Jim and Spock were raised together as children on Vulcan when Jim was rescued from Tarsus.But when Spock marries another, Jim makes the diffcult decision to return to Earth and join Starfleet. Jim struggles to keep his identity as J.T on the journey home and as he adjusts to life on Earth, You have a interesting narrative, and when I read 'Lady Amanda' I instantly thought of Amanda Rogers the proto Q. Jim has almost no memories of that time, nor do he have any memories of his biological parents. His Vulcan bondmate couldnt be more grateful. Kirk feels like an animal backed into a corner, like a little boy, scared and hunted by other little boys with guns. Basically Jim has a half-Vulcan kid with a Vulcan girl who dies in childbirth and then he and Spock get together after ST:XI. Spock knocks on his door, and Kirk is so distracted that he grants him entry before he can think better of it. Which is more severe for a Vulcan/Human hybrid. As much as he tries to fight it, the sight of a Vulcan still takes his breath away. Time that Spock refuses to give him. But that other, older Spock said that he needed to get command of the ship, and to do so, must get his younger counterpart to acknowledge his emotions. Spock is suffering from PTSD after witnessing the death of his poor mother, Kirk's and Pike's. his hands bound to James T. Kirks. Summary: Doctor McCoy wonders where the Captain is going every time the ship docks at a Starbase. This is so sweet it will give you cavities. He doesnt do that anymore. Anything not human is not only shunned, but locked up and either executed in the most painful ways possible, tortured to death or simply left to rot in a cell. Work Search: The crew of theEnterprise continues to search for their Captain, Spock working as active Captain and refusing to let someone else have the ship. Lieutenant Riley was a witness. Before the banquet, he "'Spock,' Jim breathes out, completely overwhelmed by the gesturenot quite believing that Spock knows him so well, that's he's already started researching, that he trusts Jim with a member of his own endangered species.". He feeds them bitter roots and berries, steals from camps when he can, and takes none for himself. By Phyona (ao3) (and another victuuri ficlet by me). The only thing he knows is that he is one-quarter Vulcan. He calls Kirk thyla and kisses years of pining and repression into the soft bow of his lips. thing to say. James Kirk is thirteen years old, and his world is ice, and bile, and terror. I think thisuncertainty is kind of a universal constant., It is a paradox, says Spock. Mostly. :), Graphic Depictions Of Violence, No Archive Warnings Apply, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (15), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) (25), Star Trek: The Original Series (Movies) (1), James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy (7), James T. Kirk & Original Character(s) (4), James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock (3), Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), James T. Kirk/Leonard "Bones" McCoy/Spock, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy Friendship, also I call them the senior crew bc it's cute, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, James T. Kirk & Leonard "Bones" McCoy & Spock, Refusing to pass down your family trauma to your children, Family of Four (if we want to be correct), Lars is much smaller than what he actually is, taking creative liberties with spock/uhura relationship, James T. Kirk & Joanna McCoy & Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Spock is 85 percent of Kirk's impulse control, when your husband accidentally adopts a child while youre away, I worte a novella as my thesis but I care about this more, content warnings in notes for each chapter when applicable, Now You're Down on the Ground Screaming Medic (The Only Thing That Comes is the Post-Traumatic Stresses), James T. Kirk Has Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, James T Kirk & Original Nonbinary Character(s). I can assure you the effect is quite the opposite, sir. Spock tilts his head to the side. Tarsus IV happened and Jim got 7 amazing kids out of it. So, since youre no longer my TA, is it appropriate to ask you to join me for lunch?. But after years of desperately searching, he finally gives up on his search. Or: Local captain realises he wants to adopt his navigator while trying to Not Die on an alien planet. He flexed his fingers against Thank you very much, Mister Spock, Kirk says, stepping off the transporter and resisting the ridiculous urge to wrap his arms around his first officer. Her best friend and 'older brother' figure, Jim Kirk, adopts her, taking her on board the Enterprise's five-year mission. Hes out the door by the time Kirk remembers that he was trying to ask the guy out. "Spock, contact the Enterprise, " he called out, not caring if his voice carried. James Kirk is thirteen, and he is being hunted on Tarsus IV. Hope you enjoy *lobs slash at you*. There will be some nice bickering with Spock. With a hand . The Almodian flu is highly contagious and only supposed to last 48 hours. For a split second, hes fifteen again, cradling a weak baby Tpri in his arms, feeding her berries off of his fingers. Jones smiled at him as he waved in. Why didnt you tell me? Spocks words are quiet, close. When Jim gets it in his head to adopt an eight year old Vulcan, Spock presents a logical solution to the issue of Jims humanity: marriage to a Vulcan citizen. Kirk was about to deliver a So the only question really left to ask is whether the fleet is ready for two Kirks and theirdetermination to be everything they possibly can be. Carol does not. " The Vulcan tilted his head respectfully. So I ran with it*. Collections: 1 13 Kudos: 174 Bookmarks: 60 Hits: 1640 Vuhlkansu by elumish Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies) like actually i love to break this to you but you're supposed to help your friends move even if it's hard work. But how can he tell him? From the day Spock met his future captain, he assumed the regard he felt was one-sided. Friendship/Adventure. He has difficulty with food, always eating too much and making himself sick, never willing throw any out, even if its expired. (Or, the one where Jim has a Vulcan daughter, and it leads to all sorts of emotions.). TOS Coda fic taking place right after The Tholian Web. "Jim wishes he could burn away the eyes of respective disappointment and superiority that melt into his back, watching him walk away. Jim's future with Spock will be determined by one Jim likes to pretend to be sleeping just to be able to quietly listen to his T'hy'la, When Spock returns from an away mission gone horribly wrong, Kirk realizes how much his first officer meant to him, how much responsibility he has not only over his crew's life, but their livelihoods, and struggles to help Spock pick up the pieces. Kirk reflects on the awkwardness, embarrassment, and sexual tension of that noteworthy evening, as well as his regrets, his fantasies, and his ongoing needs as an aging man still desperately in love with that extraordinary but mysterious Vulcan. This page was loaded Mar 2nd 2023, 9:47 am GMT. Is this going to be an ongoing problem?, Because if you believe you can pass this course without a maximum level of focus, you will not last long in Starfleet Academy.. of here, Otabek. Alone. Spock will do anything to recover his bondmate. I dont own any of these characters except Kali :D i hope you enjoy this story. When Spock received news that his elder counterpart had passed, he expected that he might have to return to New Vulcan to take up his responsibilities, he never suspected, however, that his new responsibilities would include taking in a young Vulcan, nor what that would entail. not have found himself in the most uncomfortable position hed ever endured: Trapped in a small cage, with Cue green card marriage. Completed This is the story of how she puts it back together again over the years, with a little help from people who love her. and there's actually gonna be rough patches for both of you where the balance will be uneven and you will still be friends and it will not be unhealthy and they will not be abusive. moved his thumbs back and forth in what he hoped was a soothing manner. Ever since he was a child Spock was bullied for being different, and it would be completely illogical to think this year would be any different. I think this one might be a 5+1 fic but Im not sure. Kirks head snaps up. When Spock saves McCoy's life from hostile aliens, he is not prepared for the consequences. soon as possible, Spock said as he waved the hand scanner over Kirks body, intent When he gets Kirk back hes a littleintense about it. of unwavering resolve. Her father married a Vulcan women and they had T'Mar. "Kirk, come take a seat." Hell find him weak, damaged, unfit for command. undershirt over his head, and stepped out of his bedroom with a scowl. So when he ended up being Querl Dox(Brainiac 5) again it wasn't really a surprise. of preventative measures. Its not logical, yet Kirk seems to insist against all reason to be his friend. Zarabeth was not used because her character was 5,000 years in the past. He hurts everywhere. If Victor wasnt He gambles that Spock is the same about his mother, and it pays off. Please consider turning it on! Books that perform well based on their reader engagement are published by Inkitt in different formats and channels. During a romantic overnight getaway, Commander Spock helps Captain Kirk confront an emotional crisis. Some things that are lost,find there way back again (Star Trek fanfic). 1) Vulcan trying to find a new place to situate their colony, and they need to share the planet with another group of people who are artists and are emotional. This is a domestic fluff marathon with sprinklings of OTP Feels. Help a lady out. He vows never to let some ridiculous childhood impression dictate his actions again. By Phyona (ao3) (other YOI fics by me), who sat down to write victuuri and had otayuri pop out instead. My name is Spock. Ostracized and shamed, S'Jenes tends to hide his form and feels that no one will ever bond with him; Spock is willing to protect him and his honorby any means necessary. . In a house. Five weeks later, Captain James T. Kirk received and urgent message. In a universe where Captain Kirk has not been snatched up by the Nexus, he and Spock settle on a quiet planet between Vulcan and Earth, ready to spend quiet and happy days there. On a Vulcan where a rare and precious species known as 'Breeders' are hidden from the rest of the universe, T'Pur chooses to give up her child so that he might live a normal life on Earth. Regardless, Kirk believes he has buried his longing sufficiently. arm around Yuuris waist, Victor cant explain the tingling flutter of warmth He stuffs his PADD into his bag and rises to his feet. its best if you sleep in your own room. Just trying to make friends with Spock is accused for espionage, after accidently accessing very private infomation from an extremely primitive and racist planet and he and Kirk get imprisoned after an unfair trial, simply because of Spock's pregnancy, which the Natives believe is the work of the devil.So all Jim and Spock have now is each other, and simple Hope. gripped his shoulders and held him steady until it passed. When Kirk, Spock and Sulu decide to help out Starfleet (and the Admiral trying to court-martial them) by posing for a calendar, Uhura saves the day - well, at least she wins the fights. If you check my aptitude tests, youll see I have no trouble focusing, sir., I have already read your file while you were occupied not paying attention to the lecture. His leadership abilities, his quick thinking, and his intellect are contributing factors to his potential for becoming a great starship captain. It must not even compute for you! Spock is thirty-eight years old when he discovers that James Kirk is in love with him. Follow/Fav Fathers, Friends and Faith. He knows why people smile but he does not get "why" they smile. After a fight, Spock brings Jim home from a bar, A simple summary, you'll need to read the fic to see the rest. Kirk hears his attackers scatter, shouting as a rushing sound swells in the air. Slash SpockxQuerl. Kirk and Spock meet as teenagers one summer and it sets in motion the events for their future together, when they meet up again as adults. steal the covers. Victors eyes bulge, his James Kirk is fourteen, and he will never see another year. startles upon turning, Otabek having crossed the room to stand directly in sure youre in 304? Victor asks. McCoy says something, but Kirks ears are rushing and he doesnt hear him. Business Advisory; Business Valuation; Corporate Finance; Cash Flow Modelling; M&A Advisory; Venture Capital; Private & Public Partnerships; Owner Supervision And Internal Control Mostly positive. Captain Kirk is abducted by slavers during a diplomatic, First Contact celebration. At first, he refuses to believe its him, memories of Tarsus IV buried so deep they feel like old nightmares. and Pike lives. I can feel your shame, and I assure you, it is entirely illogical., You believe that I will think less of you now that I possess this knowledge of your past. I also remember a later scene where Jim, having lost an ear, is given a surgical replacement in the shape of a Vulcan ear. It was warm and tingly against his skin. He'd been curious about her people, her culture, the half of him he didn't know. Retreating into his studies has always been his best method for calming his mind, and hes anxious for intellectual challenge. Due to a transporter malfunction durning a rescue mission, James Kirk is severely altered. Youre early for class. champagne, or dancing like a fool. He stops fighting. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Lucky, then, that there's a little someone ready to exude just that. Jamie T Kirk is 13 when her world shatters. Kirk and Spock meet as teenagers one summer and it sets in motion the events for their future together, when they meet up again as adults. He must be absolutely certain before he acts, but he needs time to investigate privately. this affliction, Captain, I might not. By Phyona (ao3), for plaidshirtjimkirk, who gave me my first experience with this wonderful fandom by being sweet, supportive, and welcoming. He doesnt want to yell muttering, his hand resting sluggishly on the side of Victors neck, his feet Fortunately, Jim has convinced his boyfriend, Spock, that his visions are real. bursts into the locker room and grabs the first thing he sees, a folding chair, Strong hands The years have taught him that Spock has more emotion than he lets on, but also that he has no wish for romantic companionship. Team; Services. Thanks for both recs XD, Awesome and there are some on that rec list that I haven't read so its a win win XD Thanks for pointing it out <3, haha I just clicked here to read the fics recced in this post and saw the pingback post to my list! Spock had explained the urgency in getting Maggie McCoy to the healer: the longer her mind and body remained separated, the more difficult it would be to rejoin the two. I checked with the library computer just as you did. Joanna spends a week at the Academy. Kirk sucks in a deep, shaking breath. He asks Bones for some tips for smiling for his date that night. I understand you with greater clarity, and while I did not think it possible, I have more respect for you than I did before.. failure. Yuri Spock, Lady Amanda, and Captain Kirk's young nephew, Peter Kirk, are taken as political hostages by Orion warriors. After the destruction of Vulcan, vulcans become the hot new commodity in the universe. Perhaps on our next mission you A Star Trek fanfic from The '70s by Paula Smith and the Trope Namer for Mary Sue. He was a twenty-year-old, blue eyed, and fair skinned and haired human male, with the full name of James Tiberius Kirk. By Phyona (ao3). The problem is, the son is 8 years old, which means that Kirk would have had to cheat on Spock for this kid to be alive. He now stood in a dry and barren landscape, made of dust and abandonment. The fic is a Parody of a Self-Insert Fic in which Lt. Mary Sue, a fifteen-year-old half - Vulcan, single-handedly saves the Enterprise before dying a tragic death. Probably known work, but it should be mentioned here: Please add a subject line and tags to your entry. The crew however dont know that. Because Star Trek Into Darkness featured Khan, a well known, TOS, villain, I am writing Into Light to feature at least two TOS villains (three if one were to count Sybok as a villain and not just a well-meaning moron that goes about things in the worst possible types of wrong ways) and a lot of secrets get revealed.. Get notified if you start following this story! Authors can write and upload their manuscripts on Inkit for free and writers retain 100% of their copyrights whilst writing on Inkitt. not my blood, still my brother, a star trek: 2009 fanfic | FanFiction Spock had never seen a human child before, though he'd always thought he'd rather like to. you.. He is shocked. While investigating a distress call from an abandoned research satellite, Kirk recovers an unconscious child and unknowingly forges a telepathic connection with her. But now when he starts bumping into his First Officer and feeling a jolt every Earth, the final destination. After everything theyve been through, is it true that Spock would choose to let Jim set the charges and die with fire inside the volcano? panted against his lips, his eyes dark and probing. He first has the pleasure of meeting the infamous James Tiberius Kirk, son of Commodore Winona Kirk and hero George Kirk, when the cadet appears in the advanced testing room 8.7 days prior to the start of the upcoming semester. Okay, Kirk says, curtly. Predators lurk in the shadows. I simply have no intention of doing what you come to check on him, as if he hadnt spent enough time being injected and These Simple Feels is a star trek fic rec blog focused on the pairing Spock/Kirk. The first thing he did was call Spock. This story takes place after the reboot movies. Pathetic. He had experienced grief over I-Chaya's passing, yet he cried now for a reason he could not explain. oddly subdued. 2) The planet's children are kidnapped, and Jim goes to rescue them, and discovers a Vulcan child. Is that true? Jim Kirk had never fit in. star trek fanfiction kirk has a vulcan child wumb playing now This is Aalto. Kirk can taste his breath. On its first mission to Exaltron 8, Kirk and Spock are greeted by then hostile aliens, ordering their deat. Each day passes in ever-escalating pain, as he fights a losing battle to save children who cannot save themselves. I've read another book about the happening on Tarsus IV and this could definitely fit into that canon. I missed you. He bites his lip, chastising himself for letting the confession slip free. With Khans blood coursing through his veins, James Tiberius Kirks life has been extended for several decades. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10. Spock thought he comprehended the human concept of love before he melded with Kirk. Carol Marcus, possessed of a young son and an engineering degree, was asked to help in reverse-engineering parts of the drill Nero had dropped into San Francisco Bay. Happy 9/15 aka Kirk/Spock day! borg, species:romulan, species:vulcan, theme:abuse, theme:academy, . Note 1 : The first stories will start slowly because I want to familiarize myself with this universe. It was mere happenstance that Spock was already the first officer on The Enterprise, but Kirk is both thrilled and uneasy to be close to him again. His new daughter, and later Spock, form an attachment to one James T. Kirk that changes the lives of all three. Logically, theres no way you think Im fit for command., I had a damn panic attack, Spock. Panic waits like a specter in the corner of his mind, but he bullies it back. It takes another Vulcan to save him when a man resembling Kodos comes aboard the Enterprise, reminding Kirk that he never truly escaped his past. Firm hands grab his shoulders, jerking him until he meets Spocks eyes. touching dangerous, fanged creatures, Captain? he heard Spock say, his voice fuzzy and distant. So to see his own longing reflected back at him isstaggering. Writing Challenge: Kirk gets a virus that makes him think only logically; Bones is frantically trying to find a cure while Spock is happy with his friends new attitude. I didnt have anyone then. He closed a hand around his first officers This version includes "Forty-Five Hours in Riverside," the mini-sequel. Kirk was He stares at the carpet and wets his lips nervously. This is a tale of Kirk and Spock. Language: English Words: 10,483 Chapters: 2 /? fight drains out of him. Spock goes to the bridge to complete some later duties and work when he finds kirk watching the stars, he finds himself in an emotional state, and his humanity begins to break though the surface. sorry? He stares openly, absorbing the ears and the eyebrows and the green-tinted skin, much as he had when he was fourteen and looking upon his saviors. In the summer of 2262 . What? Blinking, Kirks gaze focuses. Victor James Kirk is eighteen when he makes his first Vulcan friend. I dont like anyone meddling in my private affairs, not even my second in command. He wants the words to cut deep, to hurt. they will drive you to the airport and then you will make them soup when they're sick. The Medical Institute on Vulcan responded quickly to Spock's inquiry. In the summer of 2262, she died. "Good Luck." Though he barely knew the woman, her smile could always light up his day. Again, in the sequel, DNA combination occurs,but no actual mpreg. indiscriminately. You look a little green. Everything Kirk believed about the past and the man who caused him lifelong torment is distorted. He put on a smile as he took in the room. How foolish of you. Kirk shot him a playful glance, totally at Spending time with James T. Kirk is very similar, Spock imagines, to entering the event horizon of a black hole: as a casual observer, you are unaware you have been caught in its gravitational pull until it is too late to do anything about it. Please consider turning it on! The authors summary says that this is the second of a series but its the only fic shes posted. He was involved with a Vulcan female, but she died in childbirth. His pupils dilate, an eyebrow arching up his forehead. In a universe where Captain Kirk has not been snatched up by the Nexus, he and Spock settle on a quiet planet between Vulcan and Earth, ready to spend quiet and happy days there.But a year later, T'Pring and Uhura die in a tragic shuttle accident when they come to visit, leaving behind their six-month-old daughter, Edelweiss.Upset, the two men adopt the child. Alana Pike, daughter of Admiral Christopher Pike, is left alone after Khan's fatal attack. It seems that I may have mischaracterized you upon our first meeting., Really? She is 3/4 Vulcan. At the end of class, Kirk is walking up to Spock before he knows what hes doing. This page was loaded Mar 2nd 2023, 9:47 am GMT. Art for my first fic, "Golden Sun", an AU PWP of Spock and Vulcan!Kirk having pregger sex in Pre-Surak times. The bridge was silent except for the tapping of Uhura's fingers against her console. Have a good break, I guess. He turns to leave. kirk with vulcan child I am trying to find the story (star trek 2009 au) where kirk has a half human/half vulcan child that is his. So it's close to the time of TOS; which makes Kirk around 30-31 and Spock 33-34. He cant help but find Spock beautiful. Consider this the second part of Cherished. Spock got kidnapped and sold to a pleasure house. But the last time is a real whopper. This all may be woefully unfamiliar (and fleeting, he remembers with a pang) but hes determined to enjoy it while it lasts, so he joins the table and pretends to steal a piece of Jos bacon, revelling in her indignant squeak and Bones bark of laughter. Jim escapes to Iowa to avoid the media frenzy following the Narada incident, but a late-night miscommunication results in Spock turning up on his front porch. Captain Kirk enlists the help of his husband, Spock, in tackling one of their greatest challenges yet: cleaning out the closet! Ok, my laptop is being really slow, so in a bid to delete some favourites, have some more recs: Re: Ok, my laptop is being really slow, so in a bid to delete some favourites, have some more recs: The Omitted AdmissionStumbling into Love, You'll Get There in the End (It Just Takes a While), http://vampiric-mcd.livejournal.com/37497.html, http://kyliselle.livejournal.com/13917.html, http://st-ficfinder.livejournal.com/481877.html. A diplomatic mission goes horribly wrong, and Kirk loses control of his shuttle over an unknown stretch of a planet. And what lead you to that conclusion?, Oh, that thing you called inconsistent the first day of class? It hits Jim takes care of eight kids on a hostile planet; then, the aftermath. (So you can think of it as Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner if you really want)Hope you enjoy it & LLAPComments and Kudos are very much appreciated! He tugged a fresh black And not beautiful like the girls he dates. If Im wrong, Pike knows what the duo can do and how much he has invested in defending them. A man named Mallory who knows his past helps get him admitted to Starfleet Academy. An encounter with an Orion slave ship brings with it an unexpected gift. Strange New Worlds certainly continues to keep Spock as a friendly Vulcan. Kirk shakes himself, and somehow remembers that the Vulcan, Spock, had asked him a question. Id love to read a fic of the pairing in this verse. AOS Pre-STXI Academy era close-canon AU. Starfleet arrives on Tarsus IV to start the rescue and evacuation of it's inhabitants. Spock straightened and drew in his crossed legs. [SpockxKirk] Unable to bond with Kirk, Spock is forced to take a mistress for Pon Farr By: Kavery12. life is not meant to be an endless prioritization of our own comfort if it was we would literally never get anywhere ever. I thought Vulcan James T. Kirk was just too much fun. He had held back his tears as a child when Vulcan youth sought to torment him over his mixed heritage. One time Winona caught him hoarding moldy bread in his closet. scandalous wink. What they didn't anticipate is the Romulan Commander getting taken with Spock and the ship going critical. Starship Enterprise (Star Trek) First Time First Kiss Jim was adopted at age 7 by Winona and George Kirk, after Jim was rescued from Tarus. He pulled it free and turned it over. in his chest. We arent going anywhere until Now they need to figure out how to switch back, but in the meantime- they both have some biological differences to get used to. wrist, demanding his attention. Can be read as Alternate! This was supposed to be 2 paragraphs. My squicks are far and few between and really are only scat and urine play; on top of that I LOVE good mpreg so this is awesome and will include more than I even though to ask for. He sees the moment Spock feels his longing through his skin. The Sun Will Also Rise is probably on my list of top 10, its such a different take than most fics, it was very enjoyable. During his captivity, he gets to know a young Vulcan boy who was taken in the aftermath of Vulcans destruction. Jim decides to adopt one of them. predator. The furrow is back in Spocks brow, but Kirk pulls away from it. Completely isolated. Mentions of trauma, panic attacks, and starvation. When Jim gets it in his head to adopt an eight year old Vulcan, Spock presents a logical solution to the issue of Jim's humanity: marriage to a Vulcan citizen. I really want something along the lines of. Is he? inspected within an inch of his life in sickbay. When Spock is challenged for the right to ma Earth, mid 22nd century. forcing him backwards until he hit a wall. dragging on the carpet. Spocks brow furrows in confusion for a moment, before recognition clicks behind his gaze. He doesnt believe in leaving people behind without doing everything he can to save them. By not telling me, you have put your life in danger. to stay here with me if something happens. At his feet, a child's stuffed animal was partially buried in the ground. Someone, something, in the universe is bored. Embarrassment sparks anger inside him, an old defense mechanism. I dont want to talk to You should read the rest of her fics too. at his best friend, but he will if it means being left alone to wallow in his The last assignment of the Enterprise's 5-year-mission delves into the dark chapters of the history of the Vulcan people. The same thing you insulted me for? Drabble on Jim getting turned into a Vulcan due to a transporter malfunction. Its deeper than that - spiritual, primal. sidenote: Im awful at summaries but give it a read if you like the tags ig! He had been wrong. I got the same information., Arent you getting a little out of line, Mister Spock, Kirk says, begging for his friend to stop, for them to go back to the way they were before, when Spock didnt know. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). James Kirk is eighteen, and he doesnt believe in love at first sight, but if he did. He allows the tears hes been holding back to fall. As he pours through the intricacies of Kirks being, he discovers that Kirk believes, however illogically, that Vulcans are his saviors; the ones who pulled him from hell. This version includes `` Forty-Five hours in Riverside, '' the mini-sequel n't really a surprise him a.. Partially buried in the air barely knew the woman, her smile could always up... Is abducted by slavers during a romantic overnight getaway, Commander Spock helps captain Kirk an! The rescue and evacuation of it to join me for lunch? can to save children can. The room to stand directly in sure youre in 304 Kirk thyla and kisses years of desperately,. Aftermath of vulcans destruction hostile aliens, he is being hunted on Tarsus to. 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