Lent II [A] Sunday (March 5) 1-page summary of an 8- minute homily Introduction: The common theme of today's readings is metamorphosis or transformation. In fact, the witnesses had been paid to offer their testimony. Copyright2021 | Tony Agnesi | All Rights Reserved|, All original content on these pages is fingerprinted and certified by. But Sundays coming. Jesus was buried. In Campolos sermon, he insists that we will never understand Good Friday unless you remember what happens next. He could handle Sunday mornings - they were generally well put-together. But that doesn't mean that . Skeptics and scoffers are shaking their fists at a God they claim not to believe in. The centurion screamed in fear, "Truly, He is the Son of God . Like Graham, Campolo also has been a spiritual counselor to U.S. presidents and has played the role of public pastor in times of national sorrow and joy. ], Scriptures:
Tony Campolo Sermons | Podcast He is best known for his best work is a sermon entitled "It's Friday, But Sunday's Coming " recordings which have been widely circulated in evangelical circles. Press Release A Storytellers Guide to a Grace-Filled Life, Press Release A Storytellers Guide to Joyful Service. His blood dripping. But Sundays comin. 3 Tests Of Plagiarism: Do Your Sermons Pass Them. Denomination:
Marjorie Taylor Greenes Red/Blue National Divorce Looks an Awful Lot Like a Confederate Flag, Can Rage Fuel the Struggle for Justice? BUT SUNDAY'S COMING! But let me tell you something Sundays comin. His miracles astound and attract. 5. It has become a tradition to post it every year on this day: "It's Friday but Sunday's Coming" by Dr. Tony Campolo. But thats because its Friday, and they dont know it, but Sundays a coming. recently learned he has terminal cancer. He who, so brave, dared face the grave? The sermon went something like this. Its Sunday. This is eerily similar to the sentiment of Sue Monk Kidd (author of The Secret Life of Bees), who once, as a conservative Southern Baptist Sunday school teacher, expressed her dissatisfaction (and eventual rejection) of the preaching of God's Word. Sermon Outlines . Its Friday. People Listen In Different Wayscan You Reach All Of Them? Its Friday. In this sermon Lockridge outlines all the reasons for despair and fear but reminds us, that it is Fridaythe story has not been written, the book has not been completedbecause Sunday's Coming. The soldiers quaked, the earth shaked, the stone popped, and time stopped! But Im sensing a change in the wind (and the Spirit.). truth as we do. It turned out they should have said, if others read But Sunday's comin'. You may remember his name as one of former President Clinton's spiritual advisors. Jesus took charge. suffering that way something to be solved, fixed, avoided, masked. And that set the stage for hope . Its Sunday! There was no room for more information or alternative explanations. Its Friday People are saying as things have been so they shall be you cant change anything in this world., Its Friday Satans doing a jig saying, I control the whole world., Its Friday The temple veil ripped from top to bottom -the earth shook- the rocks split and tombs opened. It's Fridaybut Sunday's Coming! Tagged as It's Friday. I love this story. But it's only Friday; Sunday's coming! A Roundtable, In Israel, Left and Right Join to Protest New Government Threat to Democracy Whats Striking is Whats Missing, He Gets Us and Sleazy Swift Boat Ads Share a Central Figure Further Evidence of a Right-Wing Bait-and-Switch, The Dreher Affair Highlights the Rights International Networks, Women as Head Pastors Was Final Straw for Southern Baptist Convention Not Scandal, Sexual Abuse, or Dalliance with Dictators, Lila Rose and the Right Resurrect Malicious Child Predator Myth Putting LGBTQ People in Even Greater Danger, Still Left Behind: What the Endurance of the Left Behind Cinematic Universe Can Tell Us About Conservative Moral Psychology, Espionage Allegations Against Russian Church Raise Religious Freedom Issue in Ukraine, As Tensions Escalate in the Balkans, the West Could Hand Putin a Valuable Weapon, Putins Violent Holy War Rhetoric Made it to the Christian Right Fringe And Theres Reason to Believe itll Go Mainstream, The Sacred and the Dead: Its (Not) Just a Box of Rain, Why Tony Campolos LGBTQ Reversal is Evangelicalisms Tipping Point, To Let It Go and So To Find A Way: U2, (A)Live with Grief and Grace, Via Jokes, ChatGPT Chooses Which Religious Traditions and Figures Deserve Respect And Therefore What Counts as Religion, Pope Benedicts 2006 Islamophobia Controversy Wasnt an Isolated Incident Islamophobia is an Integral Part of His Theological Legacy, Three Cheers for Mormon Support of Same-Sex Legislation? One reason I am changing my position on this issue is that, through Peggy, I have come to know so many gay Christian couples whose relationships work in much the same way as our own, Campolo wrote. Not So Fast. It was about to be Friday for the disciples; Jesus was headed Its Friday. We took it all onboard [literally] and we were quoting lines from his sermon for months. - Tony Campolo - YouTube 0:00 / 56:34 It's Friday But Sunday's Comin! Its Friday, But Sundays comin.. The Jesus is praying, Peters straying, Judas is betraying -- But Sundays comin., 2. According to Campolo, the RLC movements in England and Germany are growing, with 57 RLC-associated churches meeting in bars throughout Frankfurt. Sadducees It was clearly Sunday a day to celebrate. Viewwith reverence Pastor S. M. Lockridge's famous sermon It's Fridaybut Sunday's Coming! It's Friday But let me tell you something Sunday's comin'! John Stonestreet (@JBStonestreet) June 8, 2015 They make An Excerpt From Portable Faith, Which Releases Monday, How To Remove Facebook Ads and Focus On Your Friends. As a Christian, my responsibility is not to condemn or reject gay people, but rather to love and embrace them, and to endeavor to draw them into the fellowship of the Church. In fact, they said, he threatened to destroy the temple and rebuild it in three days. Anthony "Tony" Campolo (born February 25, 1935) is an American sociologist, pastor, author, public speaker and former spiritual advisor to U.S. President Bill Clinton. 2021 Preaching.com. Tony . 1. I am learning so much from Bill and Sally (names changed). Filed under It's Friday. Together they helpedshape the direction and expansiveness of the church as it attempted to navigate H. Richard Niebhurs Christ and Culture paradigmsandbein the world but not of itin the midst of ever increasing pluralism. Which is why it troubles me all the more when I see evidence that these brothers and sisters in Christ are embracing Modalism (A denial of the Trinity and the Nicene Creed), or elevating Torah above the rest of Scripture, or following an organization that claims only those who keep Torah (think kosher, Sabbath, festivals) are the ones who truly love Jesus. People in the congregation were beginning to pick up the message. Once when our kids were little, Rose walked in on our three-year-old son sitting in a pile of unrolled toilet paper with his hands still on the roll. Some cases of this disease are rather slow moving, but not McQuilken`s wife. Understanding Death has won. Preaching.com is a leading resource that provides tools and ideas for pastors and church leaders to help them lead well. we all make. Its Sunday now, so let the Son set you free! All rights reserved. 15 Outstanding Quotes To Recharge Your Preaching. Lockridges message, probably preached 70 years ago, and adapted it by making it into rhyming verse which increases it's power. Tony is well known for his Its Friday, but Sundays Comin! sermon. First, there is the name. 4. The disciples are questioning. Hear my Jesus cry, Father, forgive them. Its Friday; but Sundays coming. time draws to an end. Tony Campolo, a much more distinguished preacher than me, has also been known to swear for effect. Its Friday Pilates strutting around washing his hands cause he thinks hes got all the power and victory. Its Friday. Luke 4:16-21. View all likes 2; Go mobile. Their daughter, Lisa, was born in 1960 and their son, Bart, was born in 1963. The narrative of Jesus crucifixion is one of betrayal. Since we have so many new readers I would like to share again a part of that famous sermon by Lockridge. at the burning bush. 262 followers 262; 368 tracks 368; Follow. Net Worth: $4 million. Luke 22:33-46, Luke 23:33-46, 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most. Feeling forsaken by his Father. Then theres what happened. The Booth Brothers - In Christ Alone (Medl Jenn Bostic | 'Leave It At The Cross' (aco California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Whats worse is that youre more upset with the fact that I said shit than the fact that 30,000 kids died last night.. It was a simple sermon, starting softly, building in volume and intensity until the entire congregation was completely involved, repeating the phrases in unison. Tony Campolo is a short, round, bald, fast . Its Friday The disciples are running around like sheep without a shepherd. They fell asleep. PLEASE NOTE there is a 20-second delay to the start of the video. Funny, passionate, and emotive,Campolo, who for years was a sociology professor atEastern University in Pennsylvania while traveling the world teaching and preaching, is the evangelical worlds Jon Stewartto Grahams more reserved, buttoned-down David Letterman. Not long before that, some Christians even made biblical cases supporting slavery. And it would appear that he was You may remember his name as one of former President Clintons spiritual advisors. Communing with Him and fellow saints. St. Davids, PA 19087. Its Friday. 4.15. But.it was only Friday and Sundays comin! One event led non-stop into the other. Jesus is praying. It has taken countless hours of prayer, study, conversation and emotional turmoil to bring me to the place where I am finally ready to call for the full acceptance of Christian gay couples into the Church. Sin has conquered. Report. 15 Outstanding Quotes To Recharge Your Preaching. Try, Spit-Shine Tomorrow's Sermon Before You Go To Bed Tonight. The disciples are running Like sheep without a shepherd. But Sunday's coming! Jane Filkin to the Campolo Team. Jesus prayed late into the night. Christ arose, matter froze. That crashing sound you heard Mondaymorning was waves of changebreaching the levees of the evangelical Christian world when one of its most venerable icons, the Rev. Judas is betraying. Assembly Of God, 1. Tony How many times have I told you not to play with that? she scolded. "All he could do was yell 'Friday' at the top of his lungs. This site is a proud member of the Salem Web Network, a subsidiary of Salem Media Group. Sadducees challenged His ability to interpret the scripture. Its verses deal with the dark realities of our world, where the Friday of Jesus' crucifixion acts as a metaphor for our experiences of those realities. Their faith is so vibrant. Tony Campolo, came out in favor of full inclusion of LGBTQ people in the life of the church. Holy God who will not abide with sin pours out His wrath on that perfect sacrificial lamb who cries out, My God, My God. and Jacob. Matthew devotes eight of his twenty-eight chapters to the last week of Jesus thirty-three year life. A woman spoke quietly of the death of her father. However, I am old enough to remember when we in the Church made strong biblical cases for keeping women out of teaching roles in the Church, and when divorced and remarried people often were excluded from fellowship altogether on the basis of scripture. Good Friday is a problem. Cathleen Falsani is an award-winning religion journalist specializing in the intersection of faith and culture. But Lockridges message, Its Friday But Sundays A Comin. But Sundays coming. Its Friday; but Sundays a coming. Finally he had disproved the prophecy God had uttered in the Garden and the one who was to crush his head had been destroyed. To encourage you during this Easter season, we wanted to share Tony's most inspirational sermon. That is part of his vast appeal in a religious milieuthat is too-often concerned with the appearance of perfection. Subscribe to Tony's email list to receive his monthly newsletter and updates. Dr. Tony Campolo tells the story of a little preaching competition that he had with his pastor during services at the church where he attends. Author Tony Campolo has a reputation for delivering a profound message with sharp wit, unbridled passion, and complete honesty. Its Friday. Its Friday Marys crying her eyes out cause her Jesus is dead. Here are the 10 best hymns and songs for Lent. ITS FRIDAY. . Many people like the teachings of Jesus. Tony Campolo has both a secular and biblical education, with degrees in sociology and theology, as well as a PhD from Temple University. . Hate. Readings are Luke 4:16-21 and Romans 1:8-17; the sermon includes references to Isaiah 65:17-25, "The New Creation". He says, there is another life, where the children of God are Suffering. It went something like this: "It's Friday, but Sunday's a . But Sunday's Coming! Jesus is hanging on the cross, heaven is weeping and hell is partying. At the tomb the soldiers tarried. says otherwise. (LogOut/ Jesus would die. His body stumbling. Once the disciples arrived at Sunday, it all made sense. Dr. Campolo tells how he preached the "perfect" sermon, perfect in every way. -
Cancel, 52-week preaching calendar to help you plan your sermons, Customizable sermon manuscripts for verse-by-verse preaching, Preach with creativity and impact throughout the year, [NEW YEAR] 4-Week Series to kick off 2023, [PRODUCTIVITY] Fulfill your full potential, [FOUNDATIONS] Getting back to what matters most. But Sunday's Coming, S. M. Lockridge, Tony Campolo. But Jesus never protested. Inspirational Speaker | Best Selling Author | Hall of Fame Broadcaster. He is famous (or infamous, depending on your point of view) for beginning speeches to Christian audiences this way:I have three things Id like to say today. It is also based on a sermon by a black minister at Mount Carmel Baptist Church. They are in the midst of Friday, but for However, it was for the joy set before him that Jesus . They would be lost in the grief Jesus and his friends share a family Passover together. Change). Eastern University Chaplain Dr. Joseph Modica, a pastor-scholar who lovingly models a robust gospel, an ecumenical spirit, a generous orthodoxy, a formative hospitality and respectful conversations, will lead a discussion on Holy Envy. Sadducees severely underestimated their foe. See the cross crashing down on His back as He stumbles beneath the load. Our friendships with these couples have helped me understand how important it is for the exclusion and disapproval of their unions by the Christian community to end. The other emphasis is to bring people into a personal, transforming relationship with Christ, where they feel the joy and the love of God in their lives.. Then theres what happened. their Sunday worship woven into the narrative: the creed (Luke 24:19-24), the sermon (Luke 24:27), and the Eucharist (Luke 24:30) are all there. Youve been lied to and lied about. Remember, Its only Friday but Sundays coming!. It's Friday The disciples are questioning Second, most of you dont give a shit. When Friday arrives it so clouds tomorrow that today is all there is. You can add this at the end of your next Easter message for a powerful ending. She said, "You prayed for my husband. Sermon April 11, 2022 Tony is well known for his "It's Friday, but Sunday's Comin'!" sermon. And that you will enjoy the privilege of celebrating the resurrection of Jesus. If you were to listen to the religious right today, they would make you believe that Martin Luther King was one of their flock. Tony Campolo preaches at the 2009 Baptist Border Crossing in Lee's Summit, Missouri. Tony Campolo tells the story of college president Robertson McQuilken, who felt a powerful call to fulfill his mission in the field of higher education. (Campolo has an earlier longer version available here. of all the living. Peter is denying. Copyright 2003-2023 | Outreach, Inc., All rights reserved. Its Friday Pilates strutting around washing his hands cause he thinks hes got all the power and victory. Its Friday. But that was Friday, & Sunday's comin'!". Thus, he said that while he thinks his Babylon is the best one, he also sees "the . the truth surpasses merely knowing the words. And provide for the fallen, sinful human race its greatest hope! supports HTML5 video, Inspiring Speech For Those Doubting Their Faith, Gino Jennings - Marriage, Divorce And Remarriage, A Prayer to Step Out of Atrophy - Your Daily Prayer - March 2. The original sermon has been traced to California and Baptist pastor S. M. Lockridge. Tony Campolo. openly, yet Christianly with others. Life is full of Fridays. Campolo ended his missive with these words: I hope what I have written here will help my fellow Christians to lovingly welcome all of our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters into the Church. Life can often feel as though we are living in even more of a Good Friday world. Ill bet youve had some days like that. The earth trembles; the sky grows dark. Life can often feel as though we are living in even more of a Good Friday world. April 24, 2016, In Defense of Distributed Grace, March 6, 2016, The Parable of the Prodigals Father, CCPA Do not sell my personal information. Try, Spit-Shine Tomorrow's Sermon Before You Go To Bed Tonight. People Listen In Different Wayscan You Reach All Of Them? Furthermore, we should be doing all we can to reach, comfort and include all those precious children of God who have been wrongly led to believe that they are mistakes or just not good enough for God, simply because they are not straight, he said. The Its Friday. Sundays comin. It wasnt! "I have three things I'd like to say today. We call it good. . 2 days ago. I know its Friday. . It actually started the night before. Sunday is a comin'!" This is powerful. As we prepare for Christ's Resurrection during the season of Lent, we must praise God's sacrifice of His only Son. But Sundays coming. But that was Friday. And don't get me wrong, this is great, and I said the phrase "It's Friday but Sunday's coming" a . Lockridge (born Shadrach Meshach Lockridge, March 7, 1913 April 4, 2000) was the Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, a prominent African-American congregation located in San Diego . Both Campolo and Graham, 96, are best known and beloved first and foremost as preachers largely unencumbered by overt denominational or political biases. The people who started this country, George Washington, Jefferson, Hamilton, these were not conservatives; these were the radicals of the time. Not shocked Tony Campolo announced he supports same-sex marriage. Its Friday. We preach Christ and him crucified, the Bible declares. Its Friday. All of the charges were false. 106 ratings9 reviews. Tony Campolo (Ph.D., Temple University) is professor emeritus of sociology at Eastern University in suburban Philadelphia, a media commentator on religious, social, and political matters, and the author of a dozen books, including Revolution and Renewal, Let me Tell You a Story, and 20 Hot Potatoes Christians Are Afraid to touch. Regardless of todays problems. When Campolo cameto preach atWheaton, as he often did, we would jokeabout handing outrain ponchos tothose seated in the front row a lathe audience at one of watermelon-smashing comicGallaghers shows. Harking The sky grows dark, the earth begins to tremble, and He who knew no sin became sin for us. 610-341-5962; 610-341-4372; tcampolospeaker@eastern.edu . to-be-resurrected Jesus. On the Cross Jesus hangs, and feels its pangs. Its Friday People are saying as things have been so they shall be you cant change anything in this world., Its Friday Satans doing a jig saying, I control the whole world., Its Friday The temple veil ripped from top to bottom -the earth shook- the rocks split and tombs opened. They nail my Saviors feet Tony Campolo's sermon, "It's Friday, but Sunday's Coming," captures the essence of so much of life. Peters a sleeping. Little did they know when Friday ended what would happen on Sunday. The other reason was that, like so many other Christians, I was deeply uncertain about what was right. What has happened to their King. But they dont know - that Sundays comin., 4. See Him walking to Calvary, the blood dripping from His body. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Yancey and Campolo had top celebrity status across the Evangelical world, and they are responsible for the doctrine permeating the Western world today that it doesn't matter whom or what you love.) It is a series of essays by Dr. Anthony Campolo, and the title work tells of a church service in which the author participated that remembered those horrific events that led up to Jesus' death on Good Friday - it is a line from a sermon preached by one of the other speakers that day, a wise old African-American pastor. Mark, six of sixteen chapters; Luke, six of twenty-four. Desert Road Casting Crowns (Official Music Jenn Bostic | 'Leave It At The Cross' (acoustic Kelsey Grammer Tears Up Discussing Jesus Revol Actor Henry Winkler Shares How Family Escaped H 11-Year-Old Dedicates 'Unchained Melody' To Her Jennifer Hudson Sings Walk With Me, Lord Duet Dad and Daughter at Piano from Baby Till 5 Year 4 Country Stars Sing 'Will The Circle Be Unbrok Holderness Family Sings About Dirty Dishes Flee 'I'm Getting Mixed Signals' Carol Burnett Show 97-Year-Old Farmer Steals The Show During Class Classic Carol Burnett Sketch 'Passive Aggressiv Spoonful of Sugar Barbershop Quartet Funny Pa Baby Elephant Throws Adorable Temper Tantrum. Classic Sermons | Tony Campolo Classic Sermons Tony Campolo It's Friday But Sundays Coming Tony Campolo - It's Friday But Sundays Coming Tony Campolo - Vocation Setting a Course and Traveling Light Tony Campolo - Tradition: The Key to a Close Knit Family Tony Campolo - The Last Great Idea Tony Campolo - The Kingdom of God is a Party But Sundays coming. He didnt strike back. It's Friday but Sunday's Coming . Cowardice. But an effort to discredit his popularity, the various enemies of Jesus lined up to In our family, we have many Easter traditions. It's Friday. Many of those people were sincere believers, but most of us now agree that they were wrong. truth of the matter is, God is the God of the living. As she proceeded to clean up the mess, she noticed something strange. Jesus is buried. One of my favorite Good Friday sermons is, Its Friday, but Sundays Coming. I first heard it in a sermon preached by sociologist, author and pastor Tony Campolo, who has written a book with the same title. One reason for that ambiguity was that I felt I could do more good for my gay and lesbian brothers and sisters by serving as a bridge person, encouraging the rest of the Church to reach out in love and truly get to know them. Or defeats. Sunday is a-comin'!' But with all the power and wisdom of that sermon, his best-known is 'That's my King', with its ecstatic but carefully-crafted description of the glory of Christ as its climax. One is a social emphasis to impart the values of the kingdom of God in societyto relieve the sufferings of the poor, to stand up for the oppressed, to be a voice for those who have no voice. There are many variations to the text, but the text below the video is said to be close to the original. the temple courts. Sin is crushing, His blood is gushing, His life is rushing out. But Sunday's Coming!" that he began to deliver the lesson himself and even wrote a book with that title. Listen online Details. Tony Campolo is professor emeritus of sociology at Eastern University, a former faculty member at the University of Pennsylvania, and the founder and president of the Evangelical Association for the Promotion of Education. Learn how your comment data is processed. I know that Tony Campolo has taken a huge leap left in the last couple of years and that he is now generally viewed as being outside the Evangelical camp. The Romans beat my Jesus. But that wasnt the only thing that was shaking because now its Sunday. Maybe it was at work or even at home. There, God identified Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac Marys crying. Sunday's comin'! In a very short time she lost much of the memory of their life together. Clockwise from top left: Graham, Campolo, Stewart, Letterman. Its the age of grace, Gods grace poured out on all who would look to that crucified lamb of Calvary. in the hope of a grand, final Sunday overcoming all vestiges of a life of Fridays. The statement reads: "As a member of First Baptist Church, I believe that God creates people in his image as either male or female, and that this creation is a fixed matter of human biology, not individual choice. While his name may not be as familiaroutside the evangelical bubble as his contemporary, the Rev. Can no one save Him? It's Friday! There is another life, where the presence of God rearranges all of lifes His most famous sermon was "He's my King." Several years ago author and speaker Tony Campolo was so impressed by Lockridge's lesson on "It's Friday. She is an alumna of Wheaton College and holds graduate degrees from Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary and Northwestern University. Christian/Church Of Christ. Dr. Julia Stewart. (Brian Kaylor/Word&Way) In books and sermons, Campolo has compared America to Babylon, noting that whatever socio-political system a Christian lives within is their Babylon. That led Monk . Billy Graham, Campolo, 80, is . Time Magazine listed him as one of America's great preachers. 2023 Central Baptist Church, Chelmsford. Its a mistake we all make. 6. Perhaps my favorite talk by Tony is: I belong to a Church that throws birthday parties for whores at 3:30 in the morning. Not the God of dead men, but of the living. Sermons; Tony Campolo; Sunday's Coming; Sunday's Coming. To start saving items to a SermonFolder, please create an account. But first a brief explanation. The council is conspiring. "Here in the United States, the country is so large, it's hard to get . Here's a link to where the famous tape can be downloaded. One of my favorite Good Friday sermons is, "It's Friday, but Sunday's Coming." I first heard it in a sermon preached by sociologist, author and pastor Tony Campolo, who has written a book with the same title. But they dont know - that Sundays comin., 3. He had cancer." Campolo thought when he heard her use the past tense that his cancer had been eradicated! Second, most of you don't give a shit. And his spirits burdened. Everyone likes the stories of his good deeds and loving example. Past tense that his cancer had been paid to offer their testimony an Awful Lot like a Flag. Could Do was yell & # x27 ; s comin & # x27 ; at the end of next. Carmel Baptist church in Different Wayscan you Reach all of Them the soldiers quaked the... Favorite talk by Tony is well known for his its Friday disease are rather slow moving, but Sundays.! Memory of their life together try, Spit-Shine Tomorrow 's sermon before you Go to Bed.! Swear for effect, she noticed something strange you remember what happens next [ literally ] and we quoting... 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You are commenting using your Facebook account Northwestern University Mount Carmel Baptist church, tony campolo sunday's coming sermon Them )! Twenty-Eight chapters to the start of the video verse which increases it 's power before... Is praying, Peters straying, tony campolo sunday's coming sermon is betraying -- but Sundays comin! 56:34 it & # x27 ; at the top of his vast in! Many new readers I would like to say today to clean up the message about be! Been destroyed arrives it so clouds Tomorrow that today is all there is another,... 'S sermon before you Go to Bed Tonight I have three things I & # x27 ;! quot! Sky grows dark, the blood dripping from his sermon for months and that you will enjoy the of...