Demonstrators gathered in Aurora in June 2020 to protest Mr. McClains death. It is unclear if the officers actions contributed as well.. McClain ended up hospitalized, suffering cardiac arrest on the ride there. Three arriving officers tried to arrest the unarmed man, using a . The civil complaint, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado by Mr. McClains parents, Sheneen McClain and Lawayne Mosley, sought damages for the family and named the city, 12 police officers, two Fire Department paramedics and the departments medical director as defendants. The decedent was violently struggling with officers who were attempting to restrain him, it said, according to Denver 7 ABC. Elijah McClain, a 23-year-old massage therapist and skilled violist, died following an encounter with police in August 2019 while he was walking home from a convenience store. Mr. McClain died days after he was detained by the police in August 2019. Elijah McClain's family says the conflict involved a deadly use of excessive force. His family said McClain wore the mask because he had anemia that caused him to get cold easily. On August 24, 2019, an Aurora citizen reported to police that McClain was wearing a ski mask and looked "sketchy," although the caller also indicated that he did not believe anyone was in danger. He died a few days later. Some recipients were enrolled in a study of ketamine use without their consent. All three officers involved in McClains murder were cleared without repercussions by the police board in February. "That was awesome," Sheneen said. Privacy A Marilyn Manson Accuser Has Taken Back Her Allegations. Upon arrival at the hospital he was admitted and subsequently placed on life support. My sons name is cleared now. According to Elijah's family, Elijah, who was anemic, preferred to wear a ski mask to keep his face warm while he was walking. Like Walter Scott, the police decided he was resisting arrest. The first assumption wasnt these are people protecting themselves and others around them from the virus, it was the assumption of stealing or some ill will, Vickie Mays, a professor of health policy and management at UCLAs Fielding School of Public Health, told STAT. According to the petition, the officers used excessive force unnecessarily. That approaches the dose of 700 milligrams that would produce up to 25 minutes of full surgical anesthesia for someone of McClain's reported weight of 140 pounds. Gov. Black people, men especially, have spoken out about the dangers of wearing any mask as a Black person because it puts them at risk of being labelled suspicious, increasing the likelihood of a deadly confrontation with police. The five defendants were indicted in McClains death in August 2021 on several charges, including manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide, according to officials. The 23-year-old Black man's death while in police custody in August 2019 is making headlines as his family demands justice. Would love your thoughts, please comment. Nothing will bring back my son, but I am thankful that his killers will finally be held accountable, McClains father, LaWayne Mosley, said in a statement after Colorado attorney general Phil Weiser announced the charges. Terms. Like Philando Castile, he attempted to assert his rights, telling officers (per their account), "I have a right to go where I am going." Though Mr. McClain had not committed a crime, officers immediately restrained him, telling him to stop resisting when he put his arms up to his chest and to stop tensing up. The footage shows Mr. McClain pleading with the officers to let go of him, and trying to get out of their grip. He was wearing a ski mask at the time, his family told the affiliate, because. Elijah McClain, a Black23-year-old massage therapist, was walking home from a gas station on Aug. 24, 2019. In this case, the use of ketamine as a form of restraint appears to be inappropriate. Police body camera. Consequently, the evidence does not support the prosecution of a homicide.. The report also notes that first responders injected McClain with an inappropriately large dose of ketamine based on a grossly inaccurate and inflated estimate of Mr. McClains size without attempting to examine or question him first. Hyoung Chang/MediaNewsGroup, via The Denver Post, via Getty Images, older cases in which people died after encounters with the police, indicted three police officers and two paramedics, filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Colorado, settle the civil rights lawsuit for $15 million. On August 24, 2019, an Aurora citizen reported to police that McClain was wearing a ski mask and looked "sketchy," although the caller also indicated . Six days after he was stopped by police, his family took him off life support, and he died. Some medical experts worry about its use during police calls. On Aug. 11, 2020, Mr. McClains family filed a lawsuit against the city of Aurora. Elijah McClain, a 23-year-old massage therapist and skilled violist, died following an encounter with police in August 2019 while he was walking home from a convenience store. The most obvious reason for this is that no intent to harm Elijah was displayed and the cause of his death was unknown. The autopsy report notes that Mr. McClain was 5 feet 6 inches and weighed 140 pounds. It is unclear if the officers action contributed as well., As Mari Newman, an attorney for McClains family, said at the time, though, Whatever the report says, its clear that if the police had not attacked Elijah McClain, he would be alive today., The APD placed Woodyard, Rosenblatt, and Roedema on paid administrative leave in the incidents immediate aftermath. See our favorite looks from outside the shows. More officers arrived after Mr. McClain was restrained. Despite local media coverage and some smaller rallies, McClains death did not initially receive widespread attention in the press not until the killing of George Floyd sparked widespread protests against racially motivated police brutality last summer. McClains family filed a lawsuit against Aurora on August 11, alleging that the citys unconstitutional conduct on the night of August 24, 2019, is part of a larger custom, policy, and practice of racism and brutality, as reflected by its conduct both before and after its murder of Elijah McClain, a young Black man, according to CNN. During their struggle, the officers bodycam appears to be knocked off, but McClain can be heard saying, Ouch, that really hurts, Im so sorry and I dont have a gun. The coroner felt that Elijah's physical condition could have caused him to die just from mowing the lawn. His death has come to occupy a central place in Colorados fast-moving debate over police reform. Lawyers representing the three officers and two paramedics asked Adams County District Court Judge Priscilla Loew to review the cases, arguing that there was not enough evidence to support the charges against their clients, according to court documents. A lover of animals and music, McClain was walking home from a convenience store. The quote continues, One of the officers says, Dont move again. The researchers also determined that declining to wear a mask for some could symbolize their right to exercise their personal liberties as a U.S. citizen as the refusal to wear a mask in public may suggest ones support of reopening the country, getting Americans back to work, and a general sense of misguided patriotism., Even as more Americans are vaccinated, the importance of wearing a mask in public will be no less critical in defeating the coronavirus. The selection of the investigator to conduct an external review of the Elijah McClain case was decided earlier by the City Manager, that contract has been terminated and another individual will be selected by the Mayor and the City Council. Executive Order: Statement below: Mr. McClain was walking home from a convenience store on Aug. 24, 2019, when someone called 911, saying he looked sketchy and was wearing a ski mask and waving his arms. BRIGHTON, Colo. A group of police officers and paramedics pleaded not guilty Friday to charges stemming from the role they are accused of playing in the death of a 23-year-old Black man . On Aug. 24, 2019, a 23-year-old . He refused and told the officers, I have a right to go where I am going, police body camera video shows. Officers "repeatedly requested over the past three years that Hennepin County medical responders sedate people using the powerful tranquilizer ketamine, at times over the protests of those being drugged, and in some cases when no apparent crime was committed," the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported. The male would not stop walking down the street from the officer. Mr. McClain stopped after several commands but said he had a right to continue toward home. According to Chaos + Comrades, McClain was wearing a ski mask because he was anemic and protecting himself from the cold. Some of those injected, like McClain, were already handcuffed. The sort of ketamine use we see in McClain's death is a civil rights violation by any reasonable understanding of the term. Members of minority racial groups, particularly Black and Hispanic men, may be resistant to mandates requiring them to wear a mask in public, given racial stigmas and societal inequities that continue to criminalize them based on their appearances. Two years earlier, Elijah McClain died after being stopped while walking down the street in the Denver suburb of Aurora. Body Cams Recorded Key Moments In Police Encounter Police body camera video shows an officer. Many might wonder why it is mandatory in one state, but not in another. Police body-camera video shows an officer getting out of his car, approaching McClain on the. When the officers approached to physically stop him, McClain said, I am going home. McClain went into cardiac arrest on the way to the hospital and was taken off life support on August 30. A few days after the autopsy report was released, Dave Young, the Adams County district attorney, announced that criminal charges would not be filed, saying there was not enough evidence the officers had broken the law when they used force on Mr. McClain. Why the person behind Libs of TikTok doesn't matter, Finland is voting to join NATO, but Hungary is joining Turkey as an obstacle, Why Fox News pushed Trump's bogus election claims, Tennessee governor says photo of him in skirt and wig irrelevant to drag show ban, Jupiter and Venus to 'kiss' in the night sky Wednesday evening, Hyundai recalls 65,000 cars over possible exploding seatbelts, Why space experts want to establish a lunar time zone, Sign up for The Week's "Today's best articles" newsletter here. At the time of the injection, the report states, Mr. All rights reserved. The police arrived, and after struggling to handcuff Mr. McClain, officers brought him to the ground and used a carotid hold, which restricts blood to the brain to render someone unconscious. The investigation will be a broad look at the Police Departments record of arrests, stops, searches and use of force. In November 2021, the McClain family reached a $15 million settlement with the city of Aurora in the civil rights lawsuit filed over McClain's violent arrest and subsequent death. Some were strapped to ambulance stretchers. Police body camera video shows an officer getting out of his car, approaching McClain on the. McClain was stopped by police for wearing a ski mask that he . His family said at the time that he was brain-dead and covered in bruises. As Dr. Casola and her colleagues note in the study, with 11.8% of American households living under the poverty line, it may not be possible to purchase a mask in person or online. Bodycam video shows that the officers told McClain he was "being suspicious," while McClain responded, "I have a right to go where I am going." Advocates also honored McClains life, who Newman said was a kind, loving person who made friends everywhere he went., He was a person who, immediately before this whole event, was in a convenience store making friends with strangers, Newmanadded. McClain was unarmed and reportedly wore a ski mask because his anemia sometimes made him feel cold. Several officers responded to the call and at least one officer forced. Paramedics administered the powerful sedative ketamine after McClain was diagnosed with "excited delirium." McClain was walking home from a convenience store when police officers stopped him. Ketamine, a powerful sedative, might be given by paramedics to calm. Around 15:34, one of the officers seems to say, Leave your camera there.. The ketamine dose McClain received is not stated in the autopsy report, which notes instead that his blood ketamine concentration was at a normal therapeutic level, well below levels seen in ketamine overdose deaths. The day the lawsuit was filed, Mr. Weiser announced an investigation into whether the Aurora Police Department had employed patterns and practices that may deprive people of their constitutional rights. He just was who he was., JUSTICE FOR THIS SWEET BOYJUSTICE FOR #ElijahMcClain, He was the sweetest, purest person I have ever met, another of his friends and former clients, Marna Arnett, added. Powered by. The police killing of Elijah McClain in Aurora, Colorado, did not attract much national attention when it happened this past August. On November 22, 2019, Adams County prosecutors announced that they would not bring charges against the trio, who then returned to normal duty. Oops! The Aurora Police Association has not yet responded to ABC News' request for comment. The Denver Nuggets' head coach wore a "Justice For Elijah McClain" T-shirt at a game. The nexus is news at Jefferson, How to Have Difficult Conversations About COVID and Race Relations. He let loose a little giggle while presenting with her at the SAG Awards. The actions of the officers at the scene show that they used the procedures that they had been taught to protect Elijah. An autopsy report by the Adams County coroner said that the cause of death was undetermined, and that it could have been a result of natural causes, a homicide related to the carotid hold or an accident. Rosenblatt did not participate in the photograph, but he did text back haha when someone sent it to him, according to the New York Times. Officers arrived in the area and contacted a male wearing a ski mask. In addition to McClain, just a few of the police murders of Black people with health conditions or a disabilityinclude: The three Aurora, Colorado, police officers involved in McClains murder identified on social media Nathan Woodyard, Jason Rosenblatt and Randy Roedema reported that McClain resisted officer contact, at which point they engaged in a struggle with McClain. After the initial decision not to charge the officers, Mr. McClains mother pushed lawmakers to adopt police reforms. The manner of death of Elijah McClain, a 23-year-old massage therapist, was still listed as undetermined. It argues that there was no need to restrain McClain, who had not been accused of a crime, as aggressively as the officers did, and no need to inject him with a massive dose of ketamine. The suit suggests that McClains detention was a product of racial bias, which it says is reinforced by the citys failure to discipline the parties responsible for his death. When paramedics arrived, they gave him what was described as a therapeutic dose of ketamine; body camera footage shows that it made his body go limp when he was loaded onto a gurney. According to McClains family, the 23-year-old had made a quick trip to the convenience store to pick up an iced tea for his brother. The store did not call the police on him, he was just another customer. Elijah McClain should be alive today, and we owe it to his family to take this step and elevate the pursuit of justice in his name to a statewide concern, Polis said in a statement. The indictment accuses the paramedics of failing to follow medical protocols before and after they injected Mr. McClain with ketamine. Police body camera video released later. #JusticeForElijah #SAYHISNAME, He often developed friendships with his massage clients, like April Young, who told the Sentinel, He had a child-like spirit He lived in his own little world. The Aurora Police Department declined to comment on the decision. According to Chaos + Comrades, McClain was wearing a ski mask because he was anemic and protecting himself from the cold. Like George Floyd and Eric Garner, he protested, "I can't breathe" when officers applied pressure to his neck. Black people with health condition are especially at risk. There, youll also find thoughts and questions by our community. The male began to resist the officer contact, a struggle then ensued, and he was . If you move again, Im calling in a dog to bite you.. Officers arrived in the area and contacted a male still wearing a ski mask, later identified as Elijah McClain. We need to bring the message to the public in a way that will meet them where they are. Public health researchers at Jefferson recommend ways to avoid misinformation during the COVID19 pandemic, like seeking out trusted sources, local updates, and cross-checked information, JeffMask, JeffVent Missions Seek to Help Fill Potential PPE and Ventilator Gaps. He was wearing a ski mask because he wanted to stay warm. Like too many other names to mention, he was Black and unarmed. Sheneen McClain, Elijah's mother, said the . They tortured him, Newman said. That can make it hard to convince people to abide by mask recommendations as a means to protecting others, because my mask protects you from me and your mask protects me from you.. Elijah McClain was suffering from a blood circulation disorder when he died. In response to the autopsy report, Mari Newman, the lawyer representing Mr. McClains family, told Denver7 ABC, Whatever the report says, its clear that if the police had not attacked Elijah McClain, he would be alive today., They immediately went hands on and tackled him, she said. A couple years ago, McClain went to a convenience store wearing a ski mask. Three Aurora police officers were called to the area on a report of a suspicious person wearing a mask. If, as with McClain and many of the Minneapolis cases, "you've got someone who is already restrained, using ketamine is not going to pass that test both because there are safer alternatives and because there is really no reason to be using a sedative to begin with.". His family said McClain wore the mask because he had anemia that caused him to get cold easily. The best data comes from Minneapolis, where Floyd was killed. McClain was walking home after purchasing an iced tea from a convenience store August 24, 2019, KMGH reported. But as the Jefferson researchers, led by Allison R. Casola, PhD, explored in a recent article, the individual decision to wear a mask during COVID-19 is deeply rooted across ones social-ecological network. According to Chaos + Comrades, McClain was wearing a ski mask because he was anemic and protecting himself from the cold. Even in death, hes still my son. #CheckInWithMe and share what youre going through were here for you. The petitioners hope to get 3 million signatures in total. Despite the finding, the death of Elijah McClain, a 23-year-old massage therapist, was still listed as undetermined, not a homicide, the report shows. The council concluded that the original investigation by the Aurora Police Department's major crimes unit was badly flawed and alleged the detectives "stretched the record to exonerate the officers rather than present a neutral version of the facts., "This case is a textbook example of law enforcements disparate and racist treatment of Black men," McClain's family and their lawyers said in a joint statement issued following the report's release. Password must be at least 8 characters and contain: As part of your account, youll receive occasional updates and offers from New York, which you can opt out of anytime. Most likely the decedents physical exertion contributed to death. His family later said he often wore a ski mask because he had anemia and would sometimes get cold. As she notes, masks are required for entry on public transportation, at grocery stores and pharmacies. If the ketamine contributed to his death which the autopsy report declines to say perhaps McClain had an "idiosyncratic" reaction, a possibility the report allows. More from CNN at To license this and other CNN/HLN content, visit or e-mail While talking with one another, officers said that Mr. McClain was acting crazy, that he was definitely on something, and that he had attacked officers when they tried to restrain him. The APD did not reply to the Cuts request for comment, but a spokesperson intimated to Fox 31 Denver that concern for the officers safety motivated the decision. Rules like the Minneapolis order could deter abuse if they reliably trigger departmental discipline. The police called it justified. Two years after his death, a Colorado grand jury indicted three police officers and two paramedics on charges including manslaughter and criminally negligent homicide. McClain died in the hospital three days later. 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