Women have those same urges as well. 151 views, 6 likes, 8 loves, 22 comments, 4 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Miller Memorial Baptist Church: Sunday, February 26, 2023~ Reverend. They're your property. It has been made apart of this life, but not apart of eternal life..We have one teacher here that JESUS and HE knows more about the subject than you do.In The Book of Hebrews 13:4 Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers GOD will judge. This is because men are at low risk they can walk away, and if the woman becomes pregnant she is the one who bears 9 months of pregnancy plus childbirth and the resulting minimum 5 years of childrearing. My current boyfriend has never brought up the conversation about my number of partners and neither have I. It taints your bloodline. Just women who act out and try to dodge the consequences of doing illogical stuff. This post also feels like a way to almost look for what I want to hear i.e. Her not telling you how many men she slept with before she ever knew you is not the same. Anyone with a brain knows that a persons past is a huge reflection of themselves and that past actions can show a lot especially in regards to the human condition. Agrees. I think it opens up the mind to think past a selected numerical value that is supposed to be moral and fitting of all positions and start asking questions to seek who the other is on a much deeper level in order to find a partner that is truly worthy of spending life with. reading this I can see that you only wrote this to make yourself believe that its OK you slept with a 100 guys . The person asking or the person who has the power to say yes or no ? I dont know if youre a male or female judging by your username. A lot of men would have a problem respecting and trusting a woman that is currently on or has been on the hoe stroll as you call it. And, dude, Im going to say this to you, and then Ill be signing off. I agree. Its like buying a car with 1,000,000 miles on the odometer lol!!! I have kind of a surprisingly high body count. You are not sexually compatible) That is all the article is trying to say. It definitely plays a role for many people as to how they go about their sexual lives. It is so sad, they block love sometimes for all the wrong reasons. Don't feel comfortable dating a high count girl/guy? The fact that there is a message board These are odds I wouldnt take. That's what these things do. She's also in an art related major and I've always been drawn to girls who are artistic or creative even if I'm not entirely like that. Not really. For me it was a shock should I care? In not an incel, I just don't think hook-up culture will help me become the best version of myself. Butit /is/ a fact that the more promiscuous the woman, the more likely she is to have a failed marriage. The amount of people Ive had If someone girl or guy has cheated before they will probably do it again and that is not worth risking. Its a selfish attempt to keep a woman to yourself even if you dont have feelings for her, you want her to keep her pussy tight. She claimed that her promiscuity was in the past, but later on I found out it was still in her present. Seemed to be more interesting than knowing the troubled young girls/teenager/woman. THATS WHY YOU CANT ADMIT IT. I disagree with you. Good for you! I thought that sex was the only thing guys wanted from me and without that they would just leave or get it somewhere else. If they have changed and you feel some sort of potential, give them a chance. The people that hurt you had there own issues that they never resolved, so their actions were not a reflection on you or your worth as a person. Past promiscuity is not what causes a marriage to fail in my opinion. Personally, I think that men and women should strive to have a lower number of sexual partners but I dont think that women should try to act like men in the thinking that having numerous partners is a good thing. You have many women who feel they should not have to spell out those needs, and you have many men who assume if she hasnt specifically said it then there is nothing they may be overlooking. Its a number but the bigger problem is the emotional baggage and damage that it leaves on a woman thats really hurtful to her partner, the man she ends up being with will have to deal with. They brag about it all the time when they want praise for being able to give birth. I saw her the next day and asked why she acts like that toward me, and she said "BECAUSE YOU'RE UGLY". Now does that change your perspective? Why? Accross nations, the average man gets married 2 years after women get married. The number doesn't matter if you are a strong and confident alpha. So lets say you meet a woman and start to date her. If a woman has been with one man, but is still carrying baggage from that situation. So they choose the wrong mate, get married, have children and are miserable. Her husband probly slept with 100 plus too. Everyone is different, despite gender. Its all we have. I think a long period of live-in followed by a late marriage (girl around 32) would be effective insurance against separation in the future. Apparently he is still not over his Ex and he never will be. Shadow Hunter-March 5, 2022. Not truly. take her to my babysitting job and we can babysit the little kid and eachother ;) to my work, she can help me move machines and i can help her move her machine ;) maybe take her to a big scary movie called CLOWNS R KOOL and then buy her a balloon. To people who are in love with someone that has had sex with Just judging by how erratic, panicky and rather desperate you have written your message above. A person exposing the number of past partners has nothing to do with the present moments situation. To me in some case it shouldnt matter because everyone has had their wild period, but at the same time you dont want a person where everywhere you go folks are like, YoI hit that I dont care who you are, that hits home and you start to question your choice in boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife. I sell hairs now. Virility still rules. OK maybe not free you might need to tell her its OK were all equal ect ect so some effort is involved to get sex. And marrying a male whore would not be my choice either! Many women will not feel comfortable telling the real number because of the fear of being judged. It means women can never have freedoms to make decisions at all. I just wanted to share so that some man one day can know hes not alone. Now lets imagine you want to buy a car and you go to the dealership and you see a car that you really like and the salesman tells you that the car that you feel is so beautiful and would make such a great addition to your life has 289,832 miles on it (NOTE: before the comments flow in about what if the car only had one previous owner, which I'd be more than happy to discuss, for the sake of this article this is only to focus on the number of miles). Location: Melbourne, Australia. I hit the cutoff line at 5 MAX. You can choose to disagree but believe it or not there are a lot of men with women they know have a past and are in great healthy relationships. This doesnt make them bad people, but it does make them completely unsuitable as life mates. You wouldnt be, so I dont think it is as widely accepted as you claim. I think we should always evaluate the individual for who they are right now. I hate to have to point out common sense to you, but obviously. If you hold on to those toxic mindsets, they will leak out. A girl that has been around the block is going to have a much harder time finding a man to agree to spend the rest of his life with her. But Ultimately, We are so busy judging each other we have forgotten the true meaning of what love even is. Depends on your age. Out of every 10 girls, say about 5-6 hv premarital sex. However, all else being equal, women with more sexual partners are more likely to undergo a failed marriage. And if you married in your 30's so much for having a family. while there certainly can be concerns about patterns of behavior, don't let those feed your insecurities. You dont get to judge. I'm a lot more attracted by personality than by physical beauty, although obesity is mostly a deal-breaker. So, we all have desires we better not fulfill. Some of them were guys I knew actually friends of mine. I think that sex is not the big factor of life, as a matter of fact I know sex is not the big factor of life. He already feels guilty and deeply regrets disappointing you. Yeah I agree. Please tell me what has changed at that point. All of the real "Studs" that I know in real life have a lot of sexual conquests, but they are now in their late 30's and 40's, alone, and miserable. I do not expect anything from people. Stefan probably didnt realize this was true while he was writing the article or even now. And no one will understand fully if they didnt make a similar choice. choosing to be selective in whom they sleep with. Actually, the vagina does not get loose. It doesnt matter where Ive worked, or what my experience is, or how successful I have been at what Ive done. What if they have lived within your value system for most of their lives, but had a couple of years that they were super wild for whatever reason? 0. Your past is a big learning experience. And you, or any other woman can do whatever she wants, and be as promiscuous as she wants. Your girlfriend will likely be very reassuring about everything, and you'll feel better after talking things over. One called her a hoe. to sex or you just think sex is okay and doesnt affect people much. Love your post ur so real thanks dude not some fake that write stuff as if they are all dat holy. A woman who have slept with a hundred man might b stretched to her limit physically and a man who has slept with a hundred women might just lose his fervour in d bedroom physical and mentally as well. Yeah so shut up lol. Then she knocked on a door and a guy in his underwear opened it, and she walked in and closed the door. Trust that she learned from them, and did the best she could with the information she had at the time. . Wouldnt you feel like you are worthless? I dont know if i should open up anymore or not. Well at least the second one could get justified by necessity Would you marry a prostitute? Sex doesnt hurt for me anymore, and its great! (This was very rare for me. What matters is if there is real love between two people. Nothing wrong with that. There is not much left. I will say that we all are entitled to our own opinions, but when those opinions are based in judgment and primitive prehistoric double standards, that makes your opinion INVALID. Promiscuous people usually are incapable of having long-term I dont want to hate on the people that made mistakes, because we can always change, but you are right on point. I still deal with the pain but I am far from the promiscuous young girl. If you slept with a lot of people how exactly do you expect people to view you. No track record of long-term relationships, combined with promiscuous behaviour, is always a bad sign, regardless of philosophy. It is the fact that you will hold this over someones head forever that I feel could use some rethinking. I continued to live. I just could never judge those who choose otherwise. "Promiscuous" is a term that is almost always used when speaking about a woman; it is most often pejorative. Numbers mean nothing. What is insane to you is not going to be insane to someone else. Making a guy cum seems to be a quick fix for their insecurities. but not an automatic deal-breaker. so we moved on.. after 2 yrs, i am look for an arranged marriage (pretty normal in India). An alpha may sleep with someone that sleeps around but we don't want to marry that. All in all I just dont feel we should be looking at the amount of men she has slept with in the past as evidence for if she is someone to be with. Dude, you better check yourself before you mess yourself! She thought she could convince me to change my mind, but the longer we dated, the more I became convinced that, regardless of how well we connected, I could never see her as a wife or the mother of my childrendue to her sluttiness and the fact she allowed herself to be used as a piece of sexual meat. We will not live forever and we are of the flesh. Whats up bro? Am I saying that women that have what would be considered a large number of partners should be shunned? She is a human being like a man is a human being. Relationships are important, and looking at the PAST, how someone hasyou know/actually/ lived their lives tells you a lot about them. Statistics do not lie. There is nothing any of us can do to change the past, but we can choose to make our present and future so much better. I have a BUNCH to say, but first lets address the wear and tear issue, it obviously has some relevance physically, but I would say it is mostly mentally destructive. Unbelievable, everything you just said is exactly my situation, wow, literally everything (except the friends bit)! Women are thought of being prudent and conservative. A man does not want to have to compete with previous Mr. Big. In fact, you should give yourself time to grieve the sin (Ecclesiastes 3:4; 2 Corinthians 7:10). (one-nighters) out of the 19 people Ive had sex with that I didnt get to Nice try though. This site is not a part of the FaceBook website or FaceBook INC. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by FaceBook in ANY WAY. Besides its a sinful lifestyle anyway. Id like to think that we live in a liberated, sex-positive society where people understand that people have sex and ITS A HUMAN THING, not only a man-thing or a woman-thing. Im 26 years old and have never given myself to anyone. your such a b.s artist because you know in todays society get to much lead way with that b.s. Men do not. I believe having that talk will do a lot of good. Touch. This is a touchy subject.. Everyone is different. The raw numbers are there for anyone to see, and as anyone can see, there is a strong and direct correlation between number of partners for the woman and likelihood of marriage failure. Nobody likes for the woman they love to be viewed in that light. I in no way dismiss the very true and valid points you have made. Yes, there's a big difference. Twitter. However, for menthey are target-marketed like pigs in a pen. Just like some stupid girls who always go for the badboys and then later complain how they are mistreated; there are some stupid guys who go for badgirls and then complain about how they got beta-cucked. Id much rather be with a woman who has been with 10 people, 7 in the course of relationships vs. the girl who has only been with 8 people, but 5 of those were in a single night when she was gangbanged. sex with isnt an issue for either of us. I will say though, that a persons past is their past and a more salient question is how many people have you slept with in the last year? or what is your attitude to sex right now?. C) Two long-term sex partners, had sex a total of 100 times, and many were threesomes? Men lie, because it increases theirs. Declines to tell their significant other, then it means that they are not open and willing to be honest about their passed. Third, women have the power of their womb. Im surprised by the comments Ive seen so far! Humans have emotions. Personally, I think that men and women should strive to have a lower number of sexual partners but I don't think that women should try to act like men in the thinking that having numerous partners is a good thing. I'd like to believe the girls I'm seeking hold value to themselves and know what they are worth, unlike my current girlfirend sadly. I just don't want to lose my mind about this soon as I don't want to ruin what I have with this girl. And there you have it. Thanks you! Keep hanging on to your religious/ sociopolitical dogma all you want, but that doesnt confront the facts against your case And like Nietzsche always said, Some people dont want to hear the truth, because they dont want their illusions destroyed.. Past DOES matter. Where to begin Fourth, I work globally. It would best be done in the If you find someone that loves you, supports you, and that you love and aregenuinely happy being around dont let the number of sexual partners that person has had force you to leave someone who was perfect for you. Though we choose to connect her baggage to the amount of partners she has had, it really isnt about the actual number. If u lie they woild find out. You feel it might reflect on her character and increase her chances of cheating on you? Most of these women are 21-27 years old. Are you telling me that the number of sex partners she then tells you is worth walking away from this woman. I love this article! Women whether it be in the past, or in modern times, created an image that they must live up to. 0. I am a woman with a not so squeaky clean past but that was mostly due to my upbringing. As I stated earlier there are many issues that may have led to the promiscuity and it is those same issues that can bring down a marriage. How do you think we feel? Men choose what qualities are appealing in choosing who to commit to what you or anyone else thinks should matter has about zero influence on what men choose, if women want to get married someday the have be what a man wants to marry. Okay okay, maybe that is a bit extreme. I agree to disagree on your comment. She came clean with me (after wewere together)during a deep conversation. I hope you come in awareness. Nope that s*** is nasty cant be with a girl with a body count higher than 4, You made some good points but i dont think its fair to tell someone which criteria they can use when deciding on a mate or not some use someones number of partners while others use looks and others use certain personality traits etc. Some guys are really looking for that one who has waited. Its become a trend now for premarital sex to happen but some girls don't approve it. It is actually a fact that the more partners a woman has had, the more likely the marriage is to fail, source:https://socialpathology.blogspot.com/2010/09/sexual-partner-divorce-risk.html Now if you ask her and she lies about the number, then your point is much more valid in my opinion. She is the woman who gets stereotyped as a slut simply because she likes to fuck around. I do have a job and a life. idc if im broke or rich or how your feel in a bed room or how i look its my intellect that should make u be willing to be with me or my compassion or my intentive attitude towards you when a women has a mutiple relations with different men she has a lot of comparision to the man she is involved with and then women wonder why the are single mothers? Their sexuality is not only welcomed, it is encouraged and exploited by media as well as sex-worker and sex-entertainment industries. By your logic, nothing matters, and we should all turn our brains off. By your logic, if we make no judgments on our potential mates, and the past doesnt matter, it should not matter if our potential mate was a child rapist for 20 years, as long as s/he isnt currently raping children. Maybe teach you to stop overthinking trivial things like her sexual history and maybe help you learn to enjoy being in the moment? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The wear and tear should be the same from sleeping with 100 different men as sleeping with one man 100 times. He willingly suffered and took our punishment for our sin upon Himself. Any person with more sex partners than years of life has an addiction and needs to be rehabilitated. Either way thank you for allowing me to share . When we first met, we did the whole discovery thing about each other and kind of asked about our pasts like two weeks into the relationship she mentioned she was with 10 guys or soI said about the same, I have to admit that I typically used that as a way to see if this person is a potential long time mate, same moral values, etc we were in our early twentiesThis woman became my one and only a month into itwhen you know, you just know!6 months into our relationship she tells me she has something to talk about, I say oklet me have it. I'm trying to reflect on it and I'm going to bring it up to my therapist but things are moving fast and I won't see my therapist for a week from today. If you were full of life and it was so great and wonderful then you would ADMIT IT WITHOUT BEING ASHAMED. Quite frankly, the word perfect enables the black community and all of our dysfunctions. Leave this poor woman alone she doesn't have the issue you do. I will dismiss any woman who I know has been around the block. Some women can have a very low number and be as emotionally damages (if not more) then other women with a much higher number. And for the women who cry out that the number of partners doesnt matter, then why not just be honest. The world is hard on us women. She obviously had not displayed any of the 5 issues you laid out (at least she hasnt shown it one bit). Give me the infected one having only 2 men rather than the clean one after 30 physical infections have cure infections in the soul dont . But if you have hard limits, dont go past them for anyone. Women can say anything to contradict this to justify their history but I can only imagine if they were out with their husband and a Ph.D. ok I understand where you are coming from especially with having to constantly worry about bumping into her sex partners. I dont think they should, but they will and that man will never know. When the male wants a woman with good morals and respects her body. It seems that its not the case. I think its best to know what youre dealing with but at the same it doesnt matter because who they are today should speak volumes. University of Virginia says it does matter if you want a happy marriage. I'm looking for ways to reflect on this situation so I can movie forward in not let my toxic behavior leak out. Or not. I dont really care how many people she has been with within reason, however I do want to know what I am dealing with, and I would like to know whether she would be completely honest with me, IF I DESERVED IT! If it didnt matter, women wouldnt get offended when you ask. And if I never read this post again and some young man is dealing with the same situation. Look into the galena rhoades study. She is 30. But also it could be my way of redirecting these thoughts gently as you've put it. haha Also A LOCK that is open by any KEY is a USELESS LOCK!, To my point of view we all have our premises on how we chose our partners (size, color of eyes, color of hair, etc) for me the number of sexual partners of the person I would chose it would be also a factor I have to admit that bumping into a ex partner would be a negative effect but to me is more the idea of this person being more able of controlling herinstincts a bit better than an animal or not.. Could you find out from women's perspective why they sleep with others outside of serious relationships? I know plently of them. But I see it that she has chosen me above her past. Labeling them as whores and not worthy of a relationship isnt going to resolve the real problem here. That would make you the asshole. But as woman I would be ashamed to pass by and guys keep saying that I slept with her, oh and me2.. Interesting. No problem. I lost my virginity to a girl who had been with lots of guys before me. I am trying to be forgiving which is why this article was very validating and informative. would sleep with them while single. Like half my high school classmates were married by 22 and there were peobably more men and women in my classes in college talking about their girlfriends they adore or fiances or their wives than any amount of dudes talking about casual hookups. I disagree that promiscuity is what has caused the highest divorce rate America has ever seen. God created us all to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes to become better people. And since passing on your genes is the most important thing, he is attracted to women most able to get pregnant. What does it matter how many people she's had sex with? That just tells men you will move onto the next best thing when it comes to you. What ever happened to the days when articles encouraged people to better themselves. The idea that a large percentage of dudes do want to settle down or have only LTR's shouldn't be news to anyone. . Do you expect that guys would find equally as desirable and attractive as a life partner the woman who has slept with 100 men, as the woman who has been with 8? while, recklessly, and if I crash? Men are ENCOURAGED to enjoy themselves sexually. I understand a lot of what you have said and certain points are valid. ', This affirms the theory that women only see high tier males. 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