the front. I am skilled in the subject and sell to other students at Hogwarts. She has a large collection of Dark artefacts, but they are heavily guarded. Regina took a few more deep breaths as she steadied herself as best she could before lifting her eyes to Emma, who was eyeing her with a mixture of respect and disbelief. Oh, uh, yeah. Those things you said are true., Both siblings turned excited eyes to Emma, who just stared at them until Ruby elbowed her and she felt herself start to nod, Yup, totally true, what you said. Are you offended?, Listen, I just didnt want to say anything until I found something, she started as she leaned forward and I stopped pretending to read. Id knock over one of her potion bottles and then shed murder me.. Oh, no, Lance waved his hands. I dont know what she would do or say, but I wouldnt trust her, I dont think. Fine. Since he wasnt much taller than she was and his mistook the length of the reins. And I want to apologize for never coming to you and offering my support officially instead of assuming it was tacitly understood. She studied the girl who had to be Snow White, her mother. After a few seconds of nothing happening, her mind already went into a panic. Too many. I really should try reading my transfig text though.. Its like she doesnt even want to learn. Ruby shaded her eyes, Theres the pond.. The other girl whispering made Regina copy her, What is it, Kathryn?, Kathryn motioned inside and Regina stepped aside to let her in. In the middle of the night, I went downstairs to steal some gingerbread. Im really proud of you., I grinned at the compliment, but there was another problem. Good, the captain said, with a nod. Was he trying to get around getting in trouble? Even thought the wards would now allow the aurors access to the estate, the main household would still be alerted if they were to visitthat included Cora. Mother had such influence throughout he Ministry, she didnt feel comfortable going to anyone with what she knew. I believe you. She could tell from Reginas confident broom handling that she was a good flyer who hadnt lost her edge since shed been banned. David had done the dwarf research, some of which Emma still found strangethis man looked like a short human, not someone born out of an egg. Okay, yeah. Every time she looked in the mirror and saw the scar badly healed by a witch who wasnt a healer. Did she know that last name? Youre a White? Ruby asked at nearly the same time as Emma, shocked. We have it set to a simple circle right now, but you can change it once youve fully unlocked the trunk by repeating the pattern of the inside and then tracing the next pattern on the outside. She demonstrated what she meant, using her pointer finger on each hand to draw identical circles on the wood of the trunk. They suffocate and eat people., What the hell is one doing here? Emma shouted. You! he pointed an unsteady finger in Emmas general direction. The Twister. Your undoing, Mother.. beater?, Now I am impressed, Emma admitted. Its a little more challenging, but well within your ability I believe.. Mary Margaret gave a little sigh, like Emma was the one being unreasonable. Thats what youre focusing on?, Emma felt a strangely warm sensation when she realized that, whatever Regina thought of her speech, it clearly hadnt changed Reginas opinion of her too much. Thatll be good. I said quickly, avoiding her gaze. We dont leave Storybrooke unless we have to chase down a villain or save someone.. She landed awkwardly, trying to catch her fall with both arms and not break her wand. Ah, I should have known. Reginas face then scrunched up questioningly, Why on earth did you take it off then? I really appreciate it. The other fallowed her lead and soon enough bother were spread out and clearly had spell diagrams on them. At least Regina knew they had come for him, not her mother, not out of obligation. Yes, Emma agreed. Daniel was easy to talk to and he seemed actually interested in what she knew. She narrowed her eyes a bit, now she recognized himVictor Whale, reputation for being interested in necromancy and medical magic, in a creepy experiment sort of way. Between tailoring the potion and Reginas own improvements, the potion ended up helping Marion wonderfully. From what mansion?, From yer parents house, Leroy explained, now impatiently, as if she should already know that. Once set up, you merely need to touch and the lock and say your namenone of that old-fashioned needing to prick yourself every time you want to open the lock although you need to refresh it once a month, unless you go for a pricier version. Everyone get into position at a point of the star. Regina hadnt been able to turn her away. Her dad hadnt let her try out last year, something shed complained about often. Regina hoped he felt foolish when he saw she wasnt getting a full saddle and that she would have been able to carry all of her tack herself. Flinging her door shut she threw herself on her bed and dissolved into sobs. Mostly its just the school subjects, I dont think saying Im enjoying Defense Against the Dark Arts, but Potions is hard would go over wellfor all I kind of want to say it just to see their faces. You will make a most worthy friend., Cunning too her careful way of watching Mother and all the clues to her mood, figuring out how best to avoid her wrath. Emma wasnt sure what that was supposed to mean before Regina continued, Hufflepuffs always do., Does that mean you dont want me to show you? She lowered her wand out of sight, but kept her grip on it. You know, adding a bit of the person to the potion so that it works better. She asked if I could find any alternatives. Come in, Regina said, beckoning her in and going back to her seat. No. And I hoped you would come to me., Regina continued to stand stiff as a board, looking at him with a small amount of fear. Neals eyes lit up with an idea, Lets see if I can guess what house youre in., Emma waved him forward, Alright, go ahead., Hm, he gave her a very serious and considering look, pretending to look at her from various angles, Im torn between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff., Alright, Neal replied with a pout. Alright, okay. Any idea what house youll be in, dear?, Of course, if youre with Min-Professor McGonagall, you must be a Muggleborn. Even when she was out of prison she would have no way to provide for herself and her son. It should be able to hold that much and the key. We could get some nice stuff next Hogsmeade visityou could treat me and Abby., Regina laughed, I see what this is about, you just want the benefits without having to actually put in the work., You caught me, Kathryn replied, feigning dismay. What was going on? Regardless the goblin she spoke to merely nodded and said, This way, maam, as he got down from his high stool. playboi carti lyric generator; once upon a time fanfiction regina morning sickness As usual, the librarian always looked nicer when she was returning books than when she was checking them out. What is it, Mom? Henry asked as he leaned forward on his elbows, a little concern in his eyes. She finally came to a halt at one of the beds near the back and gestured to the screened off portion, Here we are.. Oh! Emma eyes lit up when she realized she did know what that was. Sure enough, a few minutes later the boys almost ran past the alley before spotting the door. Emma turned back to Sidney, Yeah, so maybe you should just keep your big mouth shut, Glass., Ill show you, Sidney finally drew his own wand and pointed it at Emma. Now I wont get to play ever again. when a girl asks you to sleep with her. I know Ive heard the word before, but I forget what it means.. Ruby apologized, saying most of these were younger pictures of Red, not the ones from her Hogwarts years since Ruby had taken that album with her when shed moved into the dorms. Lets get you back to your friends.. All she needs is one of those people to get her out and well never find her again. Reginas hand, which was still buried in Emmas curls, tightened its grip and pulling her closer. McGonagalls mouth tightened, but then she released a sigh as she had been expecting the question. Madame Pomfrey doesnt have anything beyond the usual potions to offer. Yeah, I dont get it, their keeper just sounded confused. Theyre really nasty., I bet, I cant believe they come so close to your school. Im impressed, Miss Swan, Regina said, unconsciously reverting to her old manner of addressing Emma due to the discomfort she felt with Emmas obvious mastery of the spell. She still couldnt believe this could have been her house, that she could have spent her childhood hereshe could be living here right now. Sometimes people didnt value potion-making and effort that went into itfor all they loved to complain about how hard the class was. But she didnt, Regina was just that good. She picked a carriage near the back and settled in quickly. Just leave it alone. Leave me alone. Would you want to do it to? Im fine, Regina said automatically. I have another surprise for you Both of you. The brooms tail wasnt slacked together the way she was used to, instead the twigs used for the tail were twisted together. Still it did mean she had to deal with going back to the rest of the school and dealing with questions. She tried to find information on Hogwarts letting students stay over the summer, even though Sprout had said it wasnt allowed. Well be here.. Shes having problems with the typical potions for her period. Mary Margaret was beaming, David looked as awkward as she felt, and Ruby had brought up her hand to cover her face. Something fell off of it and landed on the floor with a bang. A prophecy? Mary Margaret said, hushed, like a little kid listening to a suspenseful fairytale. Mom! She knew it was weak, but Regina wasnt sure she could kill her mother even it was possible. You wont be able to tell unless you try to use them and the first compartment opens instead of the one you were expecting., Brilliant, Regina said with feeling. What? Regina asked sharply, staring at her in surprise. She was eager to play, eager to show her skills off. Most of the students left her alone even as they watched her more than ever, their eyes tracking her as they whispered. Turned awkwardly she shouted, Protego! As if on cue the large bubble that had formed by the other bubbles merging until it covered the entire surface of the cauldron popped, sending hundreds of boiling droplets all over the small practice dungeon. When Henry entered (he was downstairs the whole time; he mustve heard the oven timer beeping, but apparently, he was too busy with something else), I sighed and dramatically wiped my forehead with the back of my hand. Regina glanced up from the herbal book she was reading to see how Emma was doing with the Pepperup potion she was brewing. Night came quickly. Of course, we pure bloods need to stick together. Regina frowned, aside from the incident last time, Emma had gotten the ingredient numbers wrong before. Confusion reigned as family members of the cursed people appeared and more wizards from the Ministry came too. He started walking toward us and I instinctively took the robe off to throw it at Emma. She could not sit by any longer and allow her mother to continue to ruin her lives and the lives of everyone she came into contact with. Give it a wave. Was this some kinda of trick? Emmas arm around Reginas waist tightened as well her other hand moved up her back. Gold came over with a curious expression on his face as he took the boy in before he turned to Elizabeth with a raised eyebrow. Um, why dont we talk outside? Emma suggested. If you can please pay half upfront and the rest once youve seen the work and are satisfied. Regina pulled out her money pouch and counted out the first payment. When Emma copied, it left a blue fiery circle around their clasped hands. She was clearly surprised by Reginas reaction and looking at Regina, I started to consider if I should accept the ladys offer or just take the easy way out and continue searching. Why do the scary ones always pair up?, Right? Ruby said. Their heads were so close together. And for a price., I need you to make me an invisibility potion.. At least she was getting better at evading the explosion. Emma was waiting near an alcove outside of the Charms classroom as Professor Flitwick was busy cleaning up the results of the sixth years practice of Avis, the bird conjuring spell. Madame Malkin looked over from fixing the display at a table by levitating different stacks of clothes around. Emma checked her work area and noticed shed forgotten to grab that jar from the shelves, Urgh, let me go get that.. Youre scaring me, Regina! Now, in Bavarian Snap, Neal explained, You need a bit more space to lay out the cards. He pushed aside some of the items on the counter and she put away the book shed brought out. Finally, she went to talk to a Slytherin fifth year, Mal Drake, who was known for her ability to keep secrets. For anyone who doesnt know her that well, the way she said that would come off sarcastic or even rude, but not for me. The second groan caused her to look back down at Cora who was also waking up. The bridge seemed far away before it was suddenly there and she arched over the roof to dive and turn under the first arch. Or they could just pick one up at one of the many stores. He inserted the key and it turned with a click. Now she was at the very least sure that Emma had no idea where she was going. It was hard to watch. In fact, Regina had almost thought Emma had snuck away completely until she heard rustling and Emma haphazardly came into view. Emma accepted the bag even as the other girl headed back to the kitchen. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Hey! She said as she took off her thin-framed reading glasses. Please consider turning it on! Tom had watched her the entire time and she could tell he was starting to be very suspicious that she was by herself. Back in Emmas bedroom, McGonagall handed Emma an envelope with her ticket. This story will focus mostly on the events leading up to Daniel's death, maybe Regina's early days as Leopold's wife. Incendio! Flames leapt from her wand, fierce and hot as Reginas anger over how many times her mother had done this to her. Regina was warned to keep very close track of the score so that she didnt catch the snitch too earlyit wouldnt matter if they caught it only to lock in Gryffindors lead. Robin was standing next to the bed, fully dressed. I added a sugar cube and almond milk, taking a sip of my coffee before I asked, Henry, can you help me set the table?. She quickly pulled it back over her and looked around. What next? Emma asked and Lily turned the pages, their arms brushing as she did so. I meant it as a compliment., Oh, alright I nodded and I focused on my phone again. Youve never called yourself anything but Emma Swan. Emma would think the directions were random except four of the ribbons go off towards the sleeping figures on the other side of the cave. She automatically drifted forward when she caught a flash of gold up near one of the stand towers, thinking she saw it, before she scowled and dismissed it as a fluttering scarf that had gotten away from some Gryffindor. Emma let out a loud yelp as Regina shoved her back from the cauldron and they both fell to the ground a few meters away. Im a great flyer, Im on my house team!. If the teller thought anything about the fact that McGonagall was escorting a young student, but one who evidently had a Gringotts vault, she kept it to herself. A couple of wizards were sitting nearby, but no one she recognized. A short man came out of one of the other tunnels and joined them in the main room. I didnt want to be annoying. He spoke soothingly to her as her heart very slowly stopped racing. Madame Pomfrey said shed need to get a prescription from her healer in order to give her anything different or stronger., Besides the price? Regina made a face, Her parents think shes exaggerating how bad it is.. This totally came out of the blue and I understand if you cant say yes right away I'll give you time to think about it, she explained sincerely. He was looking intently in the northern corner before banking and switching to a drifting pattern, looking to survey the whole field. Or witch, he tacked on at the end, clearly expecting to win extra points with that part. Yeah, Im good.. She didnt even need to say the incantation aloud of set it on fire when she pointed with her wand. Shed researched all day in between transfiguration practice and charms work. Regina frowned, wondering why he was here, but slipped her wand away and scrambled to her feet to wait for him to reach her. She knew shed made the Leaky Cauldron owner suspicious so she couldnt risk going back to Diagon Alley too soon. Her mothers chin? Luckily, she could take it out of the restricted section itself. Weve had him his whole life, I think. It was shortly before dinner and Regina was just sitting down at the table, when shouting could be heard from the hall outside the main doors. Emma let her just be as they quietly studied, occasionally asking her a potions question. Are you Emma White?, He was clearly drunk, even though it was the middle of the day. Fucking hell, Emma yelped, as she adjusted her path, having underestimated its reach, regardless of how many times shed played dare with it. After being at school, she felt too vulnerable without it. Without realizing it, Regina had grabbed her wand from the nightstand and was holding it in her hands, running her fingers over the unbroken applewood. Regina is quick to kneel down to greet him, relieved to have someone else to focus on, a chance to gather her thoughts. Yes, Ms. Sapphire?, Its almost time to begin, Ms. Sapphire looked over her shoulder at Emma as Emma approached the star-shaped diagram etched into the floor. I did both, but only enough to learn the basics., Really? She showed them how a tap of the wand brought down the walls around the staircase, revealing the first-year girls dorms. Her hand phased through Reginas robes, but was halted by her flesh. She gathered herself, Three galleons, 5 sickles., Lance looked extremely relieved and stuck out his hand, Done., She shook it, noting the clammy feeling and vowing to whip her hand off on her robes once they were done talking. Emmas mind fixated briefly on the adopted part of the sentence before she refocused, What spell?, Marcos eyes widened and he looked at her in disbelief. She managed to get the cup onto her nightstand before her head fell to the pillow. Emma felt like she was being pressed tighter and tighter, the world around them disappearing. I dont think I will be able until I get to Kings Cross. Its worth a shot though, right? Tina said, hopefully. That is not for you to decide. I guess Emma couldnt help feeling a little let down, even if she hadnt really wanted to be a savior. The counter had five windows, two of which were open, all of which said Muggle Currency Exchange Services. Emma looked around the large dusty hall and shivered. It was almost midnight and we all started the countdown. She wont resort to Unforgivables until after shes tried and failed to keep me still., Emma tried to keep her face neutral. She doesnt even want to apologize for never coming to you and offering support... Counted out the cards a nice trip what she would have no way to for! Going back to the pillow 's wife quickly pulled it back over her and looked around and effort that into! 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