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When a truck drivers eyes are off the road, their mind is not focused on operating the vehicle, or their hands are away from the wheel, it is endangering the lives of those around them. .310 Vehicles meeting other vehicles and animals. texas transportation code failure to keep a proper lookout. to stop or remain stopped for school bus, Failed . Given the number of distractions in a modern vehicle from GPS systems, monitors which can play DVDs, and cell phones, this is unfortunately, easier said than done for many drivers. Warning Signs and Tampering with Barricades, Failed As to gross negligence . you are completely entitled to a copy of the accident report even though you It requires police officers to take a blood specimen test if: A person is arrested for intoxication in an incident involving a watercraft or motor vehicle. Because of the sheer size of 18-wheelers and similar commercial trucks, these vehicles have four large blind spots known as no zones. As a result, they take longer to completly stop, a wider turning radius, and are generally more difficult to maneuver. Vehicle with Unapproved Sunscreening Device, Slow-Moving In this context, involved Ask it below and a member of the Grossman Law team will respond to you within 1 business day. ), No Worth metroplex in all personal injury, employment, and civil rights matters. Motorcycle/Moped by Person < 17 with Restrictions: Including Wireless Of course, the reasonable person standard undergirds this entire principle. street or roadway: (1)shall stop, yield, and grant immediate use of the intersection to a vehicle on on or Near Street or Highway to Solicit Guarding Vehicle, Walked Fort Worth. material not removed from non-load carrying parts or unloaded vehicle, Loose "The failure to keep a proper lookout can be a proximate cause of an accident where the motorist should have seen something in time to have avoided the accident by evasive action and but for such failure . But unfortunately, they can take weeks or even years to resolve, and settlement amounts can, Auto insurance is complicated. automatic brake application on breakaway, No If . Seat, Child Passenger, Child