Johann Sebastian Bach. Thereafter, the disease spread all over Europe and, in the 18th and 19th centuries, many artists became victims of syphilis, among them poets, painters, philosophers, and . Secondary Syphilis in lady who had history unsafe sex, soles involvement. Several experts indicate that it was congenital syphilis - probably passed down from his father - that was the source of Beethoven's ill health. The claim was based on hearsay and an elderly doctor who had nothing to do with Brittens care. More than 71% of the musicians who responded said they had experienced anxiety and even panic attacks, and more than 68% said they'd suffered from depression. However many do not reach the point where too much of the brain is destroyed and always stay functional, although seldom at the level of functioning the person would have had he/she not had the heavy substance abuse. High-class hookers were imported from Stockholm (perhaps the legendary source of Swedish porn to this day?). Membership benefits will include a daily digest of stories delivered to your email, and occasional exclusive offers from our partners. It invades the proximity of the tooth germ causing an inflammatory reaction which inhibits ameloblasts, the cell responsible for producing enamel. Died in battle against Robert Maynard: Gaetano Donizetti (1797-1848), Italian opera composer : Neurosyphilis: Tongzhi Emperor (1856-1875), Emperor of Qing Dynasty : Suspected to have had syphilis [citation needed]: Leo Tolstoy (1828-1910), writer : Suspected to have had syphilis During their retreat, Charles and his army caused an epidemic of syphilis throughout Europe. Signs and symptoms of neurosyphilis can include: severe headache; trouble with muscle movements; You may well be asking why I bother to write about this at all. The list of composers said to have had syphilis is enormous., Ultimately, Noble says, the great composers have done so much to enlighten people: Its a pity that other people have rushed around slagging them off when we actually are the custodians of their reputation.'. Soon, it became a full-blown epidemic affecting many European countries. Offering what the audience for classical music has long been waiting for: comprehensive review coverage of new recordings thats both accurate and completely up-to-date. On the contrary: recreational sex in the days before antibiotics involved a risk vs. reward calculation that in no way diminished its excitement, allure, or inevitability. Charles-Henri Valentin Alkan (born Charles-Henri Morhange) was one of the most prominent piano virtuosos of his time and of Jewish descent. But why would Ivans physicians have given him mercury in the first place? True artistry requires working within a structure, that is, making sense. Living in Vienna, Austria during the 1800s, on at least one occasion he passed by Beethoven while walking down the street! He suffered a stroke, a symptom of syphilis, before perishing at age48 on January 25, 1947. Robert Dighton/Priestleys The Prince of Pleasure by H. Churchyard/Wikimedia Commons/Public Domain. He also had a tragic personal life because of his romantic view of love. After college, he was able to live off of a large inheritance and enjoy the patronage of the Prince of Wales as he moved to the forefront of Londons elite in fashion. In 1889, he checked himself into an asylum in Saint Remy where he seemed to partially recover. Why would Shakespeare have developed a tremor so early in life? As we all know, syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease, but Columbus and his crew were unaware of it. In other words a creative genius can remain creative while abusing substances but his/her work would probably not be at the level it would have been had he/she not abused substances. In fits of mania and rage, he destroyed many of his manuscripts and became unable to care for himself at all. James Boswell, by Frederick A. Pottle. This does not mean that syphilis is not a very frightening disease if left untreated, and in the days when there were no antibiotics it was even more terrifying. All the Sch's died of STDs. He found meaning and expression in art and began painting at an early age, inspired by the impressionist painters of the early nineteenth century. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. Even gossip from the time said that Shakespeare became involved in a sexual scandal in which he and others caught the illness. Even though Lincoln was shot before the later stages of syphilis were manifested, there is medical evidence that Lincoln had the disease. Could Beethoven have written his greatest works while suffering from the worst of diseases? Romance was hence difficult for the composer, and it is said that was why he turned to prostitutes. Via Wikimedia The death of the American pianist Leon Fleisher (1928-2020)1 whose brilliant career as a piano soloist was upended in his mid-thirties by the development of a crippling movement disorder affecting his right hand, brings to mind the composer Some consider him the first member of the 27 Club, a fairly prestigious list of musicians who died at 27. CLIP: (To the People 1944): "A couple of years ago I would have been embarrassed if anyone had mentioned syphilis in my presence" born on January 31, 1797, was as an early romantic Austrian composer and one of the most gifted musicians of the 19th century. Ironically, some say he caught it from a Jewish prostitute. Franzen C. Syphilis in composers and musicians: Mozart, Beethoven, But he aspired to more. 2010;27:61-83. doi: 10.1159/000311192. She went to the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Maryland, and she actually asked an expert. Just wondering. At 5:45pm, a sudden flash of lightning was reported. Many of his psychological and physical symptoms, such as frequent migraines, could also be attributed to syphilis. Being involved in the theater, Shakespeare was believed to have had a vigorous sexual appetite, so thats one way he might have become infected. Shortly after his death, his work was published, and Robert Schumann discovered . 3. This is only more Beethoven fussing come up with something new about Beethoven and get published. Reply. Schumann likely had syphilis as early as 1830 and developed tertiary disease, which is rarely infectious, However, recent medical evidence shows what the cause may have been. Schubert. A bout of insanity during a performance, in which he delivered a blasphemous attack on the Jews, led to him being diagnosed in 1901, at the age of 52. A British surgeon has reviewed the post-mortem evidence on great composers and finds that many have been wilfully maligned by their biographers. January 27, 1999. Its also possible that Beethoven had congenital syphilis (syphilis at birth). Published: July 20, 2021 at 3:13 pm. 8600 Rockville Pike In the 1880s, van Gogh left his childhood home and went to the city of Antwerp in Belgium where he engaged in a libertine lifestyle. -, J Med Biogr. While it is by no means definitive, evidence indicates Christopher Columbus's crew became infected with the disease while in the New World - where it was rampant among natives - and brought it back to Europe. and transmitted securely. Finally, in 1495, he marched into Naples without opposition and received the crown. His demise may have been sped along by syphilis. Because of Mann's Doktor Faustus, Schoenberg felt compelled to vehemently deny this: "Marta Feuchtwanger recalled an encounter with the composer in the produce section of a Brentwood supermarket in which he shouted, 'Lies, Frau Marta, lies! Rossini, for example, suffered from gonorrhea throughout his later life, and was so full of enthusiasm for his urinary catheters that he kept them on display in his studio for the delectation of visitors. The Finnish composer Sibelius died at the impressively old age of 91. Some of his symptoms matched those of mercury poisoning, which was used at the time to treat syphilis. Want to know first what the latest reviews are that have been posted to ClassicsToday each week? He was a frequent womanizer, so catching syphilis was probably only a matter of time. They had six daughters, five of whom survived infancy. Schubert died in his brother's apartment on November 19, 1828. Encyclopedia Britannica. Some of them will probably surprise you - at least one is definitely shocking - while others may just confirm what you already suspected, but the one thing the following seven historical figures have in common is that they all had an STD. Fortunately, granddaughter Drew is not known to have the disease that incapacitated him. He was forced to miss so many classes due to an illness that he had to repeat his third year. You read about it regularly in composers biographies. Paganini. Congenital syphilis does not usually a#ect its victims until they are in their 20s, which is consistent with when Beethoven started noticing his Syphilis One prolonged look at basically any historical momentbrings into sighta plethoraof irrational and unstable behaviors on the partof significant historical figures. Genetic studies indicatethe diseaseoriginated in South America. Around 1835, Lincoln admitted to his close friend and biographer William Herndon that hed caught the disease. Mary Todd also developed blindness and had extreme weight loss, other possible symptoms of syphilis. Beethoven suffered from chronic illnesses, but many of them remain undiagnosed. This may explain why, at the young age of only 21, he had contracted the sexually transmitted disease syphilis. Beau Brummel was possibly the first modern celebrity and had the scars to prove it. Wonder why Schubert gets nailed while the other five get a pass? 1847. Maurice Barrymore, by the editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. The major brothels in Helsinki had cool names like Eldorado, Alhambra, Mesopotamia, Philadelphia, and most fearsome of all (Goss tells us), Green Hell. The Board of Trustees of the Salzburg Festival, The Russia bass Ildar Abdrazakov has withdrawn from. January 3, 2018. Beau Brummell, by the editors of Encyclopedia Britannica. Main composers of the Romantic period from 1815 to the end of the 1800s, include Beethoven, Schubert, Verdi, Wagner, Chopin, Liszt, Schumann, Brahms and Tchaikovsky, Liszt spent a good bit of his adult life with some sort of nameless rash, never mind body warts (youve seen the pictures), plus a gum disease or three, and it certainly didnt slow him down. Christopher Columbus Probably Imported Syphilis From The New World. If you've had syphilis for longer than a year, you may need additional doses. He has been a guest speaker on numerous national radio and television stations and is a five time published author. 1964 Mar;113:442-8 Neurosyphilis References 1. Other symptoms include chronic pain, which was a common complaint for Beethoven. 13. Scarface contracted syphilis but was too ashamed to address the condition medically. Among those greats who may have had syphilis are the composers Ludwig van Beethoven and Franz Schubert, the writers Oscar Wilde and James Joyce, and political figures such as Napoleon Bonaparte. Please enable it to take advantage of the complete set of features! (1782-1837): An Irish-born early-Romantic composer, who also worked in Paris, Vienna, and Russia. In 1890, he checked out of the asylum, although he was still mentally unbalanced. In 1493, he signed the Treaty of Barcelona, which gave even more French territories away. My question as well. Only Charles knew why he had made such strange decisions: He wanted to get rid of all concerns so that he could conquer Naples. Widely beloved by the upper class when he wrote The Picture of Dorian Gray, his literary legacy seemed assured. He also had a falling out with his prestigious patron and fled to France to avoid his creditors. Herbert Blythe, who went by Maurice Barrymore, was born in India in 1849 to a father who worked for the British East India Company. Privacy Policy 33. Some of the side effects of mercury are psychological changes and the tremors that Shakespeare developed. Federal government websites often end in .gov or .mil. (Among them: Robert Johnson, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, and Amy Winehouse.) Marfan syndrome, (described in 1896) as well as in tertiary syphilis. Bethesda, MD 20894, Web Policies During his six-year prison term, the treatments that he received were painful injections straight through his penis, which probably did little to alleviate the disease and exacerbated his contempt of the American justice system. Theres certainly no question that Ivan had ample opportunity to contract syphilis. From Kazimierz Waliszewskis 1904 book, Ivan the Terrible, a description of Ivans behavior in later life matches symptoms of the later stages of syphilis: During the second half of the Sovereigns life, as to which we possess most information, his habitual expression struck the majority of witnesses as being threatening and gloomy, though he often burst into roars of laughter. demises of great composers, syphilis, with its neurological manifestations, was a most devastating one. Leopold Mozart. A study n two neglected classical music composers suffering a not syphilitic mental disease, is attempted here, syphilis of the central nervous system being frequent in that time. Booth was a handsome man and a popular actor from a famous family. READ MORE: Famous People With Neurofibromatosis He had battled syphilis since 1822. You have to know, I never had syphilis!'". Aleister Crowley, by Robert Lewis. Now let's hear a different, darker side of Schumann: two strange, haunting works from the final years of the composer's life, written as he descended into insanity. One theory may plausibly explain Hitlers behavior and decisions while ruling Nazi Germany. In the last sixteen years of his brief life, this composer of really unparalleled lyric gifts composed, among other works: 8 finished and "unfinished" symphonies (not 9, which is the number typically bandied about); 10 orchestral overtures; 22 piano sonatas; 6 masses; 17 operas; over 1000 works for solo piano and piano four-hands; around . All the while the accomplishments of German composers, including Schumann, were upheld as . Until recently social historical issues such as the sexual conduct reflected in public health statistics found little room in most composer biographies, and if the subject died of syphilis it was assumed, reasonably, that everyone knew how they got it. Schumann. 2022;31(1):20-28. doi: 10.1159/000521537. So when Ivan the Terribles body was tested by forensic scientists centuries after his death, they put two and two together when they found high levels of mercury in Ivans corpse. Kids will find a way to escape a harsh upbringing, even if doing so brings disaster upon them. You have to know, I never had syphilis!'". 9 Christopher Columbus Introduced Syphilis To Europe. After his death, though, he became a cult symbol, particularly in the Thelema religion that he founded and of which he claimed to be a prophet. Today, he is reviled by some as the evilest man who ever lived. Its also known that Wilde had regular mercury treatments, a common therapy for those with syphilis. He believes Schubert is one of only six of the major composers who had assured cases of syphilis. Now this is all very interesting, but it doesnt answer a very basic question. During this time, he started the most productive period of his life, but he also became increasingly plagued with seizures and delusions. However, the composer was known to associate with prostitutes, and propagators of the theory often claim that the disease is what caused him to become deaf. Felix Mendelssohn. The world in which Booth was born and raised was a fertile one for syphilis. Historical Figures Possibly Or Definitely Affected By Syphilis, Christopher Columbus Probably Imported Syphilis From The New World, Al Capone Perished From Advanced Stages Of Syphilis Likely Contracted In One Of His Cathouses, Al Capone's Childhood Was The Stuff Of American Myth, 21 Historical Figures Who Would Dominate Social Media If They Were Alive Today, Adolf Hitler Had Many Symptoms Of Syphilis, Hitler Tested Cyanide On His Own Dog To Make Sure It Was Lethal, 13 Events With Major Unexpected Historical Consequences. Other STDs were just as common in ages past. Ambrose Powell Hill, Jr., better known as AP Hill, began his rise to prominence in American military history during the Mexican-American War. (1809-47): This German musical prodigy is known for his colorful symphonic music, piano. Please turn off your phone, and applaud between threads, not individual posts. There may be something about the brain chemistry of a creative genius that makes him/her more prone to mood swings or depression but there is no artistry in the writings or drawings of someone who is in a psychotic episode. Of course, mercury poisoning could have also actually caused many of Ivan the Terribles psychological symptoms, rather than the other way around. Charles-Henri Valentin Alkan. Austrian Composer Franz Schubert (1797-1828) is enshrined as the pillar of Romantic Western Classical Music who follows after Beethoven*. This notion led to him being expelled from the prestigious school. October 27, 2009. While attending university at Cambridge, his consorting with prostitutes led to him also contracting syphilis. The signs and symptoms of syphilis vary depending in which of the four stages it presents (primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary). He was known to fly into angry rages at the slightest provocations. All rights Reserved. He may have even tried to flee, and his antics earned him an extra year added to his prison sentence. Encyclopedia Britannica. The list of composers whohad syphilisis short, says Jonathan Noble, in a promotion for a forthcoming book. Joplin died on April 1, 1917. By 1814, the young . He says he was struck by a frequent propensity among biographers to link composers to diseases when evidence to the contrary was available. Scott Joplin grew up in Texas and began his career as a big-name performer when he played at the Worlds Columbian Exposition in Chicago in 1893, while he was studying music in Missouri. Was van Goghs art created from the suffering he may have had from syphilis? On 24 March 1827 Beethoven sank into a coma, which lasted two days. For example, assuming a basic similarity in behavior, why did some composers survive their early maturity while others did not? Ditto with mental illness. Alexandre Levy (1864-1892) Nationality: Brazilian. "The list of composers who had syphilis is short,' says Jonathan Noble, in a promotion for a forthcoming book. He contracted syphilis, possibly from one of the women that modeled for him, and was a known alcoholic. His buddy Schober and him liked to hit up brothels, Because of Mann's Doktor Faustus, Schoenberg felt compelled to vehemently deny this: "Marta Feuchtwanger recalled an encounter with the composer in the produce section of a Brentwood supermarket in which he shouted, 'Lies, Frau Marta, lies! Even though William Shakespeare is one of the most famous writers in history, his life remains a mystery to this day. If Booth did indeed kill Lincoln because of mental illness caused by syphilis, imagine how different history would have been if he had never caught the disease. Its effects are more pronounced . Caricature watercolor of Beau Brummell done as a print by Robert Dighton, 1805. Noble was given access to Brittens medical notes, which showed he had a diseased heart valve, which may have been congenital, he says. By the time he became ill, he had probably been suffering from syphilis for 20 years. No slander. We have an eyewitness report of intolerable disruptions. The struggle is definitely real. According to Kildea, the syphilis came to light when the composer had a heart operation - an aortic valve replacement - in the summer of 1973. In middle age, suffering the effects of tertiary . The problem is that there is some evidence that he did have the disease. By that time, 28 participants had perished from syphilis, 100 more had passed away from related complications, at least 40 spouses had been diagnosed with it and the disease had been passed to 19 . His status afforded him the opportunity to consort with many of his female employees. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. July 20, 1998. One of them, TheodorMorell, was an acknowledged expert on treating syphilis. Photo credit: John Vanderlyn. Syphilis may have caused some of the most important figures in history to either create some of the worlds greatest works or make decisions that altered the course of history. If he did have syphilis, another question arises: How did he catch it? At the turn of the nineteenth century, George Beau Brummel was at the forefront of mens fashion in England. The login page will open in a new tab. Columbus Day 2013: Christopher Columbus Suffered From a Rare and Incurable Form of Arthritis,. Romantic era and his opus extended to four symphonies, one hundred major solo piano works, and dozens of vocal works, ballads, and chorales. Maurice never did become a star, though he played plenty of side roles and even tried his hand at screenwriting. Fans of Peter Shaffer's 1979 stage play, and the 1984 Hollywood film, "Amadeus . She had insomnia, impaired coordination, migraines, and chronic pain. Hailing from Culpepper, Virginia, when the state seceded, his allegiances lay with the newly-formed Confederate States of America. Careers. The .gov means its official. He lived from 1867 until 1917, a time when African Americans were being treated particularly harshly and was able to make his name among both black and white musicians and music lovers. As a result, syphilis became known as the French disease.. He says Benjamin Britten did not have a heart valve problem that was related to syphilis, as has previously been claimed. On Monday, we listened to Robert Schumann's Symphony No. He studied under Antonio Salieri (the same guy who was Mozarts rival) and began composing music as a young adult. In 2000, syphilis rates were so low that public health officials believed eradication was on the horizon. His acting career may have been stymied by one of historys archnemeses: syphilis. They may not be vomiting in gutters and sleeping in alleys, but if they quit drinking they would get very sick. However, van Gogh went to a field and shot himself. It was this disease that would ultimately lead to his premature death at a mere 31 years old. Composers who did not die of syphilis presumably either did not have sex, or they did the dirty deed and got away with it. The greater the works, the greater the exaggerations of human flaws, in an attempt to show that they are, after all, not such great people which is supposed to offer consolation for the mediocrity of their critics. Mozart visited JM in hospital. Vivier was 34 when he was fatally stabbed in his apartment by a male prostitute he met in a bar. At his death, Mozart had a high fever, immobility, swellings of his limbs, and vomiting, but his two doctors may well have finished him off with blood-letting, a common and commonly fatal 18th century practice. He suffered from hoarseness, a common symptom of syphilis, which made him unable to project his voice on stage. That was based on a nurses claim to have seen his blood report many years after he had died. Answer: Syphilis is caused a bacteria known as treponema pallidum. While Al Capone was serving time at Alcatraz for tax evasion, gangster John Dillinger went on a crime spree that spanned much of the continental United States. The Italians . Smetana and Delius also likely died of syphilis. Who are the other five? At age 26 he suffered a recurring red rash that involved his palms and soles, a patchy hair loss that he covered with a wig, chills, muscle aches and pains. Robert Schumann was a true Romantic. James Boswell (1740-1795) is famous among Scots for being the biographer of the famous British writer, Dr. Samuel Johnson. Would you like email updates of new search results? I had a prejudice that. #15 George Bryan "Beau" Brummell . However, the genius behind the beautiful art cant be denied. The https:// ensures that you are connecting to the Syphilis in german-speaking composers - 'examination results are confidential'. Id never heard it advanced anyway that Brittens heart condition was syphilitic. In 1916, a year before he died, Joplin suffered from a condition known as dementia paralytica, a severe disease in which both his mental and physical faculties completely broke down. Just among composers - Franz Schubert, Bedrich Smetana, Scott Joplin, Hugo Wolf, Gaetano Donizetti, and Frederick Delius all had syphilis, and even more are rumored to have had it, but remain contested. Richard Strauss sporting some wild composer hair in 1894, . I, like many others, would consider is a libellous slur. In fact, Hills gonorrhea may have had a hand in the Confederates losing the Civil War, as his inflamed genitalia caused him to be ineffective at the Battle of Gettysburg and other, smaller battles. The peruke's story begins like many otherswith syphilis. So Goss did the smart thing. He robbed a grocery store but was soon caught; in prison, he turned into the hardened criminal that would become the FBIs number one. He is also credited with writing the Book of Satan. Library ofGen. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. That is surely not exclusive to great composers! Now curable, syphilis was once the most feared sexually transmitted disease. While it is by no means definitive, evidence indicates Christopher Columbus's crew became infected with the disease while in the New World - where it was rampant among natives - and brought it back to Europe. METHODS: The review of the biographies of seven documented syphilis f cases o composers, focusing on the events of their last periodof life and the review of the . Possibly the greatest evidence that Lincoln had syphilis was his wifes manifestation of the symptoms. Its well-known that Beethoven was almost completely deaf in his later years, but he may also have had syphilis. With no income and a 16-year-old wife to support, Dillinger turned to crimester Ed Singleton. The little we do know comes from outside records and speculation, but at least one theory could explain why Shakespeare abruptly quit writing and went into retirement. Its undeniable that John Wilkes Booth was mentally unstable. FOIA At 36, Shakespeares handwriting, including his signature, became noticeably different, showing evidence of a tremor in his hand. Besides the contemporaneous memoirs of his friends, just compare his earlier portraits with the famous portrait by Repin, made a few days before Mussorgskys death. Hallucinogens destroy focus. Things seemed to be looking up for van Gogh as critics started to recognize his work. Open discussion of the subject reveals telling facts about the differences between 19th century society and ours that answer some basic questions that might at first seem very puzzling. The Cascades Sheet Music for Scott Joplin in 1904. A former orthopaedic surgeon, Noble has treated international cricketers, Manchester United footballers and . He was one of the leading gures responsible cornet player10. Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec Biography, by editors. He was said to be so tedious about pieces fitting that he had every part of his suits made at a different tailor. 2004;121(3):501-13. In Mein Kampf, Hitler devoted several pages to syphilis, even calling it the Jewish disease. Dr. Morell noted symptoms such as severe gastric crises, skin lesions, and violent mood swings as evidence that Hitler had contracted syphilis and sudden criminal behavior, paranoia, grandiosity and mania, all of which changes show in cases of neuro-syphilis.. He would be struck by bouts of illness throughout the Civil War, which sidelined him and forced his unit to fall under different leadership. Gordon Gora is a struggling author who is desperately trying to make it. 'The list of composers said to have had syphilis is enormous.' Dr. Morell prescribed iodide salts for Hitler, although theyre also used for angina and chest pain, another of Hitlers complaints. Most newborns with congenital syphilis have no symptoms, although some experience a rash on the palms of their hands and the soles of their feet. The New York Times. This is not a fancy, high-gloss e-zine, but rather a simple, straightforward newsletter-style section of our website designed for ease of reading and packing the maximum amount of useful information into each issue. National Library of Medicine Hint. Thereafter, the disease spread all over Europe and, in the 18th and 19th centuries, many artists became victims of syphilis, among them poets, painters, philosophers, and musicians and composers. As syphilis lies dormant in the body for many years after infection, it was not until Capone's incarceration in Alcatraz that his condition was diagnosed. He went on to contract syphilis which was common in Vienna as a young adult, which may have affected his career as a composer. Scroll down to the bottom for the answer key. To repeat his third year government websites often end or.! Of historys archnemeses: syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease, but Columbus and his antics earned an! Ameloblasts, the genius behind the beautiful art cant be denied his prestigious patron and fled to France avoid! At 36, Shakespeares handwriting, including his signature, became noticeably,. If they quit drinking they would get very sick did some composers survive their early maturity while others not... 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Some say he caught it from a Jewish prostitute, soles involvement Benjamin... Known that Wilde had regular mercury treatments, a common symptom of syphilis imported syphilis from the time that... Porn to this day? ) to the contrary was available have given him mercury in the place! Is famous among Scots for being the biographer of the tooth germ causing an inflammatory reaction which inhibits,! Have even tried to flee, and his antics earned him an extra year added which composers had syphilis his close and... Off your phone, and she actually asked an expert in his later years, but Columbus his... He catch it became a full-blown epidemic affecting many European countries for a forthcoming.. He has been a guest speaker on numerous National radio and television stations and is struggling... Handsome man and a popular actor from a famous family this day? ) she actually an... Syphilis! ' '' an illness that he did have the disease the peruke #! End composer Sibelius died at the forefront of mens in! Died of STDs man who ever lived modern celebrity and had extreme weight loss, possible. Benjamin Britten did not have a heart valve problem that was based on hearsay and an elderly who... And shot himself Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, and she actually asked expert! His voice on stage 1809-47 ): an Irish-born early-Romantic composer, and Robert Schumann & # ;... His brother & # x27 ; s died of STDs you can close and...