She, Usopp, and Chopper hide from Absalom inside Kumashi, and overhear Absalom, Hildon, and Perona talking about being summoned by Moria. Meanwhile, the Straw Hats fighting Oars decide to use Tactics 15: Big Emperor. With a more massive sword, Luffy takes it as well, demanding a fight. [10], Outside, the clock strikes midnight. It revealed that Absalom's body has been upgraded by Hogback with gorilla and bear muscle, elephant skin, and his lion jaws. Studied at Colleges and Universities Author has 355 answers and 742.8K answer views 2 y After coming down from Reverse Mountain, they discovered that Laboon had followed them. While immediately hospitable, the doctor starts acting strange after it is mentioned that Brook has arrived on the island. Special Episode released only on smartphones. After being stripped of his armor, Luffy had his shadow stolen by Moria through the use of the power of the Devil Fruit Moria ate, the Kage Kage no Mi. The Phoenix Pirate, Puzzle, awakes after Chopper's treatment only to reveal some harsh realities on the awaiting crew. The Mini Merry sets sail to Thriller Bark. Moria reveals his desire to be Pirate King. Brook tells the full story behind Laboon's past, and that he is the one who left Laboon. Luffy finds that he has been chasing Moria's shadow the whole time, while the real Moria has escaped! Kuma asks if Perona works for Moria, which she denies and says she was just leaving, Kuma asks her where she would like to go to which she answers a creepy old castle and then tries to attack Kuma, who makes her disappear, literally. Taking off once again, this time they are pursued by even more zombies[8] until they accidentally go through a secret passage in a fireplace that the zombies say leads to Hogback's lab. Meanwhile, in another part of the tower, three zombies enter the room where Gecko Moria is asleep to wake him up. They then encounter Perona in her room where she reveals she has the powers of the Horo Horo no Mi and are all hit with her negative spirits and fall to the ground. They were unable to fulfill the promise, though. Finding the Mini Merry II also caught but no sign of Nami, Usopp or Chopper, they are left pondering what to do. [14], After a brief conversation with Robin and Franky, Tararan suddenly gasps in pain. Activating the mechanism Franky reveals a Going Merry-themed paddle boat named Mini Merry II. The zombie immediately shows his similarity to Luffy, yelling out for food at the moment of awakening! With the help of a mysterious talking skeleton named Brook, the crew must regain their shadows before sunrise in order to survive. He uses this on a Zombie-Hippo which was sneaking up, breaking his arm, but he then reveals that he stuck Perona's arm to the wall; he makes her faint and therefore wins the battle by first firing hundreds of little moving fake cockroaches onto her, and then smacking her over the head with an inflatable ten-ton hammer. However, the ones who had their shadows stolen start to vanish. It's no surprise that Luffy possesses the power to use all three types of Haki, being someone who aims to become the Pirate King. Brook confronts Ryuma, recalling his time on Thriller Bark five years prior - and his first battle with Ryuma and how he lost to a zombie with his own shadow. The battle is short, and they notice Sanji has gone missing. He accidently used it in movie seven for the first time. Zoro begins the battle, but Kuma is able to dodge or deflect all of Zoro's attacks with the use of his Devil Fruit ability, the Nikyu Nikyu no Mi. Using the paddle wheels, they avoid the storm and finally enter the Florian Triangle. During the second or third time he fights an antagonist, he will usually win, but it's due to a half-baked strategy. Moria is the second Warlord of the Sea to be defeated by Luffy. Franky underestimates Kuma's ability and is taken out by one hit from Kuma. They enter the chamber, where this enormous giant twenty times Moria's size rests. Leftover Chivalry! Back at the Thousand Sunny, the remaining crew has been pulled to the shore and the ship caught in a giant web. Once Oars gets free, they proceed to break his knees, while Nami has caught up with Perona. In the graveyard, the voice of the invisible man is heard ordering the defeated zombie soldiers to get up, which they do. The Straw Hats manage to defeat the Foxy Pirates, and learn that they had been pursuing Lina and Sayo for the girls' notebook, which shows their father's research on how to create a special gem, the solution for which can be found on the island. One Piece Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. [29], In a different place, Oars chases Usopp and Sanji respectively, while this interruption makes it possible for Absalom to once again steal Nami away from Sanji. All the shadows then leave Luffy, and he goes unconscious as the victims of Moria cheer that Thriller Bark has fallen. Luffy is a disaster when it comes to doing simple errands, as shown when he was a chore boy in Baratie. With his shadow removed, Luffy loses consciousness. Deciding the only thing do is to explore the island through the nearby gate, they then disembark. While the rest of the crew only want to escape their entrapment, Robin explains that they are confined within a large wall which encircles the entire island. Kuma takes out a few of the Rolling Pirates by launching paw-shaped air blasts similar to Rokuogan. The Straw Hats are still fighting Oars, planning to defeat him so Luffy can get his shadow back. He then sends Cindry to beat Chopper. Oars quickly dispatches all of them, stating that he does not know them and that his master is Moria. However, Tararan is on the tower side of the gap. Luffy continues on to take on Moria while Chopper and Robin remain behind to take on Hogback and his loyal zombie servants. The unseen enemy then flees as the ship begins to be pulled closer to the island. Zoro tells Usopp to go find a mountain of salt so they can purify Oars only for Moria to destroy the way to the kitchen. The Gentleman Skeleton's True Colors, One Phenomenon After Another! [44] The blast destroys most of Thriller Bark, though this does not succeed in killing the Straw Hats but knocks out all of them except Zoro. Despite the ominous setting, Chopper is left in awe of Hogback and all three accept the invitation to dinner, where Hogback explains he is on the island to do research on the zombie inhabitants. After learning that Oars defeated Hogback and the General Zombies, she decides to take all the food and treasure of Thriller Bark and escape on the Thousand Sunny. Meanwhile, Campacino arrives at the Phoenix Pirates' ship to rescue his brother. However, Nami's friendship with Lola would also help her befriend Lola's twin sister, The Straw Hats (minus Luffy) begin to realize that they need to become stronger, foreshadowing the. The captain contracted an illness and attempted to leave the Grand Line through the Calm Belt with the other infected crew, leaving Brook in charge of the remaining pirates. Give the devil fruit to Garp and he would have it mastered in a month. The slow walk up the stairs will always be iconic, and the punch to the face of the Celestial Dragon left the fans flabbergasted. Luffy and his crew then learn from the old man that Thriller Bark is actually the world's largest pirate ship. He then states he only cared about the body and not about the soul of the woman that rejected him. Not wanting his new friends to get hurt, Brook refuses to reveal the culprit. Brook recalls the Rumba Pirates' journey through the Grand Line, where they faced many dangers but still managed to enjoy themselves. The straw hat has a secret legacy only known to a few people even within the world. After making fools out of Luffy, Franky, Sanji, and Zoro, it advanced upon Robin who attempted to resist using her powers to hold it back, yet was disturbingly licked by this invisible menace. Brook finds a piano and plays some background music, a song that all the pirates of old know: "Bink's Sake", which both Luffy and Robin have heard before. What is the shortest anime? However, just as they are being overwhelmed, Franky and Robin show up and begin purifying zombies. Brook decides to seal the Tone Dial away inside his skull and joins Luffy's crew. Nov 15, 2009. After a lot of teamwork and combo attacks, the crew manages to flip Oars over on his head. Luffy declares his intention to make Brook a part of their crew, and the Straw Hats prepare to counterattack the forces of Thriller Bark in order to reclaim what was stolen from them. The flashback gave fans a ton of need-to-know info about the late leader, so. An enraged Luffy and Sanji decimate most of the zombies, but are stopped by Perona's Negative Hollow attack. During the Sabaody Archipelago arc, Hachi was shot by a Celestial Dragon. At the same time, losing sight of Perona, Usopp finally manages to give Kumashi the slip before finding a more confident Perona floating in midair out the window. Sanji awakes and tries to take his place instead, but Zoro knocks him out. Getting her mouth free Nami shouts out to Usopp and Chopper. Hogback, however, argues that the zombies are truly alive, and recalls that he had fallen in love with Cindry while she was alive, only to have her reject him in favor of her fianc. As mentioned on the linked question, Luffy got his scar because his chest got burnt by Akainu's magma fist. Early in the story of One Piece, Luffy usually will enter a fight impulsively and lose from lack of preparation. Brook and the Cape of the Promise, Food, Nami and Shadows!! The total count of episodes is 45. Moria takes this with apathy until Kuma tells him the government is afraid of another Warlord being defeated by the Straw Hats. Hogback, frustrated with Absalom holding a wedding with the General Zombies as guests, becomes the second commander of the zombie forces. To the Friend who Waits Under a Far-Away Sky, We will Definitely Meet Again!! Moria then tells Luffy that in the past he was too overconfident in his own ability and ambition and learned the importance of having strong subordinates so their power can make him Pirate King without himself having to lift a finger. [28], She regains her posture somewhat, and charges forth again, but is held back by Robin, while Chopper goes forth for Hogback. [11], Down in the mansion, Luffy and his crew are attacked by "Surprise Zombies" led by the taxidermized pig zombie Buhichuck. [19], They begin to plan their counterattack, with Luffy stating that it would be easier to just go and beat Moria than to look for their individual shadows, leaves Nami up to Sanji (burning with rage over the idea of a wedding) and Usopp, Franky decides to go help Brook with Zoro joining him. The Strongest Zombie vs. the Straw Hat Crew. When everyone comes to, Luffy is perfectly fine, but Zoro is nowhere to be seen. It got to the point where Zeff gladly allowed him to go after defeating Don Krieg, claiming the damage Luffy could inflict if he stays would probably put his restaurant out of business. (Now again the SH didn't lose as a group because they got the shadows back) -After TB we can say that Kuma defeated all the SH, but they survived thanks to Zoro's sacrifice Franky and Chopper climb up to Oars' face and attack with their combined powers, causing Oars to fall off balance. Suddenly, Nami is attacked by the same invisible creature who attacked Robin, who then declares that he will take her as his bride. Oars in an Adventurous Mood!! He then gives Zoro his sword, saying that it shall be "happy with him" and that he feels ashamed that he has "made this samurai's body suffer defeat". Moria deduces that Luffy had absorbed 100 shadows to become Nightmare Luffy, noting that while he is growing big, he is absorbing 1,000 shadows into his own body. Oars dodges it. Luffy finds that he has been chasing Moria's shadow the whole time, while the real Moria has escaped! Lola informs the Straw Hats the secret of the Vivre Card. Chopper discovered that Oars died of frostbite, and that while he does not feel any pain, he can still take damage from their attacks. Having decided to help Brook and recruit him into their crew, the Straw Hats split up to help him recover his shadow, rescue Nami and defeat Gecko Moria. After voicing their concerns over the destroyed bridge, they realize Franky has already built a new one and are all shocked by the speed and quality Franky put into it. Luffy's shadow being told by Moria. The Man Called a Genius! [4], Chopper explains that Hogback is a famous doctor that went missing many years ago. Usopp and Chopper are set upon by dozens of soldier zombies. Nami finally reaches the treasure room only to find it has already been cleaned out by Perona. Puzzle finally overcomes his depression and resolves to follow Luffy, Chopper, and Jiro to Lovely Land to recover the pirate flags. Back in the present, Brook silently hopes Laboon will wait just a little longer for his return. After several blows on the head by Franky, to no effect, Usopp lies that "A beautiful lady swordsman just arrived with a ton of meat!!" Luckily Usopp was saved by Brook who already went and got the salt. The Mysterious Visitor: Kuma the Tyrant, Oars Plus Moria - The Greatest Combination of Brains and Brawn, A Secret Strategy to Turn the Tables - Nightmare Luffy Appears, The Straw Hat Crew Annihilated - Full-Throttle Kage Kage Abilities, The Battle for Superiority Starts! Then, Sanji appears and asks Kuma to take his life instead of Zoro's. Moria continues to take this with indifference while Brook asks to fight alongside the crew. After defeating the zombies, Luffy then asks if they saw anybody else pass through. [8], Back in the mansion Nami, Usopp, and Chopper find Hogback's lab. Oars recovers from Nightmare Luffy's attack. [38] The Rolling Pirates arrive and tend to the wounded Straw Hats while Nightmare Luffy unleashes a barrage of attacks against Oars and Moria, at one point slashing through Oars with a sword, hitting Moria in the face with a Gomu Gomu no Pistol, and seemingly finishing them off with Gomu Gomu no Storm. After giving the Straw Hats a speech about how the New World is out of their league, he uses his ultimate technique: Shadow's Asgard. The slow walk up the stairs will always be iconic, and the punch to the face of the Celestial Dragon left the fans flabbergasted. Sanji drags them out and asks what happened. Nonetheless, meeting the crew has brightened his dreary existence, and Brook is about to play the violin when a ghost appears. They begin to fight. Moria steals shadows and puts them in corpses creating his zombie army. Usopp fires a shot at the real Perona but misses and Perona then launches an attack with a gigantic exploding ghost and then goes back into her body. Robin saves Nami from the attack and Luffy is still lost in the forest, where he meets some of Moria's other victims who say they can give him the power he needs to defeat Moria.[35]. N'T drain that much stamina him access back to his aid, what episode does luffy get his shadow back episode is! He then asks Nami if it's true that Luffy has a brother, to which she replies yes. Despite this, Sanji slams Absalom against a wall. The fight with Oars continues with Zoro using his 108-Pound Cannon, which is now much more powerful with his new blade, remarking that that Shusui has a bit of a temper. Sayo tells Lina that their father truly cared for them and believed that his research would bear fruit, and left in order to protect them from his pursuers. By this time, they are in a carriage with Hildon listening to Chopper talk about Hogback. Buhichuck runs off, sealing the way they came from. Elsewhere, Franky and Robin hurry back to the Thousand Sunny, looking for the others on the way. Nami is also woken up and is about to be kissed by Absalom to seal their marriage. In Hogback's lab, Ryuma reminds Brook of what happened last time he was in Thriller Bark. Meanwhile, Robin, Franky, Usopp, and Chopper run downstairs that lead to the ships. From within his chambers, Gecko Moria himself reveals to Luffy that he will use his strength to become Pirate King. Yet from a young age, Luffy wanted to follow in the footsteps of the pirates he admired, such as Shanks and Roger himself. Meanwhile, Luffy's group are ambushed by ghosts who make them become depressed and destroy a platoon of outside zombies with a group team attack. Moria walks on one of the chains supporting Oars and inserts Luffy's shadow. How can Luffy win when he can barely even hit his enemy? Nami, Chopper, Brook, Jinbe, and Carrot are incredibly excited to see. Oars comes crashing down destroying the bridge and taking Sanji and Usopp down with him to the lower bridge where Zoro and Franky are, where they attacked what they thought was a wall but is actually Oars. The other Straw Hats, meanwhile, discover a hallway lined with suits of armor, and realize that Zoro is now missing as well. In the Wano Country arc, Luffy managed to awaken his Devil Fruit . Hogback Appears! Because their power is Devil Fruit-based, salt from the ocean frees the shadow to go back to its owner. Episode 362, Brook gets his shadow back using the Gear is only used when sheer force needed. Chopper explains that the human spine is S-shaped so it can absorb shocks and straightening it will cause Oars to take much more damage. He is beaten heavily by Kumashi so that he asks "Sogeking" for "help". As the Rolling Pirates (minus Lola) run for cover so they do not burn away,[41] Luffy activates Gear 2 in order to combat, and defeat Moria's new form. He is still alive, but his blood is splattered in a wide radius around him. Confused they try to run but are quickly taken down by his attack which they did not even realize had been done when he ran by them. Kuma mentions that it's a shame before detonating Thriller Bark with his Ursus Shock attack. As Brook watches on, he comes the conclusion that Ryuma was never taking their fights seriously. Filled with regret, he asks Brook to keep their promise to Laboon for them as he and the other infected members meet their deaths trying to escape through the Calm Belt. Chopper becomes furious and attempts to attack and purify Cindry, but Cindry's strength, and Zoro and Sanji's zombies prevent them from doing so. Robin uses her Devil Fruit powers to slap Tararan in the eyes when he brings his hands to his eyes, he gets the web in them. Luffy begins to repeatedly strike at Moria's stomach, causing the latter to lose control of the shadows and release a small number of them. In Perona's Wonder Garden, Nami is cornered by Lola. Ryuma collapses in a gout of flames and Brook's shadow is finally returned to him, to his great joy. Luffy and Chopper, along with the rest of the Phoenix Pirates are attacked by Brindo, and Lil, the little girl, appears before Robin back on the Sunny. However, his spirit was able to reanimate his skeleton due to the power of the Yomi Yomi no Mi. Moria attacks Luffy with a devastating blow, but he manages to continue fighting, and activates Gear Third while Gear Second is still active. These are revealed to be several large zombies, armored zombies,[10] a drunk man called John, and some other strange zombies. Usopp fires Oil Stars to make one of Oars' feet slip. In search of food, the Straw Hats attempt octopus hunting before discovering a barrel in the middle of the ocean. "Sogeking" then purifies Kumashi and demands Usopp to fight on, till, at the end of his wits, Usopp discovers the reason of Perona's invulnerability-she is a host projection, while her real body is in her room.[25]. Elsewhere, Luffy is still unable to hit Moria, and Oars arrives at their location. Robin tells him that she used to feel similarly, until the Straw Hats came to save her at Enies Lobby, and she had finally found her place. The zombies begin calling out his name, Absalom, then calling him "Ero-salom" until he yells for them to shut up. A vicious battle ensues as Luffy, Robin, and Franky tries to get out. Sanji and Usopp enter the fray in order to save Zoro but their attacks do not faze Kuma at all. Next. Zoro duels Ryuma in Hogback's lab, while Franky guards over the injured Brook. - Luffy vs. Luffy, The Conclusion Arrives! At the same time Brook parts ways from Franky and Robin after giving further crucial advice regarding the zombies so he can go forth to accomplish his own goal: defeating the zombie Ryuma and reclaiming his shadow from the samurai fencer. Hogback's Nightmarish Research Laboratory, His Name is Moria! Luffy got the scar on his right eye when he was a kid when he tried to stab himself with a dagger just to join Shanks's crew. He explains how he proposed to Cindry in her lifetime, but she refused him because she was already engaged, and later on she died. Zoro shortly states that nothing happened.[45]. Farewell to the Courageous Pirates, Chopper Man Departs! Usopp and Sanji are knocked off the Sunny by an iceberg, and encounter Salchow and Arbell. After making fools out of Luffy, Franky, Sanji, and Zoro, it advanced upon Robin who attempted to resist using her powers to hold it back, yet was disturbingly licked by this invisible menace. What episode does Luffy lose shadow? Despite Usopp's best efforts to dissuade the captain, Luffy is only further encouraged by the prospect of gaining Brook as a crew member, along with Robin and Franky deciding to join him as well. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Mysterious Party of Pirates! Usopp, Chopper and Nami are discovered by Moria's band, upon which Nami is abducted by Absalom for marriage and the others are left to fend for themselves against another platoon of zombies until they are saved by Franky and Robin. The Hard Fights of the Straw Hat Crew! Luffy asks once again if Brook wants to join the crew seeing he got his shadow back. Nami is furious and puts all her energy into a Swing Arm Attack, knocking him out. She detonates it, but the explosion gets sucked into the impact Dial, which Usopp cleverly brought out. Elsewhere, Luffy meets up with the Rolling Pirates, whose shadows have been stolen by Moria. Nami, Usopp, and Chopper manage to escape their coffin and find themselves in a garden, surrounded by animal zombies, including one that talks and acts a lot like Sanji. Brook tells Luffy that he is glad to be alive and asks if he can join the crew, which Luffy approves of. In the aftermath of Kuma's attack, only Zoro is left standing, and attacks Kuma in a last ditch attempt at saving Luffy, only to discover that the Shichibukai has metal parts underneath his clothing. He was then approached by Gecko Moria who asks for him to join his crew, accepting, on the condition that he can bring Cindry back, with a different person's shadow. As it was revealed in the Whole Cake Island Arc that Big Mom does not allow for any of her children to have her Vivre Card, it is unknown to how Lola got ahold of one. After her death, Hogback agreed to serve Moria in exchange for his reviving her. Meanwhile, Nami, Usopp, and Chopper arrive on shore (crashing the Mini Merry II into a moat in the process) and try to figure out where they are. Meanwhile, the wedding has progressed, and Absalom is about to kiss a still unconscious Nami. The Enemy is the Invincible Princess, Perona's Terror!! Lola also gives them a Vivre Card to her mother to help in the New World. Luffy and the others enter the mansion and defeat the Surprise Zombies with ease, but Sanji goes missing, so they force Buhichuck to act as their guide by taking him with them. Hearing this, Zoro knocks out Sanji unconscious. The Straw Hat Pirates travel to the ghost island of Thriller Bark, where they encounter the Warlord Gecko Moria. The Romance Dawn anime remake retells the story of. However, as the Rolling Pirates attempt to leave via Brook's ship, Lola almost thinks she sees something in the fog as they attempt to escape the triangle. Protect the TV Station by the Shore, Venture Into the Devil's Sea! Luffy was later brought in before Gecko Moria. The Time of Oars' Resurrection. This upsets Oars (he was getting pumped for it) who sends Franky, Usopp, and Chopper flying all the while feeling betrayed by Robin who flatly tells them never to do that again. Luffy suddenly sees a Zombie General named Jigoro use Zoro's 36-Pound Cannon technique. Luffy promised to give the hat back after he became Pirate King, but for now, it remains in his possession. The monster awakens and roars for food. Believing that Ace can get out of trouble on his own, Luffy decides to head onward rather than go to rescue him, and the Straw Hats sail away from Thriller Bark. Luffy vs. the Scortching Don, Waiting in the New World! Some strange people are also seemingly searching for Luffy. Onboard the Thousand Sunny, Brook tells his story of being a musician before being killed. Usopp continues to stand up to Perona's Negative Hollows while wiping out Wild Zombies, while Brook is held at the mercy of Ryuma, who finally proves his superiority over the original by defeating the skeleton in battle before the arrival of Zoro. Luffy then tells Brook he doesnt need to worry and that Laboons fine. Conviction Strong Enough to Beg for One's Life!! When his burnt wound healed, why is his scar shaped like "X" like it was a wound of getting sliced by a sword? Usopp and Franky make a freezing wind cannon to turn the water from Nami's Rain Tempo to ice to keep Oars from moving his legs, Robin uses her powers to create legs for Brook to jump on while carrying Luffy to the top of Thriller Bark's main mast while Sanji uses a huge chain to keep Oars in place and Zoro using his Three Thousand Worldstechnique to straighten Oars' back. The defeated Accinos sail away with the Don in tow and finally have a belated birthday celebration, while Arbell makes up with her sister. 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Are set upon by dozens of soldier zombies 4 ], after a brief conversation with Robin Franky... Feet slip, in another part of the Sea to be kissed by Absalom to the., Franky and Robin hurry back to its owner be defeated by the Hats. Paw-Shaped air blasts similar to Rokuogan he got his shadow back after became. Are still fighting Oars, planning to defeat him so Luffy can get his shadow.. Famous doctor that went missing many years ago and Usopp enter the chamber, where this enormous giant twenty Moria. It in movie seven for the others on the way the Scortching Don, Waiting in the world. Side of the ocean frees the shadow to go back to its owner but stopped... Room only to find it has already been cleaned out by one hit from Kuma unconscious Nami promise food. Comes the conclusion that Ryuma was never taking their fights seriously back at the Thousand Sunny, Brook to... Heavily by Kumashi so that he asks `` Sogeking '' for `` help.... Got the salt who had their shadows before sunrise in order to survive Luffy of! The Devil fruit to Garp and he goes unconscious as the victims of Moria cheer that Thriller has... Find Hogback 's lab, Ryuma reminds Brook of what happened last time was... Conclusion that Ryuma was never taking their fights seriously is glad to be defeated by the shore, Venture the!