(T/F), In the factorial ANOVA, participants are tested only once. Is r2=0.3 (r=0.9): 30% of variability in peoples weight can be Related to their height 70% of the difference between people in their of weight Is Independent of their height Remember: This does not mean that weight is partially Caused by height Arm and leg length have a high coefficient of Determination but a growing leg does not cause c. Predictor variable Reject the null hypothesis; at least two groups differ in the average number of successful free throws that they completed. What is the independent variable in Sarah's research question? a. null hypothesis. If the correlation between variables is .70, what percent of the variance is not shared variance? Which of the following formulas is used to calculate degrees of freedom for a dependent-samples t-test? The higher the absolute value of your correlation coefficient, the worse your predictive power is. b. a. X The dependent variable for the study was the number of free throws made out of ten shots. Furthermore, the research hypothesis, which posits a relationship between the variables, is also not supported. The variable that is used to predict the dependent variable in a regression analysis. Ourversionofrst-orderlogicwillusethe followingsymbols: The higher the absolute value of the correlation coefficient, c. the more accurate the prediction of one variable from the other. The researcher found the following: 1. . Prepare journal entries for these four transactions. If you want to examine the difference among the average scores of three unrelated groups, which of the following statistical techniques should you select? 4) Is the sample correlation. Independent variable calculate the expected value and thereby determine how much the insurance company can make over the long run for each policy that it sells. 49.6% d. .754, If a research hypothesis does not predict the direction of a relationship, the test is __________. An example of a research hypothesis for a two-tailed t-test for the correlation coefficient would be that there will be a relationship between number of hours studied and grade on a test. The standard Gibbs free energy change (Go) is the energy change that occurs in going from the reactants to the products. Which of the following types of reliability correlates scores on a single measure on two different occasions? b. H1: rxy > 0 The obtained value (.213) is less than the critical value (.2875) so it cannot be concluded that the relationship between the two variables occurred by something other than chance. (T/F), The test statistic used in the factorial ANOVA is the factorial analysis of variance. Which of the following is another use of correlation coefficients? She writes two tests and uses both versions for the midterm. An analysis that examines one dependent variable or outcome is known as _________. d. 75%, If the alpha level = 0.05, which of the following indicates a significant correlation? Select one: a. n - 1 c. Uncorrelated b. Research hypothesis. In the following, what are the degrees of freedom: t(58) = 5.015, p < .01? Select one: The estimates for 0 and 1 are 31.6 and 0.574, respectively. What type of ANOVA would examine effects of political party (i.e., Democrat, Republican, or Independent) affiliation and gender on the attitudes toward the death penalty? d. 74%, 20. 3. there is no interaction between the two factors. Select one: Question 21 1 pts The correlation coefficient is a measure of association causation O prediction mean differences. In ANOVA, you have an interaction effect when: The effect of one independent variable differs based on the level of a second independent variable, If you find that income significantly varies on the basis of gender, you have. Question 1 1 pts A researcher is looking at the correlation between depression and anxiety using a two-tailed test with an alpha level of .05. All Companies & Firms (1) Transportation (1) Sort by: Popularity Alphabetically Category Q4. In calculating a one sample chi-square test, if you had 4 degrees of freedom, your variable would have _______ categories. 2. a. Which of the following is NOT a type of reliability? c. Strong correlation If the number of participants in Group 1 = 32 and the number in Group 2 = 30, what is the associated degrees of freedom? - The stronger the correlation, the more variance can be explained, - (1- r2) x 100 What can the researcher conclude? When analysis of data reveals a difference between levels of a factor, what is this called? d. 47000, Using the regression formula with a slope = 1000 and intercept = 25000, what would the predicted income be for someone who has 20 years of education? 1 There is no statistically significant relationship between depression and anxiety in this sample. (T/F). False, A significant correlation indicates a meaningful relationship. d. Cohen's d, If you do not predict that a relationship between two variables would be either positive or negative, what type of test should you use? False, What can be used at the basis for prediction? A chi-square is calculated by dividing the total number of _______ by the number of _______. a. p The Greek letter rho represents the population estimate of the correlation coef if a research hypothesis posits that there is an indirect relationship between two variables, the test is one tailed 31. When computing a correlation coefficient, if you have a degrees of freedom of 27, your sample size must be. If rxy = .89, the standard error of estimate will be, 29. If variables change in the same direction, what type of correlation is this called? c. Prediction Note that the sample correlation is given by: The regression line that best fits the data and minmizes the error in prediction. What would be concluded for r(45)= .213, p > .05. Select one: b. RESEARCH HUB - International Multidisciplinary Research Journal Volume-1, Issue-3, October 2014 The statement is wrong rxy = 0 does not mean that x and y are independent. A statement is true if what it asserts is the case, and it is false if what it asserts is not the case. - r2 x 100 \hline y & 10 & 20 & 30 & 40 \\ ECE302 Spring 2006 HW12 Solutions April 27, 2006 4 Problem 11.2.1 The random sequence Xn is the input to a discrete-time lter. In a one-sample chi-square test, if your respondents are distributed very unequally across the levels of your variable, your chi-square value will be _______. A correlation coefficient can inly test one variable at a time. The research hypothesis posits that the treatment will result in an outcome greater than zero (H1: rxy > 0.) c. A horizontal line It could mean that the relationship is not linear. Which does the regression line NOT represen, the coorelation between the two variables, 12. Select one: b. For linear correlation with only one independent variable, k = 1. - Use that correlation and the knowledge of X to predict Y with a new set of data. .45 Dependent variable For example, the correlation between points on a circle or a regular polygon would be zero or very close to zero, but the points are very predictably related. a. Zero is a word that derives from the Arabic cifa, which means "empty". If rGPA and SAT = .79, then we could predict the SAT score to be __________ if the GPA is high. The t test for the correlation coefficient is most appropriate to use when, c. the relationship between two variables is being examined, 2. 2MKTG 3350 SHSU Pass Exam 2, Exam 2 mktg 3350, Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics, Douglas A. Lind, Samuel A. Wathen, William G. Marchal, The Practice of Statistics for the AP Exam, Statistics for Business and Economics, Revised, David R. Anderson, Dennis J. Sweeney, James J Cochran, Jeffrey D. Camm, Thomas A. Williams, Mathematical Statistics with Applications. In 2's complement we can represent -2^(n-1) to 2^(n-1) -1 20 = 2^(n-1) -1 n = 6 bits Assume we want to address 20 locations in both directions, how many bits are required for an instruction to specify the offset in PC-relative offset addressing mode? c. y intercept 2- There is a strong negative linear relationship between the variables. The closer r is to -1, the stronger the negative linear relationship. c. 45000 The relationship between the variables is strong. Tell whether x and y are proportional. c. A horizontal line What does RXY stand for? Q6. Negative correlation Select one: In the result _((3))^2=8.4,p< .05, what is ^2? -1.0 to 1.0. c. -2.0 to 2.0. d. -3.0 to 3.0. a. Regression coefficient is a statistical measure of the average functional relationship between two or more variables. What three questions can you answer by doing a 2 x 2 factorial analysis? what does that r Sy / Sx mean?? b. In the equation to calculate the degrees of freedom for the one-sample chi-square test, R represents, 17. .25 b. Slope of a line a. \hline x & 2 & 4 & 6 & 8 \\ c. .65 b. True In the development of a measurement tool that examines stable personality characteristics, a researcher would have participants in a study take the tool and at the same time take a famous personality test that already has its reliability and validity established. 1. Question 6 1 pts When you are conducting an ANOVA, the total variance in the dependent variable is divided into variance that is due to differences between individuals groups and variance due to differences groups. c. The predictors, the outcome Example: In the late 1940s, a nationwide study conducted over several years found a high correlation between the incidence rate of new cases of polio among children in a community, and per capita ice cream consumption in the community. Determine the wavelength. b. the best guess as to what score on the Y variable would be predicted by a score on the X variable, a regression equation can best be resented as, minimizes the distance between the line and each of the points on the predicted variable, 9. Give an example of a situation when it would be appropriate to use the t-test for the correlation coefficient test statistic. d. 87%, If a simple Pearson correlation value = .75, what percentage of variance is unaccounted for? When data points group together in a cluster from the lower left-hand side of the xy axis to the upper right-hand side, what is this? Note that [ and ] are also used to index into an existing array. Write the equation for the null hypothesis. 17. If a simple Pearson correlation value = .362, what percentage of variance is unaccounted for? Using your graphing utility, graph the average cost function. b. Variable y decreases as variable x increases and vice versa. The coefficient of determination is r^2. If there are three categories for which you are calculating a one-sample chi-square, what are the degrees of freedom? d. .90, The Pearson product-moment correlation examines the relationship between what type of variables? d. The test statistic is -0.87. What type of design includes an ANOVA where one factor is repeated and the other is not. a. So any functions that process/display strings will stop as soon as they hit it (which is why your last string is truncated). a. X In the factorial ANOVA, participants are tested: A factor significantly affects the outcome variable. For each additional square kilometer of forested area added, the IBI will increase by 0.574 units. The square of the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient Select one: within; between over; between above; within above; between a. Nominal variable Q: A: What is the meaning of RXY abbreviation? b. p = .01 o t/2 is the critical t-test value - a . 10. 2- There is no linear relationship beteen the variables. (T/F), If a dependent variable has a significant effect on the outcome variable, you have a main effect. Select one: When computing a correlation coefficient, if you have 55 degrees of freedom, your sample size must be _______. A multivariate analysis of variance uses two or more dependent variables, and a univariate analysis of variance only uses one dependent variable. (T/F), A significant correlation does not indicate causality (T/F), A significant correlation indicates a meaningful relationship. If the condition codes have values N=0, . Dawson Enterprises uses the perpetual system to record inventory transactions. Select one: a. In running a dependent-sample t-test, how many subjects were there in the group based on the following: t(58) = 5.015, p < .01? a. b. Scatter plot line When the products are more stable than the reactants, Gorxn is negative, and the reaction is exergonic. xy210420630840. c. One-tailed c. F test d. Predictor score, Based on the formula for a regression line, what does a represent? c. The square root of the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient 2. If the correlation between X and Y was perfect, the regression line, 13. - Shows the amount of variance that is explained, shared, or in common (common variance) - give a correlational coefficient value between -1 (indirect/inverse/negative relationship) and +1 (direct/positive relationship). If a simple Pearson correlation value = .512, what percentage of variance is ACCOUNTED for? In regression analysis, one variable is considered as dependent and other (s) as independent. d. If a research hypothesis does not predict the direction of a relationship, the test is _____. d. Criterion variable, If you are trying to predict Y scores from X scores, X is referred to as the __________. How many null hypotheses are associated with a Two-Way ANOVA? .45 In the result _((5))^2=9.4,p< .05, what is 5? In logic, a set of symbols is commonly used to express logical representation. a. d. p = .30, Correlation coefficients examine the relationship between variables. c. n - 3 x2468y10203040\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|} 14. - How much an individual data point differs from the predicted data point, - dependent (criterion) variable 27 a. .36 1- There is a strong positive linear relationship between the variables. True Negative correlation Is there an interaction effect for the two variables, What is the difference between a univariate ANOVA and a multivariate ANOVA. d. Slope, Using the regression formula with a slope = .704 and intercept = .719, what would the predicted college GPA be for a student whose current high school GPA = 3.2? D. A z-score of -3 and +3 are the exact same distance from the population mean. Here, the assets are higher than . Negative Example: -1.0 denotes a perfect negative correlation. a. 45 Question 14 1 pts John is examining study habits and finds that as students spend more time studying, their test scores are also higher. c. parallel forms Select one: 45 30 O 27 2 O Question 10 1 pts After conducting an ANOVA, you end up with the following results: F(2, 27) = 8.80, p<.05. The correlation between variable X and variable Y is represented by which of the following? Select one: means that as the value for one variable increases, the value for the other variable tends to decrease. .246 What type of correlation did John find? A line sloping downwards ____________ is a commonly used name for the one-sample chi-square test. The value that tells us how much imprecision there is in our estimate is the. -.22 (H1: rxy 0.) It is the value that allows others to exist and multiply. The square of the phi coefficient a. Income is the __________ variable, while level of education is the ___________ variable. d. X' = bY + a, Which of the following symbols is associated with the predicted score in the regression equation? The equation to calculate the degrees of freedoms for the one-sample chi-square test is. True Dr. Moo would like to examine the relationship between employee performance ratings between 2014 and 2015. b. Positive correlation In the formula for calculating degrees of freedom for a correlation coefficient, what does the n represent? c. Positive correlation c. p = .25 If a researcher is examining the relationship between two variables, and only two variables are being used, to determine if the relationship is statistically significant then the appropriate test statistic would be, c. T test for the correlation coefficient, 3. Question 4 1 pts Sarah is interested in whether the extent to which parents are involved in their children's school differs based on students' grade in school (i.e., first, second, third, etc.). Filter by: Select category from list. In regression, an equation that defines the line that has the best fit with your data. What does it mean for lines to be perpendicular or parallel in a plane? Error standard deviation Graph this circle. In calculating a one-sample chi-square test, if you had 7 degrees of freedom, your variable would have _______ categories. $f(x)=\frac{4 y^{2}-20 y-56}{2 y^{2}-22 y+56}$. The formula to compute the slope of the regression line is b =, 28. with means X and Y. If I wake you up in the middle of the night sun will not rise suddenly. The level of risk or Type I error typically set for testing the level of significance of a correlation coefficient is which of the following? In the result _((3))^2=8.4,p< .05, what is .05? c. 50.4% The t-test for independent means is used when you are looking at the difference in average scores of one or more variables within/between _______ group(s) that are _______ of one another. Select one: Select one: Here's one. C(x)=0.2 x^3-2.3 x^2+14.3 x+10.2 Pearson Correlation Formula. b. p = .04 On April 1, Dawson purchased merchandise on credit for $25,150 with terms 2/10, n/30. e. If the person is answering the questions truthfully. She would do this to run a correlation between the two administrations to determine the level of ________________ reliability. Namely, we knew the mean and the standard deviation of the population. What is another term for a negative correlation? Participants who imagined shooting baskets made an average of 5.00 free throws (SD = 1.26) 3. c. Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient True b. In a recent If you wanted to examine whether the attitudes toward learning differs based on students' grade in school (i.e., 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.) If r(exercise / weight) = -0.87, which of the following statements is NOT true? (H1: rxy > 0.) The critical value must be compared against which of the following? For example, for two variables, X and Y, an increase in X is associated with a decrease in Y. Null hypothesis H0: xy = 0, Write an example of research hypothesis for a one-tailed t-test for the correlation coefficient. Which of the following illustrates the range of possible values of Pearson's product-moment correlation coefficient? They will either purchase an established Gift and Card Shoppe or open a new Wine Boutique. a. When computing a correlation coefficient, if you have a degrees of freedom of 27, your sample size must be: When computing a correlation coefficient, if you have the degrees of freedom of 55, your sample size must be: If a simple Pearson correlation value = .512, what percentage of variance is accounted for? d. Predictor score, In multiple regression, added variables must be related to the outcome variable but ______________ with/of each other. An analysis that examines more than one dependent variable or outcome is known as _________. The statement rxy 0 represents the research hypoth The statement xy = 0 represents the null Which of the following is the Greek letter rho? c. 56% a. c. a d. 69%, If a simple Pearson correlation value = .362, what percentage of variance is unaccounted for? You run a t-test and find that your results indicate that t(38) = 4.15, p < .05. (T/F), Correlations can be used to examine the differences between groups (T/F). b. **Distinguishing Wages** If the average national wage for an employee with a bachelor's degree is $\$ 52,000$, while the average wage for an employee with a master's degree is $\$ 67,000$, how much more does the person with the master's degree earn? Vision Statements - Where You're Going. The statement rxy not equal to 0 represents the. Select one: If your analysis notes that males in a weight loss study differ from females in the weight loss study in the amount of weight lost based on the type of weight loss program used, what type of effect is this called? When we add /0 is for the IPv4 whereas ::/0 is for IPv6 is known as CIDR. 1. there is no difference between the levels of the first factor In that case, [0] accesses the first element in the array: This is just such a fantastic answer to such a simple question. 1. It shows your revenue, minus your expenses and losses. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. d. Correlated variable, Which of the following is the point at which the regression line crosses the y-axis? The researcher collected data from a sample of 18 participants who were classified in one of three groups: (1) 6 players who received no special practice, (2) 6 players who spent 30 minutes just imagining that they were shooting baskets, and (3) 6 players who spent 30 minutes actually practicing shooting baskets. c. .05 d. the population estimate of the correlation coefficient, 7. If a research hypothesis posits that there is a direct relationship between two variables, the test is, 9. Cut values that are greater than or equal to 0.3 inches away from 9 inches. c. If the person is more extraverted than introverted. d. 65, 16. b. n - 2 Select one: b. ANOVA 24.6% Cut values that are less than or equal to 0.3 inches away from 9 inches. The correlation coefficient ( ) is a measure that determines the degree to which the movement of two different variables is associated. A correlation of zero does not always mean that there is no relationship between the variables. Select one: c. .64 ? Based the formula for a regression line, b represents the, c. the predicted score of Y based on a known value of X, 21. - Parametric tests Known value of X (T/F), If two variables are significantly correlated, this means that one variable causes the other. It is important to note that there may be a non-linear association between two . What are the three null hypotheses used in a 2 x 2 factorial analysis? You'll get a detailed solution from a subject matter expert that helps you learn core concepts. Suppose sunrise causes you to wake up. 0 answers. 1. b. In order to establish concurrent validity, a type of criterion validity (from chapter 6), what would she do with the two sets of personality measurement tools? Select one: 16. The statement rxy not equal to 0 represents the a. null hypothesis b. research hypothesis c. T statistic d. means between two groups are not equal and more. The predicted value of Y, the dependent variable, written as Y'. This method of correlation attempts to draw a line of best fit through the data of two variables, and the value of the Pearson correlation coefficient, r, indicates how far away all these data points are to this line of best fit. c. Negative correlation It is the ultimate neutrality! $$ b. 25% Select one: The appropriate test statistic to use is the: T-test for the correlation coefficient Correlations can be: Directional or nondirectional Significant correlations are not able to indicate: Casuality What is another term for a positive correlation? a. The outcome variable, or the variable that is predicted, in a regression analysis. c. total number data points a. one tailed b. two tailed c. direct d. positive. 55 a. Intercept A Pearson. 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